Releases: root-project/root
Patch release of v6.32 series.
🗒️ Release notes
💾 Install instructions
Items addressed in this release:
- #7236 - Memory leak in TFile::WriteObjectAny, depending on data type
- #10075 - Difficult to configure Xrootd to use non-builtin openssl
- #14051 - [web graphics] Web graphics resizes canvas despite canvas size definition in the macro
- #15321 - [MSVC] Root is failed with error G694476FC: static_assert failed "Unexpected size"
- #15405 - [RF] ExternalConstraints documentation incorrect for RooMCStudy
- #15430 - Test failures with Python 3.13
- #15473 - Segmentation fault when building with the mold linker
- #15498 - gPad is not consistent in pyROOT with web canvas
- #15511 - Possible memory corruption in cling
- #15579 - Performance regression (slowdown) in ALICE event generation
- #15686 - JITted code changes the execution order of computation graph nodes
- #15688 - [PyROOT] TProfile2D::Fill ambiguities preventing use of some signatures in pyROOT
- #15690 - [RF] SegFault in RooBernstein::fillBuffer
- #15694 - [RF] New RooFit EvalBackend returning incorrect result for binned likelihoods
- #15703 - Leaking memory though strings in PyROOT
- #15727 - Windows CMake project cannot find_library() after integrating with ROOT.
- #15751 - [RF] Using a conditional RooProdPdf in a multi-channel fit spawns too many integrals with new CPU evaluation backend
- [#15791] - JS ROOT does not draw tprofile2d correctly with "TEXT" draw option
- [#15799] - pyunittests-pyroot-pyz-ttree-setbranchaddress segfaults with Python 3.13
- [ROOT-7412] - Strange results looking for nested types
- [ROOT-8439] - PyROOT does not treat exceptions properly in overloaded methods
- [ROOT-9307] - TPad::GetListOfPrimitives() double deletion error in TList::Clear()
First release of the v6.32 series.
🗒️ Release notes
💾 Install instructions
- RDataFrame - zero-code-change experience when moving from processing a TTree to processing an RNTuple, as well as a greatly improved Distributed RDataFrame: ROOT is ready to run at your favourite Analysis Facility – it even allows you to profit from an interactive experience backed by a distributed system using your current batch system (e.g. HTCondor, like the lxplus+lxbatch combination at CERN): try it now!
- RooFit - The new vectorizing CPU evaluation backend is the default for likelihood minimization, now up to 10x faster on a single CPU core!
- PyROOT - the interop engine of PyROOT, cppyy, was upgraded to its latest version, blurring the boundaries between Python and C++ in ROOT better than ever, e.g. the conversion of NumPy arrays to vectors, implicit conversion from nested Python tuples to nested initializer lists, and improved overload resolution.
- RNTuple – The RNTuple on-disk format was updated to release candidate 2, in preparation of the binary format first production freeze. The RNTuple API come with a major refactoring, improving consistency across different parts and improving overall robustness. Moreover:
- Merging of RNTuple data with hadd is now supported.
- A new RNTupleParallel writer class creates RNTuple data in highly concurrent settings.
- A new RNTupleInspector utility class provides information about the on-disk metadata of an RNTuple.
- Cling - Speaking of interpreters, the new PyROOT is glorified by a new LLVM version, LLVM 16, that comes with numerous advantages, among which a better support for C++ 20 as well as better and faster generated code.
- Graphics - The ROOT release 6.32 brings a lot of impressive enhancements to the Web Graphics package, surpassing the features and capabilities of version 6.30. This update provides users with a secure and more robust Web Graphics. Try it with the command
root –web
! - REve - Lightweight rendering of any shape on the scale of hundred thousand of instances. The box, hexagon, and cone shape are showcased in the eve7 examples. The rendering of transparent objects is greatly improved.
All that comes with a greatly improved stability: more than 250 items in the ROOT trackers have been addressed for this release. Excellent news for experiments planning to include this release in their production software stacks!
Patch release of v6.30 series.
Patch release of v6.26series.
Patch release of v6.30 series.
Patch release of v6.26 series.
Patch release of v6.26 series.
Patch release of v6.20 series
Patch release of the v6.20 series. See also
Patch release of the v6.20 series. See also