Releases: sciapp/sampledb
Releases · sciapp/sampledb
- Added Dataverse export using the EngMeta "Process Metadata" block
- Added short descriptions to actions and instruments
- Added array style "horizontal_table"
- Improved handling of optional text input
- Allow linking to headers in Markdown content
- Allow disabling of "Use in Measurement" button for samples
- Added markdown support to object metadata
- Added markdown support to instrument log
- Reimplemented PDF export
- Added configuration variables to allow only administrators to create groups or projects
- Added asterisks to mark required fields when editing objects
- Project permissions can be set when inviting a user
- Allow default value "self" for user fields
- Allow searching for tags in dropdown object selection fields
- Renamed projects to project groups and groups to basic groups to avoid ambiguity
- Allow disabling of subprojects / child project groups
- Allow giving basic or project groups initial permissions
- Allow configuring the Help link
- Allow linking project groups to objects
- Fixed action ID filtering when loading objects in the background
- Added action permissions to user interface
- Improved handling of quantities for the HTTP API
- Fixed object name escaping when loading objects in the background
- Allow restricting object references to specific action id
- Improved performance of object lists
- Allow setting display properties as part of the object list URL
- Improved performance of instrument pages
- Added image upload via drag and drop to Markdown editors
- Added support for placeholder texts for text and quantity schemas
- Added additional options to the HTTP API objects endpoint
- Display projects based on parent-child relationship
- Improved "View Objects" for users, groups and projects
- Added object comments to the HTTP API
- Added versioning to instrument log entries
- Added user to metadata types
- Allow setting instrument log entry order
- Allow custom action types
- Allow administrators to deactivate users
- Allow disabling group deletion by non-administrators
- Fixed pagination for viewing objects of a project
- Added Docker Compose configuration file
- Ensure that file storage path is owned by sampledb user in docker container
- Added
option to load object select options using ajax - Added "list" array style
- Added Markdown editor for editing instrument and action Markdown content
- Upgraded dependencies
- Allow restricting location management to administrators
- Do not show hidden users as instrument scientists
- Added setting for admin permissions
- Allow hiding instruments and actions
- Added object name to properties of publications linked to an object
- Improved invitation token handling
- Made invitation time limit configurable
- Show pending group and project invitations to members
- Show all group and project invitations to administrators
- Allow copying permissions from another object
- Improved user interface
- Fixed a user interface issue
- Added Dublin Core metadata in RDF/XML format
- Added fullscreen image preview of object and instrument log images
- Added instrument log to HTTP API
- Allow filtering instrument log by month
- Allow setting a publicly visible user affiliation
- Added data export as PDF document, .zip or .tar.gz archive
- Allow adding a logo to object export PDF documents
- Allow setting a publicly visible ORCID iD
- Added instrument log
- Added instrument scientist notes
- Allow usage of Markdown in instrument and action descriptions
- Added configuration values for creating an admin user during initial setup
- Added administrator guide to documentation