I have resorted to some hackery to deal with structs passed by value including packing structures into int64s and writing special-case glue code. It turns out there is a library fsbv that should allow me to handle these cases without such hackery.
- [ ] cvCreateVideoWriter
- [ ] cvReleaseVideoWriter
- [ ] cvWriteFrame
- [X] cvAdaptiveThreshold
- [ ] cvCvtColor
- [ ] cvDistTransform (?)
- [ ] CvConnectedComp
- [ ] cvFloodFill
- [ ] cvInpaint
- [ ] cvIntegral
- [ ] cvPyrMeanShiftFiltering
- [ ] cvPyrSegmentation
Currently all properties are returned as doubles, which forces me to truncate them when I actually am expecting an integer. Fix this so each property gets returned as the proper type.
This will allow me to directly access pixel data and other `IplImage` information through `IplImage` pointers. This would be particularly useful in conjunction with cvCreateImageHeader for creating a header and then pointing the data somewhere inside an existing image.
- [ ] cvCreateTrackbar
- [ ] cvGetTrackbarPos
- [ ] cvGetWindowHandle (?)
- [ ] cvGetWindowName (?)
- [ ] cvInitSystem
- [ ] cvSetMouseCallback
- [ ] cvSetTrackbarPos
- [X] cvDilate
- [X] cvErode
- [ ] cvFilter2D
- [X] cvLaplace
- [ ] cvMorphologyEx
- [X] cvPyrDown
- [X] cvReleaseStructuringElement
- [ ] cvSmooth
- [ ] cvSobel
The create-structuring-element-ex allows users to create their own convolution kernel. In the C interface the values of the kernel components are passed as an array (pointer to int). I need to add Lisp code to handle the list of kernel values and turn these into a native array.
[1] See http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/c/imgproc__image_processing.html for a complete list of image processing functions.