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sitaramc edited this page Nov 16, 2011 · 30 revisions

Welcome to the gitolite wiki!!

Gitolite allows you to host Git repositories easily and securely.

Please start reading here to learn about gitolite.

My gpg key (should be available at least from keyserver, probably most others as well):

pub   4096R/088237A5 2011-10-25
      Key fingerprint = 560A DA64 7542 816F 412E  5891 A442 9085 0882 37A5
uid                  Sitaram Chamarty (work email) <[email protected]>
uid                  Sitaram Chamarty <[email protected]>
sub   4096R/8AC76EFB 2011-10-25


This is the main support page.

The rest of this info is specific to github users, etc.

  • Please don't send me messages via github's "issues" system, linkedin comments/discussion, stackoverflow questions, google+ "streams", and any other Web 3.0 "coolness".
  • Please don't send me pull requests via github. Instead, send me an email saying what URL and what branch to pull.

Email addresses and contact info are here

Support requests that indicate insufficient reading or understanding of the enormous amount of documentation that comes with gitolite will be answered only if time permits. This applies especially to ssh issues.

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