Chips, with optional background colors.
<!-- simple -->
<ssv-chips options.bind="options"></ssv-chips>
<!-- Specify all custom field properties -->
<!-- handling remove event -->
onRemove(event: CustomEvent) {
console.log("onRemove :: item has been removed", {
value: event.detail.value,
event: event
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
options | any[] |
- | yes | Options available as chips. This could be a primitive array (eg: string[] ) or complex type array (eg: Hero[] ). |
type | ChipType |
rounded |
no | Can be label or rounded . This will change the chip style. |
textField | string |
"text" |
no | Text property name to be used as the display text. |
valueField | string |
"value" |
no | Value property name to be used as the chip value. |
removeField | string |
"allowRemove" |
no | Remove property name to be used to check whether remove is allowed. |
iconImageField | string |
"iconImage" |
no | Icon Image property name to be used as the chip image source. |
iconNameField | string |
"iconName" |
no | Icon Name property name to be used as the chip icon. |
iconTextField | string |
"iconText" |
no | Icon Text property name to be used as the display text in the chip image container. |
fillStyle | FillStyle |
filled |
no | Can be none or filled . This will change the chip color. |
focusStyle | FillStyle |
filled |
no | Can be none or filled . This will change the chip color when focused. |
color | string |
- | no | Color variant. Can be primary , accent , danger , warn , success , info or any other custom. |
allowRemove | boolean |
true |
no | Determine whether chips can be removed or not. |
disabled | boolean |
false |
no | Determines whether is disabled or not. |
modifier | string |
- | no | CssClass modifiers which will be generated in BEM style e.g. awesome super => ssv-select--awesome ssv-select--super . |
Options which can be configured globally.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
type | ChipType |
rounded |
Refer to attribute description. |
color | string |
- | Refer to attribute description. |
allowRemove | boolean |
true |
Refer to attribute description. |
removeIcon | string |
times |
Remove icon which is used to remove a chip. |
textField | string |
"text" |
Refer to attribute description. |
valueField | string |
"value" |
Refer to attribute description. |
removeField | string |
"allowRemove" |
Refer to attribute description. |
iconImageField | string |
"iconImage" |
Refer to attribute description. |
iconNameField | string |
"iconName" |
Refer to attribute description. |
iconTextField | string |
"iconText" |
Refer to attribute description. |
fillStyle | FillStyle |
"filled" |
Refer to attribute description. |
focusStyle | FillStyle |
"filled" |
Refer to attribute description. |