How to read a file from a remote disk ? #142
Hello, Can you please let me know if there is an option to read a file from another file system except for local ? Actually, is it possible to define in Thanks a lot |
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Reading from other filesystems is out of scope for this package. |
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Really enjoy your work, @freekmurze! I've developed a wrapper for the In the event a file is downloaded, I've implemented a shutdown cleanup process that automatically removes the temporary file after use. The wrapper also supports handling temporary files created by Livewire. While there may be better solutions, this solution has been performing effectively for me. Example: $headers = SimpleExcelReaderWrapper::create(
)->getHeaders(); the wrapper namespace App\Helpers\Excel;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Livewire\Features\SupportFileUploads\TemporaryUploadedFile;
use Spatie\SimpleExcel\SimpleExcelReader;
class SimpleExcelReaderWrapper extends SimpleExcelReader
public static array $csvTypes = ['csv'];
public static array $xlsxTypes = ['xlsx', 'excel', 'spreadsheet'];
public static bool $shouldCleanupTempFiles = true;
private static string $tempFilePath;
private static mixed $inputFile;
private static string $inputFileType;
public static function create(mixed $file, string $type = ''): static
return new static(
protected static function matchMimeTypeToFileType(?string $type = null): string
if (blank($type)) {
$type = static::getMimeType();
if (Str::contains($type, static::getCsvMatchTypes(), true)) {
return 'csv';
if (Str::contains($type, static::getXlsxMatchTypes(), true)) {
return 'xlsx';
return $type ?: '';
protected static function getMimeType($file = null): string
if (static::getInputFileType() && ! blank(static::getInputFileType())) {
return static::getInputFileType();
if (blank($file)) {
$file = static::getInputFile();
if ($filePath = static::getLocalFilePath($file)) {
return mime_content_type($filePath);
return '';
protected static function getLocalFilePath($file = null): ?string
if (blank($file)) {
$file = static::getInputFile();
return once(static function () use ($file) {
if (blank($file)) {
return null;
if (is_string($file)) {
return $file;
if ($file instanceof TemporaryUploadedFile) {
$file = static::getInputFile();
if (! is_resource($file)) {
//ray('reader->getLocalFilePath: $file is not a resource', $file);
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The file must be a path string or a resource');
$metadata = stream_get_meta_data($file);
// If the file in the stream is a local file, return the path
if ($metadata['wrapper_type'] === 'plainfile' && file_exists($metadata['uri'])) {
return $metadata['uri'];
if (get_resource_type($file) === 'stream') {
if (static::shouldCleanupTempFiles()) {
register_shutdown_function(static function () {
static::setTempFilePath(tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'stream_data_'));
$tempFile = fopen(static::getTempFilePath(), 'w+b');
stream_copy_to_stream($file, $tempFile);
return static::getTempFilePath();
//ray('reader->getLocalFilePath: The resource type is not supported: '.get_resource_type($file));
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The file resource type is not supported: '.get_resource_type($file));
public static function getTempFilePath(): string
return static::$tempFilePath;
protected static function setTempFilePath(string $path): string
static::$tempFilePath = $path;
return $path;
protected static function setInputFile(mixed $file): mixed
static::$inputFile = $file;
return $file;
protected static function getInputFile(): mixed
return static::$inputFile ?? null;
protected static function setInputFileType(string $type): string
static::$inputFileType = $type;
return $type;
protected static function getInputFileType(): string
return static::$inputFileType;
protected static function getCsvMatchTypes(): array
return static::$csvTypes;
protected static function getXlsxMatchTypes(): array
return static::$xlsxTypes;
protected static function shouldCleanupTempFiles(): bool
return static::$shouldCleanupTempFiles;
public static function cleanupTempFiles(): void
if (file_exists(static::getTempFilePath())) {
} Cheers! Jason |
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Really enjoy your work, @freekmurze!
I've developed a wrapper for the
to enhance its functionality, enabling the handling of both local and remote files primarly for reading. This enhancement is achieved through a mechanism that detects if a file is a stream resource. When working with remote files, it downloads them to a temporary file. If the stream resource is already a local file then it just uses it without downloading.In the event a file is downloaded, I've implemented a shutdown cleanup process that automatically removes the temporary file after use.
The wrapper also supports handling temporary files created by Livewire. While there may be better solutions, this …