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231 lines (194 loc) · 14.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

When a new release is proposed:

  1. Create a new branch bump/x.x.x (this isn't a long-lived branch!!!);
  2. The Unreleased section on gets a version number and date;
  3. Open a Pull Request with the bump version changes targeting the main branch;
  4. When the Pull Request is merged, a new git tag must be created using GitHub environment.

Releases to productive environments should run from a tagged version. Exceptions are acceptable depending on the circumstances (critical bug fixes that can be cherry-picked, etc.).



  • added a new pipeline in Azure DevOps for Terraform
  • added a new pipeline in Azure DevOps for .NET Core (C#)
  • added a new stage to build and deploy az-devops hosted golang images
  • added go1.23.4.yaml template to Golang Docker delivery stage
  • added another stage's template acr-container-deployment.yaml, introduce new test steps' template: test.yaml and new test stage: acr.yaml to the GoLang pipeline to log in into ACR before running tests
  • added arm-container.yaml to run container in azure container instance
  • added Azure global docker.yaml delivery template to be used by all languages
  • added messages to show application states in the test_e2e job
  • added new parameters: RUN_BEFORE_BUILD and DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS to Azure DevOps Golang delivery stage template to allow running a script before the build and passing arguments to the Docker build command
  • added a new optional parameter called CUSTOM_PARAMETERS in go-arm-az-function to add custom parameters in Resource Group deployment
  • added arm-parameters.yaml to generically construct ARM parameters from library variables


  • changed GitLeaks inside Azure DevOps to clone full repository instead of just shallow clone
  • changed the dynamic deploy to PublishPipelineArtifact the files to deploy the Azure Function
  • corrected miss-used template files for .NET in Azure DevOps pipelines
  • updated the image tag for the Golang Docker delivery stage to retrieve the complete tag name from an environment variable.
  • changed go.yaml Golang's test stage to use test.yaml template
  • changed docker.yaml Azure's Golang delivery stage to use global docker.yaml template and remove unnecessary execution of ./ script since it's already done by the go1.23.4.yaml template
  • changed docker.yaml Azure's Javascript delivery stage to use global docker.yaml template since it was being repeated
  • changed cache strategy for JS projects using Azure DevOps pipelines
  • changed execute-command-opensearch-dashboards.yaml yarn cache keys to use the yarn.lock of OSD and plugin
  • changed azure-devops/global/stages/50-deployment/database.yaml cache keys to include subfolders


  • fixed golang pipeline to work with dynamic deploy
  • corrected wrong usage of CycloneDX library for GoLang
  • fixed JavaScript delivery and deployment stages in Azure DevOps by inserting name for the Build and Push Docker Image step
  • fixed wrong parameter usage by changing Runtime Expressions to Template Expressions for Azure's Global docker delivery template
  • fixed node modules cache error of azure pipeline for javascript
  • fixed script that kills processes created by OSD

[2.1.0] - 2024-12-27


  • added Python pipelines for GitHub actions
  • added script into the root to help local development
  • added a command to run file
  • added a new step to publish the code coverage for Azure DevOps
  • added a new task in Azure DevOps for GoLang delivery to retrieve a list of outbound IP addresses
  • added a new template to deploy an Azure Function in an existing Resource Group
  • added a step to check if a database exists in the GoLang delivery pipeline before executing migration and seeder tasks
  • added artifact generation for log files created in the end-to-end testing job
  • added artifact upload for SAST pipelines in GitHub Actions
  • added building tests for GoLang inside GitLab pipelines
  • added cache for execute-command-opensearch-dashboards.yaml template to cache the node modules and speed up the pipeline
  • added cache for tests and delivery stages in Azure DevOps JavaScript pipeline
  • added command to run end-to-end tests for JS projects
  • added management step for Azure DevOps environment


  • changed GitLab yarn.yaml Node image version to 18.17.1
  • changed GoLang pipeline for Azure DevOps to use caching in the delivery stage
  • changed GoLang test script to install docker used by test containers in integration tests
  • changed GoLang test script to run integration tests separately and one per time
  • changed GoLang to version 1.23.4
  • changed Horusec JSON configuration file to ignore pipelines_* directory created by GitHub Actions
  • changed JavaScript pipeline for Azure DevOps to publish the code coverage in Sonarqube
  • changed all display names and conditions to obey a certain position for all Azure DevOps tasks
  • changed end-to-end test job to receive a different pool
  • changed search location of folder generated by Cypress
  • changed stages for GoLang in Azure DevOps to be called after configuration
  • changed task that publishes artifact from PublishBuildArtifact to PublishPipelineArtifact in Azure DevOps JS's execute-command-opensearch-dashboards.yaml template
  • changed the Azure DevOps to execute the migrations and seeders in different tasks
  • changed the C# pipeline to run tests with the debug configuration instead of release
  • changed the OSD version to 2.18.0 due to an upgrade request
  • changed the binary copy process in the delivery stage of Azure DevOps to a more generic approach
  • changed the validation to create or update the Resource Group for dynamic Azure functions
  • changed the way to validate the AZURE_DEPLOY_CACHE_HIT in the deployment stage in Azure DevOps
  • corrected SonarQube scanning tag versions and blame information for Azure DevOps and GitLab
  • updated the GoLangCI-Lint pipeline to use a tweaked version of @maratori's config
  • upgraded actions/checkout@v3 that was using a deprecated Node.js version


  • fixed Dependency Track to avoid creating many of the same projects
  • fixed GoLang delivery stage for Azure DevOps only to execute a task when previous tasks are successful
  • fixed GoLang pipeline for GitHub Actions missing permissions to install dependencies
  • fixed GoLang test script to set the GOPATH variable just when it's not set (it was preventing cache in Azure DevOps)
  • fixed Golang delivery to register multiple functions using api*/ wildcard
  • fixed Python management step to adjust for commands for the non-Debian image
  • fixed Python management step to install the necessary package before executing the command
  • fixed artifact generation for end-to-end tests
  • fixed cache keys in the GoLang delivery stage for Azure DevOps
  • fixed dependency track stage in the GoLang Azure DevOps pipeline to set up the correct environment
  • fixed the Azure DevOps delivery stage for GoLang by adding a goose-db version table hash for the migrations and seeders caches to work based on properly versioning
  • fixed the Azure DevOps delivery stages by adding one more condition to run only when previous stages succeeded
  • fixed the Azure DevOps delivery stages conditions to run only when there were no errors in the earlier stages instead of checking for success
  • fixed the GoLang Debian pipeline failing to upload the .deb file to the GitLab releases
  • fixed the GoLang building step in the Azure DevOps delivery step to create an output directory before compiling
  • fixed the GoLang delivery stage for Azure DevOps by adding the GOPATH environment variable
  • fixed the GoLang for Azure DevOps stages to use the script as a source from each project
  • fixed the GoLang pipeline for Azure DevOps to use an optional cache in the delivery stage
  • fixed the GoLang test script to test the pkg directory to avoid excluding lib-only directories from testing
  • fixed the error in global/scripts/golang/test/ where cmd and internal folders were both required at the same time
  • fixed the incorrect string concatenation of the PREFIX and REPORT_PATH variables
  • fixed the task for Azure DevOps GoLang to avoid failing if there's no function or resource group deployed
  • fixed the task in the GoLang delivery stage to retrieve only the last function app
  • fixed the task in the delivery stage for JavaScript in Azure DevOps to download the artifact to the correct directory


  • removed duplicated code of SonarQube and DependencyTrack for GitLab and Azure DevOps
  • removed the explicit installation of Azure CLI version 2.56 to use the pre-installed LTS version
  • removed unused variables in the template for fixed and dynamic Azure functions

[2.0.0] - 2024-08-07


  • added Alibaba access-key-id regex to allowlist
  • added Azure DevOps support for JavaScript
  • added Dependency Track and SonarQube for GoLang projects
  • added Java support on the .NET pipeline
  • added Kubernetes deployment for all languages in GitLab CI
  • added Maven support for Java projects
  • added Python steps for building and delivery via PDM in Azure DevOps
  • added Python steps for security and code-check in Azure DevOps
  • added SonarQube for Java and Python projects
  • added musl-tools in the goreleaser pipeline to support building with musl
  • added pdm-prod.yaml to only install production and test dependencies
  • added a new env variable for Java to avoid out-of-memory error inside the security step
  • added a new step to replace the environment variables contained inside the yaml file
  • added a script into the GoLang delivery to get the new siteName variable
  • added a script into the GoLang delivery to seed the database using Goose
  • added condition to Jobs in Azure DevOps Pipelines to only proceed if the previous job was successful
  • added option to override a Semgrep rule
  • added skeleton for .NET project pipelines with basic steps
  • added step to create and delete firewall rule to run migrations
  • added step to run migrations in Azure Pipelines
  • added task in GoLang stage delivery to replace the value of Azure function settings variables with library variables
  • added tasks to publish all security reports as Azure artifacts in Azure DevOps
  • added the JavaScript rules to test, monitor, and deploy
  • added the goreleaser pipelines
  • added the binary release feature for GoLang pipelines
  • added the code check step for GoLang inside the GitHub Actions provider - #19
  • added the exposure for the coverage in Python projects
  • added the missing configuration to Azure DevOps deployment with JavaScript


  • BREAKING CHANGE: changed the structure to support more than one CI/CD platform
  • changed JavaScript deployment to continue tasks with error
  • changed Node version from 16.20.0 to 18.19.0
  • changed Semgrep only to use the default .semgrepignore file if custom is not available
  • changed SonarQube to be inside the management step instead of the delivery step
  • changed gradle version from 8.1 to 8.7
  • changed release code in every step to have a regex more flexible to catch in any merge case
  • changed the GoLang code to have multiple standards to run testing
  • changed the GoLang linter configuration to use the project-specific config
  • changed the GoLang pipeline to match with the GitHub merge commit message
  • changed the GoLang pipeline to remove the redundant make command
  • changed the GoLang version from 1.19.9 to 1.22
  • changed the GoLang version in Azure DevOps from 1.20 to 1.22.0
  • changed the Java projects to have deployment using Kubernetes environments
  • changed the OSD version to 2.15.0 due to an upgrade request
  • changed the Python pipeline to fix the dependency track stage by making sure the required packages are installed before executing the script
  • changed the SETTINGS variable in Azure DevOps GoLang delivery
  • changed the pdm-prod abstract to use its cache
  • changed the directory of migrations into the GoLang delivery
  • changed the position of the script to get pipeline variables and added a new variable to be re-used in all code
  • changed the publish function task in Azure DevOps GoLang delivery to use Azure CLI version 2.56.0 instead of Azure Task because after this version GoLang Azure Function is having time-out problems
  • changed the version of the container GoLang to 1.19
  • corrected GoLang delivery and deployment to have the default image and the proper format
  • corrected Horusec issue with the Docker version
  • corrected Semgrep to add the ability to merge the ignored rules files
  • corrected the coverage artifact to be uploaded with the XML report
  • corrected the way the delivery and deployment steps are skipped or not in Azure DevOps
  • corrected typos in the shell script
  • corrected use of stageDependencies in the deployment stage
  • refactor firewall rules for migrations in the delivery stage
  • simplified the patching mechanism in the deployment step for JavaScript projects


  • removed after_script from the JavaScript code check step


  • fixed GoLang delivery script not exiting with a non-zero exit code when the test fails
  • fixed GoLang test script not exiting with a non-zero exit code when the test fails
  • fixed Gradle pipeline for Java projects in library mode which was missing the artifact for the management step
  • fixed the JS pipeline to output the right tag in the delivery step
  • fixed the regex matching the merge commit messages
  • fixed the wrong Java JRE package

[1.0.0] - 2023-01-02


  • added GoLang support with the formatting basic checking
  • added SAM delivery and deployment as independent approaches
  • added the capability to merge config files in the golanglint-ci
  • added the capability to run customized scripts in Debian-based images


  • changed the GoLang configuration linter to disable the depguard rules
  • changed the structure to support two package managers in the Java category
  • corrected GitLeaks script condition to test if there was an error
  • corrected GoLang images to detect the right $GOPATH
  • corrected GoLang tests step to avoid issues when there's no test at all in the application
  • corrected all the structures to have segregated caches and numbered step-by-step jobs


  • removed Alpine images from GoLang stages because it doesn't work without gcc and g++