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This branch is 356 commits behind unitycatalog/unitycatalog:main.


Documentation for Unity Catalog API

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8080/api/2.1/unity-catalog

Class Method HTTP request Description
CatalogsApi createCatalog POST /catalogs Create a catalog
CatalogsApi deleteCatalog DELETE /catalogs/{name} Delete a catalog
CatalogsApi getCatalog GET /catalogs/{name} Get a catalog
CatalogsApi listCatalogs GET /catalogs List catalogs
CatalogsApi updateCatalog PATCH /catalogs/{name} Update a catalog
FunctionsApi createFunction POST /functions Create a function. WARNING: This API is experimental and will change in future versions.
FunctionsApi deleteFunction DELETE /functions/{name} Delete a function
FunctionsApi getFunction GET /functions/{name} Get a function
FunctionsApi listFunctions GET /functions List functions
SchemasApi createSchema POST /schemas Create a schema
SchemasApi deleteSchema DELETE /schemas/{full_name} Delete a schema
SchemasApi getSchema GET /schemas/{full_name} Get a schema
SchemasApi listSchemas GET /schemas List schemas
SchemasApi updateSchema PATCH /schemas/{full_name} Update a schema
TablesApi createTable POST /tables Create a table. WARNING: This API is experimental and will change in future versions.
TablesApi deleteTable DELETE /tables/{full_name} Delete a table
TablesApi getTable GET /tables/{full_name} Get a table
TablesApi listTables GET /tables List tables
TemporaryTableCredentialsApi generateTemporaryTableCredentials POST /temporary-table-credentials Generate temporary table credentials.
TemporaryVolumeCredentialsApi generateTemporaryVolumeCredentials POST /temporary-volume-credentials Generate temporary volume credentials.
VolumesApi createVolume POST /volumes Create a Volume
VolumesApi deleteVolume DELETE /volumes/{name} Delete a Volume
VolumesApi getVolume GET /volumes/{name} Get a Volume
VolumesApi listVolumes GET /volumes List Volumes
VolumesApi updateVolume PATCH /volumes/{name} Update a Volume

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.