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77 lines (55 loc) · 2.8 KB

File metadata and controls

77 lines (55 loc) · 2.8 KB

Design overview

General overview

Recursively read all directories inside the root folder of the project. Save the path to the files that are candidates of having a @Component defined inside (file name ending in .ts).

Read every file looking for the @Component annotation. Save the location of the component, the name of the component and every @Input and @Output into an object.

Once every file has been parsed, generate a JSON with the information gathered about the components and save it to ./.vscode.

High-level implementation

public reader(root: string): Array<string>

The function reader will start at the root directory and save those files candidates of having components defined inside of them. Only will consider files with .ts extension. Should traverse all the file tree from the root up to the bottom and return the full path to every candidate file, the content of the file and the type of definition that contains that file (component, pipe or directive).

public parser(filePaths: Array<string>): Array<File>
interface File {
  fileLocation: string;
  prefix: string;
  componentName: string;
  inputs: Array<Input>;
  outputs: Array<Output>;

interface Input {
  inputName: string;
  type: string;

interface Output {
  outputName: string;
  type: string;

The parser function receives as a parameter an array of absolute paths to every file candidate of containing a definition of a component. The parser then opens the file and looks for the @Component annotation. If present, creates a File object with the extracted information about the component.

Considerations (review in the future):

  • We will suppose the component is well-formed and does compile.
public snippetsGenerator(files: Array<File>): string

This function will be responsible of generating de JSON with all the information about the components. It will return the JSON as a string.

Considerations (review in the future):

  • Scope will always be html.
  • We suppose the component doesn't wrap anything (other components, text, etc)
  • We don't care about formating (Prettier and other libraries handle automatic formating)

An example of the generated JSON:

"Component Name": {
    "scope": "html",
    "prefix": "app-prefix",
    "body": [
        "<app-prefix (click)=\"$1\" theme=\"${2|primary,secondary|}\" [block]=\"${3|false,true|}\" size=\"${4|md,lg,sm|}\" [block]=\"${5|false,true|}\">",

Considerations (review in the future):

  • Notice every time we're parsing the files, although we could keep track of those files that already have been parsed and have not been modified in order to skip them in the parser function.
  • Files are going to be read in sequential order but the performance will increase if parallel reading is implemented.