This is a Sample Application demonstrating correct usage of the MAX Library, while integrating two agents - the MAX Computer Agent, as provided within this Toolkit, and the Alexa agent as provided by the AVS Device SDK.
This Sample Application will show how a user may interact with different agents at different times, and how the MAX Library solves the problems which arise in scenarios when agents may compete for the user's attention, and when agents might need to co-operate with each other on the user's behalf.
PortAudio is required to build the Sample Application.
wget -c
tar zxf pa_stable_v190600_20161030.tgz
cd portaudio
./configure --without-jack
make -j $(nproc)
GStreamer development libraries are required to build the Sample Application.
On Ubuntu, the required packages can be installed via apt:
sudo apt-get install -y \
libgstreamer1.0-0 libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-doc gstreamer1.0-tools
The AVS Device SDK v1.23.0 is required to build the MAX Sample Application. The AVS Device SDK must then be updated with our provided patch, to support MAX.
First, follow the instructions to download and build the AVS Device SDK for your platform (Ubuntu Recommended): AVS Device SDK Ubuntu Quick Start Guide.
When checking out the AVS Device SDK source code, be sure to check out the v1.23.0 release.
- with
git clone
git clone --single-branch -b v1.23.0
- with
git checkout
after cloning the repository:
git clone --single-branch
cd avs-device-sdk
git checkout v1.23.0
After you have downloaded the correct version of the AVS Device SDK, proceed with building the AVS Device SDK Sample Application, setting up a Configuration file, and running and authorizing the Sample Application.
You can follow the instructions on the Amazon Developer Portal for your platform (Ubuntu Recommended): AVS Device SDK Ubuntu Quick Start Guide.
Ensure that you are able to ask Alexa simple questions such as "What time is it?" before proceeding to the next steps.
The AVS Device SDK must be patched for MAX Compatibility, and then rebuilt in order to run the MAX Sample Application.
git apply $MAX_TOOLKIT_SOURCE_DIRECTORY/Agents/Alexa/avs-device-sdk-v1-23-0-max-compatability.patch
Once patched, reconfigure, rebuild, and install the AVS Device SDK:
cmake . \
make -j $(nproc)
sudo make install
Out of source builds are required:
-DMultiAgentExperience_DIR=$PATH_TO_MAX_BUILD \
make -j $(nproc)
Required iff you did not install the MAX Library to a location where CMake can automatically find it.
Required iff you did not install the Computer Agent Library to a location where CMake can automatically find it.
Alternative to the above, you can set the Prefix Path to include ~/max
or wherever you have installed the MAX Library and Computer Agent Library.
Enables Raspberry Pi SenseHAT LED experience rendering. You must download the MAX Sample
Application Alexa animation files from the Alexa Developer Portal, and place them in the
Instructs audio rendering to direct to the ALSA sink.
Enables a DEMO-ONLY implementation to prevent cross-wake detection.
You can run the Sample Application by navigating to the Sample Application build directory and running the command:
./SampleApplication $PATH_TO_MAX_CONFIG
is the path to the MAX Sample Application configuration file. See the Getting Started Guide for more details on how to populate that configuration file.