If you are using enzyme to test your react components, you should consider switching to react-testing-library as soon as possible, its API is intuitive, easy to use, and it encourages writing tests in a way that your end users use your application.
“Master the JavaScript Interview” is a series of posts designed to prepare candidates for common questions they are likely to encounter when applying for a mid to senior-level JavaScript position. These are questions I frequently use in real interviews.
I like to write, and when I do, I prefer writing in markdown. Lately, people have been asking my writing process involves, so I decided to write it down in this short post. This is my process and in no way should you feel obligated to use it. Hopefully, this helps you.
I will preface this by saying that I'm not professionally a designer. That being said, I like building pretty things and have had some success with that. A lot of developers seem overwhelmed by design, so I wanted to do a write-up with visual examples with quick tips on how to improve the visuals of your site. Rules are made to be broken, but if you want to make a great website as easily as possible, these are some good rules of thumb!
Form validation has a reputation for being tricky to implement. In this tutorial, we’ll break things down to alleviate some of that pain. Creating nice abstractions for forms is something that Vue.js excels at and Vuelidate is personally my favorite option for validations because it doesn't require a lot of hassle. Plus, it's really flexible, so we don’t even have to do it how I’m going to cover it here. This is just a launching point.
In software engineering, dependency injection is a technique whereby one object (or static method) supplies the dependencies of another object. A dependency is an object that can be used (a service).