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7ade1c3 · Jul 23, 2020


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File metadata and controls

250 lines (198 loc) · 11.8 KB


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A Problem: It's harder than absolutely easy to make meaningful, simple, data for testing and development.

A Solution: A fake data generator that provides not only a host of basics and a rememberable syntax, but a customizable library to boot.

Welcome to Forgery, an excellent solution to a problem so hard you didn't know it was there.


You'll want to read individual Forgery categories for more information, but these are the basics:

  #=> "b6qZTQEH"

  #=> "[email protected]"

  #=> "1.58"

  #=> "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam egestas."

Forgery(:monetary).formatted_money :min => 100, :max => 1000
  #=> "$923.36"

And many many more!

Alternatively you can write it like this:


In addition, you can always write your own dictionaries and formats, overriding the ones in the gem. Fully explained here.


Like any gem, you can install Forgery two ways depending on it's use.

For normal Ruby development, you need simply use:

gem install forgery

This will add it to your gem library, just like any normal gem. You can then use it like any normal gem library. See examples for more.

Rails 3.x

If you're using Rails 3.x you need to do a few extra things (that are probably rote). First step is to add it to your Rails.root/Gemfile, we also suggest specifying the latest version (found on rubygems):

gem 'forgery', '0.6.0'

Then you'll need to run bundle install to install and lock in your new gem. Next you'll want to run the special Rails 3 generator:

bundle exec rails generate forgery

Rails 2.x

For Rails 2.x you'll need to do something a little different, by first editing your Rails.root/config/environment.rb and adding this to the configuration block:

config.gem 'forgery'

Then you'll need to run this in your command line:

script/generate forgery


This Rails generators will make these directories in your Rails.root directory:

  • Rails.root/lib/forgery
  • Rails.root/lib/forgery/dictionaries
  • Rails.root/lib/forgery/extensions
  • Rails.root/lib/forgery/forgeries
  • Rails.root/lib/forgery/formats

You can then use these directories to write your own dictionaries, class extensions, forgeries, and formats.

Full List of Methods

Address Example Output
Forgery('address').city Loomis
Forgery('address').continent South America
Forgery('address').country Cameroon
Forgery('address').phone +1 (693) 901-4549
Forgery('address').province Alberta
Forgery('address').province_abbrev NT
Forgery('address').state Alabama
Forgery('address').state_abbrev SC
Forgery('address').street_address 21 Hayes Park
Forgery('address').street_name Oneill
Forgery('address').street_number 222
Forgery('address').street_suffix Drive
Forgery('address').zip 11281-5568
Basic Example Output
Forgery('basic').boolean true (TrueClass)
Forgery('basic').color Red
Forgery('basic').encrypt fc0d835dd4e4df144a33a6a346298b0f23dcd14a
Forgery('basic').frequency Never
Forgery('basic').hex_color #e1d82a
Forgery('basic').number 4
Forgery('basic').password KcLBHCv6
Forgery('basic').short_hex_color #c1d
Forgery('basic').text G8gECFfvDs2
Credit Card Example Output
Forgery('credit_card').check_digit(number) 5
Forgery('credit_card').number 343682330855371
Forgery('credit_card').type American Express
Forgery('currency').code XPF
Forgery('currency').description Austria Schillings
Date Example Output
Forgery('date').date Fri, 20 Mar 2009 (Date)
Forgery('date').day 15
Forgery('date').day_of_week Monday
Forgery('date').delta(options) 3
Forgery('date').month January
Forgery('date').year 1994
Email Example Output
Forgery('email').address [email protected]
Forgery('email').body Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer ...
Forgery('email').subject Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet...
Geo Example Output
Forgery('geo').latitude -8.095096815540515 (Float)
Forgery('geo').latitude_degrees -49
Forgery('geo').latitude_direction N
Forgery('geo').latitude_minutes 14
Forgery('geo').latitude_seconds 45
Forgery('geo').longitude -22.56746406884514 (Float)
Forgery('geo').longitude_degrees 100
Forgery('geo').longitude_direction W
Forgery('geo').longitude_minutes 47
Forgery('geo').longitude_seconds 41
Internet Example Output
Forgery('internet').cctld cf
Forgery('internet').email_address [email protected]
Forgery('internet').email_subject Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet...
Forgery('internet').ip_v6 c61e:5926:15e6:d225:8eef:fb39:7412:e9d5
Forgery('internet').top_level_domain com
Forgery('internet').user_name sdixon
Lorem Ipsum Example Output
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').character l
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').characters lorem ipsu
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').lorem_ipsum_characters lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').lorem_ipsum_words "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", ...
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').paragraph Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').paragraphs Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').range_from_quantity(quantity) 0..4 (Range)
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').sentence Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').sentences Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').title Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet...
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').word lorem
Forgery('lorem_ipsum').words lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
Monetary Example Output
Forgery('monetary').formatted_money $5.49
Forgery('monetary').money 9.20 (String)
Name Example Output
Forgery('name').company_name Bubbletube
Forgery('name').female_first_name Judy
Forgery('name').first_name Albert
Forgery('name').full_name Evelyn Wallace
Forgery('name').industry Toy & Hobby Stores
Forgery('name').job_title Analyst Programmer
Forgery('name').job_title_suffix III
Forgery('name').last_name Jackson
Forgery('name').location Try-N-Save
Forgery('name').male_first_name Donald
Forgery('name').suffix Sr
Forgery('name').title Mr
Personal Example Output
Forgery('personal').abbreviated_gender F
Forgery('personal').gender Female
Forgery('personal').language Bislama
Forgery('personal').race Indonesian
Forgery('personal').shirt_size 2XL
Bank Account Example Output
Forgery('bank_account').iban BE68539007547034
Forgery('bank_account').bic VBRSDE33345
Russian Tax Example Output
Forgery('russian_tax').account_number 56335652786612121479
Forgery('russian_tax').bik 046533860
Forgery('russian_tax').inn 7366543467
Forgery('russian_tax').legal_inn 7822838630
Forgery('russian_tax').legal_ogrn 3483465598635
Forgery('russian_tax').ogrn 666325227817763
Forgery('russian_tax').person_inn 451559765443
Forgery('russian_tax').person_ogrn 195478617554621
Time Example Output
Forgery('time').zone Amsterdam (String)


This is a work in progress and an open source project, so feel free to contribute.

We'll take pull requests via git or suggestions via the issues tab. Any work done on Forgery will get you into the credits list and in our hearts.