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File metadata and controls

106 lines (79 loc) · 2.95 KB

File-server example using go and S3

The file-server in this example project features

  1. uploading file via a web-form to a s3 server
  2. deleting of the uploaded files
  3. downloading of the uploaded files

To run this project follow the instructions below.

Requirements to run this project

  1. Knowing how to run go applications locally and having some basic understanding of the go cli and go modules system
  2. Having docker installed in your machine
  3. Having make install in your machine

Set up the s3 server

$ make s3-server

You should get this output

MinIO Object Storage Server
Copyright: 2015-2022 MinIO, Inc.
License: GNU AGPLv3 <>
Version: RELEASE.2022-09-25T15-44-53Z (go1.18.6 linux/amd64)

Status:         1 Online, 0 Offline.
RootUser: admin
RootPass: changemeplease
RootUser: admin
RootPass: changemeplease

Use the minio client which with this example project will be available at localhost:9090 and use the credential above to login.

Create a new service account and retrieve a new access-key and secret-key

Copy the values and replace the placeholder in the /cmd/s3/main.go and the /cmd/server/main.go file

const (
	s3url      = "localhost:9000"
	accessKey  = "Access Key"
	secretKey  = "Secret Key"
	region     = "eu-west-1"
	bucketName = "test-bucket"

Run the executable to create the bucket

$ make s3-create-bucket

If the bucket was correctly created you will get this output message

{"level":"info","time":"2022-10-07T16:08:23+02:00","message":"bucket created successfully"}

Go back to the client and refresh the home page. The newly created bucket should appear there.

The S3 server is ready to be used.

Notice that the minio server has been created with the --rm option that means that it will be removed if you kill the process. If that happens, this process needs to be repeated again to re-create the bucket.

Set up the DB

Please download the migrate CLI binary for you machine and place it the ci/db/migrations folder. This is the download page.

$ tree ci/db/migrations/
├── 1_create_file_tables.down.sql
├── 1_create_file_tables.up.sql
└── migrate

0 directories, 3 files

Start a postgres instance with docker

$ make postgres

Open another terminal and apply the migrations

make migrate

Run the application

$ make run

Navigate to the http://localhost:3000/files/upload page and upload a file. Check the server logs to be sure that everything is working fine. If you get a 200 Ok response, you should see your first entrance in the bucket.