To use Account Manager in a project:
from awsapilib import AccountManager, PasswordManager
password_manager = PasswordManager()
# Most actions require a captcha to be solved to continue.
# The process is interactive and you get a prompt to solve the captcha by following a url with it
# in a standard console or by presenting the captcha in the terminal if you are using iTerm
# Using the Captcha2 solver would automate the process.
from awsapilib.captcha import Captcha2
password_manager = PasswordManager(solver=solver)
# Request the reset of a password for an account
# The above should trigger a reset email with a reset link
# Reset the password
password_manager.reset_password('RESET_URL_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_HERE', 'PASSWORD_TO_SET')
account_manager = AccountManager(email, password, region, mfa_serial)
# Most actions require a captcha to be solved to continue.
# The process is interactive and you get a prompt to solve the captcha by following a url with it
# in a standard console or by presenting the captcha in the terminal if you are using iTerm
# Using the Captcha2 solver would automate the process.
from awsapilib.captcha import Captcha2
account_manager = AccountManager(email, password, region, mfa_serial, solver=solver)
# Enable IAM billing console access for the account
>>> False
account_manager.iam.billing_console_access = True
>>> True
# Interface with MFA actions
# Create a virtual MFA
# Warning! Setting an MFA will require re instantiation of the account manager with the new seed
# before more actions can be performed on the account.
# Also due to eventual consistency there might be some time required between setting the MFA and
# being able to use it in which case there might be authentication errors in between if actions are
# performed in sequence. The time is usually less that half a minute.
seed = account_manager.mfa.create_virtual_device() # default name is "root-account-mfa-device"
# can be overridden by passing a name variable
# !! Save the seed somewhere super safe
# Get the current virtual MFA
device = account_manager.mfa.get_virtual_device()
# Delete a virtual MFA
# Update info and terminate account
# Update name of account
# Update email of the account
# Due to eventual consistency there might be some time required between changing the email and
# being able to use it in which case there might be authentication errors in between if actions are
# performed in sequence. The time is usually less that half a minute.
# Terminate an account