diff --git a/kernel/src/main/java/org/kframework/backend/kore/ModuleToKORE.java b/kernel/src/main/java/org/kframework/backend/kore/ModuleToKORE.java
index 2c60639d3b7..2e52e5e7c73 100644
--- a/kernel/src/main/java/org/kframework/backend/kore/ModuleToKORE.java
+++ b/kernel/src/main/java/org/kframework/backend/kore/ModuleToKORE.java
@@ -2013,7 +2013,10 @@ private void convert(
     for (Tuple2<Tuple2<Att.Key, String>, ?> attribute :
         // Sort to stabilize error messages
-        stream(att.att()).sorted(Comparator.comparing(Tuple2::toString)).toList()) {
+        stream(att.att())
+            .filter(e -> e._1._1.shouldEmit())
+            .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Tuple2::toString))
+            .toList()) {
       Att.Key key = attribute._1._1;
       String strKey = key.key();
       String clsName = attribute._1._2;
diff --git a/kore/src/main/java/org/kframework/attributes/Attribute.java b/kore/src/main/java/org/kframework/attributes/Attribute.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7bc222fbe1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kore/src/main/java/org/kframework/attributes/Attribute.java
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Copyright (c) Runtime Verification, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+package org.kframework.attributes;
+import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.EnumSet;
+public abstract class Attribute {
+  public enum Syntax {
+    CELL,
+    CLAIM,
+    MODULE,
+    RULE,
+  }
+  public sealed interface Visibility {
+    record User(EnumSet<Syntax> allowedSyntax) implements Visibility {
+      User(Syntax... allowed) {
+        this(Sets.newEnumSet(Arrays.asList(allowed), Syntax.class));
+      }
+    }
+    record Internal() implements Visibility {}
+  }
+  public enum EmitToKORE {
+    YES,
+    NO
+  }
+  public final Visibility visibility;
+  public final EmitToKORE emit;
+  protected Attribute(Visibility visibility, EmitToKORE emit) {
+    this.visibility = visibility;
+    this.emit = emit;
+  }
diff --git a/kore/src/main/java/org/kframework/attributes/ClassSet.java b/kore/src/main/java/org/kframework/attributes/ClassSet.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4b9454d4854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kore/src/main/java/org/kframework/attributes/ClassSet.java
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Copyright (c) Runtime Verification, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+package org.kframework.attributes;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import org.pcollections.HashPMap;
+public class ClassSet<U> {
+  public final HashPMap<Class<? extends U>, Object> data;
+  private ClassSet(HashPMap<Class<? extends U>, Object> data) {
+    this.data = data;
+  }
+  public <T extends U> ClassSet<U> add(Class<T> elemClass, T elem) {
+    return new ClassSet<>(data.plus(elemClass, elem));
+  }
+  public <T extends U> Optional<T> get(Class<T> elemClass) {
+    if (!data.containsKey(elemClass)) {
+      return Optional.empty();
+    }
+    return Optional.of(Objects.requireNonNull(elemClass.cast(data.get(elemClass))));
+  }
+  public <T extends U> boolean contains(Class<T> elemClass) {
+    return data.containsKey(elemClass);
+  }
+  public <T extends U> ClassSet<U> remove(Class<T> elemClass) {
+    return new ClassSet<>(data.minus(elemClass));
+  }
diff --git a/kore/src/main/java/org/kframework/attributes/JavaAtt.java b/kore/src/main/java/org/kframework/attributes/JavaAtt.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6d8027be11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kore/src/main/java/org/kframework/attributes/JavaAtt.java
@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+// Copyright (c) Runtime Verification, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+package org.kframework.attributes;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import org.kframework.utils.errorsystem.KEMException;
+import scala.util.Either;
+import scala.util.Left;
+public class JavaAtt {
+  public record Key<T>(
+      Class<T> type,
+      String key,
+      Function<Optional<String>, Either<ParseError, Attribute>> parser) {}
+  public class MyAtt {}
+  ;
+  public static class Whitelist {
+    public static final Key<MyAtt> FOO_1 = new Key<>(MyAtt.class, "foo", s -> null);
+    public static final Key<MyAtt> FOO_2 = new Key<>(MyAtt.class, "foo", s -> null);
+  }
+  public static final ImmutableSet<Key<?>> whitelist =
+      Arrays.stream(JavaAtt.Whitelist.class.getDeclaredFields())
+          .map(
+              f -> {
+                try {
+                  return (Key<?>) f.get(null);
+                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
+                  throw KEMException.internalError(
+                      "Malformed Att.Whitelist field: "
+                          + f.getName()
+                          + "\nExpected `public static final Key<MyAtt> MY_ATT = new Key<>(...)`");
+                }
+              })
+          .collect(ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet());
+  static {
+    String dupKeysErr =
+        whitelist.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Key::key)).entrySet().stream()
+            .filter(e -> e.getValue().size() > 1)
+            .map(
+                e ->
+                    "\""
+                        + e.getKey()
+                        + "\": "
+                        + e.getValue().stream().map(k -> k.type.getSimpleName()).toList())
+            .collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
+    if (!dupKeysErr.isEmpty()) {
+      throw KEMException.internalError("Found duplicate keys in Att.Whitelist!\n" + dupKeysErr);
+    }
+  }
+  public sealed interface ParseError {
+    record UnrecognizedKey(String key) implements ParseError {}
+    record BadValue(KEMException e) implements ParseError {}
+  }
+  public static Either<ParseError, Attribute> parse(String key, Optional<String> value) {
+    Set<Key<?>> keys =
+        whitelist.stream().filter(k -> k.key.equals(key)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
+    if (keys.size() > 1) {
+      throw new AssertionError(
+          "Attribute "
+              + key
+              + value.map(v -> "(" + v + ")").orElse("")
+              + " parsed by multiple Att.Whitelist keys: "
+              + keys.stream().map(p -> p.type.getSimpleName()).toList());
+    }
+    if (keys.isEmpty()) {
+      return Left.apply(new ParseError.UnrecognizedKey(key));
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  //  public static Either<AttParsingError, Attribute<?>> parse(String key, String value) {
+  //    Attribute<?> foo =
+  //        switch (key) {
+  //          case "alias" -> TaggedData.ALIAS;
+  //          case "alias-rec" -> TaggedData.ALIAS_REC;
+  //          case "all-path" -> TaggedData.ALL_PATH;
+  //          case "anywhere" -> TaggedData.ANYWHERE;
+  //          case "applyPriority" -> new ApplyPriority();
+  //          case "assoc" -> TaggedData.ASSOC;
+  //          case "avoid" -> TaggedData.AVOID;
+  //          case "bag" -> TaggedData.BAG;
+  //          case "binder" -> TaggedData.BINDER;
+  //          case "bracket" -> TaggedData.BRACKET;
+  //          case "cell" -> TaggedData.CELL;
+  //          case "cellCollection" -> TaggedData.CELL_COLLECTION;
+  //          case "cellName" -> new CellName();
+  //          case "circularity" -> TaggedData.CIRCULARITY;
+  //          case "color" -> new Color();
+  //          case "colors" -> new Colors();
+  //          case "comm" -> TaggedData.COMM;
+  //          case "concrete" -> new Concrete();
+  //          case "constructor" -> TaggedData.CONSTRUCTOR;
+  //          case "context" -> new Context();
+  //          case "cool" -> TaggedData.COOL;
+  //          case "depends" -> new Depends();
+  //          case "deprecated" -> TaggedData.DEPRECATED;
+  //          case "element" -> new Element();
+  //          case "exit" -> TaggedData.EXIT;
+  //          case "format" -> new Format();
+  //          case "freshGenerator" -> TaggedData.FRESH_GENERATOR;
+  //          case "function" -> TaggedData.FUNCTION;
+  //          case "functional" -> TaggedData.FUNCTIONAL;
+  //          case "group" -> new Group();
+  //          case "haskell" -> TaggedData.HASKELL;
+  //          case "heat" -> TaggedData.HEAT;
+  //          case "hook" -> new Hook();
+  //          case "hybrid" -> new Hybrid();
+  //          case "idem" -> TaggedData.IDEM;
+  //          case "impure" -> TaggedData.IMPURE;
+  //          case "index" -> new Index();
+  //          case "initial" -> TaggedData.INITIAL;
+  //          case "initializer" -> TaggedData.INITIALIZER;
+  //          case "injective" -> TaggedData.INJECTIVE;
+  //          case "internal" -> TaggedData.INTERNAL;
+  //          case "klabel" -> new Klabel();
+  //          case "terminator-klabel" -> new TerminatorKlabel();
+  //          case "label" -> new Label();
+  //          case "latex" -> new Latex();
+  //          case "left" -> TaggedData.LEFT;
+  //          case "locations" -> TaggedData.LOCATIONS;
+  //          case "macro" -> TaggedData.MACRO;
+  //          case "macro-rec" -> TaggedData.MACRO_REC;
+  //          case "maincell" -> TaggedData.MAINCELL;
+  //          case "memo" -> TaggedData.MEMO;
+  //          case "mlBinder" -> TaggedData.ML_BINDER;
+  //          case "mlOp" -> TaggedData.ML_OP;
+  //          case "multiplicity" -> new Multiplicity();
+  //          case "non-assoc" -> TaggedData.NON_ASSOC;
+  //          case "non-executable" -> TaggedData.NON_EXECUTABLE;
+  //          case "not-lr1" -> TaggedData.NOT_LR1;
+  //          case "no-evaluators" -> TaggedData.NO_EVALUATORS;
+  //          case "one-path" -> TaggedData.ONE_PATH;
+  //          case "owise" -> TaggedData.OWISE;
+  //          case "parser" -> new Parser();
+  //          case "prec" -> new Prec();
+  //          case "prefer" -> TaggedData.PREFER;
+  //          case "preserves-definedness" -> TaggedData.PRESERVES_DEFINEDNESS;
+  //          case "priority" -> new Priority();
+  //          case "private" -> TaggedData.PRIVATE;
+  //          case "public" -> TaggedData.PUBLIC;
+  //          case "result" -> new Result();
+  //          case "returnsUnit" -> TaggedData.RETURNS_UNIT;
+  //          case "right" -> TaggedData.RIGHT;
+  //          case "seqstrict" -> new Seqstrict();
+  //          case "simplification" -> new Simplification();
+  //          case "smtlib" -> new SMTlib();
+  //          case "smt-hook" -> new SMTHook();
+  //          case "smt-lemma" -> TaggedData.SMT_LEMMA;
+  //          case "stream" -> new Stream();
+  //          case "strict" -> new Strict();
+  //          case "symbol" -> new Symbol();
+  //          case "symbolic" -> new Symbolic();
+  //          case "tag" -> new Tag();
+  //          case "token" -> TaggedData.TOKEN;
+  //          case "total" -> TaggedData.TOTAL;
+  //          case "trusted" -> TaggedData.TRUSTED;
+  //          case "type" -> new Type();
+  //          case "unboundVariables" -> new UnboundVariables();
+  //          case "unit" -> new Unit();
+  //          case "unparseAvoid" -> TaggedData.UNPARSE_AVOID;
+  //          case "unused" -> TaggedData.UNUSED;
+  //          case "wrapElement" -> new WrapElement();
+  //          case "anonymous" -> new Anonymous();
+  //          case "bracketLabel" -> new BracketLabel();
+  //          case "cellFragment" -> new CellFragment();
+  //          case "cellOptAbsent" -> new CellOptAbsent();
+  //          case "cellSort" -> new CellSort();
+  //          case "concat" -> new Concat();
+  //          case "contentStartColumn" -> new ContentStartColumn();
+  //          case "contentStartLine" -> new ContentStartLine();
+  //          case "cool-like" -> new CoolLike();
+  //          case "denormal" -> new Denormal();
+  //          case "digest" -> new Digest();
+  //          case "dummy_cell" -> new DummyCell();
+  //          case "filterElement" -> new FilterElement();
+  //          case "fresh" -> new Fresh();
+  //          case "hasDomainValues" -> new HasDomainValues();
+  //          case "left" -> new LeftInternal();
+  //          case "nat" -> new Nat();
+  //          case "notInjection" -> new NotInjection();
+  //          case "not-lr1-modules" -> new NotLr1Modules();
+  //          case "originalPrd" -> new OriginalPrd();
+  //          case "overload" -> new Overload();
+  //          case "predicate" -> new Predicate();
+  //          case "prettyPrintWithSortAnnotation" -> new PrettyPrintWithSortAnnotation();
+  //          case "priorities" -> new Priorities();
+  //          case "projection" -> new Projection();
+  //          case "recordPrd" -> new RecordPrd();
+  //          case "recordPrd-zero" -> new RecordPrdZero();
+  //          case "recordPrd-one" -> new RecordPrdOne();
+  //          case "recordPrd-main" -> new RecordPrdMain();
+  //          case "recordPrd-empty" -> new RecordPrdEmpty();
+  //          case "recordPrd-subsort" -> new RecordPrdSubsort();
+  //          case "recordPrd-repeat" -> new RecordPrdRepeat();
+  //          case "recordPrd-item" -> new RecordPrdItem();
+  //          case "refreshed" -> new Refreshed();
+  //          case "right" -> new RightInternal();
+  //          case "smt-prelude" -> new SMTPrelude();
+  //          case "sortParams" -> new SortParams();
+  //          case "symbol-overload" -> new SymbolOverload();
+  //          case "syntaxModule" -> new SyntaxModule();
+  //          case "temporary-cell-sort-decl" -> new TemporaryCellSortDecl();
+  //          case "terminals" -> new Terminals();
+  //          case "UNIQUE_ID" -> new UniqueId();
+  //          case "userList" -> new UserList();
+  //          case "userListTerminator" -> new UserListTerminator();
+  //          case "withConfig" -> new WithConfig();
+  //          default -> null;
+  //        };
+  //  }
+  //  public static final class Alias extends MarkerAttribute<Alias> {
+  //    private Alias() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Alias.class), "alias", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class AliasRec extends MarkerAttribute<AliasRec> {
+  //    private AliasRec() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(AliasRec.class), "alias-rec", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class AllPath extends MarkerAttribute<AllPath> {
+  //    private AllPath() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(AllPath.class), "all-path", new Visibility.User(Syntax.CLAIM,
+  // Syntax.MODULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Anywhere extends MarkerAttribute<Anywhere> {
+  //    private Anywhere() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Anywhere.class), "anywhere", new Visibility.User(Syntax.RULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Assoc extends MarkerAttribute<Assoc> {
+  //    private Assoc() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Assoc.class), "assoc", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Avoid extends MarkerAttribute<Avoid> {
+  //    private Avoid() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Avoid.class), "avoid", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Bag extends MarkerAttribute<Bag> {
+  //    private Bag() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Bag.class), "bag", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Binder extends MarkerAttribute<Binder> {
+  //    private Binder() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Binder.class), "binder", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Bracket extends MarkerAttribute<Bracket> {
+  //    private Bracket() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Bracket.class), "bracket", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Cell extends MarkerAttribute<Cell> {
+  //    private Cell() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Cell.class), "cell", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class CellCollection extends MarkerAttribute<CellCollection> {
+  //    private CellCollection() {
+  //      super(
+  //          new Key<>(CellCollection.class),
+  //          "cellCollection",
+  //          new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION, Syntax.SYNTAX_SORT));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Circularity extends MarkerAttribute<Circularity> {
+  //    private Circularity() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Circularity.class), "circularity", new Visibility.User(Syntax.CLAIM));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Comm extends MarkerAttribute<Comm> {
+  //    private Comm() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Comm.class), "comm", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION, Syntax.RULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Constructor extends MarkerAttribute<Constructor> {
+  //    private Constructor() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Constructor.class), "constructor", new
+  // Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Cool extends MarkerAttribute<Cool> {
+  //    private Cool() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Cool.class), "cool", new Visibility.User(Syntax.RULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Deprecated extends MarkerAttribute<Deprecated> {
+  //    private Deprecated() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Deprecated.class), "deprecated", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Exit extends MarkerAttribute<Exit> {
+  //    private Exit() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Exit.class), "exit", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class FreshGenerator extends MarkerAttribute<FreshGenerator> {
+  //    private FreshGenerator() {
+  //      super(
+  //          new Key<>(FreshGenerator.class),
+  //          "freshGenerator",
+  //          new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Function extends MarkerAttribute<Function> {
+  //    private Function() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Function.class), "function", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Functional extends MarkerAttribute<Functional> {
+  //    private Functional() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Functional.class), "functional", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Haskell extends MarkerAttribute<Haskell> {
+  //    private Haskell() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Haskell.class), "haskell", new Visibility.User(Syntax.MODULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Heat extends MarkerAttribute<Heat> {
+  //    private Heat() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Heat.class), "heat", new Visibility.User(Syntax.RULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Idem extends MarkerAttribute<Idem> {
+  //    private Idem() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Idem.class), "idem", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Impure extends MarkerAttribute<Impure> {
+  //    private Impure() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Impure.class), "impure", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Initial extends MarkerAttribute<Initial> {
+  //    private Initial() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Initial.class), "initial", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Initializer extends MarkerAttribute<Initializer> {
+  //    private Initializer() {
+  //      super(
+  //          new Key<>(Initializer.class),
+  //          "initializer",
+  //          new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION, Syntax.RULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Injective extends MarkerAttribute<Injective> {
+  //    private Injective() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Injective.class), "injective", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Internal extends MarkerAttribute<Internal> {
+  //    private Internal() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Internal.class), "internal", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Left extends MarkerAttribute<Left> {
+  //    private Left() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Left.class), "left", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Locations extends MarkerAttribute<Locations> {
+  //    private Locations() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Locations.class), "locations", new Visibility.User(Syntax.SYNTAX_SORT));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Macro extends MarkerAttribute<Macro> {
+  //    private Macro() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Macro.class), "macro", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class MacroRec extends MarkerAttribute<MacroRec> {
+  //    private MacroRec() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(MacroRec.class), "macro-rec", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Maincell extends MarkerAttribute<Maincell> {
+  //    private Maincell() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Maincell.class), "maincell", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Memo extends MarkerAttribute<Memo> {
+  //    private Memo() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Memo.class), "memo", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class MLBinder extends MarkerAttribute<MLBinder> {
+  //    private MLBinder() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(MLBinder.class), "mlBinder", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class MLOp extends MarkerAttribute<MLOp> {
+  //    private MLOp() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(MLOp.class), "mlOp", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class NonAssoc extends MarkerAttribute<NonAssoc> {
+  //    private NonAssoc() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(NonAssoc.class), "non-assoc", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class NonExecutable extends MarkerAttribute<NonExecutable> {
+  //    private NonExecutable() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(NonExecutable.class), "non-executable", new Visibility.User(Syntax.RULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class NotLR1 extends MarkerAttribute<NotLR1> {
+  //    private NotLR1() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(NotLR1.class), "not-lr1", new Visibility.User(Syntax.MODULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class NoEvaluators extends MarkerAttribute<NoEvaluators> {
+  //    private NoEvaluators() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(NoEvaluators.class), "no-evaluators", new
+  // Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class OnePath extends MarkerAttribute<OnePath> {
+  //    private OnePath() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(OnePath.class), "one-path", new Visibility.User(Syntax.CLAIM,
+  // Syntax.MODULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Owise extends MarkerAttribute<Owise> {
+  //    private Owise() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Owise.class), "owise", new Visibility.User(Syntax.RULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Prefer extends MarkerAttribute<Prefer> {
+  //    private Prefer() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Prefer.class), "prefer", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class PreservesDefinedness extends MarkerAttribute<PreservesDefinedness> {
+  //    private PreservesDefinedness() {
+  //      super(
+  //          new Key<>(PreservesDefinedness.class),
+  //          "preserves-definedness",
+  //          new Visibility.User(Syntax.RULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Private extends MarkerAttribute<Private> {
+  //    private Private() {
+  //      super(
+  //          new Key<>(Private.class),
+  //          "private",
+  //          new Visibility.User(Syntax.MODULE, Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Public extends MarkerAttribute<Public> {
+  //    private Public() {
+  //      super(
+  //          new Key<>(Public.class), "public", new Visibility.User(Syntax.MODULE,
+  // Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class ReturnsUnit extends MarkerAttribute<ReturnsUnit> {
+  //    private ReturnsUnit() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(ReturnsUnit.class), "returnsUnit", new
+  // Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Right extends MarkerAttribute<Right> {
+  //    private Right() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Right.class), "right", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class SMTLemma extends MarkerAttribute<SMTLemma> {
+  //    private SMTLemma() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(SMTLemma.class), "smt-lemma", new Visibility.User(Syntax.RULE));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Token extends MarkerAttribute<Token> {
+  //    private Token() {
+  //      super(
+  //          new Key<>(Token.class),
+  //          "token",
+  //          new Visibility.User(Syntax.SYNTAX_SORT, Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Total extends MarkerAttribute<Total> {
+  //    private Total() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Total.class), "total", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Trusted extends MarkerAttribute<Trusted> {
+  //    private Trusted() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Trusted.class), "trusted", new Visibility.User(Syntax.CLAIM));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class UnparseAvoid extends MarkerAttribute<UnparseAvoid> {
+  //    private UnparseAvoid() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(UnparseAvoid.class), "unparseAvoid", new
+  // Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Unused extends MarkerAttribute<Unused> {
+  //    private Unused() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Unused.class), "unused", new Visibility.User(Syntax.PRODUCTION));
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Anonymous extends MarkerAttribute<Anonymous> {
+  //    private Anonymous() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Anonymous.class), "anonymous", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class BracketLabel extends MarkerAttribute<BracketLabel> {
+  //    private BracketLabel() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(BracketLabel.class), "bracketLabel", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class CellFragment extends MarkerAttribute<CellFragment> {
+  //    private CellFragment() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(CellFragment.class), "cellFragment", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class CellOptAbsent extends MarkerAttribute<CellOptAbsent> {
+  //    private CellOptAbsent() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(CellOptAbsent.class), "cellOptAbsent", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class CellSort extends MarkerAttribute<CellSort> {
+  //    private CellSort() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(CellSort.class), "cellSort", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Concat extends MarkerAttribute<Concat> {
+  //    private Concat() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Concat.class), "concat", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class ContentStartColumn extends MarkerAttribute<ContentStartColumn> {
+  //    private ContentStartColumn() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(ContentStartColumn.class), "contentStartColumn", new
+  // Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class ContentStartLine extends MarkerAttribute<ContentStartLine> {
+  //    private ContentStartLine() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(ContentStartLine.class), "contentStartLine", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class CoolLike extends MarkerAttribute<CoolLike> {
+  //    private CoolLike() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(CoolLike.class), "cool-like", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Denormal extends MarkerAttribute<Denormal> {
+  //    private Denormal() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Denormal.class), "denormal", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Digest extends MarkerAttribute<Digest> {
+  //    private Digest() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Digest.class), "digest", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class DummyCell extends MarkerAttribute<DummyCell> {
+  //    private DummyCell() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(DummyCell.class), "dummy_cell", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class FilterElement extends MarkerAttribute<FilterElement> {
+  //    private FilterElement() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(FilterElement.class), "filterElement", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Fresh extends MarkerAttribute<Fresh> {
+  //    private Fresh() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Fresh.class), "fresh", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class HasDomainValues extends MarkerAttribute<HasDomainValues> {
+  //    private HasDomainValues() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(HasDomainValues.class), "hasDomainValues", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class LeftInternal extends MarkerAttribute<LeftInternal> {
+  //    private LeftInternal() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(LeftInternal.class), "left", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Nat extends MarkerAttribute<Nat> {
+  //    private Nat() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Nat.class), "nat", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class NotInjection extends MarkerAttribute<NotInjection> {
+  //    private NotInjection() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(NotInjection.class), "notInjection", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class NotLR1Modules extends MarkerAttribute<NotLR1Modules> {
+  //    private NotLR1Modules() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(NotLR1Modules.class), "not-lr1-modules", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class OriginalPrd extends MarkerAttribute<OriginalPrd> {
+  //    private OriginalPrd() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(OriginalPrd.class), "originalPrd", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Overload extends MarkerAttribute<Overload> {
+  //    private Overload() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Overload.class), "overload", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Predicate extends MarkerAttribute<Predicate> {
+  //    private Predicate() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Predicate.class), "predicate", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class PrettyPrintWithSortAnnotation
+  //      extends MarkerAttribute<PrettyPrintWithSortAnnotation> {
+  //    private PrettyPrintWithSortAnnotation() {
+  //      super(
+  //          new Key<>(PrettyPrintWithSortAnnotation.class),
+  //          "prettyPrintWithSortAnnotation",
+  //          new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Priorities extends MarkerAttribute<Priorities> {
+  //    private Priorities() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Priorities.class), "priorities", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Projection extends MarkerAttribute<Projection> {
+  //    private Projection() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Projection.class), "projection", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class RecordPrd extends MarkerAttribute<RecordPrd> {
+  //    private RecordPrd() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(RecordPrd.class), "recordPrd", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class RecordPrdZero extends MarkerAttribute<RecordPrdZero> {
+  //    private RecordPrdZero() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(RecordPrdZero.class), "recordPrd-zero", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class RecordPrdOne extends MarkerAttribute<RecordPrdOne> {
+  //    private RecordPrdOne() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(RecordPrdOne.class), "recordPrd-one", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class RecordPrdMain extends MarkerAttribute<RecordPrdMain> {
+  //    private RecordPrdMain() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(RecordPrdMain.class), "recordPrd-main", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class RecordPrdEmpty extends MarkerAttribute<RecordPrdEmpty> {
+  //    private RecordPrdEmpty() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(RecordPrdEmpty.class), "recordPrd-empty", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class RecordPrdSubsort extends MarkerAttribute<RecordPrdSubsort> {
+  //    private RecordPrdSubsort() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(RecordPrdSubsort.class), "recordPrd-subsort", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class RecordPrdRepeat extends MarkerAttribute<RecordPrdRepeat> {
+  //    private RecordPrdRepeat() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(RecordPrdRepeat.class), "recordPrd-repeat", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class RecordPrdItem extends MarkerAttribute<RecordPrdItem> {
+  //    private RecordPrdItem() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(RecordPrdItem.class), "recordPrd-item", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class Refreshed extends MarkerAttribute<Refreshed> {
+  //    private Refreshed() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(Refreshed.class), "refreshed", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class RightInternal extends MarkerAttribute<RightInternal> {
+  //    private RightInternal() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(RightInternal.class), "right", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class SMTPrelude extends MarkerAttribute<SMTPrelude> {
+  //    private SMTPrelude() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(SMTPrelude.class), "smt-prelude", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class SortParams extends MarkerAttribute<SortParams> {
+  //    private SortParams() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(SortParams.class), "sortParams", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class SyntaxModule extends MarkerAttribute<SyntaxModule> {
+  //    private SyntaxModule() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(SyntaxModule.class), "syntaxModule", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class TemporaryCellSortDecl extends MarkerAttribute<TemporaryCellSortDecl>
+  // {
+  //    private TemporaryCellSortDecl() {
+  //      super(
+  //          new Key<>(TemporaryCellSortDecl.class),
+  //          "temporary-cell-sort-decl",
+  //          new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class UserList extends MarkerAttribute<UserList> {
+  //    private UserList() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(UserList.class), "userList", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class UserListTerminator extends MarkerAttribute<UserListTerminator> {
+  //    private UserListTerminator() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(UserListTerminator.class), "userListTerminator", new
+  // Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  public static final class WithConfig extends MarkerAttribute<WithConfig> {
+  //    private WithConfig() {
+  //      super(new Key<>(WithConfig.class), "withConfig", new Visibility.Internal());
+  //    }
+  //  }
diff --git a/kore/src/main/scala/org/kframework/attributes/Att.scala b/kore/src/main/scala/org/kframework/attributes/Att.scala
index 7c2f6f00a5f..c5b7e940b2c 100644
--- a/kore/src/main/scala/org/kframework/attributes/Att.scala
+++ b/kore/src/main/scala/org/kframework/attributes/Att.scala
@@ -140,6 +140,14 @@ object Att {
     case object Forbidden extends KeyParameter
+  sealed trait KeyRange
+  private object KeyRange extends Serializable {
+    // Attributes that are only used by the frontend, and will not be emitted to the backends
+    case object FrontendOnly extends KeyRange
+    // Attributes used by both the frontend and at least one backend
+    case object WholePipeline extends KeyRange
+  }
   /* The Key class can only be constructed within Att. To enforce this, we must
    * - Make the constructor private
    * - Manually declare apply() and make it private, lest a public one is generated
@@ -149,8 +157,10 @@ object Att {
       key: String,
       keyType: KeyType,
       keyParam: KeyParameter,
-      allowedSentences: Set[Class[_]]
+      allowedSentences: Set[Class[_]],
+      keyRange: KeyRange
   ) extends Serializable {
+    val shouldEmit: Boolean       = keyRange.equals(KeyRange.WholePipeline)
     override def toString: String = key
     private[Key] def copy(): Unit = ()
@@ -158,12 +168,14 @@ object Att {
     private[Att] def builtin(
         key: String,
         keyParam: KeyParameter,
-        allowedSentences: Set[Class[_]]
-    ): Key = Key(key, KeyType.BuiltIn, keyParam, allowedSentences)
+        allowedSentences: Set[Class[_]],
+        KeyRange: KeyRange
+    ): Key = Key(key, KeyType.BuiltIn, keyParam, allowedSentences, KeyRange)
     private[Att] def internal(
-        key: String
+        key: String,
+        KeyRange: KeyRange
     ): Key =
-      Key(key, KeyType.Internal, KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[AnyRef])
+      Key(key, KeyType.Internal, KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[AnyRef], KeyRange)
   def unrecognizedKey(key: String): Att.Key =
@@ -171,7 +183,8 @@ object Att {
-      onlyon[AnyRef]
+      onlyon[AnyRef],
+      KeyRange.FrontendOnly
   val empty: Att = Att(Map.empty)
@@ -186,160 +199,301 @@ object Att {
     onlyon3[T1, T2, T3] ++ onlyon[T4]
   /* Built-in attribute keys which can appear in user source code */
-  final val ALIAS          = Key.builtin("alias", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val ALIAS_REC      = Key.builtin("alias-rec", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val ALL_PATH       = Key.builtin("all-path", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[Claim, Module])
-  final val ANYWHERE       = Key.builtin("anywhere", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule])
-  final val APPLY_PRIORITY = Key.builtin("applyPriority", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val ASSOC          = Key.builtin("assoc", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val AVOID          = Key.builtin("avoid", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val BAG            = Key.builtin("bag", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val BINDER         = Key.builtin("binder", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val BRACKET        = Key.builtin("bracket", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val CELL           = Key.builtin("cell", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
+  final val ALIAS =
+    Key.builtin("alias", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val ALIAS_REC =
+    Key.builtin("alias-rec", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val ALL_PATH =
+    Key.builtin("all-path", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[Claim, Module], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val ANYWHERE =
+    Key.builtin("anywhere", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val APPLY_PRIORITY =
+    Key.builtin("applyPriority", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val ASSOC =
+    Key.builtin("assoc", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val AVOID =
+    Key.builtin("avoid", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val BAG =
+    Key.builtin("bag", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val BINDER =
+    Key.builtin("binder", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val BRACKET =
+    Key.builtin("bracket", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val CELL =
+    Key.builtin("cell", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
   final val CELL_COLLECTION =
-    Key.builtin("cellCollection", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[Production, SyntaxSort])
-  final val CELL_NAME   = Key.builtin("cellName", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val CIRCULARITY = Key.builtin("circularity", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Claim])
-  final val COLOR       = Key.builtin("color", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val COLORS      = Key.builtin("colors", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val COMM        = Key.builtin("comm", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[Production, Rule])
+    Key.builtin(
+      "cellCollection",
+      KeyParameter.Forbidden,
+      onlyon2[Production, SyntaxSort],
+      KeyRange.FrontendOnly
+    )
+  final val CELL_NAME =
+    Key.builtin("cellName", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val CIRCULARITY =
+    Key.builtin("circularity", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Claim], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val COLOR =
+    Key.builtin("color", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val COLORS =
+    Key.builtin("colors", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val COMM =
+    Key.builtin("comm", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[Production, Rule], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
   final val CONCRETE =
-    Key.builtin("concrete", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon3[Module, Production, Rule])
-  final val CONSTRUCTOR = Key.builtin("constructor", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val CONTEXT     = Key.builtin("context", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[ContextAlias])
-  final val COOL        = Key.builtin("cool", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule])
-  final val DEPENDS     = Key.builtin("depends", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Claim])
-  final val DEPRECATED  = Key.builtin("deprecated", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val ELEMENT     = Key.builtin("element", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val EXIT        = Key.builtin("exit", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val FORMAT      = Key.builtin("format", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
+    Key.builtin(
+      "concrete",
+      KeyParameter.Optional,
+      onlyon3[Module, Production, Rule],
+      KeyRange.WholePipeline
+    )
+  final val CONSTRUCTOR =
+    Key.builtin("constructor", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val CONTEXT =
+    Key.builtin("context", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[ContextAlias], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val COOL = Key.builtin("cool", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val DEPENDS =
+    Key.builtin("depends", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Claim], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val DEPRECATED =
+    Key.builtin("deprecated", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val ELEMENT =
+    Key.builtin("element", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val EXIT =
+    Key.builtin("exit", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val FORMAT =
+    Key.builtin("format", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
   final val FRESH_GENERATOR =
-    Key.builtin("freshGenerator", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val FUNCTION   = Key.builtin("function", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val FUNCTIONAL = Key.builtin("functional", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val GROUP      = Key.builtin("group", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Sentence])
-  final val HASKELL    = Key.builtin("haskell", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Module])
-  final val HEAT       = Key.builtin("heat", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule])
-  final val HOOK       = Key.builtin("hook", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon2[Production, SyntaxSort])
-  final val HYBRID     = Key.builtin("hybrid", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[Production])
-  final val IDEM       = Key.builtin("idem", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val IMPURE     = Key.builtin("impure", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val INDEX      = Key.builtin("index", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val INITIAL    = Key.builtin("initial", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
+    Key.builtin(
+      "freshGenerator",
+      KeyParameter.Forbidden,
+      onlyon[Production],
+      KeyRange.WholePipeline
+    )
+  final val FUNCTION =
+    Key.builtin("function", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val FUNCTIONAL =
+    Key.builtin("functional", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val GROUP =
+    Key.builtin("group", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Sentence], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val HASKELL =
+    Key.builtin("haskell", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Module], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val HEAT = Key.builtin("heat", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val HOOK =
+    Key.builtin(
+      "hook",
+      KeyParameter.Required,
+      onlyon2[Production, SyntaxSort],
+      KeyRange.WholePipeline
+    )
+  final val HYBRID =
+    Key.builtin("hybrid", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val IDEM =
+    Key.builtin("idem", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val IMPURE =
+    Key.builtin("impure", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val INDEX =
+    Key.builtin("index", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val INITIAL =
+    Key.builtin("initial", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
   final val INITIALIZER =
-    Key.builtin("initializer", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[Production, Rule])
-  final val INJECTIVE = Key.builtin("injective", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val INTERNAL  = Key.builtin("internal", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val KLABEL    = Key.builtin("klabel", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
+    Key.builtin(
+      "initializer",
+      KeyParameter.Forbidden,
+      onlyon2[Production, Rule],
+      KeyRange.FrontendOnly
+    )
+  final val INJECTIVE =
+    Key.builtin("injective", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val INTERNAL =
+    Key.builtin("internal", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val KLABEL =
+    Key.builtin("klabel", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
   final val TERMINATOR_KLABEL =
-    Key.builtin("terminator-klabel", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val LABEL          = Key.builtin("label", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Sentence])
-  final val LATEX          = Key.builtin("latex", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val LEFT           = Key.builtin("left", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val LOCATIONS      = Key.builtin("locations", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[SyntaxSort])
-  final val MACRO          = Key.builtin("macro", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val MACRO_REC      = Key.builtin("macro-rec", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val MAINCELL       = Key.builtin("maincell", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val MEMO           = Key.builtin("memo", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val ML_BINDER      = Key.builtin("mlBinder", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val ML_OP          = Key.builtin("mlOp", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val MULTIPLICITY   = Key.builtin("multiplicity", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val NON_ASSOC      = Key.builtin("non-assoc", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val NON_EXECUTABLE = Key.builtin("non-executable", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule])
-  final val NOT_LR1        = Key.builtin("not-lr1", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Module])
-  final val NO_EVALUATORS = Key.builtin("no-evaluators", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val ONE_PATH      = Key.builtin("one-path", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[Claim, Module])
-  final val OWISE         = Key.builtin("owise", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule])
-  final val OVERLOAD      = Key.builtin("overload", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val PARSER        = Key.builtin("parser", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val PREC          = Key.builtin("prec", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val PREFER        = Key.builtin("prefer", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
+    Key.builtin(
+      "terminator-klabel",
+      KeyParameter.Required,
+      onlyon[Production],
+      KeyRange.WholePipeline
+    )
+  final val LABEL =
+    Key.builtin("label", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Sentence], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val LATEX =
+    Key.builtin("latex", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val LEFT =
+    Key.builtin("left", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val LOCATIONS =
+    Key.builtin("locations", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[SyntaxSort], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val MACRO =
+    Key.builtin("macro", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val MACRO_REC =
+    Key.builtin("macro-rec", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val MAINCELL =
+    Key.builtin("maincell", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val MEMO =
+    Key.builtin("memo", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val ML_BINDER =
+    Key.builtin("mlBinder", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val ML_OP =
+    Key.builtin("mlOp", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val MULTIPLICITY =
+    Key.builtin("multiplicity", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val NON_ASSOC =
+    Key.builtin("non-assoc", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val NON_EXECUTABLE =
+    Key.builtin("non-executable", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val NOT_LR1 =
+    Key.builtin("not-lr1", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Module], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val NO_EVALUATORS =
+    Key.builtin("no-evaluators", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val ONE_PATH =
+    Key.builtin("one-path", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[Claim, Module], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val OVERLOAD =
+    Key.builtin("overload", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val OWISE =
+    Key.builtin("owise", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val PARSER =
+    Key.builtin("parser", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val PREC =
+    Key.builtin("prec", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val PREFER =
+    Key.builtin("prefer", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
-    Key.builtin("preserves-definedness", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule])
+    Key.builtin(
+      "preserves-definedness",
+      KeyParameter.Forbidden,
+      onlyon[Rule],
+      KeyRange.WholePipeline
+    )
   final val PRIORITY =
-    Key.builtin("priority", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon4[Context, ContextAlias, Production, Rule])
-  final val PRIVATE = Key.builtin("private", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[Module, Production])
-  final val PUBLIC  = Key.builtin("public", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[Module, Production])
+    Key.builtin(
+      "priority",
+      KeyParameter.Required,
+      onlyon4[Context, ContextAlias, Production, Rule],
+      KeyRange.WholePipeline
+    )
+  final val PRIVATE = Key.builtin(
+    "private",
+    KeyParameter.Forbidden,
+    onlyon2[Module, Production],
+    KeyRange.FrontendOnly
+  )
+  final val PUBLIC = Key.builtin(
+    "public",
+    KeyParameter.Forbidden,
+    onlyon2[Module, Production],
+    KeyRange.FrontendOnly
+  )
   final val RESULT =
-    Key.builtin("result", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon4[Context, ContextAlias, Production, Rule])
-  final val RETURNS_UNIT   = Key.builtin("returnsUnit", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val RIGHT          = Key.builtin("right", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val SEQSTRICT      = Key.builtin("seqstrict", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[Production])
-  final val SIMPLIFICATION = Key.builtin("simplification", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[Rule])
-  final val SMTLIB         = Key.builtin("smtlib", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val SMT_HOOK       = Key.builtin("smt-hook", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val SMT_LEMMA      = Key.builtin("smt-lemma", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule])
-  final val STREAM         = Key.builtin("stream", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon2[Production, Rule])
-  final val STRICT         = Key.builtin("strict", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[Production])
-  final val SYMBOL         = Key.builtin("symbol", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[Production])
+    Key.builtin(
+      "result",
+      KeyParameter.Required,
+      onlyon4[Context, ContextAlias, Production, Rule],
+      KeyRange.FrontendOnly
+    )
+  final val RETURNS_UNIT =
+    Key.builtin("returnsUnit", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val RIGHT =
+    Key.builtin("right", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val SEQSTRICT =
+    Key.builtin("seqstrict", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val SIMPLIFICATION =
+    Key.builtin("simplification", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[Rule], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val SMTLIB =
+    Key.builtin("smtlib", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val SMT_HOOK =
+    Key.builtin("smt-hook", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val SMT_LEMMA =
+    Key.builtin("smt-lemma", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Rule], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val STREAM =
+    Key.builtin("stream", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon2[Production, Rule], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val STRICT =
+    Key.builtin("strict", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val SYMBOL =
+    Key.builtin("symbol", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
   final val SYMBOLIC =
-    Key.builtin("symbolic", KeyParameter.Optional, onlyon3[Module, Production, Rule])
-  final val TAG     = Key.builtin("tag", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Rule])
-  final val TOKEN   = Key.builtin("token", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon2[SyntaxSort, Production])
-  final val TOTAL   = Key.builtin("total", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val TRUSTED = Key.builtin("trusted", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Claim])
-  final val TYPE    = Key.builtin("type", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
+    Key.builtin(
+      "symbolic",
+      KeyParameter.Optional,
+      onlyon3[Module, Production, Rule],
+      KeyRange.WholePipeline
+    )
+  final val TAG = Key.builtin("tag", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Rule], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val TOKEN = Key.builtin(
+    "token",
+    KeyParameter.Forbidden,
+    onlyon2[SyntaxSort, Production],
+    KeyRange.WholePipeline
+  )
+  final val TOTAL =
+    Key.builtin("total", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val TRUSTED =
+    Key.builtin("trusted", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Claim], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val TYPE =
+    Key.builtin("type", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
   final val UNBOUND_VARIABLES = Key.builtin(
-    onlyon4[Context, ContextAlias, Production, RuleOrClaim]
+    onlyon4[Context, ContextAlias, Production, RuleOrClaim],
+    KeyRange.FrontendOnly
-  final val UNIT          = Key.builtin("unit", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
-  final val UNPARSE_AVOID = Key.builtin("unparseAvoid", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val UNUSED        = Key.builtin("unused", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production])
-  final val WRAP_ELEMENT  = Key.builtin("wrapElement", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production])
+  final val UNIT =
+    Key.builtin("unit", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val UNPARSE_AVOID =
+    Key.builtin("unparseAvoid", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val UNUSED =
+    Key.builtin("unused", KeyParameter.Forbidden, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val WRAP_ELEMENT =
+    Key.builtin("wrapElement", KeyParameter.Required, onlyon[Production], KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
   /* Internal attribute keys which cannot appear in user source code */
-  final val ANONYMOUS            = Key.internal("anonymous")
-  final val BRACKET_LABEL        = Key.internal("bracketLabel")
-  final val CELL_FRAGMENT        = Key.internal("cellFragment")
-  final val CELL_OPT_ABSENT      = Key.internal("cellOptAbsent")
-  final val CELL_SORT            = Key.internal("cellSort")
-  final val CONCAT               = Key.internal("concat")
-  final val CONTENT_START_COLUMN = Key.internal("contentStartColumn")
-  final val CONTENT_START_LINE   = Key.internal("contentStartLine")
-  final val COOL_LIKE            = Key.internal("cool-like")
-  final val DENORMAL             = Key.internal("denormal")
-  final val DIGEST               = Key.internal("digest")
-  final val DUMMY_CELL           = Key.internal("dummy_cell")
-  final val FILTER_ELEMENT       = Key.internal("filterElement")
-  final val FRESH                = Key.internal("fresh")
-  final val HAS_DOMAIN_VALUES    = Key.internal("hasDomainValues")
-  final val LEFT_INTERNAL        = Key.internal("left")
-  final val LOCATION             = Key.internal(classOf[Location].getName)
-  final val NAT                  = Key.internal("nat")
-  final val NOT_INJECTION        = Key.internal("notInjection")
-  final val NOT_LR1_MODULES      = Key.internal("not-lr1-modules")
-  final val ORIGINAL_PRD         = Key.internal("originalPrd")
-  final val PREDICATE            = Key.internal("predicate")
+  final val ANONYMOUS            = Key.internal("anonymous", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val BRACKET_LABEL        = Key.internal("bracketLabel", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val CELL_FRAGMENT        = Key.internal("cellFragment", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val CELL_OPT_ABSENT      = Key.internal("cellOptAbsent", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val CELL_SORT            = Key.internal("cellSort", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val CONCAT               = Key.internal("concat", KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val CONTENT_START_COLUMN = Key.internal("contentStartColumn", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val CONTENT_START_LINE   = Key.internal("contentStartLine", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val COOL_LIKE            = Key.internal("cool-like", KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val DENORMAL             = Key.internal("denormal", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val DIGEST               = Key.internal("digest", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val DUMMY_CELL           = Key.internal("dummy_cell", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val FILTER_ELEMENT       = Key.internal("filterElement", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val FRESH                = Key.internal("fresh", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val HAS_DOMAIN_VALUES    = Key.internal("hasDomainValues", KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val LEFT_INTERNAL        = Key.internal("left", KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val LOCATION             = Key.internal(classOf[Location].getName, KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val NAT                  = Key.internal("nat", KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val NOT_INJECTION        = Key.internal("notInjection", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val NOT_LR1_MODULES      = Key.internal("not-lr1-modules", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val ORIGINAL_PRD         = Key.internal("originalPrd", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val PREDICATE            = Key.internal("predicate", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
-    Key.internal("prettyPrintWithSortAnnotation")
-  final val PRIORITIES               = Key.internal("priorities")
-  final val PRODUCTION               = Key.internal(classOf[Production].getName)
-  final val PROJECTION               = Key.internal("projection")
-  final val RECORD_PRD               = Key.internal("recordPrd")
-  final val RECORD_PRD_ZERO          = Key.internal("recordPrd-zero")
-  final val RECORD_PRD_ONE           = Key.internal("recordPrd-one")
-  final val RECORD_PRD_MAIN          = Key.internal("recordPrd-main")
-  final val RECORD_PRD_EMPTY         = Key.internal("recordPrd-empty")
-  final val RECORD_PRD_SUBSORT       = Key.internal("recordPrd-subsort")
-  final val RECORD_PRD_REPEAT        = Key.internal("recordPrd-repeat")
-  final val RECORD_PRD_ITEM          = Key.internal("recordPrd-item")
-  final val REFRESHED                = Key.internal("refreshed")
-  final val RIGHT_INTERNAL           = Key.internal("right")
-  final val SMT_PRELUDE              = Key.internal("smt-prelude")
-  final val SORT                     = Key.internal(classOf[Sort].getName)
-  final val SORT_PARAMS              = Key.internal("sortParams")
-  final val SOURCE                   = Key.internal(classOf[Source].getName)
-  final val SYMBOL_OVERLOAD          = Key.internal("symbol-overload")
-  final val SYNTAX_MODULE            = Key.internal("syntaxModule")
-  final val TEMPORARY_CELL_SORT_DECL = Key.internal("temporary-cell-sort-decl")
-  final val TERMINALS                = Key.internal("terminals")
-  final val UNIQUE_ID                = Key.internal("UNIQUE_ID")
-  final val USER_LIST                = Key.internal("userList")
-  final val USER_LIST_TERMINATOR     = Key.internal("userListTerminator")
-  final val WITH_CONFIG              = Key.internal("withConfig")
+    Key.internal("prettyPrintWithSortAnnotation", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val PRIORITIES         = Key.internal("priorities", KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val PRODUCTION         = Key.internal(classOf[Production].getName, KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val PROJECTION         = Key.internal("projection", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val RECORD_PRD         = Key.internal("recordPrd", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val RECORD_PRD_ZERO    = Key.internal("recordPrd-zero", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val RECORD_PRD_ONE     = Key.internal("recordPrd-one", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val RECORD_PRD_MAIN    = Key.internal("recordPrd-main", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val RECORD_PRD_EMPTY   = Key.internal("recordPrd-empty", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val RECORD_PRD_SUBSORT = Key.internal("recordPrd-subsort", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val RECORD_PRD_REPEAT  = Key.internal("recordPrd-repeat", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val RECORD_PRD_ITEM    = Key.internal("recordPrd-item", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val REFRESHED          = Key.internal("refreshed", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val RIGHT_INTERNAL     = Key.internal("right", KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val SMT_PRELUDE        = Key.internal("smt-prelude", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val SORT               = Key.internal(classOf[Sort].getName, KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val SORT_PARAMS        = Key.internal("sortParams", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val SOURCE             = Key.internal(classOf[Source].getName, KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val SYMBOL_OVERLOAD    = Key.internal("symbol-overload", KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val SYNTAX_MODULE      = Key.internal("syntaxModule", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+    Key.internal("temporary-cell-sort-decl", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val TERMINALS            = Key.internal("terminals", KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val UNIQUE_ID            = Key.internal("UNIQUE_ID", KeyRange.WholePipeline)
+  final val USER_LIST            = Key.internal("userList", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val USER_LIST_TERMINATOR = Key.internal("userListTerminator", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
+  final val WITH_CONFIG          = Key.internal("withConfig", KeyRange.FrontendOnly)
   private val stringClassName = classOf[String].getName
   private val intClassName    = classOf[java.lang.Integer].getName