A group is created as follows, and takes a map of option key/value pairs as its only argument:
var group = new SPE.Group( {
optionName: optionValue,
// etc.
} );
Many emitters can be added to a single group. These emitters will be rendered using the same attribute buffers and will save valuable time in your render loop by keeping CPU -> GPU data transfer to a minimum.
To add an emitter to a group, do the following, where emitter
is an instance of SPE.Emitter
group.addEmitter( emitter );
If you have multiple emitters to add at the same time, the method can be 'chained' as follows:
group.addEmitter( emitter1 ).addEmitter( emitter2 ); // etc.
To render the group, add the group's mesh
object to your scene:
scene.add( group.mesh );
A group must be updated on a per-frame basis, so within a render/animation loop do the following to update the group:
group.tick( deltaTime );
The deltaTime argument is a number denoting the time it took to render the previous frame. It's easily got by using an instance of THREE.Clock()
and using the .getDelta()
method. If you don't pass a deltaTime
argument to your group's .tick()
function, the value of group.fixedTimeStep
will be used.
See the API documentation