Releases: sitegeist/Sitegeist.Monocle
Releases · sitegeist/Sitegeist.Monocle
Fix set header in MockController and Linebreak in HTML preview
Thanks to @jonnitto for providing the prs.
Add setting `alwaysShowPrototypes` to exclude items from `hiddenPrototypeNamePatterns`
v7.1.0 Merge branch '6.0'
Add setting `alwaysShowPrototypes` to exclude items from `hiddenPrototypeNamePatterns`
Merge pull request #114 from bwaidelich/feature/89-prototype-whitelist FEATURE: Prototype Whitelist
Prepare for Neos 5.1
v7.0.1 TASK: Do not render header comment in preview page to avoid conflicts…
Support Neos 5 / Flow 6
Merge pull request #111 from sitegeist/feature/flow6-compatibility Flow 6 compatibility
Relax version constraints to support Neos 5
v6.1.1 TASK: Relax version constraint for Neos 5
FEATURE: Allow defining of whole props and propSets as Fusion prototypes or expressions
Defining whole props and propSets as Expressions or Fusion prototypes allows to
centralize the fixtures and even extract them into separate json files.
When props or propSets cannot be evaluated directly the keys below are evaluated
as RawArray as before so this change is a non breaking feature.
prototype (Vendor.Site:Example) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {
@styleguide {
propSets {
// classic way with RawArray beeing assumed
classic {
title = "hello world"
// new ways via direct eel and fusion prototypes
fromEelExpression = ${{title: 'hello world'}}
fromFusionPrototype = Vendor.Site:Example.Fixtures
fromJsonFile = ${Json.parse(File.readFile('_path_to_fixctures.json'), true)} }
BUGFIX: Fix locale handling in backend
Merge pull request #107 from sitegeist/bugfix/locales BUGFIX: Fix locale handling in backend
Update yarn dependencies
Merge pull request #105 from sitegeist/task/yarnUpgrade TASK: Update yarn dependencies
Fix js-error when reloading the monocle module
Merge pull request #102 from bwaidelich/98-fix-reload BUGFIX: Fix reloading of Monocle Preview