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Servo Technical Steering Committee Meeting



attending: AnniLai, asajeffrey, cybai, delan, Loirooriol, mrego, mrobinson, matlu, mukilan

Status update

rego: Let's start. The first topic is a status update. We're going to talk about the layout engines work.

rego: We have been implementing some features focusing on Layout 2020 and also are continuing to improve the CI so that tests are run for both engines. Soon we will switch to running Layout 2020 by default. There have also been a few fixes this month, including iframe support for Layout 2020, named window accessor landed by delan.

rego: We have moved the nightly builds out of Amazon and into GitHub releases so we will be paying less for Amazon Web Services in the future.

rego: Any other status updates?

Layout engines report and proposal


rego: We have created a report, which is now published on the wiki as well as on our blog. We evaluated the two layout engines in Servo, including the status of the two engines. We took a look at what features were implemented in each, performance, identified strengths and weaknesses. Our conclusion is that Layout 2020 is the best option for servo for the future.

rego: Layout 2020 doesn't have the same level of support, but it will make the implementation of some features much easier. The proposal is a gradual transition. We are working on the first step now, implementing some features in Layout 2020 to evaluate how difficult it is.

rego: We've landed support for iframes and working on position: sticky and text-indent.

rego: We would look at more complex features, such as float in the mid-term.

rego: Decision isn't final, but feedback is positive.

alan: Maybe we should change the name from Layout 2020 to something like Layout 202x.

rego: If we do remove the old one, it can just be called "layout" and we can definitely get rid of the outdated name.

rust-harfbuzz: potential for ICU4X to help maintain that crate (PR: Add UnicodeFuncs with safe-to-implement traits)

rego: servo/rust-harfbuzz#197

rego: Some people have offered to maintain the rust-harfbuzz crate.

martin: This seems fine to me, and they could do a good job maintaining this

martin: I can take a look to the PR

TSC membership: policy to remove inactive members

rego: There are quite a few members who are completely inactive, don't attend meetings or comment. We could remove them for now and agree to welcome them back if they are interested.

rego: Idea: People who haven't joined any TSC meeting in 1 year and haven't participated in any TSC Zulip discussions in 1 year will be contacted via email and Zulip to check if they want to keep being part of the TSC. If they don't reply in 2 weeks mentioning they want to keep being TSC members, they'll be removed

rego: We have 23 members in in the TSC. Not sure how many are active.

rego: We can always adjust this policy.

anni: What's the reason to remove members? From a reporting standpoint, if all of a sudden we have a huge drop in membership, people might think we have a problem with the project. If it doesn't harm anything we could leave them. Maybe if we have way too many members, it's a problem, but otherwise...

alan: This only issue is having trouble meeting quorum. So far this isn't a problem, but if things start going wrong, this could be an issue.

anni: How many members do we have today?

rego: There are 23 right now.

anni: How many are active?

rego: does a quick count Maybe 11 out of 23 are active.

anni: If quorum is 50%, that is a problem. Maybe people who haven't been participating, we can send them an email. I think we have to let them know first.

rego: The idea would be to send an email and also a Zulip message. We wouldn't remove anyone who is still interested in being a part.

mats: We would only remove them from TSC, not all of Zulip chat.

rego: Yes, and they are welcome to come back whenever they want.

alan: The initial membership invitations included all the active contributors. My memory was that it included everyone who said yes, which was most of the people.

rego: I think Josh already did a process like this to see if anyone wanted to be removed. Only one person replied affirmatively.

alan: I'm still in touch with the ex-Mozilla people, so I'll send a message to them.

rego: We would like to have as many active members as possible.

anni: Where are Mozilla folks based?

alan: Scattered around.

anni: Any event that includes lots of these people?

alan: Not really.

anni: It would be nice to have some kind of event.

alan: If there was some kind of get together event, it would probably be positively received. The only blocker is that everyone is pretty busy with new jobs right now.

anni: It would be great to do a status check on all of these members and to know where they are. Maybe just have a conversation with each one of them.

alan: Email and GitHub contacts are definitely there, so it's pretty straight-forward. I have a personal contact, so I can raise it to avoid surprise.

anni: If you can give us a sort of list to establish a baseline, maybe we can use it to reach out.

rego: We will contact them and explain the situation.

mats: I think there are some new contributors as well. It's better to get active people with good ideas to join the TSC.

Linux Foundation

rego: Update: I have been working on slides to share about possibilities with the foundation. rego gives presentation

rego: Slides:

anni: I attended the LF Europe advisory board meeting last year and I approached some of them to talk about Servo. Some of them seemed to be very interested.

anni: I think there are other European companies who might be interested and there is traction there. We can have a follow up and set up meetings with some of these companies.

mats: This seems like a good idea.

alan: Agree.

alan: There might be some things that need to transfer over smoothly, such as the crowd-funding donation model. That covered the AWS bills for a while. People feel ownership when you give them the opportunity to donate.

rego: According to the LF, even if it's an LFE project, all the infrastructure can be reused. I don't know the financial details.

rego: There are still some issues with reimbursement, etc that we need to solve.

rego: We can revisit this topic later too.


rego: The main thing we have right now is that we are attending RustNL in Amsterdam. There will be people from Tauri and Dioxus there. They have shown interest in using Servo there.

anni: Any possibility for a talk?

martin: Possibility for a lightning talk.

anni: There is also OS North American Vancouver. We're doing a virtual panel. Eric plans to talk about Wolvic and Servo.

rego: Then we have the Web Engines Hackfest in June. We are planning to give a talk about Servo there. It's going to be remote and in-person.

rego: At the end of June there is the Embedded Open Source conference. Our talk was ultimately rejected, but we plan to do some Outreach there.

anni: Any demos in the works?

rego: We are hoping to have something for June.


rego: No other topics, so we're done. Thanks.