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Using Kubeflow

If you are unfamiliar with ksonnet you may want to start by reading the tutorial


Get ksonnet

You need ksonnet version 0.8.0 release or later.

As of this writing, Heptio hasn't released any newer prebuilt binaries so you will need to build from source.

Deploy Kubeflow

Initialize a directory to contain your deployment

ks init my-kubeflow

Install the Kubeflow packages

cd my-kubeflow
ks registry add kubeflow
ks pkg install kubeflow/core
ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-serving
ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-job

Create the Kubeflow core component. The core component includes

  • JupyterHub
  • TensorFlow job controller
ks generate core kubeflow-core --name=kubeflow-core --namespace=${NAMESPACE}
  • namespace is optional
  • TODO(jlewi): There's an open github issue to allow components to pull the namespace from the environment namespace parameter.

Define an environment that doesn't use any Cloud features

  • This environment could be used for minikube or a full K8s cluster that doesn't depend on a cloud features.
ks env add nocloud

The default Kubeflow deployment will be suitable for this no cloud environment so you can just deploy the core components

ks apply nocloud -c kubeflow-core

If the user is running on a Cloud they could create an environment for this.

ks env add cloud
ks param set --cloud=gke
  • The cloud parameter triggers a set of curated cloud configs.

They can then deploy to this environment

ks apply cloud -c kubeflow-core

At any time you can inspect the manifests for a particular component using ks show e.g

ks show cloud -c kubeflow-core

Bringing up a Notebook

Once you've deployed JupyterHub, a load balancer service is created. You can check its existence using the kubectl command line.

kubectl get svc

NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP    <none>         443/TCP        1h
tf-hub-0     ClusterIP      None           <none>         8000/TCP       1m
tf-hub-lb    LoadBalancer   xx.yy.zz.ww    80:32481/TCP   1m

If you're using minikube, you can run the following to get the URL for the notebook.

minikube service tf-hub-lb --url


For some cloud deployments, the LoadBalancer service may take up to five minutes display an external IP address. Re-executing kubectl get svc repeatedly will eventually show the external IP field populated.

Once you have an external IP, you can proceed to visit that in your browser. The hub by default is configured to take any username/password combination. After entering the username and password, you can start a single-notebook server, request any resources (memory/CPU/GPU), and then proceed to perform single node training.

We also ship standard docker images that you can use for training Tensorflow models with Jupyter.


In the spawn window, when starting a new Jupyter instance, you can supply one of the above images to get started, depending on whether you want to run on CPUs or GPUs. The images include all the requisite plugins, including Tensorboard that you can use for rich visualizations and insights into your models. Note that GPU-based image is several gigabytes in size and may take a few minutes to localize.

Also, when running on Google Kubernetes Engine, the public IP address will be exposed to the internet and is an unsecured endpoint by default. For a production deployment with SSL and authentication, refer to the documentation.

Serve a model

We treat each deployed model as a component in your APP.

Create a component for your model

ks generate tf-serving ${MODEL_COMPONENT} --name=${MODEL_NAME} --namespace=default --model_path=${MODEL_PATH}

Deploy it in a particular environment. The deployment will pick up environment parameters (e.g. cloud) and customize the deployment appropriately

ks apply cloud -c ${MODEL_COMPONENT}

Submiting a TensorFlow training job

We treat each TensorFlow job as a component in your APP.

Create a component for your job.

ks generate tf-job ${JOB_NAME} --name=${JOB_NAME}

To configure your job you need to set a bunch of parameters. To see a list of parameters run

ks prototype describe tf-job

Parameters can be set using ks param e.g. to set the Docker image used

ks param set ${JOB_NAME} image ${IMAGE}

You can also edit the params.libsonnet files directly to set parameters.

Warning Currently setting args via the command line doesn't work because of escaping issues (see ksonnet/ksonnet/issues/235). So to set the parameters you will need to directly edit the params.libsonnet file directly.

To run your job

ks apply ${ENVIRONMENT} -c ${JOB_NAME}

For information on monitoring your job please refer to the TfJob docs.

Run the TfCnn example

Kubeflow ships with a ksonnet prototype suitable for running the TensorFlow CNN Benchmarks.

Create the component

ks generate tf-cnn ${CNN_JOB_NAME} --name=${CNN_JOB_NAME}

Submit it

ks apply ${ENVIRONMENT} -c ${CNN_JOB_NAME}

The prototype provides a bunch of parameters to control how the job runs (e.g. use GPUs run distributed etc...). To see a list of paramets

ks prototype describe tf-cnn

Advanced Customization

  • Often times datascientists require a POSIX compliant filesystem
    • For example, most HDF5 libraries require POSIX and don't work with an object store like GCS or S3
  • When working with teams you might want a shared POSIX filesystem to be mounted into your notebook environments so that datascientists can work collaboratively on the same datasets.
  • Here we show how to customize your Kubeflow deployment to achieve this.

Set the disks parameter to a comma separated list of the Google persistent disks you want to mount

  • These disks should be in the same zone as your cluster
  • These disks need to be created manually via gcloud or the Cloud console e.g.
  • These disks can't be attached to any existing VM or POD.
  • TODO(jlewi): Can we rely on the default storage class to create the backing for store for NFS? Would that be portable across clouds and avoid users having to create the disks manually? Create the disks
  gcloud --project=${PROJECT} compute disks create  --zone=${ZONE} ${PD_DISK1} --description="PD to back NFS storage on GKE." --size=1TB
  gcloud --project=${PROJECT} compute disks create  --zone=${ZONE} ${PD_DISK2} --description="PD to back NFS storage on GKE." --size=1TB

Configure the environment to use the disks.

ks param set --env=cloud nfs disks ${PD_DISK1},${PD_DISK2}

Deploy the environment

ks apply cloud

Start Juptyer You should see your NFS volumes mounted as /mnt/${DISK_NAME}

In a Juptyer cell you can run


You should see output like the following
Filesystem                                                     1K-blocks    Used  Available Use% Mounted on
overlay                                                         98884832 8336440   90532008   9% /
tmpfs                                                           15444244       0   15444244   0% /dev
tmpfs                                                           15444244       0   15444244   0% /sys/fs/cgroup 1055841280   77824 1002059776   1% /mnt/jlewi-kubeflow-test1 1055841280   77824 1002059776   1% /mnt/jlewi-kubeflow-test2
/dev/sda1                                                       98884832 8336440   90532008   9% /etc/hosts
shm                                                                65536       0      65536   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                                                           15444244       0   15444244   0% /sys/firmware
  • Here jlewi-kubeflow-test1 and jlewi-kubeflow-test2 are the names of the PDs.