const gltf = await Gltf2Parser.fetch( '../_res/models/nabba/nabba.gltf' );
scene.add( loadMesh( gltf ) );
// Example of Turning GTLF Mesh into ThreeJS Mesh
function loadMesh( gltf, name=null, mat=null ){
const o = gltf.getMesh( name );
let geo, prim, pmat;
if( o.primitives.length == 1 ){
prim = o.primitives[ 0 ];
if( mat ){
pmat = mat;
}else if( prim.materialIdx != null ){
pmat = this.loadMaterial( gltf, prim.materialIdx );
geo = this.primitiveGeo( prim );
return new THREE.Mesh( geo, pmat );
let mesh, m, c ;
const grp = new THREE.Group();
for( prim of o.primitives ){
if( mat ){
pmat = mat;
}else if( prim.materialIdx != null ){
pmat = this.loadMaterial( gltf, prim.materialIdx );
geo = this.primitiveGeo( prim );
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geo, pmat );
grp.add( mesh );
return grp;
function loadMaterial( gltf, id ){
const config = {};
const m = gltf.getMaterial( id );
if( m ){
if( m.baseColorFactor ){
config.color = new THREE.Color(
m.baseColorFactor[2] );
return new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( config );
function primitiveGeo( prim ){
const geo = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geo.setAttribute( 'position',
new THREE.BufferAttribute( prim.position.data, prim.position.componentLen ) );
if( prim.indices )
geo.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( prim.indices.data, 1 ) );
if( prim.normal )
geo.setAttribute( 'normal',
new THREE.BufferAttribute( prim.normal.data, prim.normal.componentLen ) );
if( prim.texcoord_0 )
geo.setAttribute( 'uv',
new THREE.BufferAttribute( prim.texcoord_0.data, prim.texcoord_0.componentLen ) );
if( prim.joints_0 && prim.weights_0 ){
geo.setAttribute( 'skinWeight',
new THREE.BufferAttribute( prim.weights_0.data, prim.weights_0.componentLen ) );
geo.setAttribute( 'skinIndex',
new THREE.BufferAttribute( prim.joints_0.data, prim.joints_0.componentLen ) );
return geo;