diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index a46f94759a..3fe07dfdbb 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
- AST cleanup: represent concatenation (`++`) and (dis)equality operators (`==`, `===`, `!=`, `!==`) just like in the syntax. https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript/pull/7248
- AST cleanup: use inline record for `Ptyp_arrow`. https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript/pull/7250
- Playground: Bundle stdlib runtime so that the playground can execute functions from Core/Belt/Js. (#7255)
-- Allow single newline in JSX. https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript/pull/7246
#### :nail_care: Polish
diff --git a/compiler/syntax/src/res_printer.ml b/compiler/syntax/src/res_printer.ml
index 674e75139a..1f48309c24 100644
--- a/compiler/syntax/src/res_printer.ml
+++ b/compiler/syntax/src/res_printer.ml
@@ -4435,46 +4435,33 @@ and print_jsx_children ~state (children_expr : Parsetree.expression) ~sep
match children_expr.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "::"}, _) ->
let children, _ = ParsetreeViewer.collect_list_expressions children_expr in
- let print_expr (expr : Parsetree.expression) =
- let leading_line_comment_present =
- has_leading_line_comment cmt_tbl expr.pexp_loc
- in
- let expr_doc = print_expression_with_comments ~state expr cmt_tbl in
- let add_parens_or_braces expr_doc =
- (* {(20: int)} make sure that we also protect the expression inside *)
- let inner_doc =
- if Parens.braced_expr expr then add_parens expr_doc else expr_doc
- in
- if leading_line_comment_present then add_braces inner_doc
- else Doc.concat [Doc.lbrace; inner_doc; Doc.rbrace]
- in
- match Parens.jsx_child_expr expr with
- | Nothing -> expr_doc
- | Parenthesized -> add_parens_or_braces expr_doc
- | Braced braces_loc ->
- print_comments (add_parens_or_braces expr_doc) cmt_tbl braces_loc
- in
- let get_loc expr =
- match ParsetreeViewer.process_braces_attr expr with
- | None, _ -> expr.pexp_loc
- | Some ({loc}, _), _ -> loc
- in
- let rec loop prev acc exprs =
- match exprs with
- | [] -> List.rev acc
- | expr :: tails ->
- let start_loc = (get_loc expr).loc_start.pos_lnum in
- let end_loc = (get_loc prev).loc_end.pos_lnum in
- let expr_doc = print_expr expr in
- let docs =
- if start_loc - end_loc > 1 then
- Doc.concat [Doc.hard_line; expr_doc] :: acc
- else expr_doc :: acc
- in
- loop expr docs tails
- in
- let docs = loop children_expr [] children in
- Doc.group (Doc.join ~sep docs)
+ Doc.group
+ (Doc.join ~sep
+ (List.map
+ (fun (expr : Parsetree.expression) ->
+ let leading_line_comment_present =
+ has_leading_line_comment cmt_tbl expr.pexp_loc
+ in
+ let expr_doc =
+ print_expression_with_comments ~state expr cmt_tbl
+ in
+ let add_parens_or_braces expr_doc =
+ (* {(20: int)} make sure that we also protect the expression inside *)
+ let inner_doc =
+ if Parens.braced_expr expr then add_parens expr_doc
+ else expr_doc
+ in
+ if leading_line_comment_present then add_braces inner_doc
+ else Doc.concat [Doc.lbrace; inner_doc; Doc.rbrace]
+ in
+ match Parens.jsx_child_expr expr with
+ | Nothing -> expr_doc
+ | Parenthesized -> add_parens_or_braces expr_doc
+ | Braced braces_loc ->
+ print_comments
+ (add_parens_or_braces expr_doc)
+ cmt_tbl braces_loc)
+ children))
| _ ->
let leading_line_comment_present =
has_leading_line_comment cmt_tbl children_expr.pexp_loc
diff --git a/tests/syntax_tests/data/printer/comments/expected/jsx.res.txt b/tests/syntax_tests/data/printer/comments/expected/jsx.res.txt
index a6b84d48d1..98f1bf3ee3 100644
--- a/tests/syntax_tests/data/printer/comments/expected/jsx.res.txt
+++ b/tests/syntax_tests/data/printer/comments/expected/jsx.res.txt
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ let x =
// before a
{a} // after a
// before b
{b} // after b
diff --git a/tests/syntax_tests/data/printer/expr/expected/jsx.res.txt b/tests/syntax_tests/data/printer/expr/expected/jsx.res.txt
index 4c59e0f619..2384f5ecb6 100644
--- a/tests/syntax_tests/data/printer/expr/expected/jsx.res.txt
+++ b/tests/syntax_tests/data/printer/expr/expected/jsx.res.txt
@@ -351,7 +351,6 @@ module App = {
// comment
// comment
if condition() {
@@ -461,49 +460,3 @@ let x = {
let _ =