#9.3 OpenCL实现
##9.3.1 常规GPU实现:GPU1
{%ace edit=false, lang='c_cpp'%} __kernel void kernelGPU1( __global float *descriptors, __global float *centroids, __global int *histogram, int n_descriptors, int n_centroids, int nfeatures){
// Global ID identifies SURF descriptor int desc_id = get_global_id(0);
int membership = 0; float min_dist = FLT_MAX;
// For each cluster, compute the membership for (int j = 0; j < n_centroids; j++){ float dist = 0;
// n_features: No. of elements in each descriptor(64)
// Calculate the distance between the descriptor and the centroid
for (int k = 0; k < n_features; k++){
float temp = descriptors[desc_id * n_features + k] -
centroids[j * n_features + k];
dist += temp * temp;
// Update the minimum distance
if (dist < min_dist){
min_dist = dist;
membership = j;
// Atomic increment of histogram bin atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&histogram[membership], 1, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_device); } {%endace%}
代码清单9.3 内核GPU1,直方图基线内核
##9.3.2 合并访问内存:GPU2
图9.3 将描述符中的数据进行转置,以便进行合并访问
图9.4 对一维数组进行转置。
{%ace edit=false, lang='c_cpp'%} __kernel void kernelGPU2( __global float *descriptors, __global float *centroids, __global int *histogram, int n_descriptors, int n_centroids, int nfeatures){
// Global ID identifies SURF descriptor int desc_id = get_global_id(0);
int membership = 0; float min_dist = FLT_MAX;
// For each cluster, compute the membership for (int j = 0; j < n_centroids; j++){ float dist = 0;
// n_features: No. of elements in each descriptor(64)
// Calculate the distance between the descriptor and the centroid
for (int k = 0; k < n_features; k++){
float temp = descriptors[k * n_descriptors + desc_id] -
centroids[j * n_features + k];
dist += temp * temp;
// Update the minimum distance
if (dist < min_dist){
min_dist = dist;
membership = j;
// Atomic increment of histogram bin atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&histogram[membership], 1, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_device); } {%endace%}
代码清单9.4 使用内存合并访问的内核——GPU2
清单9.4中的第24行,现在使用的是k * n_descriptors + desc_id,可与清单9.3进行对比。当k和n_descriptors具有相同的值时,所有工作项就挨个对数据进行计算,不同工作项可以通过唯一标识符对数据进行访问(desc_id)。我们之前举了4个工作组的例子,在k=0时,就只需要访问descriptors[0]、descriptors[1]、descriptors[2]和descriptors[3]即可。当k=1时,则需要访问descriptors[64]、descriptors[65]、descriptors[66]和descriptors[67]。这样的访存方式是最理想的,并且在GPU上进行合并访问可以高效的对内存系统进行操作。
##9.3.3 向量化计算:GPU3
当SURF算法生成特征之后,描述符的长度固定为64维,这时使用向量float4可以对应用进行提速。在CPU上,对于其扩展流媒体SIMD指令来说,能够获得较高的吞吐量。同样的方式也适用于GPU(比如,AMD Radeon 6xxx 系列),在GPU上使用向量化方式的计算也能带来相应的性能收益。AMD和NVIDIA的新型GPU都不会显式的执行向量指令,不过在某些情况下向量的方式也会提升内存系统的使用效率。
float a[4], b[4], c[4];
a[0] = b[0] + c[0];
a[1] = b[1] + c[1];
a[2] = b[2] + c[2];
a[3] = b[3] + c[3];
float a[4], b[4], c[4];
float4 b4 = (float4)(b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]);
float4 c4 = (float4)(b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]);
float4 a4 = b4 + c4;
{%ace edit=false, lang='c_cpp'%} __kernel void kernelGPU3( __global float *descriptors, __global float *centroids, __global int *histogram, int n_descriptors, int n_centroids, int nfeatures){
// Global ID identifies SURF descriptor int desc_id = get_global_id(0);
int membership = 0; float min_dist = FLT_MAX;
// For each cluster, compute the membership for (int j = 0; j < n_centroids; j++){ float dist = 0;
// n_features: No. of elements in each descriptor(64)
// Calculate the distance between the descriptor and the centroid
// The increment of 4 is due to the explicit verctorization where
// the distance between 4 elements is calculated in each
// loop iteration
for (int k = 0; k < n_features; k++){
float4 surf_temp = (float4)(
descriptors[(k + 0) * n_descriptors + desc_id],
descriptors[(k + 1) * n_descriptors + desc_id],
descriptors[(k + 2) * n_descriptors + desc_id],
descriptors[(k + 3) * n_descriptors + desc_id]);
float4 cluster_temp = (float4)(
centroids[j * n_feature + k],
centroids[j * n_feature + k + 1]
centroids[j * n_feature + k + 2]
centroids[j * n_feature + k + 3]);
float4 temp = surf_temp - cluster_temp;
temp = temp * temp;
dist += temp.x + temp.y + temp.z + temp.w;
// Update the minimum distance
if (dist < min_dist){
min_dist = dist;
membership = j;
// Atomic increment of histogram bin atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&histogram[membership], 1, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_device); } {%endace%}
代码清单9.5 使用向量化的内核代码——GPU3
##9.3.4 将SURF特征放入局部内存:GPU4
for (int k = 0; k < n_features; k++){
float temp = descriptors[k * n_features + k] -
centroids[j * n_features + k];
dist += temp * temp;
GPU上的局部内存是一段具有高带宽、低延迟的内存区域,其可以将数据共享给工作组内每一个工作项。GPU上有专用的局部内存,访问局部内存的速度通常要比全局内存快很多。同样,与全局内存访问不同,访问局部内存通常都不需要合并访问,就算是在局部内存上产生了内存访问冲突,其性能也要优于全局内存。不过,局部内存的大小有限——在AMD Radeon HD 7970 GPU上每个计算单元只有64KB大小的局部内存,所以能分配给一个每个工作组的只有32KB。若是为每个工作组分配一个很大的内存,则会限制GPU上执行线程的数量。对于GPU来说,减少线程就意味着不能很好的掩盖访存延迟,同样也会让计算资源闲置。
{%ace edit=false, lang='c_cpp'%} __kernel void kernelGPU4( __global float *descriptors, __global float *centroids, __global int *histogram, int n_descriptors, int n_centroids, int nfeatures){
// Global ID identifies SURF descriptor int desc_id = get_global_id(0); int local_id = get_local_id(0); int local_size = get_local_size(0);
// Store the descriptors in local memory __local float desc_local[4096]; // 64 descriptors * 64 work-items for (int i = 0; i < n_features; i++){ desc_local[i * local_size + local_id] = descriptors[i * n_descriptors + desc_id]; } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
int membership = 0; float min_dist = FLT_MAX;
// For each cluster, compute the membership for (int j = 0; j < n_centroids; j++){ float dist = 0;
// n_features: No. of elements in each descriptor(64)
// Calculate the distance between the descriptor and the centroid
for (int k = 0; k < n_features; k++){
float temp = descriptors[k * local_size + desc_id] -
centroids[j * n_features + k];
dist += temp * temp;
// Update the minimum distance
if (dist < min_dist){
min_dist = dist;
membership = j;
// Atomic increment of histogram bin atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&histogram[membership], 1, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_device); } {%endace%}
代码清单9.6 将descriptor数据存放在局部内存中的内核——GPU4
将secriptors放入LDS将需要64x4=256字节。一个波面阵中有64个工作项,每个波面阵就需要是用16KB的LDS空间用来缓存desctiptor。当有64KB的LDS空间时,就能在每个计算单元上运行4个波面阵(每个波面阵只有一个工作项)。在HD 7970上,每个计算单元由4个SIMD单元组成,这样的话每个SIMD单元就只能处理一个波面阵,SIMD单元之间的延迟掩盖就没有了。为了获取最佳性能,我们需要在低延迟访问和减少并行化中进行权衡。
##9.3.5 将聚类中点坐标放入常量内存:GPU5
GPU常量内存通常会映射到一块较为特殊的缓存硬件上,其大小是固定的。所以,将centroids放置到常量内存中时,需要考虑其数据的大小。本例中Radeon HD 7970,其常量内存大小为64KB。本例中每个特征的质心数据有256字节。因此,我们最多只能同时将256个质心放置到常量内存中。
{%ace edit=false, lang='c_cpp'%} __kernel void kernelGPU4( __global float *descriptors, __constant float *centroids, __global int *histogram, int n_descriptors, int n_centroids, int nfeatures){
// Global ID identifies SURF descriptor int desc_id = get_global_id(0); int local_id = get_local_id(0); int local_size = get_local_size(0);
// Store the descriptors in local memory __local float desc_local[4096]; // 64 descriptors * 64 work-items for (int i = 0; i < n_features; i++){ desc_local[i * local_size + local_id] = descriptors[i * n_descriptors + desc_id]; } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
int membership = 0; float min_dist = FLT_MAX;
// For each cluster, compute the membership for (int j = 0; j < n_centroids; j++){ float dist = 0;
// n_features: No. of elements in each descriptor(64)
// Calculate the distance between the descriptor and the centroid
for (int k = 0; k < n_features; k++){
float temp = descriptors[k * local_size + desc_id] -
centroids[j * n_features + k];
dist += temp * temp;
// Update the minimum distance
if (dist < min_dist){
min_dist = dist;
membership = j;
// Atomic increment of histogram bin atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&histogram[membership], 1, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_device); } {%endace%}
代码清单9.7 将质心数据放置在常量内存中——GPU5