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Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var i in e)r.d(n,i,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,i));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=2)}([function(e,t,r){var n,i; +/** + * lunr - - A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright - 2.3.9 + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + * @license MIT + */!function(){var s,o,a,u,l,c,h,d,f,p,y,m,v,g,x,w,L,E,b,S,k,Q,O,P,T,_,C=function(e){var t=new C.Builder;return t.pipeline.add(C.trimmer,C.stopWordFilter,C.stemmer),t.searchPipeline.add(C.stemmer),,t),};C.version="2.3.9" +/*! + * lunr.utils + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */,C.utils={},C.utils.warn=(s=this,function(e){s.console&&console.warn&&console.warn(e)}),C.utils.asString=function(e){return null==e?"":e.toString()},C.utils.clone=function(e){if(null==e)return e;for(var t=Object.create(null),r=Object.keys(e),n=0;n0){var u=C.utils.clone(t)||{};u.position=[o,a],u.index=i.length,i.push(new C.Token(r.slice(o,s),u))}o=s+1}}return i},C.tokenizer.separator=/[\s\-]+/ +/*! + * lunr.Pipeline + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */,C.Pipeline=function(){this._stack=[]},C.Pipeline.registeredFunctions=Object.create(null),C.Pipeline.registerFunction=function(e,t){t in this.registeredFunctions&&C.utils.warn("Overwriting existing registered function: "+t),e.label=t,C.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e.label]=e},C.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered=function(e){e.label&&e.label in this.registeredFunctions||C.utils.warn("Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n",e)},C.Pipeline.load=function(e){var t=new C.Pipeline;return e.forEach((function(e){var r=C.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e];if(!r)throw new Error("Cannot load unregistered function: "+e);t.add(r)})),t},C.Pipeline.prototype.add=function(){var;e.forEach((function(e){C.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),this._stack.push(e)}),this)},C.Pipeline.prototype.after=function(e,t){C.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(t);var r=this._stack.indexOf(e);if(-1==r)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");r+=1,this._stack.splice(r,0,t)},C.Pipeline.prototype.before=function(e,t){C.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(t);var r=this._stack.indexOf(e);if(-1==r)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._stack.splice(r,0,t)},C.Pipeline.prototype.remove=function(e){var t=this._stack.indexOf(e);-1!=t&&this._stack.splice(t,1)},{for(var t=this._stack.length,r=0;r1&&(se&&(r=i),s!=e);)n=r-t,i=t+Math.floor(n/2),s=this.elements[2*i];return s==e||s>e?2*i:sa?l+=2:o==a&&(t+=r[u+1]*n[l+1],u+=2,l+=2);return t},C.Vector.prototype.similarity=function(e){return||0},C.Vector.prototype.toArray=function(){for(var e=new Array(this.elements.length/2),t=1,r=0;t0){var s,o=i.str.charAt(0);o in i.node.edges?s=i.node.edges[o]:(s=new C.TokenSet,i.node.edges[o]=s),1==i.str.length&&(!0),n.push({node:s,editsRemaining:i.editsRemaining,str:i.str.slice(1)})}if(0!=i.editsRemaining){if("*"in i.node.edges)var a=i.node.edges["*"];else{a=new C.TokenSet;i.node.edges["*"]=a}if(0==i.str.length&&(!0),n.push({node:a,editsRemaining:i.editsRemaining-1,str:i.str}),i.str.length>1&&n.push({node:i.node,editsRemaining:i.editsRemaining-1,str:i.str.slice(1)}),1==i.str.length&&(!0),i.str.length>=1){if("*"in i.node.edges)var u=i.node.edges["*"];else{u=new C.TokenSet;i.node.edges["*"]=u}1==i.str.length&&(!0),n.push({node:u,editsRemaining:i.editsRemaining-1,str:i.str.slice(1)})}if(i.str.length>1){var l,c=i.str.charAt(0),h=i.str.charAt(1);h in i.node.edges?l=i.node.edges[h]:(l=new C.TokenSet,i.node.edges[h]=l),1==i.str.length&&(!0),n.push({node:l,editsRemaining:i.editsRemaining-1,str:c+i.str.slice(2)})}}}return r},C.TokenSet.fromString=function(e){for(var t=new C.TokenSet,r=t,n=0,i=e.length;n=e;t--){var r=this.uncheckedNodes[t],n=r.child.toString();n in this.minimizedNodes?r.parent.edges[r.char]=this.minimizedNodes[n]:(r.child._str=n,this.minimizedNodes[n]=r.child),this.uncheckedNodes.pop()}} +/*! + * lunr.Index + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */,C.Index=function(e){this.invertedIndex=e.invertedIndex,this.fieldVectors=e.fieldVectors,this.tokenSet=e.tokenSet,this.fields=e.fields,this.pipeline=e.pipeline},{return this.query((function(t){new C.QueryParser(e,t).parse()}))},C.Index.prototype.query=function(e){for(var t=new C.Query(this.fields),r=Object.create(null),n=Object.create(null),i=Object.create(null),s=Object.create(null),o=Object.create(null),a=0;a1?1:e},C.Builder.prototype.k1=function(e){this._k1=e},C.Builder.prototype.add=function(e,t){var r=e[this._ref],n=Object.keys(this._fields);this._documents[r]=t||{},this.documentCount+=1;for(var i=0;i=this.length)return C.QueryLexer.EOS;var e=this.str.charAt(this.pos);return this.pos+=1,e},C.QueryLexer.prototype.width=function(){return this.pos-this.start},C.QueryLexer.prototype.ignore=function(){this.start==this.pos&&(this.pos+=1),this.start=this.pos},C.QueryLexer.prototype.backup=function(){this.pos-=1},C.QueryLexer.prototype.acceptDigitRun=function(){var e,t;do{t=(}while(t>47&&t<58);e!=C.QueryLexer.EOS&&this.backup()},C.QueryLexer.prototype.more=function(){return this.pos1&&(e.backup(),e.emit(C.QueryLexer.TERM)),e.ignore(),e.more())return C.QueryLexer.lexText},C.QueryLexer.lexEditDistance=function(e){return e.ignore(),e.acceptDigitRun(),e.emit(C.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE),C.QueryLexer.lexText},C.QueryLexer.lexBoost=function(e){return e.ignore(),e.acceptDigitRun(),e.emit(C.QueryLexer.BOOST),C.QueryLexer.lexText},C.QueryLexer.lexEOS=function(e){e.width()>0&&e.emit(C.QueryLexer.TERM)},C.QueryLexer.termSeparator=C.tokenizer.separator,C.QueryLexer.lexText=function(e){for(;;){var;if(t==C.QueryLexer.EOS)return C.QueryLexer.lexEOS;if(92!=t.charCodeAt(0)){if(":"==t)return C.QueryLexer.lexField;if("~"==t)return e.backup(),e.width()>0&&e.emit(C.QueryLexer.TERM),C.QueryLexer.lexEditDistance;if("^"==t)return e.backup(),e.width()>0&&e.emit(C.QueryLexer.TERM),C.QueryLexer.lexBoost;if("+"==t&&1===e.width())return e.emit(C.QueryLexer.PRESENCE),C.QueryLexer.lexText;if("-"==t&&1===e.width())return e.emit(C.QueryLexer.PRESENCE),C.QueryLexer.lexText;if(t.match(C.QueryLexer.termSeparator))return C.QueryLexer.lexTerm}else e.escapeCharacter()}},C.QueryParser=function(e,t){this.lexer=new C.QueryLexer(e),this.query=t,this.currentClause={},this.lexemeIdx=0},C.QueryParser.prototype.parse=function(){,this.lexemes=this.lexer.lexemes;for(var e=C.QueryParser.parseClause;e;)e=e(this);return this.query},C.QueryParser.prototype.peekLexeme=function(){return this.lexemes[this.lexemeIdx]},C.QueryParser.prototype.consumeLexeme=function(){var e=this.peekLexeme();return this.lexemeIdx+=1,e},C.QueryParser.prototype.nextClause=function(){var e=this.currentClause;this.query.clause(e),this.currentClause={}},C.QueryParser.parseClause=function(e){var t=e.peekLexeme();if(null!=t)switch(t.type){case C.QueryLexer.PRESENCE:return C.QueryParser.parsePresence;case C.QueryLexer.FIELD:return C.QueryParser.parseField;case C.QueryLexer.TERM:return C.QueryParser.parseTerm;default:var r="expected either a field or a term, found "+t.type;throw t.str.length>=1&&(r+=" with value '"+t.str+"'"),new C.QueryParseError(r,t.start,t.end)}},C.QueryParser.parsePresence=function(e){var t=e.consumeLexeme();if(null!=t){switch(t.str){case"-":e.currentClause.presence=C.Query.presence.PROHIBITED;break;case"+":e.currentClause.presence=C.Query.presence.REQUIRED;break;default:var r="unrecognised presence operator'"+t.str+"'";throw new C.QueryParseError(r,t.start,t.end)}var n=e.peekLexeme();if(null==n){r="expecting term or field, found nothing";throw new C.QueryParseError(r,t.start,t.end)}switch(n.type){case C.QueryLexer.FIELD:return C.QueryParser.parseField;case C.QueryLexer.TERM:return C.QueryParser.parseTerm;default:r="expecting term or field, found '"+n.type+"'";throw new C.QueryParseError(r,n.start,n.end)}}},C.QueryParser.parseField=function(e){var t=e.consumeLexeme();if(null!=t){if(-1==e.query.allFields.indexOf(t.str)){var{return"'"+e+"'"})).join(", "),n="unrecognised field '"+t.str+"', possible fields: "+r;throw new C.QueryParseError(n,t.start,t.end)}e.currentClause.fields=[t.str];var i=e.peekLexeme();if(null==i){n="expecting term, found nothing";throw new C.QueryParseError(n,t.start,t.end)}switch(i.type){case C.QueryLexer.TERM:return C.QueryParser.parseTerm;default:n="expecting term, found '"+i.type+"'";throw new C.QueryParseError(n,i.start,i.end)}}},C.QueryParser.parseTerm=function(e){var t=e.consumeLexeme();if(null!=t){e.currentClause.term=t.str.toLowerCase(),-1!=t.str.indexOf("*")&&(e.currentClause.usePipeline=!1);var r=e.peekLexeme();if(null!=r)switch(r.type){case C.QueryLexer.TERM:return e.nextClause(),C.QueryParser.parseTerm;case C.QueryLexer.FIELD:return e.nextClause(),C.QueryParser.parseField;case C.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE:return C.QueryParser.parseEditDistance;case C.QueryLexer.BOOST:return C.QueryParser.parseBoost;case C.QueryLexer.PRESENCE:return e.nextClause(),C.QueryParser.parsePresence;default:var n="Unexpected lexeme type '"+r.type+"'";throw new C.QueryParseError(n,r.start,r.end)}else e.nextClause()}},C.QueryParser.parseEditDistance=function(e){var t=e.consumeLexeme();if(null!=t){var r=parseInt(t.str,10);if(isNaN(r)){var 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+ +
+ Options +
+ All +
  • Public
  • +
  • Public/Protected
  • +
  • All
  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Class PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>


Type parameters

  • +


  • +


+ +


+ +




+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +


+ + +


+ +


adj: rangeAdjacent = this.rangeAdjacent
+ +

Use rangeAdjacent() instead.

+ +

Protected allowEmpty

allowEmpty: boolean
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional body

body: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[]
+ +
+ +


cd: containedBy = this.containedBy
+ +

Use containedBy() instead.

+ +


cs: contains = this.contains
+ +

Use contains() instead.

+ +

Protected fetch

fetch: Fetch
+ +
+ +

Protected headers

headers: {}
+ +

Type declaration

  • +
    [key: string]: string
  • +
+ +

Protected method

method: "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "DELETE"
+ +
+ +


nxl: rangeGte = this.rangeGte
+ +

Use rangeGte() instead.

+ +


nxr: rangeLte = this.rangeLte
+ +

Use rangeLte() instead.

+ +


ov: overlaps = this.overlaps
+ +

Use overlaps() instead.

+ +

Protected Optional schema

schema: undefined | string
+ +
+ +

Protected shouldThrowOnError

shouldThrowOnError: boolean
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional signal

signal: AbortSignal
+ +
+ +


sl: rangeLt = this.rangeLt
+ +

Use rangeLt() instead.

+ +


sr: rangeGt = this.rangeGt
+ +

Use rangeGt() instead.

+ +

Protected url

url: URL
+ +


+ +


  • abortSignal(signal: AbortSignal): this
  • +
+ +
+ +


  • containedBy(column: keyof T, value: string | T[keyof T][] | object): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose json, array, or range value on the stated column is + contained by the specified value.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      value: string | T[keyof T][] | object

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • contains(column: keyof T, value: string | T[keyof T][] | object): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose json, array, or range value on the stated column + contains the values specified in value.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      value: string | T[keyof T][] | object

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


+ + +
+ +


  • eq(column: keyof T, value: T[keyof T]): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose value on the stated column exactly matches the + specified value.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      value: T[keyof T]

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • explain(__namedParameters?: { analyze: boolean; buffers: boolean; settings: boolean; verbose: boolean; wal: boolean }): PromiseLike<PostgrestResponse<Record<string, unknown>>>
  • +
  • + +

    Obtains the EXPLAIN plan for this request.



    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { analyze: boolean; buffers: boolean; settings: boolean; verbose: boolean; wal: boolean } = {}
      • +
        analyze: boolean

        If true, the query will be executed and the actual run time will be displayed.

      • +
      • +
        buffers: boolean

        If true, include information on buffer usage.

      • +
      • +
        settings: boolean

        If true, include information on configuration parameters that affect query planning.

      • +
      • +
        verbose: boolean

        If true, the query identifier will be displayed and the result will include the output columns of the query.

      • +
      • +
        wal: boolean

        If true, include information on WAL record generation

      • +
    • +

    Returns PromiseLike<PostgrestResponse<Record<string, unknown>>>

  • +
+ +


  • filter(column: keyof T, operator: FilterOperator, value: any): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose column satisfies the filter.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      operator: FilterOperator

      The operator to filter with.

    • +
    • +
      value: any

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • fts(column: keyof T, query: string, __namedParameters?: { config: undefined | string }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose tsvector value on the stated column matches + to_tsquery(query).


    Use textSearch() instead.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      query: string

      The Postgres tsquery string to filter with.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { config: undefined | string } = {}
      • +
        config: undefined | string

        The text search configuration to use.

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


+ + +
+ +


  • gt(column: keyof T, value: T[keyof T]): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose value on the stated column is greater than the + specified value.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      value: T[keyof T]

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • gte(column: keyof T, value: T[keyof T]): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose value on the stated column is greater than or + equal to the specified value.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      value: T[keyof T]

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • ilike(column: keyof T, pattern: string): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose value in the stated column matches the supplied + pattern (case insensitive).



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      pattern: string

      The pattern to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • in(column: keyof T, values: T[keyof T][]): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose value on the stated column is found on the + specified values.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      values: T[keyof T][]

      The values to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • is(column: keyof T, value: boolean | null): this
  • +
  • + +

    A check for exact equality (null, true, false), finds all rows whose + value on the stated column exactly match the specified value.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      value: boolean | null

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • like(column: keyof T, pattern: string): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose value in the stated column matches the supplied + pattern (case sensitive).



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      pattern: string

      The pattern to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • limit(count: number, __namedParameters?: { foreignTable: undefined | string }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Limits the result with the specified count.



    • +
      count: number

      The maximum no. of rows to limit to.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { foreignTable: undefined | string } = {}
      • +
        foreignTable: undefined | string

        The foreign table to use (for foreign columns).

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • lt(column: keyof T, value: T[keyof T]): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose value on the stated column is less than the + specified value.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      value: T[keyof T]

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • lte(column: keyof T, value: T[keyof T]): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose value on the stated column is less than or equal + to the specified value.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      value: T[keyof T]

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • match(query: Record<string, unknown>): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose columns match the specified query object.



    • +
      query: Record<string, unknown>

      The object to filter with, with column names as keys mapped + to their filter values.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


+ + +
+ +


  • neq(column: keyof T, value: T[keyof T]): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose value on the stated column doesn't match the + specified value.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      value: T[keyof T]

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • not(column: keyof T, operator: FilterOperator, value: any): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows which doesn't satisfy the filter.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      operator: FilterOperator

      The operator to filter with.

    • +
    • +
      value: any

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • or(filters: string, __namedParameters?: { foreignTable: undefined | string }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows satisfying at least one of the filters.



    • +
      filters: string

      The filters to use, separated by commas.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { foreignTable: undefined | string } = {}
      • +
        foreignTable: undefined | string

        The foreign table to use (if column is a foreign column).

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • order(column: keyof T, __namedParameters?: { ascending: boolean; foreignTable: undefined | string; nullsFirst: boolean }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Orders the result with the specified column.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to order on.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { ascending: boolean; foreignTable: undefined | string; nullsFirst: boolean } = {}
      • +
        ascending: boolean

        If true, the result will be in ascending order.

      • +
      • +
        foreignTable: undefined | string

        The foreign table to use (if column is a foreign column).

      • +
      • +
        nullsFirst: boolean

        If true, nulls appear first.

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • overlaps(column: keyof T, value: string | T[keyof T][]): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose array or range value on the stated column overlaps + (has a value in common) with the specified value.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      value: string | T[keyof T][]

      The value to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • phfts(column: keyof T, query: string, __namedParameters?: { config: undefined | string }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose tsvector value on the stated column matches + phraseto_tsquery(query).


    Use textSearch() with type: 'phrase' instead.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      query: string

      The Postgres tsquery string to filter with.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { config: undefined | string } = {}
      • +
        config: undefined | string

        The text search configuration to use.

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • plfts(column: keyof T, query: string, __namedParameters?: { config: undefined | string }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose tsvector value on the stated column matches + plainto_tsquery(query).


    Use textSearch() with type: 'plain' instead.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      query: string

      The Postgres tsquery string to filter with.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { config: undefined | string } = {}
      • +
        config: undefined | string

        The text search configuration to use.

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • range(from: number, to: number, __namedParameters?: { foreignTable: undefined | string }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Limits the result to rows within the specified range, inclusive.



    • +
      from: number

      The starting index from which to limit the result, inclusive.

    • +
    • +
      to: number

      The last index to which to limit the result, inclusive.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { foreignTable: undefined | string } = {}
      • +
        foreignTable: undefined | string

        The foreign table to use (for foreign columns).

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • rangeAdjacent(column: keyof T, range: string): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose range value on the stated column is adjacent to + the specified range.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      range: string

      The range to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • rangeGt(column: keyof T, range: string): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose range value on the stated column is strictly to + the right of the specified range.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      range: string

      The range to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • rangeGte(column: keyof T, range: string): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose range value on the stated column does not extend + to the left of the specified range.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      range: string

      The range to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • rangeLt(column: keyof T, range: string): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose range value on the stated column is strictly to the + left of the specified range.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      range: string

      The range to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • rangeLte(column: keyof T, range: string): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose range value on the stated column does not extend + to the right of the specified range.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      range: string

      The range to filter with.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • select(columns?: string): this
  • +
+ +
+ +


+ + +
+ +


  • textSearch(column: keyof T, query: string, __namedParameters?: { config: undefined | string; type: null | "plain" | "phrase" | "websearch" }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose text or tsvector value on the stated column matches + the tsquery in query.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      query: string

      The Postgres tsquery string to filter with.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { config: undefined | string; type: null | "plain" | "phrase" | "websearch" } = {}
      • +
        config: undefined | string

        The text search configuration to use.

      • +
      • +
        type: null | "plain" | "phrase" | "websearch"

        The type of tsquery conversion to use on query.

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • then<TResult1, TResult2>(onfulfilled?: ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>
  • +
  • + +

    Type parameters

    • +

      TResult1 = PostgrestResponse<T>

    • +
    • +

      TResult2 = never

    • +


    • +
      Optional onfulfilled: ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null
    • +
    • +
      Optional onrejected: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null
    • +

    Returns PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>

  • +
+ +


  • throwOnError(throwOnError?: undefined | false | true): this
  • +
+ +
+ +


  • wfts(column: keyof T, query: string, __namedParameters?: { config: undefined | string }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Finds all rows whose tsvector value on the stated column matches + websearch_to_tsquery(query).


    Use textSearch() with type: 'websearch' instead.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to filter on.

    • +
    • +
      query: string

      The Postgres tsquery string to filter with.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { config: undefined | string } = {}
      • +
        config: undefined | string

        The text search configuration to use.

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +



Generated using TypeDoc

+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/classes/_lib_postgrestquerybuilder_.postgrestquerybuilder.html b/v1/classes/_lib_postgrestquerybuilder_.postgrestquerybuilder.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12f48855 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/classes/_lib_postgrestquerybuilder_.postgrestquerybuilder.html @@ -0,0 +1,740 @@ + + + + + + PostgrestQueryBuilder | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
+ All +
  • Public
  • +
  • Public/Protected
  • +
  • All
  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Class PostgrestQueryBuilder<T>


Type parameters

  • +


  • +


+ +


+ +




+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +


  • new PostgrestQueryBuilder(url: string, __namedParameters?: { fetch: undefined | fetch; headers: {}; schema: undefined | string; shouldThrowOnError: undefined | false | true }): PostgrestQueryBuilder
  • +
  • + +


    • +
      url: string
    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { fetch: undefined | fetch; headers: {}; schema: undefined | string; shouldThrowOnError: undefined | false | true } = {}
      • +
        fetch: undefined | fetch
      • +
      • +
        headers: {}
        • +
          [key: string]: string
        • +
      • +
      • +
        schema: undefined | string
      • +
      • +
        shouldThrowOnError: undefined | false | true
      • +
    • +

    Returns PostgrestQueryBuilder

  • +


+ +

Protected allowEmpty

allowEmpty: boolean
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional body

body: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[]
+ +
+ +

Protected fetch

fetch: Fetch
+ +
+ +

Protected headers

headers: {}
+ +

Type declaration

  • +
    [key: string]: string
  • +
+ +

Protected method

method: "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "DELETE"
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional schema

schema: undefined | string
+ +
+ +

Protected shouldThrowOnError

shouldThrowOnError: boolean
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional signal

signal: AbortSignal
+ +
+ +

Protected url

url: URL
+ +


+ +


  • delete(__namedParameters?: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; returning: "minimal" | "representation" }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
  • +
  • + +

    Performs a DELETE on the table.



    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; returning: "minimal" | "representation" } = {}
      • +
        count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count rows in a table.

      • +
      • +
        returning: "minimal" | "representation"

        If true, return the deleted row(s) in the response.

      • +
    • +

    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>

  • +
+ +


  • insert(values: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[], options?: undefined | { count?: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; returning?: "minimal" | "representation" }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
  • +
  • insert(values: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[], options?: undefined | { count?: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; onConflict?: undefined | string; returning?: "minimal" | "representation"; upsert?: undefined | false | true }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
  • +
  • + +

    Performs an INSERT into the table.



    • +
      values: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[]

      The values to insert.

    • +
    • +
      Optional options: undefined | { count?: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; returning?: "minimal" | "representation" }
    • +

    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>

  • +
  • + +

    Use upsert() instead.



    • +
      values: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[]
    • +
    • +
      Optional options: undefined | { count?: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; onConflict?: undefined | string; returning?: "minimal" | "representation"; upsert?: undefined | false | true }
    • +

    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>

  • +
+ +


  • select(columns?: string, __namedParameters?: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; head: boolean }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
  • +
  • + +

    Performs vertical filtering with SELECT.



    • +
      Default value columns: string = "*"

      The columns to retrieve, separated by commas.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; head: boolean } = {}
      • +
        count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count rows in a table.

      • +
      • +
        head: boolean

        When set to true, select will void data.

      • +
    • +

    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>

  • +
+ +


  • then<TResult1, TResult2>(onfulfilled?: ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>
  • +
  • + +

    Type parameters

    • +

      TResult1 = PostgrestResponse<T>

    • +
    • +

      TResult2 = never

    • +


    • +
      Optional onfulfilled: ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null
    • +
    • +
      Optional onrejected: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null
    • +

    Returns PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>

  • +
+ +


  • throwOnError(throwOnError?: undefined | false | true): this
  • +
+ +
+ +


  • update(values: Partial<T>, __namedParameters?: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; returning: "minimal" | "representation" }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
  • +
  • + +

    Performs an UPDATE on the table.



    • +
      values: Partial<T>

      The values to update.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; returning: "minimal" | "representation" } = {}
      • +
        count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count rows in a table.

      • +
      • +
        returning: "minimal" | "representation"

        By default the updated record is returned. Set this to 'minimal' if you don't need this value.

      • +
    • +

    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>

  • +
+ +


  • upsert(values: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[], __namedParameters?: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; ignoreDuplicates: boolean; onConflict: undefined | string; returning: "minimal" | "representation" }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
  • +
  • + +

    Performs an UPSERT into the table.



    • +
      values: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[]

      The values to insert.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; ignoreDuplicates: boolean; onConflict: undefined | string; returning: "minimal" | "representation" } = {}
      • +
        count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count rows in a table.

      • +
      • +
        ignoreDuplicates: boolean

        Specifies if duplicate rows should be ignored and not inserted.

      • +
      • +
        onConflict: undefined | string

        By specifying the on_conflict query parameter, you can make UPSERT work on a column(s) that has a UNIQUE constraint.

      • +
      • +
        returning: "minimal" | "representation"

        By default the new record is returned. Set this to 'minimal' if you don't need this value.

      • +
    • +

    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>

  • +
+ +



Generated using TypeDoc

+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/classes/_lib_postgrestrpcbuilder_.postgrestrpcbuilder.html b/v1/classes/_lib_postgrestrpcbuilder_.postgrestrpcbuilder.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5fea5e28 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/classes/_lib_postgrestrpcbuilder_.postgrestrpcbuilder.html @@ -0,0 +1,506 @@ + + + + + + PostgrestRpcBuilder | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
+ All +
  • Public
  • +
  • Public/Protected
  • +
  • All
  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Class PostgrestRpcBuilder<T>


Type parameters

  • +


  • +


+ +


+ +




+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +


  • new PostgrestRpcBuilder(url: string, __namedParameters?: { fetch: undefined | fetch; headers: {}; schema: undefined | string; shouldThrowOnError: undefined | false | true }): PostgrestRpcBuilder
  • +
  • + +


    • +
      url: string
    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { fetch: undefined | fetch; headers: {}; schema: undefined | string; shouldThrowOnError: undefined | false | true } = {}
      • +
        fetch: undefined | fetch
      • +
      • +
        headers: {}
        • +
          [key: string]: string
        • +
      • +
      • +
        schema: undefined | string
      • +
      • +
        shouldThrowOnError: undefined | false | true
      • +
    • +

    Returns PostgrestRpcBuilder

  • +


+ +

Protected allowEmpty

allowEmpty: boolean
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional body

body: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[]
+ +
+ +

Protected fetch

fetch: Fetch
+ +
+ +

Protected headers

headers: {}
+ +

Type declaration

  • +
    [key: string]: string
  • +
+ +

Protected method

method: "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "DELETE"
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional schema

schema: undefined | string
+ +
+ +

Protected shouldThrowOnError

shouldThrowOnError: boolean
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional signal

signal: AbortSignal
+ +
+ +

Protected url

url: URL
+ +


+ +


  • rpc(params?: undefined | object, __namedParameters?: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; head: boolean }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
  • +
  • + +

    Perform a function call.



    • +
      Optional params: undefined | object
    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; head: boolean } = {}
      • +
        count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"
      • +
      • +
        head: boolean
      • +
    • +

    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>

  • +
+ +


  • then<TResult1, TResult2>(onfulfilled?: ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>
  • +
  • + +

    Type parameters

    • +

      TResult1 = PostgrestResponse<T>

    • +
    • +

      TResult2 = never

    • +


    • +
      Optional onfulfilled: ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null
    • +
    • +
      Optional onrejected: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null
    • +

    Returns PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>

  • +
+ +


  • throwOnError(throwOnError?: undefined | false | true): this
  • +
+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/classes/_lib_postgresttransformbuilder_.postgresttransformbuilder.html b/v1/classes/_lib_postgresttransformbuilder_.postgresttransformbuilder.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60bcd136 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/classes/_lib_postgresttransformbuilder_.postgresttransformbuilder.html @@ -0,0 +1,847 @@ + + + + + + PostgrestTransformBuilder | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
+ All +
  • Public
  • +
  • Public/Protected
  • +
  • All
  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Class PostgrestTransformBuilder<T>


Post-filters (transforms)


Type parameters

  • +


  • +


+ +


+ +




+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +


+ + +


+ +

Protected allowEmpty

allowEmpty: boolean
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional body

body: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[]
+ +
+ +

Protected fetch

fetch: Fetch
+ +
+ +

Protected headers

headers: {}
+ +

Type declaration

  • +
    [key: string]: string
  • +
+ +

Protected method

method: "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "DELETE"
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional schema

schema: undefined | string
+ +
+ +

Protected shouldThrowOnError

shouldThrowOnError: boolean
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional signal

signal: AbortSignal
+ +
+ +

Protected url

url: URL
+ +


+ +


  • abortSignal(signal: AbortSignal): this
  • +
  • + +

    Sets the AbortSignal for the fetch request.



    • +
      signal: AbortSignal
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


+ + +
+ +


  • explain(__namedParameters?: { analyze: boolean; buffers: boolean; settings: boolean; verbose: boolean; wal: boolean }): PromiseLike<PostgrestResponse<Record<string, unknown>>>
  • +
  • + +

    Obtains the EXPLAIN plan for this request.



    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { analyze: boolean; buffers: boolean; settings: boolean; verbose: boolean; wal: boolean } = {}
      • +
        analyze: boolean

        If true, the query will be executed and the actual run time will be displayed.

      • +
      • +
        buffers: boolean

        If true, include information on buffer usage.

      • +
      • +
        settings: boolean

        If true, include information on configuration parameters that affect query planning.

      • +
      • +
        verbose: boolean

        If true, the query identifier will be displayed and the result will include the output columns of the query.

      • +
      • +
        wal: boolean

        If true, include information on WAL record generation

      • +
    • +

    Returns PromiseLike<PostgrestResponse<Record<string, unknown>>>

  • +
+ +


+ + +
+ +


  • limit(count: number, __namedParameters?: { foreignTable: undefined | string }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Limits the result with the specified count.



    • +
      count: number

      The maximum no. of rows to limit to.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { foreignTable: undefined | string } = {}
      • +
        foreignTable: undefined | string

        The foreign table to use (for foreign columns).

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


+ + +
+ +


  • order(column: keyof T, __namedParameters?: { ascending: boolean; foreignTable: undefined | string; nullsFirst: boolean }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Orders the result with the specified column.



    • +
      column: keyof T

      The column to order on.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { ascending: boolean; foreignTable: undefined | string; nullsFirst: boolean } = {}
      • +
        ascending: boolean

        If true, the result will be in ascending order.

      • +
      • +
        foreignTable: undefined | string

        The foreign table to use (if column is a foreign column).

      • +
      • +
        nullsFirst: boolean

        If true, nulls appear first.

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • range(from: number, to: number, __namedParameters?: { foreignTable: undefined | string }): this
  • +
  • + +

    Limits the result to rows within the specified range, inclusive.



    • +
      from: number

      The starting index from which to limit the result, inclusive.

    • +
    • +
      to: number

      The last index to which to limit the result, inclusive.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { foreignTable: undefined | string } = {}
      • +
        foreignTable: undefined | string

        The foreign table to use (for foreign columns).

      • +
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


  • select(columns?: string): this
  • +
  • + +

    Performs vertical filtering with SELECT.



    • +
      Default value columns: string = "*"

      The columns to retrieve, separated by commas.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


+ + +
+ +


  • then<TResult1, TResult2>(onfulfilled?: ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>
  • +
  • + +

    Type parameters

    • +

      TResult1 = PostgrestResponse<T>

    • +
    • +

      TResult2 = never

    • +


    • +
      Optional onfulfilled: ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null
    • +
    • +
      Optional onrejected: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null
    • +

    Returns PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>

  • +
+ +


  • throwOnError(throwOnError?: undefined | false | true): this
  • +
+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/classes/_lib_types_.postgrestbuilder.html b/v1/classes/_lib_types_.postgrestbuilder.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75174947 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/classes/_lib_types_.postgrestbuilder.html @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ + + + + + + PostgrestBuilder | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
+ All +
  • Public
  • +
  • Public/Protected
  • +
  • All
  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Class PostgrestBuilder<T>


Type parameters

  • +


  • +


+ +


+ +




+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +


+ + +


+ +

Protected allowEmpty

allowEmpty: boolean
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional body

body: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[]
+ +
+ +

Protected fetch

fetch: Fetch
+ +
+ +

Protected headers

headers: {}
+ +

Type declaration

  • +
    [key: string]: string
  • +
+ +

Protected method

method: "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "DELETE"
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional schema

schema: undefined | string
+ +
+ +

Protected shouldThrowOnError

shouldThrowOnError: boolean
+ +
+ +

Protected Optional signal

signal: AbortSignal
+ +
+ +

Protected url

url: URL
+ +


+ +


  • then<TResult1, TResult2>(onfulfilled?: ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>
  • +
  • + +

    Type parameters

    • +

      TResult1 = PostgrestResponse<T>

    • +
    • +

      TResult2 = never

    • +


    • +
      Optional onfulfilled: ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null
    • +
    • +
      Optional onrejected: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null
    • +

    Returns PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>

  • +
+ +


  • throwOnError(throwOnError?: undefined | false | true): this
  • +
  • + +

    If there's an error with the query, throwOnError will reject the promise by + throwing the error instead of returning it as part of a successful response.




    • +
      Optional throwOnError: undefined | false | true
    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/classes/_postgrestclient_.postgrestclient.html b/v1/classes/_postgrestclient_.postgrestclient.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..54cb1be3 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/classes/_postgrestclient_.postgrestclient.html @@ -0,0 +1,459 @@ + + + + + + PostgrestClient | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
+ All +
  • Public
  • +
  • Public/Protected
  • +
  • All
  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Class PostgrestClient



  • + PostgrestClient +
  • +




+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +


  • new PostgrestClient(url: string, __namedParameters?: { fetch: undefined | fetch; headers: {}; schema: undefined | string; throwOnError: undefined | false | true }): PostgrestClient
  • +
  • + +

    Creates a PostgREST client.



    • +
      url: string

      URL of the PostgREST endpoint.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { fetch: undefined | fetch; headers: {}; schema: undefined | string; throwOnError: undefined | false | true } = {}
      • +
        fetch: undefined | fetch
      • +
      • +
        headers: {}

        Custom headers.

        • +
          [key: string]: string
        • +
      • +
      • +
        schema: undefined | string

        Postgres schema to switch to.

      • +
      • +
        throwOnError: undefined | false | true
      • +
    • +

    Returns PostgrestClient

  • +


+ +

Optional fetch

fetch: Fetch
+ +
+ +


headers: {}
+ +

Type declaration

  • +
    [key: string]: string
  • +
+ +

Optional schema

schema: undefined | string
+ +
+ +

Optional shouldThrowOnError

shouldThrowOnError: undefined | false | true
+ +
+ +


url: string
+ +


+ +


  • auth(token: string): this
  • +
  • + +

    Authenticates the request with JWT.



    • +
      token: string

      The JWT token to use.

    • +

    Returns this

  • +
+ +


+ +
  • + +

    Perform a table operation.


    Type parameters

    • +

      T = any

    • +


    • +
      table: string

      The table name to operate on.

    • +

    Returns PostgrestQueryBuilder<T>

  • +
+ +


  • rpc<T>(fn: string, params?: undefined | object, __namedParameters?: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; head: boolean }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>
  • +
  • + +

    Perform a function call.


    Type parameters

    • +

      T = any

    • +


    • +
      fn: string

      The function name to call.

    • +
    • +
      Optional params: undefined | object

      The parameters to pass to the function call.

    • +
    • +
      Default value __namedParameters: { count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; head: boolean } = {}
      • +
        count: null | "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count rows in a table.

      • +
      • +
        head: boolean

        When set to true, no data will be returned.

      • +
    • +

    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<T>

  • +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/globals.html b/v1/globals.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4b0aeb6d --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/globals.html @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ + + + + + + @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
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  • +
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+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +


+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/index.html b/v1/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95dd2986 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ + + + + + + @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
+ All +
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  • +
  • All
  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +


+ +



Build + Package + License: MIT


Isomorphic JavaScript client for PostgREST. The goal of this library is to make an "ORM-like" restful interface.


Full documentation can be found here.

+ +

Quick start



npm install @supabase/postgrest-js


import { PostgrestClient } from '@supabase/postgrest-js'
+const REST_URL = 'http://localhost:3000'
+const postgrest = new PostgrestClient(REST_URL)
+ + +

Custom fetch implementation


postgrest-js uses the cross-fetch library to make HTTP requests, but an alternative fetch implementation can be provided as an option. This is most useful in environments where cross-fetch is not compatible, for instance Cloudflare Workers:

import { PostgrestClient } from '@supabase/postgrest-js'
+const REST_URL = 'http://localhost:3000'
+const postgrest = new PostgrestClient(REST_URL, {
+  fetch: (...args) => fetch(...args),
+ +



This repo is licensed under MIT License.

+ +



We are building the features of Firebase using enterprise-grade, open source products. We support existing communities wherever possible, and if the products don’t exist we build them and open source them ourselves. Thanks to these sponsors who are making the OSS ecosystem better for everyone.


New Sponsor

+ +



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+ + + diff --git a/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestresponsebase.html b/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestresponsebase.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a571092 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestresponsebase.html @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ + + + + + + PostgrestResponseBase | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
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+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Interface PostgrestResponseBase

+ +


+ +




+ +


+ +


status: number
+ +
+ +


statusText: string
+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestresponsefailure.html b/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestresponsefailure.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32d6d96d --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestresponsefailure.html @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ + + + + + + PostgrestResponseFailure | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
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+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Interface PostgrestResponseFailure



+ +




+ +


+ +


body: null
+ +
+ +


count: null
+ +
+ +


data: null
+ +
+ +


+ + +
+ +


status: number
+ +
+ +


statusText: string
+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestresponsesuccess.html b/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestresponsesuccess.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..52069441 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestresponsesuccess.html @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ + + + + + + PostgrestResponseSuccess | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
+ All +
  • Public
  • +
  • Public/Protected
  • +
  • All
  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Interface PostgrestResponseSuccess<T>


Type parameters

  • +


  • +


+ +




+ +


+ +


body: T[]
+ +
+ +


count: number | null
+ +
+ +


data: T[]
+ +
+ +


error: null
+ +
+ +


status: number
+ +
+ +


statusText: string
+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestsingleresponsesuccess.html b/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestsingleresponsesuccess.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41147805 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/interfaces/_lib_types_.postgrestsingleresponsesuccess.html @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ + + + + + + PostgrestSingleResponseSuccess | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
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  • +
  • All
  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Interface PostgrestSingleResponseSuccess<T>


Type parameters

  • +


  • +


+ +




+ +


+ +


body: T
+ +
+ +


data: T
+ +
+ +


error: null
+ +
+ +


status: number
+ +
+ +


statusText: string
+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/modules/_index_.html b/v1/modules/_index_.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cbbe55ce --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/modules/_index_.html @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ + + + + + + "index" | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
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+ +

Module "index"

+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/modules/_lib_constants_.html b/v1/modules/_lib_constants_.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7bb7a69d --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/modules/_lib_constants_.html @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ + + + + + + "lib/constants" | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
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+ Menu +
+ +

Module "lib/constants"




Object literals

+ +

Object literals

+ +


+ +
+ +


X-Client-Info: string = `postgrest-js/${version}`
+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/modules/_lib_postgrestfilterbuilder_.html b/v1/modules/_lib_postgrestfilterbuilder_.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6876c95e --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/modules/_lib_postgrestfilterbuilder_.html @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ + + + + + + "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder" | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
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+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Module "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder"





+ +

Type aliases

+ +

Type aliases

+ +


FilterOperator: "eq" | "neq" | "gt" | "gte" | "lt" | "lte" | "like" | "ilike" | "is" | "in" | "cs" | "cd" | "sl" | "sr" | "nxl" | "nxr" | "adj" | "ov" | "fts" | "plfts" | "phfts" | "wfts" | "not.eq" | "not.neq" | "" | "not.gte" | "" | "not.lte" | "" | "not.ilike" | "" | "" | "not.cs" | "" | "" | "" | "not.nxl" | "not.nxr" | "not.adj" | "not.ov" | "not.fts" | "not.plfts" | "not.phfts" | "not.wfts"
+ +


+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/modules/_lib_postgrestquerybuilder_.html b/v1/modules/_lib_postgrestquerybuilder_.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f06782e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/modules/_lib_postgrestquerybuilder_.html @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ + + + + + + "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder" | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
+ Options +
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+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Module "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder"





+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/modules/_lib_postgrestrpcbuilder_.html b/v1/modules/_lib_postgrestrpcbuilder_.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3bc1e3b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/modules/_lib_postgrestrpcbuilder_.html @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ + + + + + + "lib/PostgrestRpcBuilder" | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
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+ Menu +
+ +

Module "lib/PostgrestRpcBuilder"





+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/modules/_lib_postgresttransformbuilder_.html b/v1/modules/_lib_postgresttransformbuilder_.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f0b58c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/modules/_lib_postgresttransformbuilder_.html @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ + + + + + + "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder" | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
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+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Module "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder"





+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/modules/_lib_types_.html b/v1/modules/_lib_types_.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5680eaa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/modules/_lib_types_.html @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ + + + + + + "lib/types" | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
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+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Module "lib/types"



+ +

Type aliases

+ +


Fetch: typeof fetch
+ +
+ +


PostgrestError: { code: string; details: string; hint: string; message: string }
+ + +

Type declaration

  • +
    code: string
  • +
  • +
    details: string
  • +
  • +
    hint: string
  • +
  • +
    message: string
  • +
+ +


PostgrestMaybeSingleResponse<T>: PostgrestSingleResponse<T | null>
+ +

Type parameters

  • +


  • +
+ +


+ + +

Type parameters

  • +


  • +
+ +


+ + +

Type parameters

  • +


  • +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/modules/_lib_version_.html b/v1/modules/_lib_version_.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5272612a --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/modules/_lib_version_.html @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ + + + + + + "lib/version" | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
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  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Module "lib/version"





+ +


+ +

Const version

version: "0.0.0-automated" = "0.0.0-automated"
+ +
+ +



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+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v1/modules/_postgrestclient_.html b/v1/modules/_postgrestclient_.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0d548f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/v1/modules/_postgrestclient_.html @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ + + + + + + "PostgrestClient" | @supabase/postgrest-js + + + + + +
+ +
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+ + + + + + +
+ Menu +
+ +

Module "PostgrestClient"





+ +
+ +



Generated using TypeDoc

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"name": "url", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isProtected": true, + "isExported": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/types.ts", + "line": 53, + "character": 15 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "URL" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 30, + "name": "PostgrestBuilder.url" + } + }, + { + "id": 311, + "name": "abortSignal", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 312, + "name": "abortSignal", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Sets the AbortSignal for the fetch request." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 313, + "name": "signal", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "AbortSignal" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 99, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.abortSignal" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 91, + "character": 13 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 99, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.abortSignal" + } + }, + { + "id": 208, + "name": "containedBy", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 209, + "name": "containedBy", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose json, array, or range value on the stated `column` is\ncontained by the specified `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 210, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 211, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "object" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 238, + "character": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 203, + "name": "contains", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 204, + "name": "contains", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose json, array, or range value on the stated `column`\ncontains the values specified in `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 205, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 206, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": 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"inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 106, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.csv" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 119, + "character": 5 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 106, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.csv" + } + }, + { + "id": 163, + "name": "eq", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 164, + "name": "eq", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose value on the stated `column` exactly matches the\nspecified `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 165, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 166, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 85, + "character": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 322, + "name": "explain", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 323, + "name": "explain", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Obtains the EXPLAIN plan for this request." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 324, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__0", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 325, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 326, + "name": "analyze", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "If `true`, the query will be executed and the actual run time will be displayed." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 142, + "character": 11 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "false" + }, + { + "id": 329, + "name": "buffers", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "If `true`, include information on buffer usage." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 145, + "character": 11 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "false" + }, + { + "id": 328, + "name": "settings", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "If `true`, include information on configuration parameters that affect query planning." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 144, + "character": 12 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "false" + }, + { + "id": 327, + "name": "verbose", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "If `true`, the query identifier will be displayed and the result will include the output columns of the query." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 143, + "character": 11 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "false" + }, + { + "id": 330, + "name": "wal", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "If `true`, include information on WAL record generation\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 146, + "character": 7 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "false" + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [326, 329, 328, 327, 330] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 141, + "character": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "name": "Record" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestResponse" + } + ], + "name": "PromiseLike" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 110, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.explain" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 141, + "character": 9 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 110, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.explain" + } + }, + { + "id": 279, + "name": "filter", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 280, + "name": "filter", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose `column` satisfies the filter." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 281, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 282, + "name": "operator", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The operator to filter with." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 361, + "name": "FilterOperator" + } + }, + { + "id": 283, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "any" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 452, + "character": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 251, + "name": "fts", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 252, + "name": "fts", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose tsvector value on the stated `column` matches\nto_tsquery(`query`).", + "tags": [ + { + "tag": "deprecated", + "text": "Use `textSearch()` instead.\n" + } + ] + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 253, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 254, + "name": "query", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The Postgres tsquery string to filter with." + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 255, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__2", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 256, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 257, + "name": "config", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The text search configuration to use.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 391, + "character": 46 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [257] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 391, + "character": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 391, + "character": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 320, + "name": "geojson", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 321, + "name": "geojson", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set the response type to GeoJSON." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "name": "Record" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestSingleResponse" + } + ], + "name": "PromiseLike" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 108, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.geojson" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 127, + "character": 9 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 108, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.geojson" + } + }, + { + "id": 171, + "name": "gt", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 172, + "name": "gt", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose value on the stated `column` is greater than the\nspecified `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 173, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 174, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 109, + "character": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 175, + "name": "gte", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 176, + "name": "gte", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose value on the stated `column` is greater than or\nequal to the specified `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 177, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 178, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 121, + "character": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 191, + "name": "ilike", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 192, + "name": "ilike", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose value in the stated `column` matches the supplied\n`pattern` (case insensitive)." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 193, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 194, + "name": "pattern", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The pattern to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 169, + "character": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 199, + "name": "in", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 200, + "name": "in", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose value on the stated `column` is found on the\nspecified `values`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 201, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 202, + "name": "values", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The values to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 193, + "character": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 195, + "name": "is", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 196, + "name": "is", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "A check for exact equality (null, true, false), finds all rows whose\nvalue on the stated `column` exactly match the specified `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 197, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 198, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "null" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 181, + "character": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 187, + "name": "like", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 188, + "name": "like", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose value in the stated `column` matches the supplied\n`pattern` (case sensitive)." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 189, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 190, + "name": "pattern", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The pattern to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 157, + "character": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 298, + "name": "limit", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 299, + "name": "limit", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Limits the result with the specified `count`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 300, + "name": "count", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The maximum no. of rows to limit to." + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "number" + } + }, + { + "id": 301, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__1", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 302, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 303, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The foreign table to use (for foreign columns).\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 66, + "character": 37 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [303] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 66, + "character": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 86, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.limit" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 66, + "character": 7 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 86, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.limit" + } + }, + { + "id": 179, + "name": "lt", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 180, + "name": "lt", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose value on the stated `column` is less than the\nspecified `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 181, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 182, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 133, + "character": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 183, + "name": "lte", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 184, + "name": "lte", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose value on the stated `column` is less than or equal\nto the specified `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 185, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 186, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 145, + "character": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 284, + "name": "match", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 285, + "name": "match", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose columns match the specified `query` object." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 286, + "name": "query", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The object to filter with, with column names as keys mapped\n to their filter values.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "name": "Record" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 463, + "character": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 316, + "name": "maybeSingle", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 317, + "name": "maybeSingle", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Retrieves at most one row from the result. Result must be at most one row\n(e.g. using `eq` on a UNIQUE column), otherwise this will result in an\nerror." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 70, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestMaybeSingleResponse" + } + ], + "name": "PromiseLike" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 104, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.maybeSingle" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 110, + "character": 13 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 104, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.maybeSingle" + } + }, + { + "id": 167, + "name": "neq", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 168, + "name": "neq", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose value on the stated `column` doesn't match the\nspecified `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 169, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 170, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 97, + "character": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 152, + "name": "not", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 153, + "name": "not", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows which doesn't satisfy the filter." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 154, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 155, + "name": "operator", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The operator to filter with." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 361, + "name": "FilterOperator" + } + }, + { + "id": 156, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "any" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 61, + "character": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 157, + "name": "or", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 158, + "name": "or", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows satisfying at least one of the filters." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 159, + "name": "filters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The filters to use, separated by commas." + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 160, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__1", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 161, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 162, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The foreign table to use (if `column` is a foreign column).\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 72, + "character": 36 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [162] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 72, + "character": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 72, + "character": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 290, + "name": "order", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 291, + "name": "order", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Orders the result with the specified `column`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 292, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to order on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 293, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__1", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 294, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 295, + "name": "ascending", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "If `true`, the result will be in ascending order." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 43, + "character": 15 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "true" + }, + { + "id": 297, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The foreign table to use (if `column` is a foreign column).\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 45, + "character": 18 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 296, + "name": "nullsFirst", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "If `true`, `null`s appear first." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 44, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "false" + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [295, 297, 296] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 41, + "character": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 78, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.order" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 40, + "character": 7 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 78, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.order" + } + }, + { + "id": 238, + "name": "overlaps", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 239, + "name": "overlaps", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose array or range value on the stated `column` overlaps\n(has a value in common) with the specified `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 240, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 241, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The value to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 337, + "character": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 265, + "name": "phfts", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 266, + "name": "phfts", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose tsvector value on the stated `column` matches\nphraseto_tsquery(`query`).", + "tags": [ + { + "tag": "deprecated", + "text": "Use `textSearch()` with `type: 'phrase'` instead.\n" + } + ] + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 267, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 268, + "name": "query", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The Postgres tsquery string to filter with." + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 269, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__2", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 270, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 271, + "name": "config", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The text search configuration to use.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 423, + "character": 48 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [271] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 423, + "character": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 423, + "character": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 258, + "name": "plfts", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 259, + "name": "plfts", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose tsvector value on the stated `column` matches\nplainto_tsquery(`query`).", + "tags": [ + { + "tag": "deprecated", + "text": "Use `textSearch()` with `type: 'plain'` instead.\n" + } + ] + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 260, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 261, + "name": "query", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + 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"name": "number" + } + }, + { + "id": 307, + "name": "to", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The last index to which to limit the result, inclusive." + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "number" + } + }, + { + "id": 308, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__2", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 309, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 310, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The foreign table to use (for foreign columns).\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 79, + "character": 48 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + 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+ "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 219, + "name": "rangeGt", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose range value on the stated `column` is strictly to\nthe right of the specified `range`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 220, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 221, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The range to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 277, + "character": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 223, + "name": "rangeGte", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 224, + "name": "rangeGte", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose range value on the stated `column` does not extend\nto the left of the specified `range`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 225, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 226, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The range to filter with.\n" + }, + 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"name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The range to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 262, + "character": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 228, + "name": "rangeLte", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 229, + "name": "rangeLte", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose range value on the stated `column` does not extend\nto the right of the specified `range`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 230, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 231, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The range to filter with.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 307, + "character": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 287, + "name": "select", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 288, + "name": "select", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Performs vertical filtering with SELECT." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 289, + "name": "columns", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The columns to retrieve, separated by commas.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + "defaultValue": "\"*\"" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 75, + "name": "" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 13, + "character": 8 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 75, + "name": "" + } + }, + { + "id": 314, + "name": "single", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 315, + "name": "single", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Retrieves only one row from the result. Result must be one row (e.g. using\n`limit`), otherwise this will result in an error." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestSingleResponse" + } + ], + "name": "PromiseLike" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 102, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.single" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 100, + "character": 8 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 102, + "name": "PostgrestTransformBuilder.single" + } + }, + { + "id": 243, + "name": "textSearch", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 244, + "name": "textSearch", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Finds all rows whose text or tsvector value on the stated `column` matches\nthe tsquery in `query`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 245, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to filter on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 246, + "name": "query", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The Postgres tsquery string to filter with." + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 247, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__2", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 248, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 249, + "name": "config", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The text search configuration to use." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 364, + "character": 12 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 250, + "name": "type", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The type of tsquery conversion to use on `query`.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 365, + "character": 10 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "null" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "plain" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "phrase" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "websearch" + } + ] + }, + "defaultValue": "null" + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [249, 250] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 362, + "character": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 360, + "character": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 349, + "name": "then", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 350, + "name": "then", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 351, + "name": "TResult1", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + } + }, + { + "id": 352, + "name": "TResult2", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type 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"shortText": "If there's an error with the query, throwOnError will reject the promise by\nthrowing the error instead of returning it as part of a successful response.", + "text": "{@link}\n" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 348, + "name": "throwOnError", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true, + "isOptional": true + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "false" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "true" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 44, + "name": "PostgrestBuilder.throwOnError" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/types.ts", + "line": 83, + "character": 14 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 44, + "name": "PostgrestBuilder.throwOnError" + } + }, + { + "id": 272, + "name": "wfts", + "kind": 2048, + 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there's an error with the query, throwOnError will reject the promise by\nthrowing the error instead of returning it as part of a successful response.", + "text": "{@link}\n" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 435, + "name": "throwOnError", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true, + "isOptional": true + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "false" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "true" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 44, + "name": "PostgrestBuilder.throwOnError" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/types.ts", + "line": 83, + "character": 14 + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 44, + "name": "PostgrestBuilder.throwOnError" + } + }, + { + "id": 408, + "name": "update", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": 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Set this to 'minimal' if you don't need this value." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 186, + "character": 15 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "minimal" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "representation" + } + ] + }, + "defaultValue": "\"representation\"" + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [414, 413] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 184, + "character": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestFilterBuilder" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 183, + "character": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 399, + "name": "upsert", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 400, + "name": "upsert", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Performs an UPSERT into the table." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 401, + "name": "values", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The values to insert." + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + ], + "name": "Partial" + }, + { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + ], + "name": "Partial" + } + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 402, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__1", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 403, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 406, + "name": "count", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "Count algorithm to use to count rows in a table." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 147, + "character": 11 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "null" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "exact" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "planned" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "estimated" + } + ] + }, + "defaultValue": "null" + }, + { + "id": 407, + "name": "ignoreDuplicates", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "Specifies if duplicate rows should be ignored and not inserted.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 148, + "character": 22 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "false" + }, + { + "id": 404, + "name": "onConflict", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "By specifying the `on_conflict` query parameter, you can make UPSERT work on a column(s) that has a UNIQUE constraint." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 145, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 405, + "name": "returning", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "By default the new record is returned. Set this to 'minimal' if you don't need this value." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 146, + "character": 15 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "minimal" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "representation" + } + ] + }, + "defaultValue": "\"representation\"" + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [406, 407, 404, 405] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 143, + "character": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestFilterBuilder" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 142, + "character": 8 + } + ] + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Constructors", + "kind": 512, + "children": [365] + 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"PostgrestBuilder.headers" + } + }, + { + "id": 119, + "name": "method", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isProtected": true, + "isExported": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/types.ts", + "line": 52, + "character": 18 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "GET" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "HEAD" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "POST" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "PATCH" + }, + { + "type": "stringLiteral", + "value": "DELETE" + } + ] + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 29, + "name": "PostgrestBuilder.method" + } + }, + { + "id": 125, + "name": "schema", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isProtected": true, + "isExported": true, + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/types.ts", + "line": 55, + "character": 18 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + 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+ "name": "PostgrestBuilder.signal" + } + }, + { + "id": 120, + "name": "url", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isProtected": true, + "isExported": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/types.ts", + "line": 53, + "character": 15 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "URL" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 30, + "name": "PostgrestBuilder.url" + } + }, + { + "id": 99, + "name": "abortSignal", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 100, + "name": "abortSignal", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Sets the AbortSignal for the fetch request." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 101, + "name": "signal", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "AbortSignal" + } + } + ], + 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"comment": { + "text": "If `true`, the query identifier will be displayed and the result will include the output columns of the query." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 143, + "character": 11 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "false" + }, + { + "id": 118, + "name": "wal", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "If `true`, include information on WAL record generation\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 146, + "character": 7 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "false" + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [114, 117, 116, 115, 118] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 141, + "character": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "name": "Record" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestResponse" + } + ], + "name": "PromiseLike" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 141, + "character": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 108, + "name": "geojson", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 109, + "name": "geojson", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set the response type to GeoJSON." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "name": "Record" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestSingleResponse" + } + ], + "name": "PromiseLike" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 127, + "character": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 86, + "name": "limit", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 87, + "name": "limit", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Limits the result with the specified `count`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 88, + "name": "count", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The maximum no. of rows to limit to." + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "number" + } + }, + { + "id": 89, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__1", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 90, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 91, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The foreign table to use (for foreign columns).\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 66, + "character": 37 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [91] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 66, + "character": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 66, + "character": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 104, + "name": "maybeSingle", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 105, + "name": "maybeSingle", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Retrieves at most one row from the result. Result must be at most one row\n(e.g. using `eq` on a UNIQUE column), otherwise this will result in an\nerror." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 70, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestMaybeSingleResponse" + } + ], + "name": "PromiseLike" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 110, + "character": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 78, + "name": "order", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 79, + "name": "order", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Orders the result with the specified `column`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 80, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The column to order on." + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 81, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__1", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 82, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 83, + "name": "ascending", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "If `true`, the result will be in ascending order." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 43, + "character": 15 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "true" + }, + { + "id": 85, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The foreign table to use (if `column` is a foreign column).\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 45, + "character": 18 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 84, + "name": "nullsFirst", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "If `true`, `null`s appear first." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 44, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + }, + "defaultValue": "false" + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [83, 85, 84] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 41, + "character": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + 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"text": "The last index to which to limit the result, inclusive." + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "number" + } + }, + { + "id": 96, + "name": "__namedParameters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "originalName": "__2", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 97, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "children": [ + { + "id": 98, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 32, + "kindString": "Variable", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The foreign table to use (for foreign columns).\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 79, + "character": 48 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Variables", + "kind": 32, + "children": [98] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 79, + "character": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 79, + "character": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 75, + "name": "select", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 76, + "name": "select", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Performs vertical filtering with SELECT." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 77, + "name": "columns", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "text": "The columns to retrieve, separated by commas.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + "defaultValue": "\"*\"" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "this" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 13, + "character": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 102, + "name": "single", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 103, + "name": "single", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Retrieves only one row from the result. Result must be one row (e.g. using\n`limit`), otherwise this will result in an error." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestSingleResponse" + } + ], + "name": "PromiseLike" + } + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "lib/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 100, + "character": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 137, + "name": "then", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 138, + "name": "then", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 139, + "name": "TResult1", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + } + }, + { + "id": 140, + "name": "TResult2", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 141, + "name": "onfulfilled", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true, + "isOptional": true + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 142, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 143, + "name": "__call", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 144, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isExported": true + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "T" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestResponse" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "typeParameter", + "name": "TResult1", + "default": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + 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pe=Me((de,fe)=>{(function(){var t=function(e){var r=new t.Builder;return r.pipeline.add(t.trimmer,t.stopWordFilter,t.stemmer),r.searchPipeline.add(t.stemmer),,r),};t.version="2.3.9";t.utils={},t.utils.warn=function(e){return function(r){e.console&&console.warn&&console.warn(r)}}(this),t.utils.asString=function(e){return e==null?"":e.toString()},t.utils.clone=function(e){if(e==null)return e;for(var r=Object.create(null),n=Object.keys(e),i=0;i0){var h=t.utils.clone(r)||{};h.position=[a,u],h.index=s.length,s.push(new t.Token(n.slice(a,o),h))}a=o+1}}return s},t.tokenizer.separator=/[\s\-]+/;t.Pipeline=function(){this._stack=[]},t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions=Object.create(null),t.Pipeline.registerFunction=function(e,r){r in this.registeredFunctions&&t.utils.warn("Overwriting existing registered function: "+r),e.label=r,t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e.label]=e},t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered=function(e){var r=e.label&&e.label in this.registeredFunctions;r||t.utils.warn(`Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index. +`,e)},t.Pipeline.load=function(e){var r=new t.Pipeline;return e.forEach(function(n){var i=t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[n];if(i)r.add(i);else throw new Error("Cannot load unregistered function: "+n)}),r},t.Pipeline.prototype.add=function(){var;e.forEach(function(r){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(r),this._stack.push(r)},this)},t.Pipeline.prototype.after=function(e,r){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(r);var n=this._stack.indexOf(e);if(n==-1)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");n=n+1,this._stack.splice(n,0,r)},t.Pipeline.prototype.before=function(e,r){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(r);var n=this._stack.indexOf(e);if(n==-1)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._stack.splice(n,0,r)},t.Pipeline.prototype.remove=function(e){var r=this._stack.indexOf(e);r!=-1&&this._stack.splice(r,1)},{for(var r=this._stack.length,n=0;n1&&(oe&&(n=s),o!=e);)i=n-r,s=r+Math.floor(i/2),o=this.elements[s*2];if(o==e||o>e)return s*2;if(ol?h+=2:a==l&&(r+=n[u+1]*i[h+1],u+=2,h+=2);return r},t.Vector.prototype.similarity=function(e){return||0},t.Vector.prototype.toArray=function(){for(var e=new Array(this.elements.length/2),r=1,n=0;r0){var o=s.str.charAt(0),a;o in s.node.edges?a=s.node.edges[o]:(a=new t.TokenSet,s.node.edges[o]=a),s.str.length==1&&(!0),i.push({node:a,editsRemaining:s.editsRemaining,str:s.str.slice(1)})}if(s.editsRemaining!=0){if("*"in s.node.edges)var l=s.node.edges["*"];else{var l=new t.TokenSet;s.node.edges["*"]=l}if(s.str.length==0&&(!0),i.push({node:l,editsRemaining:s.editsRemaining-1,str:s.str}),s.str.length>1&&i.push({node:s.node,editsRemaining:s.editsRemaining-1,str:s.str.slice(1)}),s.str.length==1&&(!0),s.str.length>=1){if("*"in s.node.edges)var u=s.node.edges["*"];else{var u=new t.TokenSet;s.node.edges["*"]=u}s.str.length==1&&(!0),i.push({node:u,editsRemaining:s.editsRemaining-1,str:s.str.slice(1)})}if(s.str.length>1){var h=s.str.charAt(0),f=s.str.charAt(1),p;f in 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var(--dark-color-comment-tag-text); + --color-ts: var(--dark-color-ts); + --color-ts-interface: var(--dark-color-ts-interface); + --color-ts-enum: var(--dark-color-ts-enum); + --color-ts-class: var(--dark-color-ts-class); + --color-ts-private: var(--dark-color-ts-private); + --color-toolbar: var(--dark-color-toolbar); + --color-toolbar-text: var(--dark-color-toolbar-text); + --icon-filter: var(--dark-icon-filter); + --external-icon: var(--dark-external-icon); +} + +h1, +h2, +h3, +h4, +h5, +h6 { + line-height: 1.2; +} + +h1 { + font-size: 2em; + margin: 0.67em 0; +} + +h2 { + font-size: 1.5em; + margin: 0.83em 0; +} + +h3 { + font-size: 1.17em; + margin: 1em 0; +} + +h4, +.tsd-index-panel h3 { + font-size: 1em; + margin: 1.33em 0; +} + +h5 { + font-size: 0.83em; + margin: 1.67em 0; +} + +h6 { + font-size: 0.67em; + margin: 2.33em 0; +} + +pre { + white-space: pre; + white-space: pre-wrap; + word-wrap: break-word; +} + +dl, +menu, +ol, +ul { + margin: 1em 0; +} + +dd { + margin: 0 0 0 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var(--color-panel-divider); +} +.tsd-panel table tr { + background: var(--color-background); +} +.tsd-panel table tr:nth-child(even) { + background: var(--color-secondary-background); +} + +.tsd-panel-group { + margin: 60px 0; +} +.tsd-panel-group > h1, +.tsd-panel-group > h2, +.tsd-panel-group > h3 { + padding-left: 20px; + padding-right: 20px; +} + +#tsd-search { + transition: background-color 0.2s; +} +#tsd-search .title { + position: relative; + z-index: 2; +} +#tsd-search .field { + position: absolute; + left: 0; + top: 0; + right: 40px; + height: 40px; +} +#tsd-search .field input { + box-sizing: border-box; + position: relative; + top: -50px; + z-index: 1; + width: 100%; + padding: 0 10px; + opacity: 0; + outline: 0; + border: 0; + background: transparent; + color: var(--color-text); +} +#tsd-search .field label { + position: absolute; + overflow: hidden; + right: -40px; +} +#tsd-search .field input, +#tsd-search .title { + transition: opacity 0.2s; +} +#tsd-search .results { + position: absolute; + visibility: hidden; + top: 40px; + width: 100%; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + list-style: none; + box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); +} +#tsd-search .results li { + padding: 0 10px; + background-color: var(--color-background); +} +#tsd-search .results li:nth-child(even) { + background-color: var(--color-panel); +} +#tsd-search .results li.state { + display: none; +} +#tsd-search .results li.current, +#tsd-search .results li:hover { + background-color: var(--color-panel-divider); +} +#tsd-search .results a { + display: block; +} +#tsd-search .results a:before { + top: 10px; +} +#tsd-search .results span.parent { + color: var(--color-text-aside); + font-weight: normal; +} +#tsd-search.has-focus { + background-color: var(--color-panel-divider); +} +#tsd-search.has-focus .field input { + top: 0; + opacity: 1; +} +#tsd-search.has-focus .title { + z-index: 0; + opacity: 0; +} +#tsd-search.has-focus .results { + visibility: visible; +} +#tsd-search.loading .results li.state.loading { + display: block; +} +#tsd-search.failure .results li.state.failure { + display: block; +} + +.tsd-signature { + margin: 0 0 1em 0; + padding: 10px; + border: 1px solid var(--color-panel-divider); + font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace; + font-size: 14px; + overflow-x: auto; +} +.tsd-signature.tsd-kind-icon { + padding-left: 30px; +} +.tsd-signature.tsd-kind-icon:before { + top: 10px; + left: 10px; +} +.tsd-panel > .tsd-signature { + margin-left: -20px; + margin-right: -20px; + border-width: 1px 0; +} +.tsd-panel > .tsd-signature.tsd-kind-icon { + padding-left: 40px; +} +.tsd-panel > .tsd-signature.tsd-kind-icon:before { + left: 20px; +} + +.tsd-signature-symbol { + color: var(--color-text-aside); + font-weight: normal; +} + +.tsd-signature-type { + font-style: italic; + font-weight: normal; +} + +.tsd-signatures { + padding: 0; + margin: 0 0 1em 0; + border: 1px solid var(--color-panel-divider); +} +.tsd-signatures .tsd-signature { + margin: 0; + border-width: 1px 0 0 0; + transition: background-color 0.1s; +} +.tsd-signatures .tsd-signature:first-child { + border-top-width: 0; +} +.tsd-signatures .tsd-signature.current { + background-color: var(--color-panel-divider); +} > .tsd-signature { + cursor: pointer; +} +.tsd-panel > .tsd-signatures { + margin-left: -20px; + margin-right: -20px; + border-width: 1px 0; +} +.tsd-panel > .tsd-signatures .tsd-signature.tsd-kind-icon { + padding-left: 40px; +} +.tsd-panel > .tsd-signatures .tsd-signature.tsd-kind-icon:before { + left: 20px; +} +.tsd-panel > a.anchor + .tsd-signatures { + border-top-width: 0; + margin-top: -20px; +} + +ul.tsd-descriptions { + position: relative; + overflow: hidden; + padding: 0; + list-style: none; +} > .tsd-description { + display: none; +} > .tsd-description.current { + display: block; +} > .tsd-description.fade-in { + animation: fade-in-delayed 0.3s; +} > .tsd-description.fade-out { + animation: fade-out-delayed 0.3s; + position: absolute; + display: block; + top: 0; + left: 0; + right: 0; + opacity: 0; + visibility: hidden; +} +ul.tsd-descriptions h4, +ul.tsd-descriptions .tsd-index-panel h3, +.tsd-index-panel ul.tsd-descriptions h3 { + font-size: 16px; + margin: 1em 0 0.5em 0; +} + +ul.tsd-parameters, +ul.tsd-type-parameters { + list-style: square; + margin: 0; + padding-left: 20px; +} +ul.tsd-parameters > li.tsd-parameter-signature, +ul.tsd-type-parameters > li.tsd-parameter-signature { + list-style: none; + margin-left: -20px; +} +ul.tsd-parameters h5, +ul.tsd-type-parameters h5 { + font-size: 16px; + margin: 1em 0 0.5em 0; +} +ul.tsd-parameters .tsd-comment, +ul.tsd-type-parameters .tsd-comment { + margin-top: -0.5em; +} + +.tsd-sources { + font-size: 14px; + color: var(--color-text-aside); + margin: 0 0 1em 0; +} +.tsd-sources a { + color: var(--color-text-aside); + text-decoration: underline; +} +.tsd-sources ul, +.tsd-sources p { + margin: 0 !important; +} +.tsd-sources ul { + list-style: none; + padding: 0; +} + 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margin: 0 -8px 0 0; + background-image: url(./widgets.png); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + text-indent: -1024px; + vertical-align: bottom; + filter: var(--icon-filter); +} +@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 144dpi) { + .tsd-select .tsd-select-list li:before, + .tsd-select .tsd-select-label:before, + .tsd-widget:before { + background-image: url(./widgets@2x.png); + background-size: 320px 40px; + } +} + +.tsd-widget { + display: inline-block; + overflow: hidden; + opacity: 0.8; + height: 40px; + transition: opacity 0.1s, background-color 0.2s; + vertical-align: bottom; + cursor: pointer; +} +.tsd-widget:hover { + opacity: 0.9; +} { + opacity: 1; + background-color: var(--color-panel-divider); +} { + width: 40px; +} { + margin: 0; +} { + background-position: 0 0; +} { + background-position: -40px 0; +} +.tsd-widget.options:before { + background-position: -80px 0; +} +.tsd-widget.options, { + display: none; +} +@media (max-width: 900px) { + .tsd-widget.options, + { + display: inline-block; + } +} +input[type="checkbox"] + .tsd-widget:before { + background-position: -120px 0; +} +input[type="checkbox"]:checked + .tsd-widget:before { + background-position: -160px 0; +} + +.tsd-select { + position: relative; + display: inline-block; + height: 40px; + transition: opacity 0.1s, background-color 0.2s; + vertical-align: bottom; + cursor: pointer; +} +.tsd-select .tsd-select-label { + opacity: 0.6; + transition: opacity 0.2s; +} +.tsd-select .tsd-select-label:before { + background-position: -240px 0; +} .tsd-select-label { + opacity: 0.8; +} .tsd-select-list { + visibility: visible; + opacity: 1; + transition-delay: 0s; +} +.tsd-select .tsd-select-list { + position: absolute; + visibility: hidden; + top: 40px; + left: 0; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + opacity: 0; + list-style: none; + box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + transition: visibility 0s 0.2s, opacity 0.2s; +} +.tsd-select .tsd-select-list li { + padding: 0 20px 0 0; + background-color: var(--color-background); +} +.tsd-select .tsd-select-list li:before { + background-position: 40px 0; +} +.tsd-select .tsd-select-list li:nth-child(even) { + background-color: var(--color-panel); +} +.tsd-select .tsd-select-list li:hover { + background-color: var(--color-panel-divider); +} +.tsd-select .tsd-select-list li.selected:before { + background-position: -200px 0; +} +@media (max-width: 900px) { + .tsd-select .tsd-select-list { + top: 0; + left: auto; + right: 100%; + margin-right: -5px; + } + .tsd-select .tsd-select-label:before { + background-position: -280px 0; + } +} + +img { + max-width: 100%; +} + +.tsd-anchor-icon { + margin-left: 10px; + vertical-align: middle; + color: var(--color-text); +} + +.tsd-anchor-icon svg { + width: 1em; + height: 1em; + visibility: hidden; +} + +.tsd-anchor-link:hover > .tsd-anchor-icon svg { + visibility: visible; +} diff --git a/v2/assets/widgets.png b/v2/assets/widgets.png new file mode 100644 index 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  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class PostgrestBuilder<Result> Abstract

Type Parameters

  • Result






body?: unknown
fetch: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>)

Type declaration

    • (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: RequestInfo | URL
      • Optional init: RequestInit

      Returns Promise<Response>

headers: Record<string, string>
isMaybeSingle: boolean
method: "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "DELETE"
schema?: string
shouldThrowOnError: boolean = false
signal?: AbortSignal
url: URL


  • then<TResult1, TResult2>(onfulfilled?: null | ((value: PostgrestSingleResponse<Result>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>), onrejected?: null | ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>)): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>
  • Type Parameters


    • Optional onfulfilled: null | ((value: PostgrestSingleResponse<Result>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>)
    • Optional onrejected: null | ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>)

    Returns PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>


  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Inherited method
  • Protected property



Generated using TypeDoc

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v2/classes/PostgrestClient.html b/v2/classes/PostgrestClient.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f5b8456 --- /dev/null +++ b/v2/classes/PostgrestClient.html @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +PostgrestClient | @supabase/postgrest-js
  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class PostgrestClient<Database, SchemaName, Schema>


PostgREST client.


Type Parameters

  • Database = any


    Types for the schema from the type +generator

  • SchemaName extends string & keyof Database = "public" extends keyof Database ? "public" : string & keyof Database


    Postgres schema to switch to. Must be a string +literal, the same one passed to the constructor. If the schema is not +"public", this must be supplied manually.

  • Schema extends GenericSchema = Database[SchemaName] extends GenericSchema ? Database[SchemaName] : any


  • PostgrestClient



  • new PostgrestClient<Database, SchemaName, Schema>(url: string, options?: { fetch?: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>); headers?: Record<string, string>; schema?: SchemaName }): PostgrestClient<Database, SchemaName, Schema>
  • +

    Creates a PostgREST client.


    Type Parameters

    • Database = any

    • SchemaName extends string = "public" extends keyof Database ? "public" : string & keyof Database

    • Schema extends GenericSchema = Database[SchemaName] extends GenericSchema ? any[any] : any


    • url: string

      URL of the PostgREST endpoint

    • options: { fetch?: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>); headers?: Record<string, string>; schema?: SchemaName } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional fetch?: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>)
          • (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
          • +

            Custom fetch



            • input: RequestInfo | URL
            • Optional init: RequestInit

            Returns Promise<Response>

      • Optional headers?: Record<string, string>

        Custom headers

      • Optional schema?: SchemaName

        Postgres schema to switch to


    Returns PostgrestClient<Database, SchemaName, Schema>


fetch?: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>)

Type declaration

    • (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: RequestInfo | URL
      • Optional init: RequestInit

      Returns Promise<Response>

headers: Record<string, string>
schemaName?: SchemaName
url: string


  • from<TableName, Table>(relation: TableName): PostgrestQueryBuilder<Schema, Table, TableName, Table extends { Relationships: R } ? R : unknown>
  • from<ViewName, View>(relation: ViewName): PostgrestQueryBuilder<Schema, View, ViewName, View extends { Relationships: R } ? R : unknown>
  • +

    Perform a query on a table or a view.


    Type Parameters

    • TableName extends string

    • Table extends GenericTable


    • relation: TableName

      The table or view name to query


    Returns PostgrestQueryBuilder<Schema, Table, TableName, Table extends { Relationships: R } ? R : unknown>

  • +

    Perform a query on a table or a view.


    Type Parameters

    • ViewName extends string

    • View extends GenericView


    • relation: ViewName

      The table or view name to query


    Returns PostgrestQueryBuilder<Schema, View, ViewName, View extends { Relationships: R } ? R : unknown>

  • rpc<FnName, Fn>(fn: FnName, args?: Fn["Args"], options?: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; get?: boolean; head?: boolean }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Fn["Returns"] extends any[] ? any[any][number] extends Record<string, unknown> ? any[any] : never : never, Fn["Returns"], unknown, unknown>
  • +

    Perform a function call.


    Type Parameters

    • FnName extends string

    • Fn extends GenericFunction


    • fn: FnName

      The function name to call

    • args: Fn["Args"] = {}

      The arguments to pass to the function call

    • options: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; get?: boolean; head?: boolean } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count rows returned by the +function. Only applicable for set-returning +functions.


        "exact": Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a COUNT(*) under the +hood.


        "planned": Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres +statistics under the hood.


        "estimated": Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high +numbers.

      • Optional get?: boolean

        When set to true, the function will be called with +read-only access mode.

      • Optional head?: boolean

        When set to true, data will not be returned. +Useful if you only need the count.


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Fn["Returns"] extends any[] ? any[any][number] extends Record<string, unknown> ? any[any] : never : never, Fn["Returns"], unknown, unknown>

  • schema<DynamicSchema>(schema: DynamicSchema): PostgrestClient<Database, DynamicSchema, Database[DynamicSchema] extends GenericSchema ? any[any] : any>
  • +

    Select a schema to query or perform an function (rpc) call.


    The schema needs to be on the list of exposed schemas inside Supabase.


    Type Parameters

    • DynamicSchema extends string


    • schema: DynamicSchema

      The schema to query


    Returns PostgrestClient<Database, DynamicSchema, Database[DynamicSchema] extends GenericSchema ? any[any] : any>


  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Inherited method
  • Protected property



Generated using TypeDoc

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v2/classes/PostgrestFilterBuilder.html b/v2/classes/PostgrestFilterBuilder.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f3471d8a --- /dev/null +++ b/v2/classes/PostgrestFilterBuilder.html @@ -0,0 +1,545 @@ +PostgrestFilterBuilder | @supabase/postgrest-js
  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

Type Parameters

  • Schema extends GenericSchema

  • Row extends Record<string, unknown>

  • Result

  • RelationName = unknown

  • Relationships = unknown





body?: unknown
fetch: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>)

Type declaration

    • (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: RequestInfo | URL
      • Optional init: RequestInit

      Returns Promise<Response>

headers: Record<string, string>
isMaybeSingle: boolean
method: "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "DELETE"
schema?: string
shouldThrowOnError: boolean = false
signal?: AbortSignal
url: URL


  • containedBy<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, value: string | Record<string, unknown> | readonly Row[ColumnName][]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • containedBy(column: string, value: string | readonly unknown[] | Record<string, unknown>): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where +every element appearing in column is contained by value.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on

    • value: string | Record<string, unknown> | readonly Row[ColumnName][]

      The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where +every element appearing in column is contained by value.



    • column: string

      The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on

    • value: string | readonly unknown[] | Record<string, unknown>

      The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • contains<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, value: string | Record<string, unknown> | readonly Row[ColumnName][]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • contains(column: string, value: string | readonly unknown[] | Record<string, unknown>): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where +column contains every element appearing in value.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on

    • value: string | Record<string, unknown> | readonly Row[ColumnName][]

      The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where +column contains every element appearing in value.



    • column: string

      The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on

    • value: string | readonly unknown[] | Record<string, unknown>

      The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • eq<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, value: NonNullable<Row[ColumnName]>): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • eq<Value>(column: string, value: NonNullable<Value>): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column is equal to value.


    To check if the value of column is NULL, you should use .is() instead.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • value: NonNullable<Row[ColumnName]>

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column is equal to value.


    To check if the value of column is NULL, you should use .is() instead.


    Type Parameters

    • Value extends unknown


    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • value: NonNullable<Value>

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • explain(options?: { analyze?: boolean; buffers?: boolean; format?: "text" | "json"; settings?: boolean; verbose?: boolean; wal?: boolean }): PostgrestBuilder<string> | PostgrestBuilder<Record<string, unknown>[]>
  • +

    Return data as the EXPLAIN plan for the query.


    You need to enable the +db_plan_enabled +setting before using this method.



    • options: { analyze?: boolean; buffers?: boolean; format?: "text" | "json"; settings?: boolean; verbose?: boolean; wal?: boolean } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional analyze?: boolean

        If true, the query will be executed and the +actual run time will be returned

      • Optional buffers?: boolean

        If true, include information on buffer usage

      • Optional format?: "text" | "json"

        The format of the output, can be "text" (default) +or "json"

      • Optional settings?: boolean

        If true, include information on configuration +parameters that affect query planning

      • Optional verbose?: boolean

        If true, the query identifier will be returned +and data will include the output columns of the query

      • Optional wal?: boolean

        If true, include information on WAL record generation


    Returns PostgrestBuilder<string> | PostgrestBuilder<Record<string, unknown>[]>

  • filter<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, operator: FilterOperator | "not.eq" | "not.neq" | "" | "not.gte" | "" | "not.lte" | "" | "not.ilike" | "" | "" | "not.cs" | "" | "" | "" | "not.nxl" | "not.nxr" | "not.adj" | "not.ov" | "not.fts" | "not.plfts" | "not.phfts" | "not.wfts", value: unknown): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • filter(column: string, operator: string, value: unknown): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows which satisfy the filter. This is an escape hatch - you +should use the specific filter methods wherever possible.


    Unlike most filters, opearator and value are used as-is and need to +follow PostgREST +syntax. You also need +to make sure they are properly sanitized.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • operator: FilterOperator | "not.eq" | "not.neq" | "" | "not.gte" | "" | "not.lte" | "" | "not.ilike" | "" | "" | "not.cs" | "" | "" | "" | "not.nxl" | "not.nxr" | "not.adj" | "not.ov" | "not.fts" | "not.plfts" | "not.phfts" | "not.wfts"

      The operator to filter with, following PostgREST syntax

    • value: unknown

      The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows which satisfy the filter. This is an escape hatch - you +should use the specific filter methods wherever possible.


    Unlike most filters, opearator and value are used as-is and need to +follow PostgREST +syntax. You also need +to make sure they are properly sanitized.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • operator: string

      The operator to filter with, following PostgREST syntax

    • value: unknown

      The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • gt<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, value: Row[ColumnName]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • gt(column: string, value: unknown): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column is greater than value.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • value: Row[ColumnName]

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column is greater than value.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • value: unknown

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • gte<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, value: Row[ColumnName]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • gte(column: string, value: unknown): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column is greater than or equal to value.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • value: Row[ColumnName]

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column is greater than or equal to value.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • value: unknown

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • ilike<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, pattern: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • ilike(column: string, pattern: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column matches pattern case-insensitively.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • pattern: string

      The pattern to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column matches pattern case-insensitively.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • pattern: string

      The pattern to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • ilikeAllOf<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, patterns: readonly string[]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • ilikeAllOf(column: string, patterns: readonly string[]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column matches all of patterns case-insensitively.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • patterns: readonly string[]

      The patterns to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column matches all of patterns case-insensitively.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • patterns: readonly string[]

      The patterns to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • ilikeAnyOf<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, patterns: readonly string[]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • ilikeAnyOf(column: string, patterns: readonly string[]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column matches any of patterns case-insensitively.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • patterns: readonly string[]

      The patterns to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column matches any of patterns case-insensitively.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • patterns: readonly string[]

      The patterns to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • in<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, values: readonly Row[ColumnName][]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • in(column: string, values: readonly unknown[]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column is included in the values array.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • values: readonly Row[ColumnName][]

      The values array to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column is included in the values array.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • values: readonly unknown[]

      The values array to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • is<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, value: Row[ColumnName] & null & Row[ColumnName] & false & Row[ColumnName] & true): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • is(column: string, value: null | boolean): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column IS value.


    For non-boolean columns, this is only relevant for checking if the value of +column is NULL by setting value to null.


    For boolean columns, you can also set value to true or false and it +will behave the same way as .eq().


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • value: Row[ColumnName] & null & Row[ColumnName] & false & Row[ColumnName] & true

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column IS value.


    For non-boolean columns, this is only relevant for checking if the value of +column is NULL by setting value to null.


    For boolean columns, you can also set value to true or false and it +will behave the same way as .eq().



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • value: null | boolean

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • like<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, pattern: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • like(column: string, pattern: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column matches pattern case-sensitively.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • pattern: string

      The pattern to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column matches pattern case-sensitively.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • pattern: string

      The pattern to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • likeAllOf<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, patterns: readonly string[]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • likeAllOf(column: string, patterns: readonly string[]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column matches all of patterns case-sensitively.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • patterns: readonly string[]

      The patterns to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column matches all of patterns case-sensitively.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • patterns: readonly string[]

      The patterns to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • likeAnyOf<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, patterns: readonly string[]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • likeAnyOf(column: string, patterns: readonly string[]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column matches any of patterns case-sensitively.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • patterns: readonly string[]

      The patterns to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column matches any of patterns case-sensitively.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • patterns: readonly string[]

      The patterns to match with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • limit(count: number, options?: { foreignTable?: string; referencedTable?: string }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Limit the query result by count.



    • count: number

      The maximum number of rows to return

    • options: { foreignTable?: string; referencedTable?: string } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional foreignTable?: string

        Deprecated, use options.referencedTable +instead

      • Optional referencedTable?: string

        Set this to limit rows of referenced +tables instead of the parent table


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • lt<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, value: Row[ColumnName]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • lt(column: string, value: unknown): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column is less than value.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • value: Row[ColumnName]

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column is less than value.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • value: unknown

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • lte<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, value: Row[ColumnName]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • lte(column: string, value: unknown): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column is less than or equal to value.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • value: Row[ColumnName]

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column is less than or equal to value.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • value: unknown

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • match<ColumnName>(query: Record<ColumnName, Row[ColumnName]>): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • match(query: Record<string, unknown>): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where each column in query keys is equal to its +associated value. Shorthand for multiple .eq()s.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • query: Record<ColumnName, Row[ColumnName]>

      The object to filter with, with column names as keys mapped +to their filter values


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where each column in query keys is equal to its +associated value. Shorthand for multiple .eq()s.



    • query: Record<string, unknown>

      The object to filter with, with column names as keys mapped +to their filter values


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • neq<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, value: Row[ColumnName]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • neq(column: string, value: unknown): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows where column is not equal to value.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • value: Row[ColumnName]

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows where column is not equal to value.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • value: unknown

      The value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • not<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, operator: FilterOperator, value: Row[ColumnName]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • not(column: string, operator: string, value: unknown): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows which doesn't satisfy the filter.


    Unlike most filters, opearator and value are used as-is and need to +follow PostgREST +syntax. You also need +to make sure they are properly sanitized.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to filter on

    • operator: FilterOperator

      The operator to be negated to filter with, following +PostgREST syntax

    • value: Row[ColumnName]

      The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Match only rows which doesn't satisfy the filter.


    Unlike most filters, opearator and value are used as-is and need to +follow PostgREST +syntax. You also need +to make sure they are properly sanitized.



    • column: string

      The column to filter on

    • operator: string

      The operator to be negated to filter with, following +PostgREST syntax

    • value: unknown

      The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • or(filters: string, options?: { foreignTable?: string; referencedTable?: string }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Match only rows which satisfy at least one of the filters.


    Unlike most filters, filters is used as-is and needs to follow PostgREST +syntax. You also need +to make sure it's properly sanitized.


    It's currently not possible to do an .or() filter across multiple tables.



    • filters: string

      The filters to use, following PostgREST syntax

    • options: { foreignTable?: string; referencedTable?: string } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional foreignTable?: string

        Deprecated, use referencedTable instead

      • Optional referencedTable?: string

        Set this to filter on referenced tables +instead of the parent table


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • order<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, options?: { ascending?: boolean; nullsFirst?: boolean; referencedTable?: undefined }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • order(column: string, options?: { ascending?: boolean; nullsFirst?: boolean; referencedTable?: string }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • order<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, options?: { ascending?: boolean; foreignTable?: undefined; nullsFirst?: boolean }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • order(column: string, options?: { ascending?: boolean; foreignTable?: string; nullsFirst?: boolean }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Order the query result by column.


    You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.


    You can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the +parent table if you use !inner in the query.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to order by

    • Optional options: { ascending?: boolean; nullsFirst?: boolean; referencedTable?: undefined }

      Named parameters

      • Optional ascending?: boolean

        If true, the result will be in ascending order

      • Optional nullsFirst?: boolean

        If true, nulls appear first. If false, +nulls appear last.

      • Optional referencedTable?: undefined

        Set this to order a referenced table by +its columns


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Order the query result by column.


    You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.


    You can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the +parent table if you use !inner in the query.



    • column: string

      The column to order by

    • Optional options: { ascending?: boolean; nullsFirst?: boolean; referencedTable?: string }

      Named parameters

      • Optional ascending?: boolean

        If true, the result will be in ascending order

      • Optional nullsFirst?: boolean

        If true, nulls appear first. If false, +nulls appear last.

      • Optional referencedTable?: string

        Set this to order a referenced table by +its columns


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Order the query result by column.


    You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.


    You can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the +parent table if you use !inner in the query.


    Use options.referencedTable instead of options.foreignTable


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to order by

    • Optional options: { ascending?: boolean; foreignTable?: undefined; nullsFirst?: boolean }

      Named parameters

      • Optional ascending?: boolean
      • Optional foreignTable?: undefined
      • Optional nullsFirst?: boolean

    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Order the query result by column.


    You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.


    You can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the +parent table if you use !inner in the query.


    Use options.referencedTable instead of options.foreignTable



    • column: string

      The column to order by

    • Optional options: { ascending?: boolean; foreignTable?: string; nullsFirst?: boolean }

      Named parameters

      • Optional ascending?: boolean
      • Optional foreignTable?: string
      • Optional nullsFirst?: boolean

    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • overlaps<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, value: string | readonly Row[ColumnName][]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • overlaps(column: string, value: string | readonly unknown[]): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Only relevant for array and range columns. Match only rows where +column and value have an element in common.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The array or range column to filter on

    • value: string | readonly Row[ColumnName][]

      The array or range value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Only relevant for array and range columns. Match only rows where +column and value have an element in common.



    • column: string

      The array or range column to filter on

    • value: string | readonly unknown[]

      The array or range value to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • range(from: number, to: number, options?: { foreignTable?: string; referencedTable?: string }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Limit the query result by starting at an offset from and ending at the offset to. +Only records within this range are returned. +This respects the query order and if there is no order clause the range could behave unexpectedly. +The from and to values are 0-based and inclusive: range(1, 3) will include the second, third +and fourth rows of the query.



    • from: number

      The starting index from which to limit the result

    • to: number

      The last index to which to limit the result

    • options: { foreignTable?: string; referencedTable?: string } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional foreignTable?: string

        Deprecated, use options.referencedTable +instead

      • Optional referencedTable?: string

        Set this to limit rows of referenced +tables instead of the parent table


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • rangeAdjacent<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, range: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • rangeAdjacent(column: string, range: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where column is +mutually exclusive to range and there can be no element between the two +ranges.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The range column to filter on

    • range: string

      The range to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where column is +mutually exclusive to range and there can be no element between the two +ranges.



    • column: string

      The range column to filter on

    • range: string

      The range to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • rangeGt<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, range: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • rangeGt(column: string, range: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in +column is greater than any element in range.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The range column to filter on

    • range: string

      The range to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in +column is greater than any element in range.



    • column: string

      The range column to filter on

    • range: string

      The range to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • rangeGte<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, range: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • rangeGte(column: string, range: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in +column is either contained in range or greater than any element in +range.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The range column to filter on

    • range: string

      The range to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in +column is either contained in range or greater than any element in +range.



    • column: string

      The range column to filter on

    • range: string

      The range to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • rangeLt<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, range: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • rangeLt(column: string, range: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in +column is less than any element in range.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The range column to filter on

    • range: string

      The range to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in +column is less than any element in range.



    • column: string

      The range column to filter on

    • range: string

      The range to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • rangeLte<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, range: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • rangeLte(column: string, range: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in +column is either contained in range or less than any element in +range.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The range column to filter on

    • range: string

      The range to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in +column is either contained in range or less than any element in +range.



    • column: string

      The range column to filter on

    • range: string

      The range to filter with


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • select<Query, NewResultOne>(columns?: Query): PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, NewResultOne[], RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Perform a SELECT on the query result.


    By default, .insert(), .update(), .upsert(), and .delete() do not +return modified rows. By calling this method, modified rows are returned in +data.


    Type Parameters

    • Query extends string = "*"

    • NewResultOne = GetResult<Schema, Row, RelationName, Relationships, Query>


    • Optional columns: Query

      The columns to retrieve, separated by commas


    Returns PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, NewResultOne[], RelationName, Relationships>

  • setHeader(name: string, value: string): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • textSearch<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, query: string, options?: { config?: string; type?: "plain" | "phrase" | "websearch" }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • textSearch(column: string, query: string, options?: { config?: string; type?: "plain" | "phrase" | "websearch" }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Only relevant for text and tsvector columns. Match only rows where +column matches the query string in query.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The text or tsvector column to filter on

    • query: string

      The query text to match with

    • Optional options: { config?: string; type?: "plain" | "phrase" | "websearch" }

      Named parameters

      • Optional config?: string

        The text search configuration to use

      • Optional type?: "plain" | "phrase" | "websearch"

        Change how the query text is interpreted


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Only relevant for text and tsvector columns. Match only rows where +column matches the query string in query.



    • column: string

      The text or tsvector column to filter on

    • query: string

      The query text to match with

    • Optional options: { config?: string; type?: "plain" | "phrase" | "websearch" }

      Named parameters

      • Optional config?: string

        The text search configuration to use

      • Optional type?: "plain" | "phrase" | "websearch"

        Change how the query text is interpreted


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • then<TResult1, TResult2>(onfulfilled?: null | ((value: PostgrestSingleResponse<Result>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>), onrejected?: null | ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>)): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>


  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Inherited method
  • Protected property



Generated using TypeDoc

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v2/classes/PostgrestQueryBuilder.html b/v2/classes/PostgrestQueryBuilder.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..84ec0ed4 --- /dev/null +++ b/v2/classes/PostgrestQueryBuilder.html @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +PostgrestQueryBuilder | @supabase/postgrest-js
  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class PostgrestQueryBuilder<Schema, Relation, RelationName, Relationships>

Type Parameters

  • Schema extends GenericSchema

  • Relation extends GenericTable | GenericView

  • RelationName = unknown

  • Relationships = Relation extends { Relationships: infer R } ? R : unknown


  • PostgrestQueryBuilder



  • new PostgrestQueryBuilder<Schema, Relation, RelationName, Relationships>(url: URL, __namedParameters: { fetch?: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>); headers?: Record<string, string>; schema?: string }): PostgrestQueryBuilder<Schema, Relation, RelationName, Relationships>
  • Type Parameters

    • Schema extends GenericSchema

    • Relation extends GenericTable | GenericView

    • RelationName = unknown

    • Relationships = Relation extends { Relationships: R } ? R : unknown


    • url: URL
    • __namedParameters: { fetch?: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>); headers?: Record<string, string>; schema?: string }
      • Optional fetch?: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>)
          • (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
          • Parameters

            • input: RequestInfo | URL
            • Optional init: RequestInit

            Returns Promise<Response>

      • Optional headers?: Record<string, string>
      • Optional schema?: string

    Returns PostgrestQueryBuilder<Schema, Relation, RelationName, Relationships>


fetch?: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>)

Type declaration

    • (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: RequestInfo | URL
      • Optional init: RequestInit

      Returns Promise<Response>

headers: Record<string, string>
schema?: string
signal?: AbortSignal
url: URL


  • delete(options?: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated" }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Perform a DELETE on the table or view.


    By default, deleted rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call +with .select() after filters.



    • options: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated" } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count deleted rows.


        "exact": Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a COUNT(*) under the +hood.


        "planned": Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres +statistics under the hood.


        "estimated": Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high +numbers.


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>

  • insert<Row>(values: Row, options?: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated" }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>
  • insert<Row>(values: Row[], options?: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; defaultToNull?: boolean }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Perform an INSERT into the table or view.


    By default, inserted rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call +with .select().


    Type Parameters

    • Row extends Record<string, unknown>


    • values: Row

      The values to insert. Pass an object to insert a single row +or an array to insert multiple rows.

    • Optional options: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated" }

      Named parameters

      • Optional count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count inserted rows.


        "exact": Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a COUNT(*) under the +hood.


        "planned": Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres +statistics under the hood.


        "estimated": Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high +numbers.


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Perform an INSERT into the table or view.


    By default, inserted rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call +with .select().


    Type Parameters

    • Row extends Record<string, unknown>


    • values: Row[]

      The values to insert. Pass an object to insert a single row +or an array to insert multiple rows.

    • Optional options: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; defaultToNull?: boolean }

      Named parameters

      • Optional count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count inserted rows.


        "exact": Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a COUNT(*) under the +hood.


        "planned": Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres +statistics under the hood.


        "estimated": Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high +numbers.

      • Optional defaultToNull?: boolean

        Make missing fields default to null. +Otherwise, use the default value for the column. Only applies for bulk +inserts.


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>

  • select<Query, ResultOne>(columns?: Query, options?: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; head?: boolean }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], ResultOne[], RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Perform a SELECT query on the table or view.


    Type Parameters

    • Query extends string = "*"

    • ResultOne = GetResult<Schema, Relation["Row"], RelationName, Relationships, Query>


    • Optional columns: Query

      The columns to retrieve, separated by commas. Columns can be renamed when returned with customName:columnName

    • options: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; head?: boolean } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count rows in the table or view.


        "exact": Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a COUNT(*) under the +hood.


        "planned": Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres +statistics under the hood.


        "estimated": Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high +numbers.

      • Optional head?: boolean

        When set to true, data will not be returned. +Useful if you only need the count.


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], ResultOne[], RelationName, Relationships>

  • update<Row>(values: Row, options?: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated" }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Perform an UPDATE on the table or view.


    By default, updated rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call +with .select() after filters.


    Type Parameters

    • Row extends Record<string, unknown>


    • values: Row

      The values to update with

    • options: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated" } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count updated rows.


        "exact": Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a COUNT(*) under the +hood.


        "planned": Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres +statistics under the hood.


        "estimated": Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high +numbers.


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>

  • upsert<Row>(values: Row, options?: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; ignoreDuplicates?: boolean; onConflict?: string }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>
  • upsert<Row>(values: Row[], options?: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; defaultToNull?: boolean; ignoreDuplicates?: boolean; onConflict?: string }): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Perform an UPSERT on the table or view. Depending on the column(s) passed +to onConflict, .upsert() allows you to perform the equivalent of +.insert() if a row with the corresponding onConflict columns doesn't +exist, or if it does exist, perform an alternative action depending on +ignoreDuplicates.


    By default, upserted rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call +with .select().


    Type Parameters

    • Row extends Record<string, unknown>


    • values: Row

      The values to upsert with. Pass an object to upsert a +single row or an array to upsert multiple rows.

    • Optional options: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; ignoreDuplicates?: boolean; onConflict?: string }

      Named parameters

      • Optional count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count upserted rows.


        "exact": Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a COUNT(*) under the +hood.


        "planned": Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres +statistics under the hood.


        "estimated": Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high +numbers.

      • Optional ignoreDuplicates?: boolean

        If true, duplicate rows are ignored. If +false, duplicate rows are merged with existing rows.

      • Optional onConflict?: string

        Comma-separated UNIQUE column(s) to specify how +duplicate rows are determined. Two rows are duplicates if all the +onConflict columns are equal.


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Perform an UPSERT on the table or view. Depending on the column(s) passed +to onConflict, .upsert() allows you to perform the equivalent of +.insert() if a row with the corresponding onConflict columns doesn't +exist, or if it does exist, perform an alternative action depending on +ignoreDuplicates.


    By default, upserted rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call +with .select().


    Type Parameters

    • Row extends Record<string, unknown>


    • values: Row[]

      The values to upsert with. Pass an object to upsert a +single row or an array to upsert multiple rows.

    • Optional options: { count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"; defaultToNull?: boolean; ignoreDuplicates?: boolean; onConflict?: string }

      Named parameters

      • Optional count?: "exact" | "planned" | "estimated"

        Count algorithm to use to count upserted rows.


        "exact": Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a COUNT(*) under the +hood.


        "planned": Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres +statistics under the hood.


        "estimated": Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high +numbers.

      • Optional defaultToNull?: boolean

        Make missing fields default to null. +Otherwise, use the default value for the column. This only applies when +inserting new rows, not when merging with existing rows under +ignoreDuplicates: false. This also only applies when doing bulk upserts.

      • Optional ignoreDuplicates?: boolean

        If true, duplicate rows are ignored. If +false, duplicate rows are merged with existing rows.

      • Optional onConflict?: string

        Comma-separated UNIQUE column(s) to specify how +duplicate rows are determined. Two rows are duplicates if all the +onConflict columns are equal.


    Returns PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Relation["Row"], null, RelationName, Relationships>


  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Inherited method
  • Protected property



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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v2/classes/PostgrestTransformBuilder.html b/v2/classes/PostgrestTransformBuilder.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..22c5dc61 --- /dev/null +++ b/v2/classes/PostgrestTransformBuilder.html @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +PostgrestTransformBuilder | @supabase/postgrest-js
  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

Type Parameters

  • Schema extends GenericSchema

  • Row extends Record<string, unknown>

  • Result

  • RelationName = unknown

  • Relationships = unknown





body?: unknown
fetch: ((input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>)

Type declaration

    • (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: RequestInfo | URL
      • Optional init: RequestInit

      Returns Promise<Response>

headers: Record<string, string>
isMaybeSingle: boolean
method: "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "DELETE"
schema?: string
shouldThrowOnError: boolean = false
signal?: AbortSignal
url: URL


  • explain(options?: { analyze?: boolean; buffers?: boolean; format?: "text" | "json"; settings?: boolean; verbose?: boolean; wal?: boolean }): PostgrestBuilder<string> | PostgrestBuilder<Record<string, unknown>[]>
  • +

    Return data as the EXPLAIN plan for the query.


    You need to enable the +db_plan_enabled +setting before using this method.



    • options: { analyze?: boolean; buffers?: boolean; format?: "text" | "json"; settings?: boolean; verbose?: boolean; wal?: boolean } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional analyze?: boolean

        If true, the query will be executed and the +actual run time will be returned

      • Optional buffers?: boolean

        If true, include information on buffer usage

      • Optional format?: "text" | "json"

        The format of the output, can be "text" (default) +or "json"

      • Optional settings?: boolean

        If true, include information on configuration +parameters that affect query planning

      • Optional verbose?: boolean

        If true, the query identifier will be returned +and data will include the output columns of the query

      • Optional wal?: boolean

        If true, include information on WAL record generation


    Returns PostgrestBuilder<string> | PostgrestBuilder<Record<string, unknown>[]>

  • limit(count: number, options?: { foreignTable?: string; referencedTable?: string }): PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Limit the query result by count.



    • count: number

      The maximum number of rows to return

    • options: { foreignTable?: string; referencedTable?: string } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional foreignTable?: string

        Deprecated, use options.referencedTable +instead

      • Optional referencedTable?: string

        Set this to limit rows of referenced +tables instead of the parent table


    Returns PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Return data as a single object instead of an array of objects.


    Query result must be zero or one row (e.g. using .limit(1)), otherwise +this returns an error.


    Type Parameters

    • ResultOne = Result extends ResultOne[] ? ResultOne : never

    Returns PostgrestBuilder<null | ResultOne>

  • order<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, options?: { ascending?: boolean; nullsFirst?: boolean; referencedTable?: undefined }): PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • order(column: string, options?: { ascending?: boolean; nullsFirst?: boolean; referencedTable?: string }): PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • order<ColumnName>(column: ColumnName, options?: { ascending?: boolean; foreignTable?: undefined; nullsFirst?: boolean }): PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • order(column: string, options?: { ascending?: boolean; foreignTable?: string; nullsFirst?: boolean }): PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Order the query result by column.


    You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.


    You can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the +parent table if you use !inner in the query.


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to order by

    • Optional options: { ascending?: boolean; nullsFirst?: boolean; referencedTable?: undefined }

      Named parameters

      • Optional ascending?: boolean

        If true, the result will be in ascending order

      • Optional nullsFirst?: boolean

        If true, nulls appear first. If false, +nulls appear last.

      • Optional referencedTable?: undefined

        Set this to order a referenced table by +its columns


    Returns PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Order the query result by column.


    You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.


    You can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the +parent table if you use !inner in the query.



    • column: string

      The column to order by

    • Optional options: { ascending?: boolean; nullsFirst?: boolean; referencedTable?: string }

      Named parameters

      • Optional ascending?: boolean

        If true, the result will be in ascending order

      • Optional nullsFirst?: boolean

        If true, nulls appear first. If false, +nulls appear last.

      • Optional referencedTable?: string

        Set this to order a referenced table by +its columns


    Returns PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Order the query result by column.


    You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.


    You can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the +parent table if you use !inner in the query.


    Use options.referencedTable instead of options.foreignTable


    Type Parameters

    • ColumnName extends string


    • column: ColumnName

      The column to order by

    • Optional options: { ascending?: boolean; foreignTable?: undefined; nullsFirst?: boolean }

      Named parameters

      • Optional ascending?: boolean
      • Optional foreignTable?: undefined
      • Optional nullsFirst?: boolean

    Returns PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Order the query result by column.


    You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.


    You can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the +parent table if you use !inner in the query.


    Use options.referencedTable instead of options.foreignTable



    • column: string

      The column to order by

    • Optional options: { ascending?: boolean; foreignTable?: string; nullsFirst?: boolean }

      Named parameters

      • Optional ascending?: boolean
      • Optional foreignTable?: string
      • Optional nullsFirst?: boolean

    Returns PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • range(from: number, to: number, options?: { foreignTable?: string; referencedTable?: string }): PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Limit the query result by starting at an offset from and ending at the offset to. +Only records within this range are returned. +This respects the query order and if there is no order clause the range could behave unexpectedly. +The from and to values are 0-based and inclusive: range(1, 3) will include the second, third +and fourth rows of the query.



    • from: number

      The starting index from which to limit the result

    • to: number

      The last index to which to limit the result

    • options: { foreignTable?: string; referencedTable?: string } = {}

      Named parameters

      • Optional foreignTable?: string

        Deprecated, use options.referencedTable +instead

      • Optional referencedTable?: string

        Set this to limit rows of referenced +tables instead of the parent table


    Returns PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, Result, RelationName, Relationships>

  • select<Query, NewResultOne>(columns?: Query): PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, NewResultOne[], RelationName, Relationships>
  • +

    Perform a SELECT on the query result.


    By default, .insert(), .update(), .upsert(), and .delete() do not +return modified rows. By calling this method, modified rows are returned in +data.


    Type Parameters

    • Query extends string = "*"

    • NewResultOne = GetResult<Schema, Row, RelationName, Relationships, Query>


    • Optional columns: Query

      The columns to retrieve, separated by commas


    Returns PostgrestTransformBuilder<Schema, Row, NewResultOne[], RelationName, Relationships>

  • +

    Return data as a single object instead of an array of objects.


    Query result must be one row (e.g. using .limit(1)), otherwise this +returns an error.


    Type Parameters

    • ResultOne = Result extends ResultOne[] ? ResultOne : never

    Returns PostgrestBuilder<ResultOne>

  • then<TResult1, TResult2>(onfulfilled?: null | ((value: PostgrestSingleResponse<Result>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>), onrejected?: null | ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>)): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2>


  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Inherited method
  • Protected property



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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v2/index.html b/v2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..edebf004 --- /dev/null +++ b/v2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +@supabase/postgrest-js
  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


+ +



Build +Package +License: MIT


Isomorphic JavaScript client for PostgREST. The goal of this library is to make an "ORM-like" restful interface.


Full documentation can be found here.

+ + +

Quick start



npm install @supabase/postgrest-js


import { PostgrestClient } from '@supabase/postgrest-js'

const REST_URL = 'http://localhost:3000'
const postgrest = new PostgrestClient(REST_URL) +
+ + + +

Custom fetch implementation


postgrest-js uses the cross-fetch library to make HTTP requests, but an alternative fetch implementation can be provided as an option. This is most useful in environments where cross-fetch is not compatible, for instance Cloudflare Workers:

import { PostgrestClient } from '@supabase/postgrest-js'

const REST_URL = 'http://localhost:3000'
const postgrest = new PostgrestClient(REST_URL, {
fetch: (...args) => fetch(...args),
}) +
+ + +



This repo is licensed under MIT License.

+ + +



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New Sponsor



  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Inherited method
  • Protected property



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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v2/interfaces/PostgrestResponseFailure.html b/v2/interfaces/PostgrestResponseFailure.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5f7484d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/v2/interfaces/PostgrestResponseFailure.html @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +PostgrestResponseFailure | @supabase/postgrest-js
  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Interface PostgrestResponseFailure


  • PostgrestResponseBase
    • PostgrestResponseFailure



count: null
data: null
status: number
statusText: string


  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Inherited method
  • Protected property



Generated using TypeDoc

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/v2/interfaces/PostgrestResponseSuccess.html b/v2/interfaces/PostgrestResponseSuccess.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ccc0b14 --- /dev/null +++ b/v2/interfaces/PostgrestResponseSuccess.html @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +PostgrestResponseSuccess | @supabase/postgrest-js
  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Interface PostgrestResponseSuccess<T>

Type Parameters

  • T


  • PostgrestResponseBase
    • PostgrestResponseSuccess



count: null | number
data: T
error: null
status: number
statusText: string


  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Inherited method
  • Protected property



Generated using TypeDoc

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  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All



Type Aliases

PostgrestError: { code: string; details: string; hint: string; message: string }

Type declaration

  • code: string
  • details: string
  • hint: string
  • message: string
PostgrestMaybeSingleResponse<T>: PostgrestSingleResponse<T | null>

Type Parameters

  • T

PostgrestResponse<T>: PostgrestSingleResponse<T[]>

Type Parameters

  • T

PostgrestSingleResponse<T>: PostgrestResponseSuccess<T> | PostgrestResponseFailure

Type Parameters

  • T


default: { PostgrestBuilder: typeof PostgrestBuilder; PostgrestClient: typeof PostgrestClient; PostgrestFilterBuilder: typeof PostgrestFilterBuilder; PostgrestQueryBuilder: typeof PostgrestQueryBuilder; PostgrestTransformBuilder: typeof PostgrestTransformBuilder }

Type declaration


  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Inherited method
  • Protected property



Generated using TypeDoc

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Only applicable for [set-returning\nfunctions](\n\n`\"exact\"`: Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a `COUNT(*)` under the\nhood.\n\n`\"planned\"`: Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres\nstatistics under the hood.\n\n`\"estimated\"`: Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high\nnumbers.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestClient.ts", + "line": 134, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "exact" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "planned" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "estimated" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 58, + "name": "get", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "When set to `true`, the function will be called with\nread-only access mode." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestClient.ts", + "line": 133, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 57, + "name": "head", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "When set to `true`, `data` will not be returned.\nUseful if you only need the count." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestClient.ts", + "line": 132, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 59, + 58, + 57 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 13, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "conditional", + "checkType": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "Returns" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 52, + "name": "Fn" + } + }, + "extendsType": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "any" + } + }, + "trueType": { + "type": "conditional", + "checkType": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "number" + }, + 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Must be a string\nliteral, the same one passed to the constructor. If the schema is not\n`\"public\"`, this must be supplied manually.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intersection", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 11, + "name": "Database" + } + } + ] + }, + "default": { + "type": "conditional", + "checkType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "public" + }, + "extendsType": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 11, + "name": "Database" + } + }, + "trueType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "public" + }, + "falseType": { + "type": "intersection", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "keyof", + "target": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 11, + "name": "Database" + } + } + ] + } + } + }, + { + "id": 62, + "name": "Schema", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { 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Match only rows where\nevery element appearing in `column` is contained by `value`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 282, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 283, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 282, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 284, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + }, + { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "readonly", + "target": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 282, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + } + } + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 285, + "name": "containedBy", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where\nevery element appearing in `column` is contained by `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 286, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 287, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "readonly", + "target": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + } + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 272, + "name": "contains", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 254, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 273, + "name": "contains", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where\n`column` contains every element appearing in `value`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 274, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 275, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 274, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 276, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + }, + { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "readonly", + "target": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 274, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + } + } + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 277, + "name": "contains", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where\n`column` contains every element appearing in `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 278, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 279, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "readonly", + "target": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + } + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 445, + "name": "csv", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 221, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 446, + "name": "csv", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Return `data` as a string in CSV format." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 570, + "name": "default.csv" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 569, + "name": "default.csv" + } + }, + { + "id": 159, + "name": "eq", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 35, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 160, + "name": "eq", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` is equal to `value`.", + "text": "To check if the value of `column` is NULL, you should use `.is()` instead.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 161, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 162, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 161, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 163, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 161, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "NonNullable", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "NonNullable" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 164, + "name": "eq", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` is equal to `value`.", + "text": "To check if the value of `column` is NULL, you should use `.is()` instead.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 165, + "name": "Value", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 166, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 167, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 165, + "name": "Value" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "NonNullable", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "NonNullable" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 449, + "name": "explain", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 259, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 450, + "name": "explain", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Return `data` as the EXPLAIN plan for the query.", + "text": "You need to enable the\n[db_plan_enabled](\nsetting before using this method.\n" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 451, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters\n" + }, + "originalName": "__namedParameters", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 452, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 453, + "name": "analyze", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, the query will be executed and the\nactual run time will be returned\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 267, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 456, + "name": "buffers", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, include information on buffer usage\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 270, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 458, + "name": "format", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The format of the output, can be `\"text\"` (default)\nor `\"json\"`\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 272, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "text" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "json" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 455, + "name": "settings", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, include information on configuration\nparameters that affect query planning\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 269, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 454, + "name": "verbose", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, the query identifier will be returned\nand `data` will include the output columns of the query\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 268, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 457, + "name": "wal", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, include information on WAL record generation\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 271, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 453, + 456, + 458, + 455, + 454, + 457 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + ] + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 574, + "name": "default.explain" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 573, + "name": "default.explain" + } + }, + { + "id": 375, + "name": "filter", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 508, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 376, + "name": "filter", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows which satisfy the filter. This is an escape hatch - you\nshould use the specific filter methods wherever possible.", + "text": "Unlike most filters, `opearator` and `value` are used as-is and need to\nfollow [PostgREST\nsyntax]( You also need\nto make sure they are properly sanitized.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 377, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 378, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 377, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 379, + "name": "operator", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The operator to filter with, following PostgREST syntax" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "name": "FilterOperator" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.eq" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.neq" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.gte" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.lte" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.ilike" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.cs" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.nxl" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.nxr" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.adj" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.ov" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.fts" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.plfts" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.phfts" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "not.wfts" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 380, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 381, + "name": "filter", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows which satisfy the filter. This is an escape hatch - you\nshould use the specific filter methods wherever possible.", + "text": "Unlike most filters, `opearator` and `value` are used as-is and need to\nfollow [PostgREST\nsyntax]( You also need\nto make sure they are properly sanitized.\n" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 382, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 383, + "name": "operator", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The operator to filter with, following PostgREST syntax" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 384, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 447, + "name": "geojson", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 229, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 448, + "name": "geojson", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Return `data` as an object in [GeoJSON]( format." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 572, + "name": "default.geojson" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 571, + "name": "default.geojson" + } + }, + { + "id": 176, + "name": "gt", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 66, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 177, + "name": "gt", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` is greater than `value`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 178, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + 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32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The pattern to match with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 240, + "name": "ilikeAllOf", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 176, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 241, + "name": "ilikeAllOf", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows 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+ "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 248, + "name": "ilikeAnyOf", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 192, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 249, + "name": "ilikeAnyOf", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` matches any of `patterns` case-insensitively." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 250, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 251, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 250, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 252, + "name": "patterns", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The patterns to match with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "readonly", + "target": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + 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parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 267, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 266, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 268, + "name": "values", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The values array to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "readonly", + "target": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 266, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + } + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + 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"type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 256, + "name": "is", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 208, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 257, + "name": "is", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` IS `value`.", + "text": "For non-boolean columns, this is only relevant for checking if the value of\n`column` is NULL by setting `value` to `null`.\n\nFor boolean columns, you can also set `value` to `true` or `false` and it\nwill behave the same way as `.eq()`.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 258, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 259, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 258, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 260, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intersection", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intersection", + "types": [ + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 258, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "intersection", + "types": [ + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 258, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": false + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "intersection", + "types": [ + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 258, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": true + } + ] + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + 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"types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 208, + "name": "like", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 118, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 209, + "name": "like", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` matches `pattern` case-sensitively." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 210, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 211, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 210, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 212, + "name": "pattern", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The pattern to match with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 213, + "name": "like", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` matches `pattern` case-sensitively." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 214, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 215, + "name": "pattern", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The pattern to match with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + 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signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` matches all of `patterns` case-sensitively." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 222, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 223, + "name": "patterns", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The patterns to match with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "readonly", + "target": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": 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`column` matches any of `patterns` case-sensitively." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 230, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 231, + "name": "patterns", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The patterns to match with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "readonly", + "target": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + 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"__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 426, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Deprecated, use `options.referencedTable`\ninstead\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 136, + "character": 9 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 427, + "name": "referencedTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set this to limit rows of referenced\ntables instead of the parent table" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 136, + "character": 32 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 426, + 427 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 546, + "name": "default.limit" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 545, + "name": "default.limit" + } + }, + { + "id": 192, + "name": "lt", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 92, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 193, + "name": "lt", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` is less than `value`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 194, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 195, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 194, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 196, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 194, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 197, + "name": "lt", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` is less than `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 198, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 199, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": 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Shorthand for multiple `.eq()`s." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 354, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 355, + "name": "query", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The object to filter with, with column names as keys mapped\nto their filter values\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 354, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 354, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 356, + "name": "match", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where each column in `query` keys is equal to its\nassociated value. Shorthand for multiple `.eq()`s." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 357, + "name": "query", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The object to filter with, with column names as keys mapped\nto their filter values\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 442, + "name": "maybeSingle", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 204, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 443, + "name": "maybeSingle", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Return `data` as a single object instead of an array of objects.", + "text": "Query result must be zero or one row (e.g. using `.limit(1)`), otherwise\nthis returns an error.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 444, + "name": "ResultOne", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "default": { + "type": "conditional", + "checkType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + "extendsType": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "ResultOne" + } + }, + "trueType": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "ResultOne" + }, + "falseType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "never" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 444, + "name": "ResultOne" + } + ] + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 567, + "name": "default.maybeSingle" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 566, + "name": "default.maybeSingle" + } + }, + { + "id": 168, + "name": "neq", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 53, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 169, + "name": "neq", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` is not equal to `value`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 170, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 171, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 170, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 172, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 170, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 173, + "name": "neq", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows where `column` is not equal to `value`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 174, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 175, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 358, + "name": "not", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 457, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 359, + "name": "not", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows which doesn't satisfy the filter.", + "text": "Unlike most filters, `opearator` and `value` are used as-is and need to\nfollow [PostgREST\nsyntax]( You also need\nto make sure they are properly sanitized.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 360, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 361, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 360, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 362, + "name": "operator", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The operator to be negated to filter with, following\nPostgREST syntax" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "FilterOperator" + } + }, + { + "id": 363, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 360, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 364, + "name": "not", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows which doesn't satisfy the filter.", + "text": "Unlike most filters, `opearator` and `value` are used as-is and need to\nfollow [PostgREST\nsyntax]( You also need\nto make sure they are properly sanitized.\n" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 365, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 366, + "name": "operator", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The operator to be negated to filter with, following\nPostgREST syntax" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 367, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 368, + "name": "or", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 496, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 369, + "name": "or", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Match only rows which satisfy at least one of the filters.", + "text": "Unlike most filters, `filters` is used as-is and needs to follow [PostgREST\nsyntax]( You also need\nto make sure it's properly sanitized.\n\nIt's currently not possible to do an `.or()` filter across multiple tables.\n" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 370, + "name": "filters", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The filters to use, following PostgREST syntax" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 371, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "originalName": "__namedParameters", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 372, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 373, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Deprecated, use `referencedTable` instead\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 501, + "character": 9 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 374, + "name": "referencedTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set this to filter on referenced tables\ninstead of the parent table" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 501, + "character": 32 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 373, + 374 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 390, + "name": "order", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 55, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 391, + "name": "order", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Order the query result by `column`.", + "text": "You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.\n\nYou can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the\nparent table if you use `!inner` in the query.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 392, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 393, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to order by" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 392, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 394, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 395, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 396, + "name": "ascending", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, the result will be in ascending order" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 57, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 397, + "name": "nullsFirst", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, `null`s appear first. If `false`,\n`null`s appear last." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 57, + "character": 37 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 398, + "name": "referencedTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set this to order a referenced table by\nits columns" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 57, + "character": 59 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 396, + 397, + 398 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 515, + "name": "default.order" + } + }, + { + "id": 399, + "name": "order", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Order the query result by `column`.", + "text": "You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.\n\nYou can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the\nparent table if you use `!inner` in the query.\n" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 400, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to order by" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 401, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 402, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 403, + "name": "ascending", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, the result will be in ascending order" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 61, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 404, + "name": "nullsFirst", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, `null`s appear first. If `false`,\n`null`s appear last." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 61, + "character": 37 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 405, + "name": "referencedTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set this to order a referenced table by\nits columns" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 61, + "character": 59 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 403, + 404, + 405 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 523, + "name": "default.order" + } + }, + { + "id": 406, + "name": "order", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Order the query result by `column`.", + "text": "You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.\n\nYou can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the\nparent table if you use `!inner` in the query.\n", + "tags": [ + { + "tag": "deprecated", + "text": "Use `options.referencedTable` instead of `options.foreignTable`\n" + } + ] + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 407, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 408, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to order by" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 407, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 409, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 410, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 411, + "name": "ascending", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 68, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 413, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 68, + "character": 59 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + } + }, + { + "id": 412, + "name": "nullsFirst", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 68, + "character": 37 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 411, + 413, + 412 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 530, + "name": "default.order" + } + }, + { + "id": 414, + "name": "order", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Order the query result by `column`.", + "text": "You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.\n\nYou can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the\nparent table if you use `!inner` in the query.\n", + "tags": [ + { + "tag": "deprecated", + "text": "Use `options.referencedTable` instead of `options.foreignTable`\n" + } + ] + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 415, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to order by" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 416, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 417, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 418, + "name": "ascending", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 75, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 420, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 75, + "character": 59 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 419, + "name": "nullsFirst", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 75, + "character": 37 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 418, + 420, + 419 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 538, + "name": "default.order" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 514, + "name": "default.order" + } + }, + { + "id": 328, + "name": "overlaps", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 380, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 329, + "name": "overlaps", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for array and range columns. Match only rows where\n`column` and `value` have an element in common." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 330, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 331, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The array or range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 330, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 332, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The array or range value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "readonly", + "target": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 330, + "name": "ColumnName" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + } + } + } + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 333, + "name": "overlaps", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for array and range columns. Match only rows where\n`column` and `value` have an element in common." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 334, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The array or range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 335, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The array or range value to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "typeOperator", + "operator": "readonly", + "target": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + } + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 428, + "name": "range", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 158, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 429, + "name": "range", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Limit the query result by starting at an offset `from` and ending at the offset `to`.\nOnly records within this range are returned.\nThis respects the query order and if there is no order clause the range could behave unexpectedly.\nThe `from` and `to` values are 0-based and inclusive: `range(1, 3)` will include the second, third\nand fourth rows of the query." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 430, + "name": "from", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The starting index from which to limit the result" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "number" + } + }, + { + "id": 431, + "name": "to", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The last index to which to limit the result" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "number" + } + }, + { + "id": 432, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "originalName": "__namedParameters", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 433, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 434, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Deprecated, use `options.referencedTable`\ninstead\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 164, + "character": 9 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 435, + "name": "referencedTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set this to limit rows of referenced\ntables instead of the parent table" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 164, + "character": 32 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 434, + 435 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 553, + "name": "default.range" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 552, + "name": "default.range" + } + }, + { + "id": 320, + "name": "rangeAdjacent", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 365, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 321, + "name": "rangeAdjacent", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where `column` is\nmutually exclusive to `range` and there can be no element between the two\nranges." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 322, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 323, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 322, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 324, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 325, + "name": "rangeAdjacent", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where `column` is\nmutually exclusive to `range` and there can be no element between the two\nranges." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 326, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 327, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 288, + "name": "rangeGt", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 307, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 289, + "name": "rangeGt", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in\n`column` is greater than any element in `range`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 290, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 291, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 290, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 292, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 293, + "name": "rangeGt", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in\n`column` is greater than any element in `range`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 294, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 295, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 296, + "name": "rangeGte", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 321, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 297, + "name": "rangeGte", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in\n`column` is either contained in `range` or greater than any element in\n`range`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 298, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 299, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 298, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 300, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 301, + "name": "rangeGte", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in\n`column` is either contained in `range` or greater than any element in\n`range`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 302, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 303, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 304, + "name": "rangeLt", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 336, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 305, + "name": "rangeLt", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in\n`column` is less than any element in `range`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 306, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 307, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 306, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 308, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 309, + "name": "rangeLt", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in\n`column` is less than any element in `range`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 310, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 311, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 312, + "name": "rangeLte", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 350, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 313, + "name": "rangeLte", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in\n`column` is either contained in `range` or less than any element in\n`range`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 314, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 315, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 314, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 316, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 317, + "name": "rangeLte", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in\n`column` is either contained in `range` or less than any element in\n`range`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 318, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 319, + "name": "range", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The range to filter with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 461, + "name": "returns", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 311, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 462, + "name": "returns", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Override the type of the returned `data`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 463, + "name": "NewResult", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The new result type to override with\n" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 463, + "name": "NewResult" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 586, + "name": "default.returns" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 585, + "name": "default.returns" + } + }, + { + "id": 459, + "name": "rollback", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 297, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 460, + "name": "rollback", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Rollback the query.", + "text": "`data` will still be returned, but the query is not committed.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 584, + "name": "default.rollback" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 583, + "name": "default.rollback" + } + }, + { + "id": 385, + "name": "select", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 21, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 386, + "name": "select", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Perform a SELECT on the query result.", + "text": "By default, `.insert()`, `.update()`, `.upsert()`, and `.delete()` do not\nreturn modified rows. By calling this method, modified rows are returned in\n`data`.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 387, + "name": "Query", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + "default": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "*" + } + }, + { + "id": 388, + "name": "NewResultOne", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "default": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 387, + "name": "Query" + } + ], + "name": "GetResult" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 389, + "name": "columns", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The columns to retrieve, separated by commas\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 387, + "name": "Query" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 388, + "name": "NewResultOne" + } + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 510, + "name": "" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 509, + "name": "" + } + }, + { + "id": 479, + "name": "setHeader", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestBuilder.ts", + "line": 53, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 480, + "name": "setHeader", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set an HTTP header for the request." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 481, + "name": "name", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 482, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 604, + "name": "default.setHeader" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 603, + "name": "default.setHeader" + } + }, + { + "id": 439, + "name": "single", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 191, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 440, + "name": "single", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Return `data` as a single object instead of an array of objects.", + "text": "Query result must be one row (e.g. using `.limit(1)`), otherwise this\nreturns an error.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 441, + "name": "ResultOne", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "default": { + "type": "conditional", + "checkType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + "extendsType": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "ResultOne" + } + }, + "trueType": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "ResultOne" + }, + "falseType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "never" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 441, + "name": "ResultOne" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 564, + "name": "default.single" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 563, + "name": "default.single" + } + }, + { + "id": 336, + "name": "textSearch", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 403, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 337, + "name": "textSearch", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for text and tsvector columns. Match only rows where\n`column` matches the query string in `query`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 338, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 339, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The text or tsvector column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 338, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 340, + "name": "query", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The query text to match with" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 341, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 342, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 343, + "name": "config", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The text search configuration to use" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 406, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 344, + "name": "type", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Change how the `query` text is interpreted\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 406, + "character": 33 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "plain" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "phrase" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "websearch" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 343, + 344 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 153, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 154, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 155, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 156, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 157, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 345, + "name": "textSearch", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Only relevant for text and tsvector columns. Match only rows where\n`column` matches the query string in `query`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 346, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The text or tsvector column to filter on" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 347, + "name": "query", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The query text to match with" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 348, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 349, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 350, + "name": "config", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The text search configuration to use" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 411, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 351, + "name": "type", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Change how the `query` text is interpreted\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestFilterBuilder.ts", + "line": 411, + "character": 33 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "plain" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "phrase" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "websearch" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 350, + 351 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": 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+ { + "type": "reference", + "id": 485, + "name": "TResult1" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 485, + "name": "TResult1" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "PromiseLike", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "PromiseLike" + } + ] + } + } + ] + } + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 491, + "name": "onrejected", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 492, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 493, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 494, + "name": "reason", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "any" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", 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+ "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + }, + { + "id": 84, + "name": "schema", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 14, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 85, + "name": "signal", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 15, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "qualifiedName": "AbortSignal", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "AbortSignal" + } + }, + { + "id": 82, + "name": "url", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 12, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "qualifiedName": "URL", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "URL" + } + }, + { + "id": 139, + "name": "delete", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 357, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 140, + "name": "delete", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Perform a DELETE on the table or view.", + "text": "By default, deleted rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call\nwith `.select()` after filters.\n" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 141, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters\n" + }, + "originalName": "__namedParameters", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 142, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 143, + "name": "count", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Count algorithm to use to count deleted rows.\n\n`\"exact\"`: Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a `COUNT(*)` under the\nhood.\n\n`\"planned\"`: Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres\nstatistics under the hood.\n\n`\"estimated\"`: Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high\nnumbers.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 360, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "exact" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "planned" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "estimated" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 143 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "Row" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 67, + "name": "Relation" + } + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 71, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 100, + "name": "insert", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 101, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 101, + "name": "insert", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Perform an INSERT into the table or view.", + "text": "By default, inserted rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call\nwith `.select()`.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 102, + "name": "Row", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 103, + "name": "values", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The values to insert. Pass an object to insert a single row\nor an array to insert multiple rows.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 102, + "name": "Row" + } + }, + { + "id": 104, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 105, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 106, + "name": "count", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Count algorithm to use to count inserted rows.\n\n`\"exact\"`: Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a `COUNT(*)` under the\nhood.\n\n`\"planned\"`: Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres\nstatistics under the hood.\n\n`\"estimated\"`: Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high\nnumbers.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 104, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "exact" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "planned" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "estimated" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 106 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "Row" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 67, + "name": "Relation" + } + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 71, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 107, + "name": "insert", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Perform an INSERT into the table or view.", + "text": "By default, inserted rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call\nwith `.select()`.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 108, + "name": "Row", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 109, + "name": "values", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The values to insert. Pass an object to insert a single row\nor an array to insert multiple rows.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 108, + "name": "Row" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 110, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 111, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 112, + "name": "count", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Count algorithm to use to count inserted rows.\n\n`\"exact\"`: Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a `COUNT(*)` under the\nhood.\n\n`\"planned\"`: Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres\nstatistics under the hood.\n\n`\"estimated\"`: Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high\nnumbers.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 110, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "exact" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "planned" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "estimated" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 113, + "name": "defaultToNull", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Make missing fields default to `null`.\nOtherwise, use the default value for the column. Only applies for bulk\ninserts.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 111, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 112, + 113 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "Row" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 67, + "name": "Relation" + } + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 71, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 91, + "name": "select", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 57, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 92, + "name": "select", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Perform a SELECT query on the table or view." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 93, + "name": "Query", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + "default": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "*" + } + }, + { + "id": 94, + "name": "ResultOne", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "default": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "Row" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 67, + "name": "Relation" + } + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 71, + "name": "Relationships" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 93, + "name": "Query" + } + ], + "name": "GetResult" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 95, + "name": "columns", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The columns to retrieve, separated by commas. Columns can be renamed when returned with `customName:columnName`\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 93, + "name": "Query" + } + }, + { + "id": 96, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters\n" + }, + "originalName": "__namedParameters", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 97, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 99, + "name": "count", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Count algorithm to use to count rows in the table or view.\n\n`\"exact\"`: Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a `COUNT(*)` under the\nhood.\n\n`\"planned\"`: Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres\nstatistics under the hood.\n\n`\"estimated\"`: Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high\nnumbers.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 67, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "exact" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "planned" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "estimated" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 98, + "name": "head", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "When set to `true`, `data` will not be returned.\nUseful if you only need the count.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 66, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 99, + 98 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "Row" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 67, + "name": "Relation" + } + }, + { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 94, + "name": "ResultOne" + } + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 71, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 132, + "name": "update", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 309, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 133, + "name": "update", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Perform an UPDATE on the table or view.", + "text": "By default, updated rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call\nwith `.select()` after filters.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 134, + "name": "Row", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 135, + "name": "values", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The values to update with\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 134, + "name": "Row" + } + }, + { + "id": 136, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters\n" + }, + "originalName": "__namedParameters", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 137, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 138, + "name": "count", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Count algorithm to use to count updated rows.\n\n`\"exact\"`: Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a `COUNT(*)` under the\nhood.\n\n`\"planned\"`: Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres\nstatistics under the hood.\n\n`\"estimated\"`: Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high\nnumbers.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 314, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "exact" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "planned" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "estimated" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 138 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "Row" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 67, + "name": "Relation" + } + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 71, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 114, + "name": "upsert", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 184, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 115, + "name": "upsert", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Perform an UPSERT on the table or view. Depending on the column(s) passed\nto `onConflict`, `.upsert()` allows you to perform the equivalent of\n`.insert()` if a row with the corresponding `onConflict` columns doesn't\nexist, or if it does exist, perform an alternative action depending on\n`ignoreDuplicates`.", + "text": "By default, upserted rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call\nwith `.select()`.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 116, + "name": "Row", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 117, + "name": "values", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The values to upsert with. Pass an object to upsert a\nsingle row or an array to upsert multiple rows.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 116, + "name": "Row" + } + }, + { + "id": 118, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 119, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 122, + "name": "count", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Count algorithm to use to count upserted rows.\n\n`\"exact\"`: Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a `COUNT(*)` under the\nhood.\n\n`\"planned\"`: Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres\nstatistics under the hood.\n\n`\"estimated\"`: Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high\nnumbers.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 189, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "exact" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "planned" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "estimated" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 121, + "name": "ignoreDuplicates", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, duplicate rows are ignored. If\n`false`, duplicate rows are merged with existing rows.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 188, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 120, + "name": "onConflict", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Comma-separated UNIQUE column(s) to specify how\nduplicate rows are determined. Two rows are duplicates if all the\n`onConflict` columns are equal.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 187, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 122, + 121, + 120 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "Row" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 67, + "name": "Relation" + } + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 71, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 123, + "name": "upsert", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Perform an UPSERT on the table or view. Depending on the column(s) passed\nto `onConflict`, `.upsert()` allows you to perform the equivalent of\n`.insert()` if a row with the corresponding `onConflict` columns doesn't\nexist, or if it does exist, perform an alternative action depending on\n`ignoreDuplicates`.", + "text": "By default, upserted rows are not returned. To return it, chain the call\nwith `.select()`.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 124, + "name": "Row", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 125, + "name": "values", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The values to upsert with. Pass an object to upsert a\nsingle row or an array to upsert multiple rows.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 124, + "name": "Row" + } + } + }, + { + "id": 126, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 127, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 130, + "name": "count", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Count algorithm to use to count upserted rows.\n\n`\"exact\"`: Exact but slow count algorithm. Performs a `COUNT(*)` under the\nhood.\n\n`\"planned\"`: Approximated but fast count algorithm. Uses the Postgres\nstatistics under the hood.\n\n`\"estimated\"`: Uses exact count for low numbers and planned count for high\nnumbers.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 197, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "exact" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "planned" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "estimated" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 131, + "name": "defaultToNull", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Make missing fields default to `null`.\nOtherwise, use the default value for the column. This only applies when\ninserting new rows, not when merging with existing rows under\n`ignoreDuplicates: false`. This also only applies when doing bulk upserts.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 198, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 129, + "name": "ignoreDuplicates", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, duplicate rows are ignored. If\n`false`, duplicate rows are merged with existing rows.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 196, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 128, + "name": "onConflict", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Comma-separated UNIQUE column(s) to specify how\nduplicate rows are determined. Two rows are duplicates if all the\n`onConflict` columns are equal.\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 195, + "character": 6 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 130, + 131, + 129, + 128 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 150, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 66, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "indexedAccess", + "indexType": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "Row" + }, + "objectType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 67, + "name": "Relation" + } + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 68, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 71, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Constructors", + "kind": 512, + "children": [ + 64 + ] + }, + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 86, + 83, + 84, + 85, + 82 + ] + }, + { + "title": "Methods", + "kind": 2048, + "children": [ + 139, + 100, + 91, + 132, + 114 + ] + } + ], + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestQueryBuilder.ts", + "line": 6, + "character": 21 + } + ], + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 144, + "name": "Schema", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "GenericSchema" + } + }, + { + "id": 145, + "name": "Relation", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "name": "GenericTable" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "name": "GenericView" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 146, + "name": "RelationName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "default": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + }, + { + "id": 149, + "name": 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635, + "name": "default.signal" + } + }, + { + "id": 589, + "name": "url", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isProtected": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestBuilder.ts", + "line": 11, + "character": 12 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "qualifiedName": "URL", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "URL" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 630, + "name": "default.url" + } + }, + { + "id": 560, + "name": "abortSignal", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 180, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 561, + "name": "abortSignal", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set the AbortSignal for the fetch request." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 562, + "name": "signal", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The AbortSignal to use for the fetch request\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "qualifiedName": "AbortSignal", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "AbortSignal" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 569, + "name": "csv", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 221, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 570, + "name": "csv", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Return `data` as a string in CSV format." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 573, + "name": "explain", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 259, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 574, + "name": "explain", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Return `data` as the EXPLAIN plan for the query.", + "text": "You need to enable the\n[db_plan_enabled](\nsetting before using this method.\n" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 575, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters\n" + }, + "originalName": "__namedParameters", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 576, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 577, + "name": "analyze", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, the query will be executed and the\nactual run time will be returned\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 267, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 580, + "name": "buffers", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, include information on buffer usage\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 270, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 582, + "name": "format", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The format of the output, can be `\"text\"` (default)\nor `\"json\"`\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 272, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "text" + }, + { + "type": "literal", + "value": "json" + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 579, + "name": "settings", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, include information on configuration\nparameters that affect query planning\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 269, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 578, + "name": "verbose", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, the query identifier will be returned\nand `data` will include the output columns of the query\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 268, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 581, + "name": "wal", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, include information on WAL record generation\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 271, + "character": 4 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 577, + 580, + 582, + 579, + 578, + 581 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 571, + "name": "geojson", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 229, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 572, + "name": "geojson", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Return `data` as an object in [GeoJSON]( format." + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "unknown" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "Record", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "Record" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 545, + "name": "limit", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 131, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 546, + "name": "limit", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Limit the query result by `count`." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 547, + "name": "count", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The maximum number of rows to return" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "number" + } + }, + { + "id": 548, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "originalName": "__namedParameters", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 549, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 550, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Deprecated, use `options.referencedTable`\ninstead\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 136, + "character": 9 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 551, + "name": "referencedTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set this to limit rows of referenced\ntables instead of the parent table" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 136, + "character": 32 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 550, + 551 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 566, + "name": "maybeSingle", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 204, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 567, + "name": "maybeSingle", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Return `data` as a single object instead of an array of objects.", + "text": "Query result must be zero or one row (e.g. using `.limit(1)`), otherwise\nthis returns an error.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 568, + "name": "ResultOne", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "default": { + "type": "conditional", + "checkType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + "extendsType": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "ResultOne" + } + }, + "trueType": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "ResultOne" + }, + "falseType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "never" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 444, + "name": "ResultOne" + } + ] + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 514, + "name": "order", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 55, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 515, + "name": "order", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Order the query result by `column`.", + "text": "You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.\n\nYou can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the\nparent table if you use `!inner` in the query.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 516, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 517, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to order by" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 392, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 518, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 519, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 520, + "name": "ascending", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, the result will be in ascending order" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 57, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 521, + "name": "nullsFirst", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, `null`s appear first. If `false`,\n`null`s appear last." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 57, + "character": 37 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 522, + "name": "referencedTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set this to order a referenced table by\nits columns" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 57, + "character": 59 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 520, + 521, + 522 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 523, + "name": "order", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Order the query result by `column`.", + "text": "You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.\n\nYou can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the\nparent table if you use `!inner` in the query.\n" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 524, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to order by" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 525, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 526, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 527, + "name": "ascending", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, the result will be in ascending order" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 61, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 528, + "name": "nullsFirst", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If `true`, `null`s appear first. If `false`,\n`null`s appear last." + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 61, + "character": 37 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 529, + "name": "referencedTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set this to order a referenced table by\nits columns" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 61, + "character": 59 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 527, + 528, + 529 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 530, + "name": "order", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Order the query result by `column`.", + "text": "You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.\n\nYou can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the\nparent table if you use `!inner` in the query.\n", + "tags": [ + { + "tag": "deprecated", + "text": "Use `options.referencedTable` instead of `options.foreignTable`\n" + } + ] + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 531, + "name": "ColumnName", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 532, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to order by" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 407, + "name": "ColumnName" + } + }, + { + "id": 533, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 534, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 535, + "name": "ascending", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 68, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 537, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 68, + "character": 59 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "undefined" + } + }, + { + "id": 536, + "name": "nullsFirst", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 68, + "character": 37 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 535, + 537, + 536 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + }, + { + "id": 538, + "name": "order", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Order the query result by `column`.", + "text": "You can call this method multiple times to order by multiple columns.\n\nYou can order referenced tables, but it only affects the ordering of the\nparent table if you use `!inner` in the query.\n", + "tags": [ + { + "tag": "deprecated", + "text": "Use `options.referencedTable` instead of `options.foreignTable`\n" + } + ] + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 539, + "name": "column", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The column to order by" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 540, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 541, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 542, + "name": "ascending", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 75, + "character": 16 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + }, + { + "id": 544, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 75, + "character": 59 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 543, + "name": "nullsFirst", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 75, + "character": 37 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "boolean" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 542, + 544, + 543 + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 552, + "name": "range", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 158, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 553, + "name": "range", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Limit the query result by starting at an offset `from` and ending at the offset `to`.\nOnly records within this range are returned.\nThis respects the query order and if there is no order clause the range could behave unexpectedly.\nThe `from` and `to` values are 0-based and inclusive: `range(1, 3)` will include the second, third\nand fourth rows of the query." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 554, + "name": "from", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The starting index from which to limit the result" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "number" + } + }, + { + "id": 555, + "name": "to", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The last index to which to limit the result" + }, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "number" + } + }, + { + "id": 556, + "name": "options", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Named parameters" + }, + "originalName": "__namedParameters", + "type": { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 557, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "children": [ + { + "id": 558, + "name": "foreignTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Deprecated, use `options.referencedTable`\ninstead\n" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 164, + "character": 9 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 559, + "name": "referencedTable", + "kind": 1024, + "kindString": "Property", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set this to limit rows of referenced\ntables instead of the parent table" + }, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 164, + "character": 32 + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Properties", + "kind": 1024, + "children": [ + 558, + 559 + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "defaultValue": "{}" + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 585, + "name": "returns", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 311, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 586, + "name": "returns", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Override the type of the returned `data`." + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 587, + "name": "NewResult", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The new result type to override with\n" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 463, + "name": "NewResult" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 583, + "name": "rollback", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 297, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 584, + "name": "rollback", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Rollback the query.", + "text": "`data` will still be returned, but the query is not committed.\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 509, + "name": "select", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 21, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 510, + "name": "select", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Perform a SELECT on the query result.", + "text": "By default, `.insert()`, `.update()`, `.upsert()`, and `.delete()` do not\nreturn modified rows. By calling this method, modified rows are returned in\n`data`.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 511, + "name": "Query", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + }, + "default": { + "type": "literal", + "value": "*" + } + }, + { + "id": 512, + "name": "NewResultOne", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "default": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 387, + "name": "Query" + } + ], + "name": "GetResult" + } + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 513, + "name": "columns", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "comment": { + "shortText": "The columns to retrieve, separated by commas\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 387, + "name": "Query" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 388, + "name": "NewResultOne" + } + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 603, + "name": "setHeader", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestBuilder.ts", + "line": 53, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 604, + "name": "setHeader", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Set an HTTP header for the request." + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 605, + "name": "name", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + }, + { + "id": 606, + "name": "value", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "string" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 645, + "name": "default.setHeader" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 644, + "name": "default.setHeader" + } + }, + { + "id": 563, + "name": "single", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestTransformBuilder.ts", + "line": 191, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 564, + "name": "single", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "Return `data` as a single object instead of an array of objects.", + "text": "Query result must be one row (e.g. using `.limit(1)`), otherwise this\nreturns an error.\n" + }, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 565, + "name": "ResultOne", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "default": { + "type": "conditional", + "checkType": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + "extendsType": { + "type": "array", + "elementType": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "ResultOne" + } + }, + "trueType": { + "type": "reference", + "name": "ResultOne" + }, + "falseType": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "never" + } + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 624, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 441, + "name": "ResultOne" + } + ], + "name": "default" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "id": 607, + "name": "then", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestBuilder.ts", + "line": 59, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 608, + "name": "then", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "typeParameter": [ + { + "id": 609, + "name": "TResult1", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "default": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 676, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + } + ], + "name": "PostgrestSingleResponse" + } + }, + { + "id": 610, + "name": "TResult2", + "kind": 131072, + "kindString": "Type parameter", + "flags": {}, + "default": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "never" + } + 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485, + "name": "TResult1" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "PromiseLike", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "PromiseLike" + } + ] + } + } + ] + } + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 615, + "name": "onrejected", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": { + "isOptional": true + }, + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "literal", + "value": null + }, + { + "type": "reflection", + "declaration": { + "id": 616, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 65536, + "kindString": "Type literal", + "flags": {}, + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 617, + "name": "__type", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "parameters": [ + { + "id": 618, + "name": "reason", + "kind": 32768, + "kindString": "Parameter", + "flags": {}, + "type": { + "type": "intrinsic", + "name": "any" + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 486, + "name": "TResult2" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 486, + "name": "TResult2" + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "PromiseLike", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "PromiseLike" + } + ] + } + } + ] + } + } + ] + } + } + ], + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "union", + "types": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 485, + "name": "TResult1" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 486, + "name": "TResult2" + } + ] + } + ], + "qualifiedName": "PromiseLike", + "package": "typescript", + "name": "PromiseLike" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 649, + "name": "default.then" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 648, + "name": "default.then" + } + }, + { + "id": 601, + "name": "throwOnError", + "kind": 2048, + "kindString": "Method", + "flags": {}, + "sources": [ + { + "fileName": "src/PostgrestBuilder.ts", + "line": 45, + "character": 2 + } + ], + "signatures": [ + { + "id": 602, + "name": "throwOnError", + "kind": 4096, + "kindString": "Call signature", + "flags": {}, + "comment": { + "shortText": "If there's an error with the query, throwOnError will reject the promise by\nthrowing the error instead of returning it as part of a successful response.", + "text": "{@link}\n" + }, + "type": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 500, + "typeArguments": [ + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 503, + "name": "Schema" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 504, + "name": "Row" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 505, + "name": "Result" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 506, + "name": "RelationName" + }, + { + "type": "reference", + "id": 507, + "name": "Relationships" + } + ], + "name": "default" + }, + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 643, + "name": "default.throwOnError" + } + } + ], + "inheritedFrom": { + "type": "reference", + "id": 642, + "name": "default.throwOnError" + } + } + ], + "groups": [ + { + "title": "Constructors", + "kind": 512, + "children": [ + 501 + ] + }, + { + "title": "Properties", + 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