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File metadata and controls

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Quick Howto

Start Snapshot Controller

(assuming running Kubernetes local cluster):

_output/bin/snapshot-controller  -kubeconfig=${HOME}/.kube/config

Create a snapshot

  • Create a hostpath PV and PVC
kubectl create namespace myns
kubectl -f examples/hostpath/pv.yaml
kubectl -f examples/hostpath/pvc.yaml
  • Create a Snapshot Third Party Resource
kubectl -f examples/hostpath/snapshot.yaml

Check VolumeSnapshot and VolumeSnapshotData are created

kubectl get volumesnapshot,volumesnapshotdata -o yaml --namespace=myns

Snapshot based PV Provisioner

Unlike exiting PV provisioners that provision blank volume, Snapshot based PV provisioners create volumes based on existing snapshots. Thus new provisioners are needed.

There is a special annotation give to PVCs that request snapshot based PVs. As illustrated in the example, must point to an existing VolumeSnapshot Object

  annotations: snapshot-demo

HostPath Volume Type

Start PV Provisioner and Storage Class to restore a snapshot to a PV

Start provisioner (assuming running Kubernetes local cluster):

_output/bin/snapshot-provisioner  -kubeconfig=${HOME}/.kube/config

Create a storage class:

kubectl create -f examples/hostpath/class.yaml

Create a PVC that claims a PV based on an existing snapshot

kubectl create -f examples/hostpath/claim.yaml

Check PV and PVC are created

kubectl get pv,pvc