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147 lines (104 loc) · 7.81 KB

File metadata and controls

147 lines (104 loc) · 7.81 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[1.4.0] - 2024-10-28


  • New resources/ endpoint used to advertize supported services' hardware and software capabilities.
  • Option for service containers to be ran on remote machines.


  • Bug with empty input transaction simulations

[1.3.1] - 2024-10-02


  • Bug with chain_id being undefined when chain is disabled.

[1.3.0] - 2024-09-20


  • New sync_period field as snapshot_sync configuration parameter, to optionally set the period of polling the chain for new blocks/subscriptions.


  • Almost all container configurations (except id and image) are now reasonably defaulted (e.g. port auto-assignment), making it easier to configure a service and enabling the use of service recipes. Container configurations are validated at startup and errors are reported early.
  • Added validation for entire config.json using pydantic, for sane defaulting and more meaningful error messages.


  • Bug with batch syncing new subscriptions

[1.2.0] - 2024-08-15


  • New starting_sub_id field as snapshot_sync configuration parameter, to optionally start syncing from a certain subscription id instead of 0.


  • Subscriptions collection now is handled through smart contract reads instead of RPC calls, resulting in higher efficiency


  • Reduced(almost eliminated) "429: Too many requests" RPC errors on Base Mainnet. Public RPCs can be used.
  • Snapshot sync time is significantly less for chains with high number of subscriptions
  • Fixed duplicate snapshot syncing bug

[1.1.0] - 2024-07-30


  • Node version check at node boot to notify user if node version is outdated.


  • Logger now uses RotatingFileHandler to limit disk space impact.
  • config.json now accepts optional log object, with new configuration options max_file_size and backup_count for managing logging.


  • Docker subnets are also considered "local IPs" for storing data in Redis via POST api/status.

[1.0.0] - 2024-06-06


  • Added files Dockerfile-gpu and docker-compose-gpu.yaml for building and deploying GPU-enabled node with access to all local GPUs.
  • Better error-checking and handling for all infernet-related on-chain transaction errors.
  • Forward fatal errors via metric sender at shutdown for better error diagnosing (only if forwarding stats is enabled.)
  • New destination field to container inputs, to decouple job input source from output destination.
  • OpenAPI spec for the REST server.
  • Simulation of transactions before submitting them to the chain, to prevent submitting invalid transactions, resulting in wasted gas.
  • Support for streaming offchain job responses, via the POST /api/jobs/stream endpoint.
  • Support for CIDR ranges in container-level firewalls ("allowed_ips").
  • Support for volume mounts to managed containers.
  • Support for streaming offchain job responses, via the /api/jobs/stream endpoint.
  • New flag "allowed_sim_errors" in the config.json file to specify which error messages are allowed to be ignored by the node when simulating transactions.
  • New flag "payment_address" in the config.json file to specify the public address of the node's escrow wallet. This is an instance of Infernet's Wallet contract.
  • New flag "accepted_payments" in the config.json's "containers" subsection to specify which tokens the container accepts as payment for jobs.
  • New flag "generates_proofs" in the config.json's "containers" subsection to specify whether the container generates proofs, defaults to false.
  • New flag "requires_proof" in the input to the containers. Containers can check that flag to determine if they need to provide a proof, or error if they don't support proofs.
  • New flag "registry_address" in the config.json file to specify the public address of Infernet's Registry contract. This contract is used to retrieve the addresses of the rest of the Infernet contracts. Therefore, the "coordinator_address" is now removed.
  • New optional flag "rate_limit" in the config.json's "server" configuration to allow rate limiting of incoming requests to the REST server.


  • Limit restarts within time window in docker-compose.yaml.
  • Consolidated GET /chain/enabled and GET /chain/address endpoints into GET /info.
  • Refactored node entrypoint ( into a class.
  • Increased metric sender intervals to combat outbound data rate limits.
    • NODE_INTERVAL for node metrics is now 3600 seconds.
    • LIVE_INTERVAL for live metrics is now 60 seconds.
  • Moved snapshot_sync under the chain section of config.json.
  • Snapshot syncing retries now include exponential backoff when syncing chain state.
  • Job and container counts are now reported separately via metric sender. The REST port is also reported.
  • chain/ & chain/ are extensively refactored to remove the dependency on on-chain events. SubscriptionCreated is now caught by repeatedly checking the latest sub_id & syncing all subscriptions since the last sync. SubscriptionCancelled is now caught by checking if activeAt is set to max uint32. This was an optimization done in the infernet-sdk 1.0.0 contracts. SubscriptionFulfilled is now checked instead by reading the redundancyCount from the coordinator contract.
  • Guardian no longer checks whether container isn't supported, since that check is already being done at the ContainerLookup level. If a subscription's containers field is not empty, it means that it must require a subset of the containers that this node supports.
  • Since node registration feature has been removed in 1.0.0, register_node & activate_node scripts have been removed from the scripts directory. The Wallet class also has the register_node & activate_node methods removed.
  • Removed the "coordinator_address" flag from the config.json file. The address of the coordinator contract is now retrieved from the registry contract.


  • Orchestrator now works in dev mode (outside of docker), previously host.docker.internal was hardcoded.
  • Surface dacite errors when parsing REST interface inputs for better UX.
  • Don't return job IDs for Delegated Subscriptions (misleading, since results can only be fetched on-chain).
  • Added pending job TTL (loose upper bound) to prevent jobs from being in a pending state indefinitely (due crashes and / or incorrect use of the /status endpoint)
  • Fixed a bug where the node could not send multiple transactions in a single block.


  • Bumped aiohttp version to 3.9.4.
  • Only localhost allowed to make calls to PUT /api/status.

[0.2.0] - 2024-03-21


  • Option for containers to be managed separately from the node (via manage_containers option in config.json)
  • Option to specify alternate config.json file name / path via environment variable INFERNET_CONFIG_PATH.
  • Batch-syncing support for snapshot-sync, along with batch-sync configuration in the config.json file.
  • New endpoint /api/status for "independent" (i.e. non-conforming) containers to manually register status of jobs by ID with the node.


  • NODE_INTERVAL for forwarding node metrics is now 900 seconds.


  • Sample config rpc_ws should be rpc_url in config.sample.json.
  • Added working container example to config.sample.json.
  • Bug in where state dictionaries could be mutated while being iterated over.


  • Bumped aiohttp version to 3.9.2.
  • Compose file no longer exposes Fluentbit and Redis ports to the host.

[0.1.0] - 2024-01-18


  • Initial release of Infernet Node.