Phonetics Analytics Library contains the Libraries implementing the Characteristics of Phones, Phonemes, and other Suprasegmental Features.
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- Phonetics => Characteristics of Phones, Phonemes, and other Suprasegmental Features.
- Phonetics
- Overview
- Production
- Place of Articulation
- Labial
- Coronal
- Dorsal
- Pharyngeal and Laryngeal
- The Larynx
- Lexical Access
- Articulatory Models
- Acoustics
- Voicing and Phonation Types
- Vowels
- Manner of Articulation
- Pulmonary and Sub-glottal System
- Source-filter Theory
- Perception
- Audition
- Prosody
- Theories of Speech
- Subdisciplines - Acoustic Phonetics
- Subdisciplines - Articulatory Phonetics
- Subdisciplines - Auditory Phonetics
- Describing Sounds
- Transcription
- Sign Languages
- References
- Acoustic Phonetics
- Overview
- References
- Articulatory Phonetics
- Overview
- Components
- Initiation
- Consonants
- Vowels
- Articulators - Glottis
- Articulators - Pharynx
- Articulators - Velum
- Articulators - Tongue
- Articulators - Lips
- Airflow
- Sound Sources
- Periodic Sources
- References
- Auditory Phonetics
- Overview
- Physical Scales and Auditory Sensations
- Segmental and Suprasegmental
- In Speech Research
- References
- Speech Production
- Overview
- Three Stages
- Neuroscience
- Evolution of Speech Production Research
- Aspects of Speech Production Models
- The Utterance Generator Model (1971)
- The Garrett Model (1975)
- Dell's Model (1994)
- Levelt Model (1999)
- Places of Articulation
- Articulation
- Development
- References
- Consonant
- Overview
- Consonat Sounds and Consonant Letters
- Consonants and Vowels
- Features
- IPA: Pulmonic Consonants
- IPA: Non-pulmonic Consonants
- IPA: Co-articulated Consonants
- Examples
- References
- Place of Articulation
- Introduction
- Overview
- The Larynx
- Passive Places of Articulation
- Active Places of Articulation
- Table of Gestures and Passive Articulators and Resulting Places of Articulation
- Homorganic Consonants
- Central and Lateral Articulation
- Coarticulation
- References
- Labial Consonant
- Overview
- Absence of Labials
- References
- Coronal Consonant
- Overview
- Places of Articulation
- Examples
- Examples - European
- Examples - Australian Aborginal
- References
- Palatal Consonant
- Overview
- Characteristics
- Distinction from Patalaized Consonants and Consonant Clusters
- Examples
- References
- Palatalization
- Overview
- Variations
- Transcription
- Phonology
- Allophonic
- Phonemic
- Morphophonemic
- Sound Changes
- Examples - Slavic Languages
- Examples - Goidelic
- Examples - Mandarin Chinese
- Examples - Marshallese
- Other Uses
- References
- Postalveolar Consonants
- Overview
- Postalveolar Sibilants
- Postalveolar Sibilants - Tongue Shape
- Postalveolar Sibilants - Point of Tongue Contact (Laminal, Apical, Subapical)
- Postalveolar Sibilants - Position of Tongue Tip (Laminal "Closed")
- Postalveolar Sibilants - Examples
- Postalveolar Non-sibilants
- Postalveolar Non-sibilants - Non-palatalized (Retroflex)
- Postalveolar Non-sibilants - Palatalized
- Postalveolar Non-sibilants - Examples
- Postalveolar Clicks
- References
- Velar Consonants
- Overview
- IPA Examples
- Lack of Velars
- Velodorsal Consonants
- References
- Uvular Consonants
- Overview
- Uvular Consonants in IPA
- Descriptions in Different Languages
- Phonological Representation
- Uvular Rhotics
- References
- Guttural
- Overview
- Meaning and Etymology
- Languages
- Languages - Examples of Significant Usage
- Languages - Examples of Partial Usage
- References
- Laryngeal Consonant
- Overview
- References
- Retroflex Consonant
- Overview
- Types
- Types - Other Sounds
- Transcription - IPA
- Transcription - Other Conventions
- Occurrence
- References
- Nasal Consonant
- Overview
- Definition
- Voiceless Nasals
- Other Kinds of Nasal Consonants
- Languages without Nasals
- Languages without Nasals - Lack of Phonemic Nasals
- Languages without Nasals - Lack of Phonetic Nasals
- References
- Obstruent
- Overview
- Subclasses
- Voicing
- References
- Manner of Articulation
- Overview
- Broad Classifications
- Stricture
- Other Parameters
- Individual Manners
- Other Airstream Initiations
- References
- Occlusive
- Overview
- Common Occlusives
- References
- Plosive
- Overview
- Terminology
- Articulation
- Common Plosives
- Classification - Voice
- Classification - Aspiration
- Classification - Length
- Classification - Nasalization
- Classification - Airstream Mechanism
- Classification - Tenseness
- Transcription
- Transcription - English
- Transcription - Variations
- References
- Fricatives
- Overview
- Types - Sibilants
- Types - Central Non-sibilant Fricatives
- Types - Lateral Fricatives
- Types - IPA Letters Used for Both Fricatives and Approximants
- Types - Pseudo-fricatives
- Types - Aspirated Fricatives
- Types - Nasalized Fricatives
- Occurrence
- Acoustics
- Reference
- Sibilant
- Overview
- Acoustics
- Sibilant Types
- Tongue Shape
- Place of Articulation
- Point of Contact on the Tongue
- Symbols in the IPA
- Possible Combinations
- Whistled Sibilants
- Linguistic Contrasts among Sibilants
- Contested Definitions
- References
- Affricate
- Overview
- Examples
- Notation
- Affricates vs. Stop-Fricative Sequences
- List of Affricates
- Sibilant Affricates
- Non-sibilant Affricates
- Lateral Affricates
- Trilled Affricates
- Heterorganic Affricates
- Phonation, Co-articulation, and other Variants
- Phonological Representation
- Affrication
- Pre-affrication
- References
- Liquid Consonant
- Overview
- Phonological Properties
- Metathesis
- Dissimilation
- Sequence r ... r > l ... r
- Sequence l ... l > r ... l
- Nucleus Slot
- Areal Distribution
- References
- Rhotic Consonant
- Overview
- Types
- Characteristics
- Variable Rhoticity
- English
- Other Germanic Languages
- Astur-Leonese
- Catalan
- French
- Indonesian and Malaysian Malay
- Khmer
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Thai
- Turkish
- Uyghur
- Yaqui
- Lacid
- Kurdish
- References
- Approximant
- Overview
- Terminology
- Semivowels
- Apprimants versus Fricatives
- Central Approximants
- Lateral Approximants
- Co-articulated Approximants with Dedicated IPA Symbols
- Voiceless Approximants
- Disagreement over Use of the Term
- Phonetic Characteristics
- Distinctiveness
- Nasal Approximants
- References
- Semivowel
- Overview
- Classification
- Contrast with Vowels
- Contrast with Fricatives/Spirant Approximants
- References
- Continuant
- References
- Lateral Consonant
- Overview
- Examples
- List of Laterals - Approximants
- List of Laterals - Fricatives
- List of Laterals - Affricates
- List of Laterals - Flaps
- List of Laterals - Ejective Fricatives
- List of Laterals - Ejective Africates
- List of Laterals - Ejective Clicks
- Ambiguous Centrality
- Lateralized Consonants
- References
- Vibrant Consonant
- References
- Trill Consonant
- Overview
- Phonemic Trills
- Extralinguistic Trills
- Summary
- References
- Tap and Flap Consonants
- Overview
- Contrasts with Stops, Trills
- Tap vs. Flap
- IPA Symbols
- Types of Taps and Flaps
- Alveolar Taps and Flaps
- Retroflex Flaps
- Lateral Taps and Flaps
- Non-coronal Flaps
- Nasal Taps and Flaps
- Tapped Fricatives
- References
- Vowels
- Overview
- Vowels with Diacritics
- Definition
- Articulation
- Height
- Jones’ Articulation
- Backness
- Roundedness
- Front, Raised, and Retracted
- Nasalization
- Phonation
- Tenseness
- Tongue Root Position
- Secondary Narrowing in the Vocal Tract
- Rhotic Vowels
- Reduced Vowels
- Common Reduced Vowels – IPA Provides only <ə> and <ɐ>
- Acoustics
- Spectrogram of the Vowels [i, u, ɑ]
- Prosody and Intonation
- Idealized Schematic of the Vowel Space
- Schematic with Few Intermediate Vowels
- Monophthongs, Diphthongs, Triphthongs
- Written Vowels
- Shifts
- Systems
- Words Without Vowels
- Words Consisting of Only Vowels
- References
- Overview
- Monophthongization
- Overview
- Arabic
- English
- Smoothing
- Hindi
- German
- Greek
- French
- References
- Diphthongization
- Overview
- Transcription
- Types
- Falling and Rising
- Closing, Opening, and Centering
- Narrow and Wide
- Phonology
- Sound Changes
- Difference from Semivowel and Vowel Sequences
- Examples
- Germanic Languages
- English
- Standard English Diphthongs
- Diphthongs of Dutch
- Standard German
- Bernese German
- Yiddish
- Norwegian
- Faroese
- Icelandic
- Romance Languages
- French
- Quebec French
- Catalan
- Catalan Diphthongs
- Portuguese
- Falling Oral Diphthongs of Portuguese
- Falling Nasal Diphthongs of Portuguese
- Spanish
- Falling Spanish Diphthongs
- Rising Spanish Diphthongs
- Italian
- Falling Italian Diphthongs
- Rising Italian Diphthongs
- Romanian
- Celtic Languages
- Irish
- Scottish Gaelic
- Cornish
- Welsh
- Slavic Languages
- Czech
- Serbo-Croatian
- Finno-Ugric Languages
- Estonian
- Finnish
- Closing Finnish Diphthongs
- Close Finnish Diphthongs
- Opening Finnish Diphthongs
- Northern Sami
- Semitic Languages
- Maltese
- Sino-Tibetan Languages
- Mandarin Chinese
- Cantonese
- Thai-Kadai Languages
- Thai
- Mon-Khmer Languages
- Vietnamese
- Khmer
- Bantu Languages
- Zulu
- Autronesian Languages
- Indonesian
- Germanic Languages
- References
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