- Freecad Open source parametric software developmenten github !
- Processing
- Grasshoper
- http://beta.speckle.xyz : Allow to load a paramtric model from grasshoper and explore a change in variables
- Flux.io allow to design eco friendly buildings and design directly in 3D, with collaboration and with parametric modifiers like in Rhino
- Maker.js Js library to draw geometry for CNC and laser cut machines
- P5js Js library from processing to be used by artist or non programer to design parametrically.
- Paper.js Js library to draw free forms in the web browser canvas thanks to code.
- Fabric.js js library to manipulate canvas with interaction, good to make interactive visual web app
- Three.js popular js library to make 3D scene in a browser
- Comparator to choose your drawing library
- Street Mix Online tool to design street profile in a fun and easy way
- CAD mappr platform to export 3D of every cities (or the biggest)
- Loomio : Decision making tool, like a forum but with polls...Open source software it self built in Ruby
- Discourse : Ruby based new generation forum with open source code
- Slack : Group chat that integrate with many web apps
- Trello Simple and efficient project management in Kanban style (post it like)
- https://sketchfab.com/
- https://github.com/openfloorplan
- http://www.123dapp.com / Made by autodesk for fab lab peoples
- https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com / The plateform to share skekchup files
- http://www.jenca.org/
- https://www.3drepo.io/ Revision System for BIM
- http://cadsofttools.com/pdf-to-dwg-online/ Pdf to dwg