Notes that I’ve taken during the video portion of the course.
app.module.ts defines the building blocks and features of the application. main.ts is the entry point and loads up the app.module.t
- Note taken on [2020-01-25 Sat 11:19]
A page is made of components. Example: <app-header>, <app-brand>, <app-feature>. These could be broken down even more if desired. If an item has its own logic behind it, then it should be a component. These are easily reused.
- Note taken on [2020-01-25 Sat 11:23]
To create a component manually: create a ‘posts’ subfolder in the ‘app’ folder. create a ‘post-create’ subfolder in ‘posts’. create a ‘post-create.component.ts’ file create a ‘post-create.component.html’ file The new component needs to include the @Component decorator. Before the new component can be used, it must be included in the app.module.ts as well.
- To listen to events, use event binding in the template. These are denoted by () in the html.
<button (click)="onAddPost()">Submit Post</button>
- To set attributes on an object in the template, use property [] binding.
<textarea [value]="newPost"></textarea> <textarea [value]="'Needs to be a string'"></textarea>
- Use string interpolation to output strings in a template
<p>{{ newPost }}</p> <h1>{{ headerText }}</p>
- You can use an element reference to address the template object from within the component.
For example, from within the html template:
<textarea [value]="newPost" #postInputReference></textarea> <button (click)="onAddPost(postInputReference)">Save Post</button>
The ‘#’ indicates the name that you are saving the reference to. The element can also be accessed from the component’s typescript code as well:
onAddPost(postInput: HTMLTextAreaElement) { console.log(postInput.value); }
- This can be used as a shortcut to the above example, to automatically set an attribute value to a template item.
You need to import FormsModule from @angular/forms in the app.module to use it.
<textarea [(ngModel)]="enteredValue"></textarea> <button (click)="onAddPost()"></button>
The ngModel needs to be bound to an attribute on the component, like so:
export class TheComponent() { enteredValue = ''; onAddPost() { console.log(this.enteredValue); } }
- run: ng add @angular/material This will run the angular schematic to add and configure the material framework for you. Use to see what components are available and how to use them. Before you can actually use any of the components in a template, they need to have their modules imported in the app.module.ts file.