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Learn Microservices with Spring Boot Labs

Monolith-first to microservices with Spring Boot, test-driven development, event-driven systems, common architecture patterns, nonfunctional requirements, and end-to-end testing with Cucumber.

A Basic Spring Boot Application

User Story 1

As a user of the application, I want to solve a random multiplication problem using mental calculation so I exercise my brain.


  1. Create a basic service with business logic.
  2. Create a basic API to access this service (REST API).
  3. Create a basic web page to ask the users to solve that calculation.

Generate the project skeleton with Lombok, Spring Web, and Validation: Spring Initializr with Java 8, Gradle, Spring Boot 2.4.5

Three-Tier Three-Layer Architecture

  • Client tier: user interface
  • Application tier: business logic, interfaces, and the data interfaces for persistence.
  • Data store tier: persists the application's data (e.g. Database, file system, etc.)

Application Tier Layers

The application tier is made up of the following layers:

  • Business Layer - Classes that model the domain
  • Presentation Layer - Controller classes that implement the REST API
  • Data Layer - Persists entities with Data Access Objects (DAO) or Repoistories (Domain)
  • Domain Layer - Domain is isolated and independent of everything else

Spring Annotations

Three stereotype annotations that map to each of layers:

  • @Controller - Presentation Layer, used for the REST API
  • @Service - Business Layer for business logic
  • @Repository - Data Layer, classes that interact with the Database

When we annotate classes with these variants, they become Spring-managed components.

  • When initializing the web context, Spring scans your packages and loads them as beans
  • We can use dependency injection to wire (or inject) these beans and use services from our presentation layer (controllers)

Domain Modeling

Start by modeling the business domain to structure the project:

  • Challenge - The math problem
  • User - The user
  • Challenge Attempt - The attempt by the user to solve the math problem


  • Challenge and User are independent
  • Challenge Attempts reference a User and a Challenge

Bounded Contexts

  • User
  • Challenge

Domain Layer


Business Layer

  • Functionality to generate a multiplication problem
  • Functionality to check whether an attempt is correct

Presentation Layer

REpresentational State Transfer (REST) - Uses HTTP verbs to perform API operations:

HTTP Verb Operation on Collection Operation on Item
GET Gets full list of items Get the item
POST Creates a new item Not Applicable
PUT Not Applicable Updates the item
DELETE Deletes the full collection Deletes the item

REST APIs with Spring Boot use the following annotations:

  • @RestController - specialization of @Controller
  • @RequestBody - Used to pass body of request to method and Spring will deserialize custom class to JSON
  • @RequestMapping - Model resources and verbs at class and method level and spring provides variants
    • @GetMapping - Get
    • @PostMapping - Create
    • @PutMapping - Update
    • @DeleteMapping - Delete

API Design

  • An interface to get a random multiplication problem
    • GET /challenges/random
  • An endpoint to send a guess for a given multiplication problem from a user alias
    • POST /attempts
  • Both resources belong to the challenges domain