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yarpmotorgui does not save sequences #2971

isorrentino opened this issue May 18, 2023 · 2 comments

yarpmotorgui does not save sequences #2971

isorrentino opened this issue May 18, 2023 · 2 comments


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Describe the bug
I cannot save a sequence from the yarpmotorgui. The GUI for the saving does not appear and the yarpmotorgui application remains freezed.

To Reproduce
Here is the video showing the steps:


Configuration (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • yarp version: yarp-3.8
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I just tested on WSL2 with yarp/gazebo-yarp-plugins/icub-models installed from conda-forge binaries, and it is working fine, with this env:

(robsub) traversaro@IITICUBLAP257:~$ mamba list
List of packages in environment: "/home/traversaro/mambaforge/envs/robsub"

  Name                       Version       Build                Channel
  _libgcc_mutex              0.1           conda_forge          conda-forge
  _openmp_mutex              4.5           2_gnu                conda-forge
  ace                        7.1.0         hcb278e6_0           conda-forge
  alsa-lib                   1.2.8         h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  aom                        3.5.0         h27087fc_0           conda-forge
  assimp                     5.2.5         hf40c2ba_0           conda-forge
  atk-1.0                    2.38.0        hd4edc92_1           conda-forge
  attr                       2.5.1         h166bdaf_1           conda-forge
  blosc                      1.21.4        h0f2a231_0           conda-forge
  boost-cpp                  1.78.0        h6582d0a_3           conda-forge
  bullet-cpp                 3.21          h8b32b4d_4           conda-forge
  bzip2                      1.0.8         h7f98852_4           conda-forge
  c-ares                     1.19.0        hd590300_0           conda-forge
  ca-certificates            2023.5.7      hbcca054_0           conda-forge
  cairo                      1.16.0        h35add3b_1015        conda-forge
  cfitsio                    4.2.0         hd9d235c_0           conda-forge
  console_bridge             1.0.2         h924138e_1           conda-forge
  cppzmq                     4.9.0         he78764c_0           conda-forge
  curl                       8.1.0         h409715c_0           conda-forge
  dartsim                    6.13.0        hbbc9fda_0           conda-forge
  dav1d                      1.2.0         hd590300_0           conda-forge
  dbus                       1.13.6        h5008d03_3           conda-forge
  eigen                      3.4.0         h4bd325d_0           conda-forge
  expat                      2.5.0         hcb278e6_1           conda-forge
  fcl                        0.7.0         hdebe893_2           conda-forge
  ffmpeg                     5.1.2         gpl_h9866456_109     conda-forge
  flann                      1.9.1         h0224099_1012        conda-forge
  fmt                        9.1.0         h924138e_0           conda-forge
  font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono  2.37          hab24e00_0           conda-forge
  font-ttf-inconsolata       3.000         h77eed37_0           conda-forge
  font-ttf-source-code-pro   2.038         h77eed37_0           conda-forge
  font-ttf-ubuntu            0.83          hab24e00_0           conda-forge
  fontconfig                 2.14.2        h14ed4e7_0           conda-forge
  fonts-conda-ecosystem      1             0                    conda-forge
  fonts-conda-forge          1             0                    conda-forge
  freeglut                   3.2.2         h9c3ff4c_1           conda-forge
  freeimage                  3.18.0        hac4c017_14          conda-forge
  freetype                   2.12.1        hca18f0e_1           conda-forge
  freexl                     1.0.6         h166bdaf_1           conda-forge
  fribidi                    1.0.10        h36c2ea0_0           conda-forge
  gazebo                     11.12.0       hfd3773a_12          conda-forge
  gazebo-yarp-plugins        4.6.0         ha770c72_3           conda-forge
  gdbm                       1.18          h0a1914f_2           conda-forge
  gdk-pixbuf                 2.42.10       h6b639ba_2           conda-forge
  geos                       3.11.2        hcb278e6_0           conda-forge
  geotiff                    1.7.1         h480ec47_8           conda-forge
  gettext                    0.21.1        h27087fc_0           conda-forge
  giflib                     5.2.1         h0b41bf4_3           conda-forge
  glib                       2.76.2        hfc55251_0           conda-forge
  glib-tools                 2.76.2        hfc55251_0           conda-forge
  gmp                        6.2.1         h58526e2_0           conda-forge
  gnutls                     3.7.8         hf3e180e_0           conda-forge
  graphite2                  1.3.13        h58526e2_1001        conda-forge
  graphviz                   8.0.5         h28d9a01_0           conda-forge
  gst-plugins-base           1.22.0        h4243ec0_2           conda-forge
  gstreamer                  1.22.0        h25f0c4b_2           conda-forge
  gtk2                       2.24.33       h90689f9_2           conda-forge
  gts                        0.7.6         h64030ff_2           conda-forge
  harfbuzz                   7.3.0         hdb3a94d_0           conda-forge
  hdf4                       4.2.15        h501b40f_6           conda-forge
  hdf5                       1.14.0        nompi_hb72d44e_103   conda-forge
  icu                        72.1          hcb278e6_0           conda-forge
  icub-models                2.0.1         py311hcafe171_0      conda-forge
  imath                      3.1.7         h3eb15da_1           conda-forge
  jasper                     4.0.0         h32699f2_1           conda-forge
  json-c                     0.16          hc379101_0           conda-forge
  jsoncpp                    1.9.5         h4bd325d_1           conda-forge
  jxrlib                     1.1           h7f98852_2           conda-forge
  kealib                     1.5.1         h3845be2_3           conda-forge
  keyutils                   1.6.1         h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  krb5                       1.20.1        h81ceb04_0           conda-forge
  lame                       3.100         h166bdaf_1003        conda-forge
  lcms2                      2.15          haa2dc70_1           conda-forge
  ld_impl_linux-64           2.40          h41732ed_0           conda-forge
  lerc                       4.0.0         h27087fc_0           conda-forge
  libaec                     1.0.6         hcb278e6_1           conda-forge
  libarchive                 3.6.2         h3d51595_0           conda-forge
  libass                     0.17.1        hc9aadba_0           conda-forge
  libblas                    3.9.0         16_linux64_openblas  conda-forge
  libcap                     2.67          he9d0100_0           conda-forge
  libcblas                   3.9.0         16_linux64_openblas  conda-forge
  libccd-double              2.1           h27087fc_3           conda-forge
  libclang                   16.0.3        default_h83cc7fd_1   conda-forge
  libclang13                 16.0.3        default_hd781213_1   conda-forge
  libcups                    2.3.3         h36d4200_3           conda-forge
  libcurl                    8.1.0         h409715c_0           conda-forge
  libdeflate                 1.18          h0b41bf4_0           conda-forge
  libdrm                     2.4.114       h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  libedit                    3.1.20191231  he28a2e2_2           conda-forge
  libev                      4.33          h516909a_1           conda-forge
  libevent                   2.1.12        h3358134_0           conda-forge
  libexpat                   2.5.0         hcb278e6_1           conda-forge
  libffi                     3.4.2         h7f98852_5           conda-forge
  libflac                    1.4.2         h27087fc_0           conda-forge
  libgazebo-yarp-plugins     4.6.0         h44e5fea_3           conda-forge
  libgcc-ng                  12.2.0        h65d4601_19          conda-forge
  libgcrypt                  1.10.1        h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  libgd                      2.3.3         hfa28ad5_6           conda-forge
  libgdal                    3.7.0         he76be6c_0           conda-forge
  libgfortran-ng             12.2.0        h69a702a_19          conda-forge
  libgfortran5               12.2.0        h337968e_19          conda-forge
  libglib                    2.76.2        hebfc3b9_0           conda-forge
  libglu                     9.0.0         he1b5a44_1001        conda-forge
  libgomp                    12.2.0        h65d4601_19          conda-forge
  libgpg-error               1.46          h620e276_0           conda-forge
  libhwloc                   2.9.1         hd6dc26d_0           conda-forge
  libi2c                     4.3           hcb278e6_2           conda-forge
  libiconv                   1.17          h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  libidn2                    2.3.4         h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  libignition-cmake2         2.16.0        hcb278e6_1           conda-forge
  libignition-common3        3.15.1        hedc608d_2           conda-forge
  libignition-fuel-tools4    4.6.0         h08d22d4_0           conda-forge
  libignition-math6          6.14.0        py311h0c9b314_0      conda-forge
  libignition-msgs5          5.9.0         h07fcb4f_1           conda-forge
  libignition-tools1         1.5.0         h1caa08d_3           conda-forge
  libignition-transport8     8.3.0         h970e2af_1           conda-forge
  libjpeg-turbo           h0b41bf4_0           conda-forge
  libkml                     1.3.0         h37653c0_1015        conda-forge
  liblapack                  3.9.0         16_linux64_openblas  conda-forge
  liblapacke                 3.9.0         16_linux64_openblas  conda-forge
  libllvm16                  16.0.3        hbf9e925_1           conda-forge
  libnetcdf                  4.9.2         nompi_hdf9a29f_104   conda-forge
  libnghttp2                 1.52.0        h61bc06f_0           conda-forge
  libnsl                     2.0.0         h7f98852_0           conda-forge
  libode                     0.16.2        ha362b79_11          conda-forge
  libogg                     1.3.4         h7f98852_1           conda-forge
  libopenblas                0.3.21        pthreads_h78a6416_3  conda-forge
  libopencv                  4.7.0         py39h0cf8573_3       conda-forge
  libopus                    1.3.1         h7f98852_1           conda-forge
  libpciaccess               0.17          h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  libpng                     1.6.39        h753d276_0           conda-forge
  libpq                      15.3          hbcd7760_0           conda-forge
  libprotobuf                3.21.12       h3eb15da_0           conda-forge
  libraw                     0.21.1        h501b40f_1           conda-forge
  librsvg                    2.56.0        h5cef280_0           conda-forge
  librttopo                  1.1.0         h0d5128d_13          conda-forge
  libsdformat                9.8.0         h5fffb2e_4           conda-forge
  libsndfile                 1.2.0         hb75c966_0           conda-forge
  libsodium                  1.0.18        h36c2ea0_1           conda-forge
  libspatialite              5.0.1         h7d1ca68_25          conda-forge
  libsqlite                  3.42.0        h2797004_0           conda-forge
  libssh2                    1.10.0        hf14f497_3           conda-forge
  libstdcxx-ng               12.2.0        h46fd767_19          conda-forge
  libsystemd0                253           h8c4010b_1           conda-forge
  libtar                     1.2.20        h7f98852_1004        conda-forge
  libtasn1                   4.19.0        h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  libtiff                    4.5.0         ha587672_6           conda-forge
  libtool                    2.4.7         h27087fc_0           conda-forge
  libudev1                   253           h0b41bf4_1           conda-forge
  libunistring               0.9.10        h7f98852_0           conda-forge
  libusb                     1.0.26        h0b4f0b6_100         conda-forge
  libuuid                    2.38.1        h0b41bf4_0           conda-forge
  libva                      2.18.0        h0b41bf4_0           conda-forge
  libvorbis                  1.3.7         h9c3ff4c_0           conda-forge
  libvpx                     1.13.0        hcb278e6_0           conda-forge
  libwebp                    1.3.0         hb47c5f0_0           conda-forge
  libwebp-base               1.3.0         h0b41bf4_0           conda-forge
  libxcb                     1.13          h7f98852_1004        conda-forge
  libxkbcommon               1.5.0         h79f4944_1           conda-forge
  libxml2                    2.10.4        hfdac1af_0           conda-forge
  libzip                     1.9.2         hc929e4a_1           conda-forge
  libzlib                    1.2.13        h166bdaf_4           conda-forge
  lz4-c                      1.9.4         hcb278e6_0           conda-forge
  lzo                        2.10          h516909a_1000        conda-forge
  mpg123                     1.31.3        hcb278e6_0           conda-forge
  mysql-common               8.0.32        hf1915f5_2           conda-forge
  mysql-libs                 8.0.32        hca2cd23_2           conda-forge
  ncurses                    6.3           h27087fc_1           conda-forge
  nettle                     3.8.1         hc379101_1           conda-forge
  nspr                       4.35          h27087fc_0           conda-forge
  nss                        3.89          he45b914_0           conda-forge
  numpy                      1.24.3        py311h64a7726_0      conda-forge
  octomap                    1.9.8         h924138e_0           conda-forge
  ogre                       1.10.12       h7cc4a1d_10          conda-forge
  openal-soft                1.22.2        h924138e_0           conda-forge
  openexr                    3.1.7         h5c7bc04_0           conda-forge
  openh264                   2.3.1         hcb278e6_2           conda-forge
  openjpeg                   2.5.0         hfec8fc6_2           conda-forge
  openssl                    3.1.0         hd590300_3           conda-forge
  p11-kit                    0.24.1        hc5aa10d_0           conda-forge
  pango                      1.50.14       heaa33ce_1           conda-forge
  pcre2                      10.40         hc3806b6_0           conda-forge
  pip                        23.1.2        pyhd8ed1ab_0         conda-forge
  pixman                     0.40.0        h36c2ea0_0           conda-forge
  poppler                    23.05.0       hd18248d_1           conda-forge
  poppler-data               0.4.12        hd8ed1ab_0           conda-forge
  portaudio                  19.6.0        h583fa2b_7           conda-forge
  postgresql                 15.3          h814edd5_0           conda-forge
  proj                       9.2.0         h8ffa02c_0           conda-forge
  pthread-stubs              0.4           h36c2ea0_1001        conda-forge
  pugixml                    1.11.4        h9c3ff4c_0           conda-forge
  pulseaudio-client          16.1          h5195f5e_3           conda-forge
  pybind11-abi               4             hd8ed1ab_3           conda-forge
  python                     3.11.3        h2755cc3_0_cpython   conda-forge
  python_abi                 3.11          3_cp311              conda-forge
  qt-main                    5.15.8        haa3a1c2_11          conda-forge
  qwt                        6.2.0         hc45b483_5           conda-forge
  readline                   8.2           h8228510_1           conda-forge
  robot-testing-framework    2.0.1         hcb278e6_1           conda-forge
  ruby                       3.2.2         hff50039_0           conda-forge
  sdl                        1.2.60        h27087fc_0           conda-forge
  sdl2                       2.26.5        h949db6a_0           conda-forge
  setuptools                 67.7.2        pyhd8ed1ab_0         conda-forge
  simbody                    3.7           h64f3f5a_3           conda-forge
  snappy                     1.1.10        h9fff704_0           conda-forge
  soxr                       0.1.3         h0b41bf4_3           conda-forge
  spdlog                     1.11.0        h9b3ece8_1           conda-forge
  sqlite                     3.42.0        h2c6b66d_0           conda-forge
  svt-av1                    1.4.1         hcb278e6_0           conda-forge
  swig                       4.1.1         he155508_1           conda-forge
  tbb                        2021.9.0      hf52228f_0           conda-forge
  tbb-devel                  2021.9.0      hf52228f_0           conda-forge
  tiledb                     2.13.2        hd532e3d_0           conda-forge
  tinyxml                    2.6.2         h4bd325d_2           conda-forge
  tinyxml2                   9.0.0         h9c3ff4c_2           conda-forge
  tk                         8.6.12        h27826a3_0           conda-forge
  tzcode                     2023c         h0b41bf4_0           conda-forge
  tzdata                     2023c         h71feb2d_0           conda-forge
  urdfdom                    3.1.1         h8a9b4ce_0           conda-forge
  urdfdom_headers            1.1.0         h924138e_0           conda-forge
  wheel                      0.40.0        pyhd8ed1ab_0         conda-forge
  x264                       1!164.3095    h166bdaf_2           conda-forge
  x265                       3.5           h924138e_3           conda-forge
  xcb-util                   0.4.0         h516909a_0           conda-forge
  xcb-util-image             0.4.0         h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  xcb-util-keysyms           0.4.0         h516909a_0           conda-forge
  xcb-util-renderutil        0.3.9         h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  xcb-util-wm                0.4.1         h516909a_0           conda-forge
  xerces-c                   3.2.4         h8d71039_2           conda-forge
  xkeyboard-config           2.38          h0b41bf4_0           conda-forge
  xorg-fixesproto            5.0           h7f98852_1002        conda-forge
  xorg-inputproto            2.3.2         h7f98852_1002        conda-forge
  xorg-kbproto               1.0.7         h7f98852_1002        conda-forge
  xorg-libice                1.0.10        h7f98852_0           conda-forge
  xorg-libsm                 1.2.3         hd9c2040_1000        conda-forge
  xorg-libx11                1.8.4         h0b41bf4_0           conda-forge
  xorg-libxau                1.0.9         h7f98852_0           conda-forge
  xorg-libxaw                1.0.14        h7f98852_1           conda-forge
  xorg-libxdmcp              1.1.3         h7f98852_0           conda-forge
  xorg-libxext               1.3.4         h0b41bf4_2           conda-forge
  xorg-libxfixes             5.0.3         h7f98852_1004        conda-forge
  xorg-libxi                 1.7.10        h7f98852_0           conda-forge
  xorg-libxmu                1.1.3         h7f98852_0           conda-forge
  xorg-libxpm                3.5.13        h7f98852_0           conda-forge
  xorg-libxrender            0.9.10        h7f98852_1003        conda-forge
  xorg-libxt                 1.2.1         h7f98852_2           conda-forge
  xorg-renderproto           0.11.1        h7f98852_1002        conda-forge
  xorg-xextproto             7.3.0         h0b41bf4_1003        conda-forge
  xorg-xf86vidmodeproto      2.3.1         h7f98852_1002        conda-forge
  xorg-xproto                7.0.31        h7f98852_1007        conda-forge
  xz                         5.2.6         h166bdaf_0           conda-forge
  yaml                       0.2.5         h7f98852_2           conda-forge
  yarp-cxx                   3.8.0         h5ee7595_2           conda-forge
  ycm-cmake-modules          0.15.2        h59595ed_0           conda-forge
  zeromq                     4.3.4         h9c3ff4c_1           conda-forge
  zlib                       1.2.13        h166bdaf_4           conda-forge
  zstd                       1.5.2         h3eb15da_6           conda-forge
  zziplib                    0.13.69       h27826a3_1           conda-forge

Which Ubuntu version are you using?

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So maybe the error is caused by some broken package on my laptop? I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.

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3 participants