Downloads a version (currently v1.2.8
) of SBT as tarball into the $HOME
directory and extracts it there.
At the same time the directory $HOME/bin
is created and added to the path variable in .bashrc
. A symbolic link
from the SBT executable is set in $HOME/bin
and .bashrc
is sourced.
The file needs to be called in the /workspace
directory. It creates the sbt
workspace directories.
It creates the files ./build.sbt
as well as ./project/
. If either of these files already
exists, the user is prompted for consent. If the user agrees to proceed, the respective file will be overwritten,
or else the program is terminated.
From the Microsoft Marketplace, download the following extensions
- Scala Syntax (official)
- Scala (Metals) The download button can be found on the right under heading resources after Categories and Tags. Alternatively the Extensions can also be found at VisxHub.
Open in GitPod Menu -> View -> Extensions and drag and drop file into left-hand "context" window
titled EXTENSIONS (BETA). For Scala Syntax (official) 0.3.8
and Scala (Metals) 1.6.2
the following
lines will be added to gitpod.yml
- [email protected]:wQBBM+lKILHBqOqlqW60xA==
- [email protected]:njgbLSjeMDyY9TZFwn0Bdw==
This concludes the installation.