Releases: smartcommunitylab/wordpress
A Helm chart for Wordpress on Kubernetes with NGINX and PHP-FPM
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.9 by @dslab-renovate in #44
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.10 by @dslab-renovate in #45
- chore(deps): update helm/chart-testing-action action to v2.7.0 by @dslab-renovate in #47
- chore(deps): update helm/chart-releaser-action action to v1.7.0 by @dslab-renovate in #46
- chore(deps): update mariadb docker tag to v20.2.2 by @dslab-renovate in #48
Full Changelog: wordpress-0.1.11...wordpress-0.1.12
A Helm chart for Wordpress on Kubernetes with NGINX and PHP-FPM
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.7 by @dslab-renovate in #38
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.8 by @dslab-renovate in #39
- chore(deps): update wordpress:6.7.1-php8.2-fpm-alpine docker digest to 1b359de by @dslab-renovate in #40
- chore(deps): update wordpress:6.7.1-php8.2-fpm-alpine docker digest to 47af6ec by @dslab-renovate in #41
- chore(deps): update wordpress:6.7.1-php8.2-fpm-alpine docker digest to 7d934b2 by @dslab-renovate in #42
- chore(deps): update redis docker tag to v20.6.3 by @dslab-renovate in #43
Full Changelog: wordpress-0.1.10...wordpress-0.1.11
A Helm chart for Wordpress on Kubernetes with NGINX and PHP-FPM
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update redis docker tag to v20.6.0 by @dslab-renovate in #34
- chore(deps): update wordpress:6.7.1-php8.2-fpm-alpine docker digest to 4b3c729 by @dslab-renovate in #35
- chore(deps): update wordpress:6.7.1-php8.2-fpm-alpine docker digest to 2db8b71 by @dslab-renovate in #36
- chore(deps): update redis docker tag to v20.6.1 by @dslab-renovate in #37
Full Changelog: wordpress-0.1.9...wordpress-0.1.10
A Helm chart for Wordpress on Kubernetes with NGINX and PHP-FPM
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.5 by @dslab-renovate in #30
- chore(deps): update mariadb docker tag to v20.1.1 by @dslab-renovate in #29
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.6 by @dslab-renovate in #32
- chore(deps): update mariadb docker tag to v20.2.1 by @dslab-renovate in #33
Full Changelog: wordpress-0.1.8...wordpress-0.1.9
A Helm chart for Wordpress on Kubernetes with NGINX and PHP-FPM
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update redis docker tag to v20.4.0 by @dslab-renovate in #31
Full Changelog: wordpress-0.1.7...wordpress-0.1.8
A Helm chart for Wordpress on Kubernetes with NGINX and PHP-FPM
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.3 by @dslab-renovate in #24
- chore(deps): update wordpress docker tag to v6.7.1 by @dslab-renovate in #26
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.4 by @dslab-renovate in #27
- chore(deps): update mariadb docker tag to v20.1.0 by @dslab-renovate in #28
Full Changelog: wordpress-0.1.6...wordpress-0.1.7
A Helm chart for Wordpress on Kubernetes with NGINX and PHP-FPM
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update wordpress docker tag to v6.7.0 by @dslab-renovate in #23
- chore(deps): update redis docker tag to v20.3.0 by @dslab-renovate in #22
Full Changelog: wordpress-0.1.5...wordpress-0.1.6
A Helm chart for Wordpress on Kubernetes with NGINX and PHP-FPM
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update redis docker tag to v20.2.2 by @dslab-renovate in #21
Full Changelog: wordpress-0.1.4...wordpress-0.1.5
A Helm chart for Wordpress on Kubernetes with NGINX and PHP-FPM
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v40.3.6 by @dslab-renovate in #18
Full Changelog: wordpress-0.1.3...wordpress-0.1.4
A Helm chart for Wordpress on Kubernetes with NGINX and PHP-FPM
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v41 by @dslab-renovate in #20
- chore(deps): update mariadb docker tag to v20 by @dslab-renovate in #19
Full Changelog: wordpress-0.1.2...wordpress-0.1.3