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Learning GSC (programming language)

I know very little about the GSC programming language. This document will go over all of my knowledge of the GSC programming language. Due to the purpose of the language, I don't intend to go very far with it.

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#using scripts\shared\array_shared;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_util_shared;
#using scripts\shared\system_shared;
#using scripts\shared\util_shared;

#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;

#using scripts\shared\weapons\_weaponobjects;

#using scripts\zm\_zm_utility;

#define	POI_MAX_RADIUS				200
#define	POI_HALF_HEIGHT				200
#define POI_HEIGHT 					200

#define SPIKE_POI_RANK				800
#define SPIKE_CHARGE_TIME			15

#precache("string", "PRESS ^3[{+melee}]^7 TO DETONATE SPIKE CHARGE");

#namespace zm_weap_spike_launcher;

function autoexec __init__system__(){
	_arr = undefined;
	system::register("zm_weap_spike_launcher", &__init__, &__main__, _arr);

function __init__(){

function __main__(){

	DEFAULT(level.monkey_attract_dist, 1536);
	DEFAULT(level.num_monkey_attractors, 96);
	DEFAULT(level.monkey_attract_dist_diff, 45);
	DEFAULT(level.spike_attract_dist, level.monkey_attract_dist);
	DEFAULT(level.num_spike_attractors, level.num_monkey_attractors);
	DEFAULT(level.spike_attract_dist_diff, level.monkey_attract_dist_diff);

function setSpikeAttractDist(dist){
	if(isdefined(dist) && dist >= 0){
		level.spike_attract_dist = dist;

//Call On: Player
function spikeLauncherWatcher(){
	self weaponobjects::createSpikeLauncherWatcher("spike_launcher");
	spike_watcher = self weaponobjects::createWeaponObjectWatcher("spike_charge",;
	spike_watcher.onSpawn = &spikeWatcher;

//Call On: Player
//Callback on connect
function spikeLauncherTutorialWatcher(){
	wpn_spike_launcher = GetWeapon("spike_launcher");
	self.spike_launcher_tutorial_complete = false;
	w_current = self GetCurrentWeapon();
		if(w_current == wpn_spike_launcher){
			self detonateWaitTill(wpn_spike_launcher);
			self waittill("weapon_change_complete", w_current);

//Call On: Player
function detonateWaitTill(wpn_spike_launcher){
	self endon("death");
	self waittill("weapon_fired", w_current);
	if(w_current == wpn_spike_launcher){
		self thread spikeLauncherTutorialHUD();
		self util::waittill_any("detonate", "last_stand_detonate");
		self.spike_launcher_tutorial_complete = true;

//Call On: Player
function spikeLauncherTutorialHUD(){
	self notify("spike_launcher_HUD");
	self endon("spike_launcher_HUD");
	font = "default";
	fontscale = 2;
	if(level.Splitscreen && !level.hidef){
		fontscale = 3;
	txt = self hud::createFontString(font, fontscale);
	txt.vertalign = "bottom";
	txt.y = -100;
	txt.alpha = 0;
	txt SetText("PRESS ^3[{+melee}]^7 TO DETONATE SPIKE CHARGE");
	txt FadeOverTime(0.5);
	txt.alpha = 1;

	self util::waittill_any_timeout(20, "detonate", "last_stand_detonate");

	txt FadeOverTime(0.5);
	txt.alpha = 0;
	txt Destroy();

//Call On: Player
//Callback on connect
function spikeUpgradeWatcher(){
	self.spike_pois = [];

	weapon = "spike_launcher_upgraded";
	watcher = self weaponobjects::createUseWeaponObjectWatcher(weapon,;
	watcher.altName = "spike_charge_upgraded";
	watcher.altWeapon = GetWeapon("spike_charge_upgraded");
	watcher.altDetonate = false;
	watcher.watchForFire = true;
	watcher.hackable = true;
	watcher.hackerToolRadius = level.equipmentHackerToolRadius;
	watcher.hackerToolTimeMs = level.equipmentHackerToolTimeMs;
	watcher.headIcon = false;
	watcher.onDetonateCallback = &weaponobjects::spikeDetonate;
	watcher.onStun = &weaponobjects::weaponStun;
	watcher.stunTime = 1;
	watcher.ownerGetsAssist = true;
	watcher.detonateStationary = false;
	watcher.detonationDelay = 0.0;
	watcher.detonationSound = "wpn_claymore_alert";
	watcher.onDetonateHandle = &upgradedSpikesDetonating;
	self thread upgradedSpikeLauncherUpgradedItemCountChanged(watcher);

	upgrade_spike_watcher = self weaponobjects::createWeaponObjectWatcher("spike_charge_upgraded",;
	upgrade_spike_watcher.onSpawn = &upgradedSpikeWatcher;
	upgrade_spike_watcher.onDetonateCallback = &endSpikeAttractionOnDeath;

//Call On: Player
function upgradedSpikesDetonating(watcher){
	spike_count = weaponobjects::getSpikeLauncherActiveSpikeCount(watcher);
	if ( spike_count > 0 )
		self SetControllerUIModelValue( "spikeLauncherCounter.blasting", 1 );
		wait 2;
		self SetControllerUIModelValue( "spikeLauncherCounter.blasting", 0 );

//Call On: Player
function upgradedSpikeLauncherUpgradedItemCountChanged(watcher){
	self notify("uSLUICC");
	self endon("uSLUICC");
	self endon("death");
	last_item_count = undefined;
		self waittill("weapon_change", weapon);
		while( == "spike_launcher_upgraded"){
			current_item_count = weaponobjects::getSpikeLauncherActiveSpikeCount(watcher);
			if(current_item_count !== last_item_count){
				self SetControllerUIModelValue("spikeLauncherCounter.spikesReady", current_item_count);
				last_item_count = current_item_count;
			weapon = self GetCurrentWeapon();

//Call On: The spawned bolt
function upgradedSpikeWatcher(watcher, owner){
	self endon("death");
	self thread detonateAfterTime(SPIKE_CHARGE_TIME, owner);
	self util::waitTillNotMoving();
	//the above filters only those spawned on a surface in

	DEFAULT(level.spike_pois, []);
	//Get nav mesh position near this spike
	b_valid_poi = zm_utility::check_point_in_enabled_zone(self.origin, undefined, undefined);
	v_valid_poi = self move_valid_poi_to_navmesh(b_valid_poi);
	if(v_valid_poi != (0, 0, 0)){
		spike_poi = Spawn("script_origin", v_valid_poi);
		spike_poi zm_utility::create_zombie_point_of_interest(
		spike_poi thread zm_utility::create_zombie_point_of_interest_attractor_positions(
			4, level.spike_attract_dist_diff
		//spike_poi thread zm_utility::wait_for_attractor_positions_complete();
		array::add(level.spike_pois, spike_poi);

//Call On: The spawned bolt/spike
//Returns a valid poi location
//If no valid location found, returns (0, 0, 0)
function move_valid_poi_to_navmesh(b_valid_poi){
	v_valid_poi = (0, 0, 0);
		v_valid_poi = self.origin;
		//Find results on the nav mesh to make POI
		query_result = PositionQuery_Source_Navigation(
			self.origin, 0,
		if( > 0){
			foreach(point in{
				//Check not too far off
				height_delta = Abs(self.origin[2] - point.origin[2]);
				if(!(height_delta > POI_HEIGHT)){
					//Do bullet trace to make sure not going between walls
					start = point.origin + (0, 0, 20);
					end = self.origin + (0, 0, 20);
					if(BulletTracePassed(start, end, false, self, undefined, false, false)){
						//make the poi this valid location
						v_valid_poi = point.origin;
						break; //end the loop as point found
	return v_valid_poi;

//Call On: The spawned bolt/spike
function endSpikeAttractionOnDeath(attacker, weapon, target){
	self thread weaponobjects::spikeDetonate(attacker, weapon, target);
	foreach(poi in level.spike_pois){
		poi zm_utility::deactivate_zombie_point_of_interest();
		poi notify("death");
		poi Delete();
	self notify("death");
	level.spike_pois = [];

//Call On: The spawned bolt
function spikeWatcher(watcher, owner){
	self thread detonateAfterTime(SPIKE_CHARGE_TIME, owner);

//Call On: spawned spike
function detonateAfterTime(time, player){
	player endon("detonate");
	self util::waitTillNotMoving();
	//self endSpikeAttractionOnDeath();
	player notify("detonate");

Hello World in GSC

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This is how you make a Hello World program in GSC:

weapon = "Hello, World!";

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work !-->

Comments in GSC

Comments in GSC are the same as in languages like C, C++, Java, etc.

Single line comments

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Single line comments in GSC are written like so:

// This is a single line comment
Multi-line comments

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Multi-line comments in GSC are written like so:

/* This is
a multi-line
/* This is
* also a
* multi-line
* comment */

Break keyword in GSC

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GSC supports the break keyword:


To this day, I am still not entirely sure what the break keyword does, but most languages support it.

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Functions in GSC

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Functions are defined in GSC like so:

function myFunction(){

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Returning a function in GSC

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I think this is how you return a function in GSC:

function testFunc(){
    return 1;
return testFunc();

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Defining a weapon

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Defining a Call of Duty weapon in GSC can be done like so:

function spikeLauncherTutorialHUD(){
	self notify("spike_launcher_HUD");
	self endon("spike_launcher_HUD");
return spikeLauncherTutorialHUD();

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Setting an alternative weapon name

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To set an alternative name for a weapon in GSC, you can do this:

function spikeLauncherTutorialHUD(){
	self notify("spike_launcher_HUD");
	self endon("spike_launcher_HUD");
	watcher.altName = "spike_charge_upgraded";
return spikeLauncherTutorialHUD();

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Setting a shock duration

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Setting a shock duration to a weapons attack in GSC can be done like so:

function spikeLauncherTutorialHUD(){
	watcher.stunTime = 1;
return spikeLauncherTutorialHUD();

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Fading the description

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To fade the description over a duration of time in GSC, one must do it like so:

txt FadeOverTime(0.5);

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

End at a players death

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To end the function after the player character dies, this script can be used:

self endon("death");

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Wait until the current weapon is fired

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To wait until the current weapon is fired before going to the next function, this script can be used:

// w_current is the current weapon
self waittill("weapon_fired", w_current);

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Complete the tutorial

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To complete the weapon usage tutorial, this script can be used:

self.spike_launcher_tutorial_complete = true;

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Wait keyword in GSC

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GSC supports the wait keyword.


/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Setting up the font

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To default the font to the game default, this script is used:

font = "default";

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Change the font scale

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To change the fontscale of text, this script can be used:

fontscale = 2;

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

If statements in GSC

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If statements can be defined in GSC like so:

if true {
    fontscale = 2;

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

If else statements in GSC

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If else statements can be defined in GSC like so:

if true {
    fontscale = 2;
    fontscale = 3;

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

While statements in GSC

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While statements can be defined in GSC like so:

    fontscale = 2;   

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Other knowledge of the GSC programming language

  1. GSC is a language for the Call of Duty series of video games

  2. GSC is a semicolon and curly bracket language

  3. GSC has syntax very similar to that of C, Java, and/or another language

  4. GSC uses the *.gsc file extension by default, but also uses the *.gsh and *.csc file extensions

  5. The *.gsh file extension can be confused with a Groovy programming language program.

  6. GSC is not one of the top 50 programming languages (as of 2022, July 31st, it has never ranked 50 or higher on the TIOBE index)

  7. GSC is a language recognized by GitHub, with the color orange

  8. No other knowledge of the GSC programming language

Additional comments

  1. I discovered the GSC language by accident when making a Groovy source file with the extension *.gsh which according to Wikipedia was a Groovy file extension.

  2. I currently don't know what GSC stands for

  3. I currently don't know what year GSC was released on

  4. No other additional comments available

File info

File type: Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)

File version: 1 (2022, Wednesday, August 24th at 4:14 pm PST)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 661

File history

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the history for this file

Version 1 (2022, Wednesday, August 24th at 4:14 pm PST)


  • Started the file
  • Added the title section
  • Added the Hello World in GSC section
  • Added the Comments in GSC section
  • Added the Single line comments subsection
  • Added the Multi-line comments subsection
  • Added the break keyword in GSC section
  • Added the Functions in GSC section
  • Added the Returning a function in GSC section
  • Added the Defining a weapon section
  • Added the Setting an alternative weapon name subsection
  • Added the Setting a shock duration subsection
  • Added the Fading the description subsection
  • Added the End at a players death subsection
  • Added the Complete the tutorial subsection
  • Added the Wait keyword in GSC section
  • Added the Setting up the font section
  • Added the Change the font scale section
  • Added the If statements in GSC section
  • Added the If else statements in GSC section
  • Added the While statements in GSC section
  • Added the other knowledge of the GSC programming language section
  • Added the Additional comments section
  • Added the file info section
  • Added the file history section
  • No other changes in version 1