- PR #8: Tolerate empty value for
header. - PR #7: Suppress
when query strings contain non ASCII characters.. - PR #5: Avoid breaking when
has noseek()
method. - Add support for testing under Travis.
- Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2.
- Add support for Python 3.4, 3,5, and PyPy3.
- Fix reponse logger handling of WSGI app_iter-as-bytes under Py3k.
- Work around URLs which contain invalid (unquoted) characters.
- Restored 100% unit test coverage.
- Added support for recording, logging and displaying the request body (thanks to Andreas Motl for the patch).
- Add support for bulding docs and testing doctest snippets under
. - Add
setup.py docs
alias (installs Sphinx). - Add support for Python 3.2 / 3.3.
- Drop support for Python 2.4 / 2.5.
- Some typo fixes and enhancements to xsl stylesheet
- This release is the last which will maintain support for Python 2.4 / Python 2.5.
- Added support for continuous integration using
. - Added 'setup.py dev' alias (runs
setup.py develop
plus installsnose
- Don't require 'threadframe' module in Python >= 2.5 (thanks, Jonathan Ballet). Closes http://bugs.repoze.org/issue162.
- Don't crash if unicode values are present in threads' state (thanks, Jonathan Ballet). Closes http://bugs.repoze.org/issue162.
- Sphinxified docs.
- Don't compute tracelog records unless we are going to write them.
- The iterator returned by an application was closed too soon when using the responselogger middleware, resulting in, e.g. errors from paste.fileapp complaining about "file already closed".
- If the
parameter in the "responselogger" middleware is set to zero, no entries are logged (not even one, as previously may have happened). - Better test coverage.
- Ignore HTTP errors in post-mortem debug middleware. The exceptions we want to catch here are application-level. A configuration option has been added to keep the old behavior.
- Added middleware "threads" to debug threads (based on an adaptation of Florent Guillaume's "DeadlockDebugger" product for Zope 2).
- Show a "short" URL in the debug UI.
- Fix debug UI bug: show escaped body regardless of content-type.
- Fix logging bug. Symptom: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'info'
- Make debug request id reflect approximate UNIX time rather than a random debug id.
- Deal with responses via a generator; don't unwind response bodies into memory.
- Default max_bodysize is now 3K rather than the entire response body.
- User interface; keep entries around to show in GUI. See /__repoze.debug/static/debugui.html.
- We now write two logs: a verbose log, and a trace log. The verbose log contains information about headers, request information, response bodies, etc. The trace log is more compact and is written in essence to be parsed by a tool.
- The 'filename' option in Paste config is now 'verbose_log'.
- Port Zope's 'requestprofiler' script to WSGI. Invoke via 'wsgirequestprofiler' to see help; operates against 'trace' log.
- Add pdbpm middleware for dropping into the post-mortem debugger upon an exception (copied from repoze.errorlog).
- Add 'canary' middleware for detecting environment dictionary leaks. Add to your Paste config via 'egg:repoze.debug#canary'; it takes no arguments. If refcounts to repoze.debug.canary.Canary grow without bound, you know you are leaking WSGI environment dictionaries.
- Add source url to response logging.
- Add warning if content-length != body length.
- Initial release.