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Getting user profile from IAP-enabled GAE application

This example demonstrates how to retrieve user profile (e.g. name, photo) from an IAP-enabled GAE application.

Initial Setup

This setup can be done from Cloud Shell.
You need Project Owner permission to run this, e.g. for creating GAE app.

The following setup assumes that you are setting up your new application GCP project based on the following:

  • GCP project: project-id-1234
  • GAE region: asia-northeast1
  1. Set up environment variables.

    export PROJECT=project-id-1234
    export REGION=asia-northeast1
  2. Setup your gcloud

    gcloud config configurations create iap-user-profile
    gcloud config set project $PROJECT
  3. Create GAE application.

    gcloud app create --region=$REGION
  4. Enable required APIs

    gcloud services enable \ \ \ \
  5. Deploy this sample application. This will become the default service.
    Note: IAP can only be enabled when there is already a service deployed in GAE.

    cd professional-services/examples/iap-user-profile/
    gcloud app deploy --quiet
  6. Configure Consent Screen on the below link

    1. Choose Internal for the User Type, then click Create
    2. Type in the Application name, e.g. IAP User Profile Example
    3. Choose the appropriate Support email. Alternatively, you can leave it to use your own email.
    4. Fill in the Authorized domains based on your GAE application domain, e.g.
    5. Click Save
  7. Enable IAP on the below link for the App Engine app. Toggle on the button and then click Turn On.

  8. Add IAM policy binding to the IAP-enabled App Engine application. Register your user email to access the application.

    gcloud iap web add-iam-policy-binding --resource-type=app-engine \
          --member='user:[email protected]' \
  9. Create new Credentials on the below link. This credential will be used by the OAuth2 login flow to retrieve the user profile.

    1. Click Create Credentials. Choose OAuth client ID.
    2. Choose Web application for the Application type
    3. Type in IAP User Profile Svc for the Name
    4. Fill in the Authorized JavaScript origins
    5. Fill in the Authorized redirect URIs
    6. Click Create
    7. Click the newly created IAP User Profile Example credential and then click the Download JSON button. You'll need to paste the JSON content later as secret in the Secret Manager.
  10. Create a secret in Secret Manager named iap-user-profile-svc-oauth2-client with the client credential JSON file as the value.

    gcloud secrets create iap-user-profile-svc-oauth2-client \
        --locations=asia-southeast1 --replication-policy=user-managed \
  11. Add IAM policy binding to the secret for GAE default service account.

    gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding iap-user-profile-svc-oauth2-client \
          --member='serviceAccount:[email protected]' \

Accessing the Application

  1. Access the application in your browser.
    Note: If you are accessing it first time, it may take some time before the policy takes effect. Retry several times until you are prompted the OAuth login screen.

  2. You will be prompted the OAuth login one more time.
    This is intended since we are going to use this scope to access your People API.

  3. You should be able to see your user profile displayed on the web page.