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3e9ba1d · Jul 30, 2023


392 lines (321 loc) · 33.3 KB

File metadata and controls

392 lines (321 loc) · 33.3 KB



Highlights 🎉

  • Improve compatibility when using sbt-tpolecat (PR #630)
  • Support IntelliJ 2023.1 (PR #638)

Highlights 🎉

  • Includes the core set of changes required to make Slinky work well with Next.js (including module splitting). The Slinky docs site now is built with Next.js! (PR #588)

Breaking Changes ⚠️

  • Slinky now requires Scala.js 1.9.0 or higher, but libraries published against older versions of Slinky should continue to work (PR #588)
  • The interface to createPortal has changed, but libraries should not be affected since this is typically intended for end-users (PR #594)

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fix stale version of components being rendered when hot reloading is used with module splitting (PR #588)
  • Add support for the key parameter of createPortal (PR #594)
  • Allow the cx and cy SVG attributes to be assigned to Strings instead of just Double (PR #617)

v0.7.2 (replaced v0.7.1)

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Inline functional component creation to improve stack traces (PR #551)
  • Fix issue with readers not being available in dev mode on Scala 3 (PR #552)
  • Fix CI issues with publishing to Maven Central and JetBrains Marketplace

Highlights 🎉

  • Added preliminary Scala 3 support (PR #494)
    • no @react/Props-apply sugar
    • expected to require -source:3.0-migration and produce warnings
    • may not encode the same props in the same way as Scala 2 version due to different encoder generation mechanism.

Breaking Changes ⚠️

  • Dropped Scala.js 0.6 and upgraded 1.x line to 1.6.0 to simplify building with Scala 3 (PR #494)
  • Updated scalajs-dom to v2.0.0 which is cross-published for Scala 3 (PR #511)

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Support returning js.Function as the cleanup handler for effect hooks (PR #525)
  • Support using React.memo on a component created with React.forwardRef (PR #530)
  • Support the dependencies parameter of useImperativeHandle (PR #531)

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Bring back the missing dd and dt tags (PR #477)
  • Allow the Props type in an @react component to have its own annotations (PR #476)
  • Support the readOnly attribute on textarea elements (PR #492)
  • Remove an extra println in an element conversion (PR #507)

Highlights 🎉

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Add missing inherited props to native FlatList component (PR #422)

Highlights 🎉

  • Updated scalajs-dom to 1.0.0 (PR #362)
  • Add facades for the React.Profiler component (PR #372)
  • Add facades for the act funcion in react-test-renderer (PR #376)

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fix compilation errors on Scala 2.13 when Any is involved in Props/State types (PR #388)
  • Allow exporting external component definitions as instances of ReactComponentClass (PR #377)
  • Update prop type definitions for the React Native Image component to support local images (PR #411)

Breaking Changes ⚠️

  • Due to the update of scalajs-dom to 1.0.0 a support for dd and dt tags has been dropped.

Highlights 🎉

  • Add docs for the new Electron app template (PR #339)

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fix crashes with class components when emitting ES2015 code (PR #335)
  • Support hot reloading when using Scala.js 1.0 (PR #336)
  • Correct props type definition for the React Native FlatList component (PR #352)

Highlights 🎉

  • Add slinky-react-router and slinky-history as separate subprojects, to provide interfaces to react-router and the html5 history api (PR #305)
  • Add apply method for constructing CustomTag and CustomAttributes (PR #318)
  • Rewrite the class component logic to patch the component definition once to handle JS data instead of on every initialization (PR #321)

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Add ARIA role attribute (PR #309)
  • Support className and role attributes for SVG (PR #314)
  • Add novalidate attribute to form (PR #315)
  • Fix types for the useCallback hook and fix its reference equality behavior (PR #302)
  • Use js.Object instead of js.Dynamics on attribute style (PR #322)
  • Add missing inherited props to native ScrollView component (PR #326)

Internal Infrastructure

  • Fix project build in Windows OS and add automated testing in Windows to CI workflow. You can now build Slinky and run tests in Windows (PR #308)

Highlights 🎉

Bug Fixes

  • Fix crashes when calling setState on a component with Props set to some subtype of Function1 (PR #295)
  • Support useCallback with a function that takes arguments (PR #290)
  • Fix false warnings on @react classes if -Ywarn-value-discard scalac option was used (PR #296)
  • Update the IntelliJ support plugin to be compatible with IntelliJ 2019.2 (PR #297)

Highlights 🎉

  • Support optional attributes, see the docs for more details (PR #275)
  • Slinky now has full support for Scala 2.13 (PR #269)

Bug Fixes

  • Improve error messages when an @react class extends the wrong supertype (PR #277)
  • Add shortcut apply for @react functional components to mirror class components (PR #278)

Highlights 🎉

  • Allow SetStateHookCallback to be used as plain functions through an implicit conversion (PR #268)
  • Allow React.memo to specify a custom compare function (PR #260)
  • New facades for React Native: SafeAreaView, TouchableHighlight, TouchableOpacity, and Platform (PR #214)

Bug Fixes

  • Allow component defined in a functional component to have any access control (PR #262)
  • Fix incorrect typing of SyntheticMouseEvent.clientX (PR #261)

Highlights 🎉

  • Casting the target property of event objects is no longer needed! Now all event handlers are statically typed based on the tag they are being placed on (PR #243)
  • Support React Hooks for functional components, see the docs for more details (PR #227)
  • Add support for writing functional components, see the docs for more details (PR #217)
  • Slinky docs have moved to a new domain,!

Breaking Changes ⚠️

  • The tags API has seen some major changes, please take a look at the separate section below for more details (PR #243)
  • Half-built components and tags, which have some props provided but have not yet been converted to a ReactElement, cannot be reused. Doing this will result in a runtime exception pointing out where the reuse occured (PR #253)
  • Components using the static lifecycle functions getDerivedStateFromProps and getDerivedStateFromError must now override the functions with a val (PR #248)
  • The React.forwardRef function now takes a FunctionalComponentTakingRef, which can be creating by creating a functional component that takes an additional ref parameter: FunctionalComponent((props, ref) => ...) (PR #227)
  • The ReactRef type is no longer variant in its type parameters to increase type safety (PR #227)
  • Components will no longer have their displayName when built in fullOptJS mode, this results in a ~2.5% decrease in bundle size and matches behavior with JS where names are obfuscated in production builds (PR #217)
  • The Option writer now emits null instead of js.undefined for a value of None (PR #247)

Bug Fixes

  • Make the static lifecycle functions getDerivedStateFromProps and getDerivedStateFromError work correctly in fullOptJS mode (PR #248)
  • Fix issues around state not updating when setting an Option to None in hot reloading mode (PR #247)
  • Handle null return values in derived state functions to not update the state (PR #249)
  • Fix the js.| reader/writer implementations to work correctly in fullOptJS mode (PR #248)
  • Support autoComplete attr for input and form elements (PR #225)
  • Fix capitalization of rowSpan/colSpan attribute (used to be rowspan/colspan) (PR #224)

Tags API Changes

This release includes a major rewrite of the tags API that eliminates the need to cast the target value of event handlers and improves typesafety by more closely matching the official React API. As a result of these changes, event handlers defined in separate methods or code abstracting over tags may not initially compile with this new version.

Event Handlers

Event handlers in previous versions of Slinky were functions from a DOM event type to Unit. In React, events are normalized into SyntheticEvents that provide a common subset of the events generated in different browsers. In this version of Slinky, event handlers have been changed to all be functions from a synthetic event type (one of SyntheticEvent[TargetDOMType, UnderlyingDOMEventType], SyntheticMouseEvent[TargetDOMType], SyntheticTouchEvent[TargetDOMType], etc based on the event being listened to) to Unit.

This means that explicit references to the DOM event type will no longer compile and will need to be replaced by an appropriate synthetic event type with a TargetDOMType that matches the DOM type of the tag the listener is being placed on. This change ensures that the properties available on event objects at compile time match those generated by React.

Abstracting over Tags

In previous versions of Slinky, passing in attributes required the first attribute to be passed separately from the varargs parameter containing the rest of the attributes. In this version, the API for constructing tags has changed from apply taking either (firstTag: AttrPair[...], otherTags: AttrPair[...]*) or ReactElement* to just a single method taking (mods: TagMod[...]*) with conversions from AttrPair and ReactElement to this type.

So code that passed in generated attributes like:

div(firstAttr, restAttrs: _*)

will now need to be replaced by

div(allAttrs: _*)

Similarly, in components that previously took in AttrPair and ReactElement separately, this can now be simplified to just take TagMods.

Highlights 🎉

  • Slinky support for Scala 2.13 is now built with 2.13.0-M5 (PR #202)
  • Add support for getDerivedStateFromError from React 16.6 (PR #206)
  • Add support for the Suspense component from React 16.6 (PR #216)
  • Use default parameters to fill in missing props on exported components (PR #221)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix compile errors when overriding the Props or State type (PR #220)
  • Update library injector setup to support IntelliJ 2018.3 and newer (PR #219)
  • Fix runtime crash when initialState() is defined with the extra parentheses (PR #218)
  • Fix compilation errors in generating Reader/Writer when private objects are involved (PR #205)

Highlights 🎉

  • Support reading and writing scala.Array (PR #187)
  • Support the defaultValue attribute for specifying a default form value without overriding user inputs (PR #186)

Bug Fixes

  • Prevent crashes with components that store an Option of an opaque type in their State (PR #198)
  • Fix ComponentWrappers not picking up manually defined Reader/Writers for the State type (PR #190)
  • Fix how the IntelliJ extensions handles components that have a children prop but no other props (PR #189)
  • Fix errors when using the @react macro annotation with Component/StatelessComponent imported locally (PR #188)
  • Fix the value attribute not being available on the select and textarea tags (PR #177)
  • Bump Scala version to 2.12.7 and SBT/plugin versions as well (PR #176)


Highlights 🎉

  • Slinky now supports Scala 2.13.0-M4 (PR #153)!
  • Magnolia has been replaced with a custom implementation tuned for Slinky, resulting in smaller bundles and faster compilation (PR #159, PR #159)
  • Readers and writers for props are no longer needed for hot-reloading components, resulting in up to 2x drops in bundle size in fastOptJS mode (PR #162)
  • React element construction is now more aggressively inlined, resulting in smaller bundle sizes (5% drop in the docs project) (PR #156)
  • Switch from React VR package to React 360 (PR #141)

Breaking Changes

  • Scalameta is no longer used for the @react macro, and Macro Paradise is used instead. See the docs for updated installation instructions for adding the Macro Paradise compiler plugin (PR #132)
  • @react components taking a children prop now generate an apply method with the children moved to a curried parameter to better match JSX (PR #161)
  • React VR components are no longer supported, the slinky-vr module now points to React 360 (PR #141)
  • ReactComponentClass now takes a type parameter of the Props type to improve type safety with higher-order components. Existing uses can be safely replaced with ReactComponentClass[_] (PR #157)
  • Interop with Scala.js React now requires using the explicit conversions .toSlinky and .toScalaJSReact (PR #151)


  • Support pointer events that were added in React 16.4 (PR #149)
  • Bump Scala.js React version for interop to 1.2.0 (PR #148)
  • Fix errors in Reader/Writer provider macros with Scala versions > 2.12.4 (PR #147)
  • Support storing any type as a default context value (PR #136)
  • Set sourcemaps to use GitHub URLs so that they load in other apps (PR #143)


  • Fix bug with shouldComponentUpdate not being registered correctly on the component (PR #135)


  • Fix exception when hot-reloading Slinky components (PR #134)


Highlights 🎉

  • Slinky now has support for React 16.3 features
  • Slinky now has support for React Native, available in the slinky-native module. Try it out with create-react-native-scala-app
  • Slinky now has support for React VR, available in the slinky-vr module. Try it out with create-react-vr-scala-app
  • Want to write fancier unit tests for your Slinky app? Slinky now comes with an interface for react-test-renderer, available under the slinky-testrenderer module. (PR #119)

Breaking Changes

  • The ErrorBoundary trait has been removed, because it is no longer needed to implement an error boundary component
  • The DefinitionBase class now takes an additional type parameter Snapshot, for use with the new snapshot-based lifecycle API
  • The BuildingComponent case class has been simplified into a regular class, so the new keyword is now required when creating instances
  • The React object has been refactored to take regular Scala types instead of JS types, so any dependency on the original JS types (js.FunctionN) will not work


  • The @react macro now produces nicer APIs for external components that have default values for all props parameters. (PR #119)
  • Add more variations for ExternalComponent that support providing a statically-typed interface for the component instance: ExternalComponentWithRefType, ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType, ExternalComponentNoPropsWithRefType, ExternalComponentNoPropsWithAttributesWithRefType (PR #119)
  • Bring back the WithRaw trait, which makes it possible to access the original object of a read value (PR #122)
  • Fix exceptions when declaring custom tags and attributes in a component class (PR #118)
  • Fix exceptions when reading the null-prototype in Node.js (PR #121)


  • Improve support for creating custom tags and attributes (see docs for details) (PR #116)


  • Fix compilation errors when using an Option of a component instance in a tag tree (PR #111)
  • Reduce warnings for unused imports when using the @react macro annotation (PR #112)



  • Slinky now has full support for React 16 features such as fragments, portals, and streaming server-side-rendering
  • The tag API has been remodeled to be more efficient and flexible (see
  • The @react macro annotation is now compatible with many more use cases, such as pulling values from a companion object, and has improved support in IntelliJ


  • BREAKING!: The package me.shadaj.slinky has been renamed to slinky (PR #103)
  • BREAKING: Stateless components that use the @react macro annotation must extend the StatelessComponent class instead of just Component (PR #69)
  • BREAKING: Callbacks passed to setState are now Scala functions, so there is no need to force implicit conversions (PR #71)
  • BREAKING: The tag construction flow now requires attributes to come before children. In addition, an empty list of attributes is no longer allowed. When generating tags with dynamic attributes, you will now need to construct the tag as tag(attrs.head, attrs.tail: _*) to satisfy this requirement (PR #73)
  • Add support for portal elements, which were introduced in React 16 (PR #65)
  • Greatly improve IntelliJ support for Slinky with special macro annotation behavior (PR #69)
  • Add an alternative apply method to eliminate compiler warnings when using propless components (PR #70)
  • Add better error message when @react annotation is used on a component with no Props type declaration (PR #72)
  • Better support for converting Slinky types to scalajs-react types when an implicit conversion to ReactElement is needed (PR #73)
  • Large performance gains in tag construction, with over 5x improvements for some components! (PR #73)
  • Add missing global HTML attributes: spellCheck, contentEditable, and tabIndex (PR #77)
  • Fix compilation errors when trying to use findDOMNode and passing in an annotated component (PR #78)
  • Add no-callback forceUpdate and make it available in annotated components (PR #78)
  • Fix bugs involving using companion object values from a @react annotated component (PR #80)
  • Add a * tag for external components that can take any attribute (PR #81)
  • Add support for error boundaries, which were added in React 16 (PR #82)
  • Add support for all ReactElement types introduced in React 16, such as numbers and booleans (PR #83)
  • Add remaining methods from ReactDOMServer, including those introduced in React 16 (PR #84)
  • Add the custom on attribute for AMP pages, introduced in React 16 (PR #85)
  • Add facade for React.Children, including a new type ReactChildren for props.children (PR #86)
  • Add facade for ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode (PR #88)
  • Fix mapping of undefined values in a case class. Such values now do not become a property in the written object (PR #95)
  • Add readers for js.Array[T] (PR #100)
  • Add common supertype Tag for all tag elements to allow abstracting over them (PR #101)
  • Add common supertype Attr with the typeclass supports[Tag] to allow abstracting over supported attributes (see TagTest for example) (PR #101)


  • BREAKING: Instead of taking key and refs as additional parameters next to props, they are now taken in through the methods withKey and withRef (components and external components only)
  • BREAKING: Introduce the experimental macro annotation @react to simplify component and external component creation with auto-generated companion object for a component class (or external component object). This is a major change to how applications with Slinky are written, so please see the notes at the end of the changelog (PR #29)
    • BREAKING: This change also renames the Component class to ComponentWrapper. The Component class is now used for the @react annotation.
  • BREAKING: Rename ExternalComponentWithTagMods to ExternalComponentWithAttributes and take attributes as a curried parameter instead of an extra parameter after Props (PR #26)
  • BREAKING: Introduce ExternalComponentNoProps and ExternalComponentNoPropsWithAttributes for cases where an external component takes no props (PR #58)
  • BREAKING: Slinky now expects that the -P:scalajs:sjsDefinedByDefault compiler option is enabled in the @react macro annotation []
  • Have mouse attributes such as onMouseDown take a MouseEvent instead of just an Event (PR #27)
  • Add support for generating Reader and Writer for sealed traits, value classes, and case objects (through a Magnolia upgrade) (PR #45)
  • Fix bug with hot loading not updating instances of readers and writers (PR #49)
  • Fix bug with hot loading using the wrong proxy component when there are multiple components classes in the tree (PR #50)
  • Add support for reading and writing js.Dynamic (and anything that extends js.Any) (PR #51)
  • Add support for reading and writing union types (js.|) (PR #52)
  • Slinky's implementation of mapping Scala types to JS types is now available as a separate module slinky-readwrite (PR #54)
  • Improve type safety of ExternalComponentWithAttributes by restricting the type parameter to tag types (PR #55)

@react macro annotation (experimental)

One of Slinky's main goals is to have React components written in Scala look very similar to ES6. In version 0.1.x, Slinky required extra boilerplate for defining an object that contained apply methods and then creating a Def inner class that contained the actual component logic.

This version includes the @react macro annotation, which makes it possible to directly write the class containing component logic and have Slinky generate the companion object for constructing component instances. The macro annotation also now generates special apply methods when your Props is a case class so that constructing Scala components looks more similar to JSX, with the Props values directly taken as parameters of the apply.

Note that the macro annotation is experimental and not required. To use the original component style simply replace the extends Component with extends ComponentWrapper and your components should continue to function as they did before.

As an example of migrating an existing component to the new macro annotation style, take a simple component that displays a header:

import me.shadaj.slinky.core.WrapperComponent
import me.shadaj.slinky.web.html._

object HelloMessage extends WrapperComponent {
  case class Props(name: String)
  type State = Unit

  class Def(jsProps: js.Object) extends Definition(jsProps) {
    def render() = {
      div(s"Hello ${}")

to use the new macro annotation style, we essentially extract out the definition class, move the Props and State types into the class, and extend Component instead of Definition:

import me.shadaj.core.{Component, react}
import me.shadaj.slinky.web.html._

@react class HelloMessage extends Component {
  case class Props(name: String)
  type State = Unit
  def render() = {
    div(s"Hello ${}")

If we want to use this component, we now have a new option for constructing it directly passing in the Props values

HelloMessage(HelloMessage.Props("Shadaj")) // old style
HelloMessage("Shadaj") // now possible!
HelloMessage(name = "Shadaj") // now possible, closest to JSX

The @react annotation is also available for external components. For external components, the annotation generates the new apply method style in the same style as Scala components.

import me.shadaj.slinky.core.annotations.react
import me.shadaj.slinky.core.ExternalComponent

@react object React3 extends ExternalComponent {
  case class Props(mainCamera: String, width: Int, height: Int,
                   onAnimate: Option[() => Unit] = None, alpha: Boolean = false)

  override val component: js.Object =[js.Object]

this makes it possible to construct the external component as

React3(mainCamera = "camera", width = 800, height = 800)


  • Have ExternalComponentsWithTagMods take the tag type as a type parameter instead of an abstract type (PR #19)
  • Added support for reading and writing values of type js.UndefOr[T] (PR #18)
  • Components and external components with a Props type of Unit can now be constructed without any parameters, instead of having to pass in () as props (PR #12)
  • Boolean attributes, such as disabled, can now be used without specifying a value to closer match JSX. For example, a disabled input can now be constructed as input(disabled) without providing the := true (PR #14)


  • Initial release