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162 lines (102 loc) · 6.52 KB

File metadata and controls

162 lines (102 loc) · 6.52 KB

rbison 1.0.0


  • add explanation to bison_solr() docs on the start parameter for offsetting pagination results (#65)
  • vignette/readme figures location change within package (#66)


  • bison_stats() fixes: returned data structure had slightly changed, fixes for that; and add unit tests (#67)

rbison 0.8.0


  • update readme and vignette regarding relationship between GBIF and BISON (#63)
  • fix a test fixture that had non-ascii characters (#64)

rbison 0.7.0


  • bison() pagination: previous max as far as we knew was 500 per a single request, but apparently is now 1000. In addition, we no loop internally over the count parameter so that requests larger than 1000 are handled with a while loop until we get all the data requested (#58)
  • to simplify bison() the what parameter is defunct/removed. It let the user pick what part of the results they wanted, but it is super simple to do this once the data is returned. (#59)


  • clean up description of USGS BISON in README (#56) thanks @esellers-usgs
  • tests now caching HTTP requests via vcr (#61)
  • changed internal processing of the occurrence records output in the points slot of the bison() function. previously we were filtering the records to only those with lat and lon values. now we return all. this means some records may not have lat/lon data, and may have other missing data. along with this, now importing data.table (#60)


  • fixed bug in bisonmap() that was causing a problem when a state was given in the bison() call that was passed to bisonmap(tomap = "county"); maps were not right, fixed now (#57) thanks @bomeara

rbison 0.6.0


  • rbison::bison_solr now supports range queries for certain parameters. It doesn't make sense to do a range query for a character string parameter (e.g., range between Asteraceae and Juncaceae), but you can do them for any parameters that are numeric/integer/date. See examples in ?bison_solr. (this was added originally to facilitate date based searching in spocc) (#53)


  • Added some missing parameters to bison_solr(), e.g., ITISscientificName, higherGeographyID, and countryCode. See ?bison_solr for details. (#54)
  • Updated docs for count parameter in bison(): default is now 25, and max is 500. Also, default for start set to 0, so we pass that by default now. We check to make sure count is not greater than 500 since the BISON API does not fail gracefully if it is greater than 500.

rbison 0.5.4


  • now using crul http client instead of httr (#47)


  • put readme images in tools/ dir as requested by CRAN (#48)
  • tidy docs and code to 80 line width (#49)
  • use markdown docs (#50)

rbison 0.5.0


  • Replace dplyr::rbind_all() with dplyr::bind_rows() (#39)
  • Base URLs changd for the BISON API (#34) (#43)
  • Fixed a URL in the docs (#44) thanks @esellers-usgs


  • Fixes for a new ggplot2 version in mapping function rbison::bisonmap() (#38)

rbison 0.4.8


  • Now explicitly importing all non-base R package functions that ship with R, in this case from stats and methods packages (#36)
  • .Rbuildignore the vignettes/figure directory (#37)
  • Using @importFrom across all package imports.
  • The query parameter in bison_tax() is now required.
  • Startup message is gone.
  • Changed to new base URLs for BISON APIs.

rbison 0.4.5


  • Fixes for \donttest.
  • Removed dependency on assertthat.
  • Sentence Case the Title in the DESCRIPTION file!!!!!!
  • Fixed a test for the bisonmap() function.

rbison 0.4.3


  • New function bison_stats() to query the statistics about BISON downloads.
  • New function citation_datause() to get information on data use rules, and citation for using BISON data.
  • New vignette other_functions that goes over the other functions in rbison. The main vignette covers bison() only.


  • Changed output of all data to have stringsAsFactors=FALSE.


  • Changed all callopts parameters to ..., so you can pass in named options to httr::GET calls instead of through callopts, except in functions that interact with a SOLR engine, in which case ... is reserved for passing on additional SOLR parameters, and then callopts is still used.
  • No longer importing data.table, importing dplyr now, and assertthat
  • Changed to MIT license.
  • Changed to jsonlite from rjson for JSON parsing.
  • bison() loses parameter itis, as it only has one possible value; gains parameter params that accepts further parameters to modify the search; changed parameter callopts to ....
  • Add many examples of using the params parameter in the bison() function.
  • Changed parameter callopts to ... in bison_providers().
  • Changed parameter callopts to ... in bison_tax().
  • In bison_solr(): BISONProviderID changed to providerID; BISONResourceID changed to resourceID; occurrence_date changed to eventDate; collector changed to recordedBy; gains parameters catalogNumber, ITIScommonName, kingdom, and verbose. Adde a bunch of examples.
  • Startup message contains reference to citation function.

rbison 0.3.2


  • Changed blanktheme() function to bison_blanktheme() to avoid namespace conflicts with the rgbif package.

rbison 0.3.0


  • Added a vignette.
  • bison() function gains "what" parameter, to allow selection of the type of data to get back. All data is returned from the API (As there is no way to select subsets of data), but the what parameter lets you discard the things you don't want, saving on memory.
  • bison() function gains "callopts" parameter to pass on curl options to httr::GET
  • bison() function gains "itis" parameter. Setting to TRUE allows searches on ITIS taxonomic serial numbers (TSNs)
  • bison() function gains "tsn" parameter. Specify a
  • New function bison_providers() to get metadata on data providers to BISON.


  • bison_data() function removed. This function was used to get data back from a call to bison() or bison_solr(). Now those two functions simply give the data back immediately.
  • A startup message added.

rbison 0.2.4


  • Pushed first version to CRAN.