Before getting our hands on Liquidsoap, let us quickly describe the typical toolchain involved in a webradio, in case the reader is not familiar with it. It typically consists of the following three elements.
The stream generator is a program which generates an audio stream, generally in compressed form such as mp3 or aac, be it from playlists, live sources, and so on. Liquidsoap is one of those and we will be most exclusively concerned with it, but there are other friendly competitors ranging from Ezstream, IceS or DarkIce which are simple command-line free software that can stream a live input or a playlist to an Icecast server, to Rivendell or SAM Broadcaster which are graphical interfaces to handle the scheduling of your radio. Nowadays, websites are also proposing to do this online on the cloud; these include AzuraCast, Centova and Radionomy which are all powered by Liquidsoap!
A streaming media system, which is generally Icecast. Its role is to relay the stream from the generator to the listeners, of which there can be thousands. With the advent of HLS, it tends to be more and more replaced by a traditional web server.
A media player, which connects to the server and plays the stream for the client, it can either be a software (such as iTunes), an Android application, or a website.
Since we are mostly concerned with stream generation, we shall begin by describing the main technological challenges behind it.
Sound consists in regular vibrations of the ambient air, going back and forth, which you perceive through the displacements of the tympanic membrane that they induce in your ear. In order to be represented in a computer, such a sound is usually captured by a microphone, which also has a membrane, and is represented by samples\index{sample}, corresponding to the successive positions of the membrane of the microphone. In general, sound is sampled at 44.1 kHz, which means that samples are captured 44100 times per second, and indicate the position of the membrane, which is represented by a floating point number, conventionally between -1 and 1. In the figure below, the position of the membrane is represented by the continuous black curve and the successive samples correspond to the grayed rectangles:
The way this data is represented is a matter of convention and many of those can be found in "nature":
- the sampling rate is typically 44.1 kHz (this is for instance the case in audio CDs), but the movie industry likes more 48 kHz, and recent equipment and studios use higher rates for better precision (e.g. DVDs are sampled at 92 kHz),
- the representation of samples varies: Liquidsoap internally uses floats between -1 and 1 (stored in double precision with 64 bits), but other conventions exist (e.g. CDs use 16 bits integers ranging from -32768 to 32767, and 24 bits integers are also common).
In any case, this means lots of data. For instance, an audio sample in CD quality takes 2 bytes (= 16 bits, remember that a byte is 8 bits) for each of the 2 channels and 1 minute of sound is 44100×2×2×60 bytes, which is roughly 10 MB per minute.
Because of the large quantities of data involved, sound is typically compressed\index{compressor}, especially if you want to send it over the internet where the bandwidth, i.e. the quantity of information you can send in a given period of time, matters: it is not unlimited and it costs money. To give you an idea, a typical fiber connection nowadays has an upload rate of 100 megabits per second, with which you can send CD quality audio to roughly 70 listeners only.
One way to compress audio consists in using the standard tools from coding and information theory: if something occurs often then encode it with a small sequence of bytes (this is how compression formats such as zip work for instance). The FLAC\index{FLAC} format uses this principle and generally achieves compression to around 65% of the original size. This compression format is lossless, which means that if you compress and then decompress an audio file, you will get back to the exact same file you started with.
In order to achieve more compression, we should be prepared to lose some data present in the original file. Most compressed audio formats are based, in addition to the previous ideas, on psychoacoustic models which take in account the way sound is perceived by the human hear and processed by the human brain. For instance, the ears are much more sensitive in the 1 to 5 kHz range so that we can be more rough outside this range, some low intensity signals can be masked by high intensity signals (i.e., we do not hear them anymore in presence of other loud sound sources), they do not generally perceive phase difference under a certain frequency so that all audio data below that threshold can be encoded in mono, and so on. Most compression formats are destructive: they remove some information in the original signal in order for it to be smaller. The most well-known are mp3, opus and aac: the one you want to use is a matter of taste and support on the user-end. The mp3\index{MP3} format is the most widespread, the Opus\index{Opus} format has the advantage of being open-source and patent-free, has a good quality/bandwidth radio and is reasonably supported by modern browsers but hardware support is almost nonexistent, the aac format is proprietary so that good free encoders are more difficult to find (because they are subject to licensing fees) but achieves good sounding at high compression rates and is quite well supported, etc. A typical mp3 is encoded at a bitrate of 128 kbps (kilobits per second, although rates of 192 kbps and higher are recommended if you favor sound quality), meaning that 1 minute will weight roughly 1 MB, which is 10% of the original sound in CD quality.
Most of these formats also support variable bitrates meaning that the bitrate can be adapted within the file: complex parts of the audio will be encoded at higher rates and simpler ones at low rates. For those, the resulting stream size will heavily depend on the actual audio and is thus more difficult to predict, by the perceived quality is higher.
As a side note, we were a bit imprecise above when speaking of a "file format" and we should distinguish between two things: the codec\index{codec} which is the algorithm we used to compress the audio data, and the container\index{container} which is the file format used to store the compressed data. This is why one generally speaks of ogg/opus: ogg is the container and opus is the codec. A container can usually embed streams encoded with various codecs (e.g. ogg can also contain flac or vorbis streams), and a given codec can be embedded in various containers (e.g. flac and vorbis streams can also be embedded into Matroska containers). In particular, for video streams, the container typically contains multiple streams (one for video and one for audio), each encoded with a different codec, as well as other information (metadata, subtitles, etc.).
Most audio streams are equipped with metadata\index{metadata} which are textual information describing the contents of the audio. A typical music file will contain, as metadata, the title, the artist, the album name, the year of recording, and so on. Custom metadata are also useful to indicate the loudness of the file, the desired cue points, and so on.
Once properly encoded, the streaming of audio data is generally not performed directly by the stream generator (such as Liquidsoap) to the client, a streaming server generally takes care of this. One reason to want separate tools is for reliability: if the streaming server gets down at some point because too many auditors connect simultaneously at some point, we still want the stream generator to work so that the physical radio or the archiving are still operational.
Another reason is that this is a quite technical task. In order to be transported, the streams have to be split in small packets in such a way that a listener can easily start listening to a stream in the middle and can bear the loss of some of them. Moreover, the time the data takes from the server to the client can vary over time (depending on the load of the network or the route taken): in order to cope with this, the clients do not play the received data immediately, but store some of it in advance, so that they still have something to play if next part of the stream comes late, this is called buffering. Finally, one machine is never enough to face the whole internet, so we should have the possibility of distributing the workload over multiple servers in order to handle large amounts of simultaneous connections.
Historically, Icecast\index{Icecast} was the main open-source server used in order to serve streams over the internet. On a first connection, the client starts by buffering audio (in order to be able to cope with possible slowdowns of the network): Icecast therefore begins by feeding it up as fast as possible and then sends the data at a peaceful rate. It also takes care of handling multiple stream generators (which are called mountpoints in its terminology), multiple clients, replaying metadata (so that we have the title of the current song even if we started listening to it in the middle), recording statistics, enforcing limits (on clients or bandwidth), and so on. Icecast servers support relaying streams from other servers, which is useful in order to distribute listening clients across multiple physical machines, when many of them are expected to connect simultaneously.
Until recently, the streaming model as offered by Icecast was predominant, but it suffers from two main drawbacks. Firstly, the connection has to be kept between the client and the server for the whole duration of the stream, which cannot be guaranteed in mobile contexts: when you connect with your smartphone, you frequently change networks or switch between wifi and 4G and the connection cannot be held during such events. In this case, the client has to make a new connection to the Icecast server, which in practice induces blanks and glitches in the audio for the listener. Another issue is that the data cannot be cached as it is done for web traffic, where it helps to lower latencies and bandwidth-related costs, because each connection can induce a different response.
For these reasons, new standards such as HLS (for HTTP Live Stream) or DASH\index{DASH} (for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) have emerged, where the stream is provided as a rolling playlist of small files called segments: a playlist typically contains the last minute of audio split into segments of 2 seconds. Moreover, the playlist can indicate multiple versions of the stream with various formats and encoding qualities, so that the client can switch to a lower bitrate if the connection becomes bad, and back to higher bitrates when it is better again, without interrupting the stream: this is called adaptative streaming. Here, the files are downloaded one by one, and are served by a usual HTTP server. This means that we can reuse all the technology developed for those to scale up and improve the speed, such as load balancing and caching techniques typically provided by content delivery networks. It seems that such formats will take over audio distribution in the near future, and Liquidsoap already has support for them. Their only drawback is that they are more recent and thus less well supported on old clients, although this tends to be less and less the case.
Finally, we would like to mention that, nowadays, streaming is more and more being delegated to big online platforms, such as YouTube or Twitch, because of their ease of use, both in terms of setup and of user experience. Those often use another protocol, called RTMP\index{RTMP} (Real-Time Messaging Protocol), which is more suited to transmitting live streams, where it is more important to keep the latency low (i.e. transmit the information as close as possible to the instant where it happened) than keep its integrity (dropping small parts of the audio or video is considered acceptable). This protocol is quite old (it dates back to the days where Flash was used to make animation on webpages) and tends to be phased out in favor of HLS.
In order to make a radio, one has to start with a primary source of audio. We give examples of such below.
A typical radio starts with one or more playlists, which are lists of audio
files. These can be stored in various places: they can either be on a local hard
drive or on some distant server, and are identified using a URI\index{URI} (for Uniform
Resource Identifier) which can be a path to a local file or something of the
form http://some/server/file.mp3
which indicates that the file should be
accessed using the HTTP protocol (some other protocols should also be
supported). There is a slight difference between local and distant files: in
the case of local files, we have pretty good confidence that they will always be
available (or at least we can check that this is the case), whereas for distant
files the server might be unavailable, or just very slow, so that we have to
take care of downloading the file in advance enough and be prepared to have
fallback option in case the file is not ready in time. Finally, audio files can
be in various formats (as described in the above section)
and have to be decoded, which is why Liquidsoap depends on many libraries, in
order to support as many formats as possible.
Even in the case of local files, the playlist might be dynamic: instead of knowing in advance the list of all the files, the playlist can consist of a queue of requests made by users (e.g., via a website or a chatbot); we can even call a script which will return the next song to be played, depending on whichever parameters (for instance taking in account votes on a website).
A radio often features live shows. As in the old days, the speaker can be in the same room as in the server, in which case the sound is directly captured by a soundcard. But nowadays, live shows are made more and more from home, where the speaker will stream its voice to the radio by himself, and the radio will interrupt its contents and relay the stream. More generally, a radio should be able to relay other streams along with their metadata (e.g. when a program is shared between multiple radios) or other sources (e.g. a live YouTube channel).
As for distant files, we should be able to cleanly handle failures due to network. Another issue specific to live streams (as opposed to playlists) is that we do not have control over time: this is an issue for operations such as crossfading (see below) which requires shifting time and thus cannot be performed on realtime sources.
In order to provide samples at a regular pace, a source of sound has an internal clock\index{clock} which will tick regularly: each soundcard has a clock, your computer has a clock, the live streams are generated by things which have clocks. Now, suppose that you have two soundcards generating sound at 44100 Hz, meaning that their internal clocks both tick at 44100 Hz. Those are not infinitely precise and it might be the case that there is a slight difference if 1 Hz between the two (maybe one is ticking at 44099.6 Hz and the other one at 44100.6 Hz in reality). Usually, this is not a problem, but on the long run it will become one: this 1 Hz difference means that, after a day, one will be 2 seconds in advance compared to the other. For a radio which is supposed to be running for months, this will be an issue and the stream generator has to take care of that, typically by using buffers. This is not a theoretical issue: first versions of Liquidsoap did not carefully handle this and we did experience quite a few problems related to it.
As explained in the above section, various files have
various sampling rates. For instance, suppose that your radio is streaming at 48
kHz and that you want to play a file at 44.1 kHz. You will have to resample\index{resampling}
your file, i.e. change its sampling rate, which, in the present case, means that
you will have to come up with new samples. There are various simple strategies
for this such as copying the sample closest to a missing one, or doing a linear
interpolation between the two closest. This is what Liquidsoap is doing if you
don't have the right libraries enabled and, believe it or not (or better try
it!), it sounds quite bad. Resampling is a complicated task to get right, and
can be costly in terms of CPU if you want to achieve good quality. Whenever
possible Liquidsoap uses libsamplerate
library to achieve this task, which
provides much better results than the naive implementation.
The next thing you want to do is to normalize the sound, meaning that you want to adjust its volume in order to have roughly the same audio loudness between tracks: if they come from different sources (such as two different albums by two different artists) this is generally not the case.
A strategy to fix that is to use automatic gain control\index{automatic gain control}: the program can regularly measure the current audio loudness based, say, on the previous second of sound, and increase or decrease the volume depending on the value of the current level compared to the target one. This has the advantage of being easy to set up and providing a homogeneous sound. However, while it is quite efficient when having voice over the radio, it is quite unnatural for music: if a song has a quiet introduction for instance, its volume will be pushed up and the song as a whole will not sound as usual.
Another strategy for music consists in pre-computing the loudness of each file. It can be performed each time a song is about to be played, but it is much more efficient to compute this in advance and store it as a metadata: the stream generator can then adjust the volume on a per-song basis based on this information. The standard for this way of proceeding is ReplayGain\index{ReplayGain} and there are a few efficient tools to achieve this task. It is also more natural than basic gain control, because it takes in account the way our ears perceive sound in order to compute loudness.
At this point, we should also indicate that there is a subtlety in the way we
measure volume (and loundness). It can either be measured linearly, i.e. we
indicate the amplification coefficient by which we should multiply the sound, or
in decibels\index{decibel}. The reason for having the two is that the first is more
mathematically pleasant, whereas the second is closer to the way we perceive the
sound. The relationship between linear l and decibel d measurements is not
easy, the formulas relating the two are d=20 log10(l) and
l=10^d/20^. If your math classes are too far away, you should only remember
that 0 dB means no amplification (we multiply by the amplification coefficient
1), adding 6 dB corresponds to multiplying by 2, and removing 6 dB corresponds
to dividing by 2:
decibels -12 -6 0 6 12 18 amplification 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8
This means that an amplification of -12 dB corresponds to multiplying all the samples of the sound by 0.25, which amounts to dividing them by 4.
In order to ease the transition between songs, one generally uses crossfading\index{crossfading}, which consists in fading out one song (progressively lowering its volume to 0) while fading in the next one (progressively increasing its volume from 0). A simple approach can be to crossfade for, say, 3 seconds between the end of a song and a beginning of the next one, but serious people want to be able to choose the length and type of fading to apply depending on the song. And they also want to have cue points, which are metadata indicating where to start a song and where to end it: a long intro of a song might not be suitable for radio broadcasting and we might want to skip it. Another common practice when performing transitions between the tracks consists in adding jingles: those are short audio tracks generally saying the name of the radio or of the current show. In any way, people avoid simply playing one track after another (unless it is an album) because it sounds awkward to the listener: it does not feel like a proper radio, but rather like a simple playlist.
The final thing you want to do is to give your radio an appreciable and recognizable sound. This can be achieved by applying a series of sound effects such as
- a compressor\index{compressor} which gives a more uniform sound by amplifying quiet sounds,
- an equalizer\index{equalizer} which gives a signature to your radio by amplifying differently different frequency ranges (typically, simplifying a bit, you want to insist on bass if you play mostly lounge music in order to have a warm sound, or on treble if you have voices in order for them to be easy to understand),
- a limiter\index{limiter} which lowers the sound when there are high-intensity peaks (we want to avoid clipping),
- a gate\index{gate} which reduce very low level sound in order for silence to be really silence and not low noise (in particular if you capture a microphone),
- and so on.
These descriptions are very rough and we urge the reader not accustomed to those basic components of signal processing to learn more about them. You will need those at some point of you want to make a professional sounding webradio.
Because we generally want to perform all those operations on audio signals, the typical processing loop will consist in
- decoding audio files,
- processing the audio (fading, equalizing, etc.),
- encoding the audio,
- streaming encoded audio.
If for some reason we do not want to perform any audio processing (for instance, if this processing was done offline, or if we are relaying some already processed audio stream) and if the encoding format is the same as the source format, there is no need to decode and then reencode the sound: we can directly stream the original encoded files. By default, Liquidsoap will always reencode files but this can be avoided if we want, see there.
What we have described so far is more or less the direct adaptation of traditional radio techniques to the digital world. But with new tools come new usages, and a typical webradio generally requires more than the above features. In particular, we should be able to interact with other programs and services.
Whichever tool you are going to use in order to generate your webradio, it is never going to support all the features that a user will require. At some point, the use of an obscure hardware interface, a particular database, or a specific web framework will be required by a client, which will not be supported out of the shelf by the tool. Or maybe you simply want to be able to reuse parts of the scripts that you spent years to write in your favorite language.
For this reason, a stream generator should be able to interact with other tools, by calling external programs or scripts, written in whichever language. For instance, we should be able to handle dynamic playlists, which are playlists where the list of songs is not determined in advance, but rather generated on the fly: each time a song ends a function of the generator or an external program computes the next song to be played.
We should also be able to easily import data generated by other programs, the usual mechanism being by reading the standard plain text output of the executed program. This means that we should also have tools to parse and manipulate this standard output. Typically, structured data such as the result of a query on a database can be output in standard formats such as JSON, for which we should have support.
Finally, we should be able to interact with some more specific external programs, such as for monitoring scripts (in order to understand its state and be quickly notified in case of a problem).
The above way of interacting works in pull mode: the stream generators asks an external program for information, such as the next song to be played. Another desirable workflow is in push mode, where the program adds information whenever it feels like. This is typically the case for request queues\index{queue} which are a variant of playlists, where an external programs can add songs whenever it feels like: those will be played one, in the order where they were inserted. This is typically used for interactive websites: whenever a user asks for a song, it gets added to the request queue.
Push mode interaction is also commonly used for controllers, which are physical or virtual devices consisting of push buttons and sliders, that one can use in order to switch between audio sources, change the volume of a stream, and so on. The device generally notifies the stream generator when some control gets changed, which should then react accordingly. The commonly used standard nowadays for communicating with controllers is called OSC\index{OSC} (Open Sound Control).
The workflow for generating video streams is not fundamentally different from the one that we have described above, so that it is natural to expect that an audio stream generator can also be used to generate video streams. In practice, this is rarely the case, because manipulating video is an order of magnitude harder to implement. However, the advanced architecture of Liquidsoap allows it to handle both audio and video. The main focus of this book will be audio streams, but this chapter is dedicated to handling video.
The first thing to remark is that if processing and transmitting audio requires handling large amounts of data, video requires processing huge amounts of data. A video in a decent resolution has 25 images per second at a resolution of 720p, which means 1280×720 pixels, each pixel consisting of three channels (generally, red, green and blue, or RGB for short) each of which is usually coded on one byte. This means that one second of uncompressed video data weights 65 MB, the equivalent of more than 6 minutes of uncompressed audio in CD quality! And these are only the minimal requirements for a video to be called HD (High Definition), which is the kind of video which is being watched everyday on the internet: in practice, even low-end devices can produce much higher resolutions than this.
This volume of data means that manipulation of video, such as combining videos or applying effects, should be coded very efficiently (by which we mean down to fine-tuning the assembly code for some parts), otherwise the stream generator will not be able to apply them in realtime on a standard recent computer. It also means that even copying of data should be avoided, the speed of memory accesses is also a problem at such rates.
A usual video actually consists of two streams: one for the video and one for the audio. We want to be able to handle them separately, so that we can apply all the operations specific to audio described in previous sections to videos, but the video and audio stream should be kept in perfect sync (even a very small delay between audio is video can be noticed).
We have seen that there is quite a few compressed formats available for audio and the situation is the same for video, but the video codecs generally involve many configuration options exploiting specificities of video, such as the fact two consecutive images in a video are usually quite similar. Fortunately, most of the common formats are handled by high-level libraries such as FFmpeg\index{FFmpeg}. This solves the problem for decoding, but for encoding we are still left with many parameters to specify, which can have a large impact on the quality of the encoded video and on the speed of the compression (finding the good balance is somewhat of an art).
As for audio, many manipulations of video files are expected to be present in a typical workflow.
- Fading: as for audio tracks, we should be able to fade between successive videos, this can be a smooth fade, or one video slides on top of the other, and so on.
- Visual identity: we should be able to add the logo of our channel, add a sliding text at the bottom displaying the news or listing the shows to come.
- Color grading: as for audio tracks, we should be able to give a particular ambiance by having uniform colors and intensities between tracks.