Workshop tutorial: [html] [R markdown] [R script]
You can also checkout the bioconductor page for more information
- Complete API R client with user friendly API like
a$project(id = "tengfei/quickstart")$upload("folder_path", metadata = list(platform = "Illumina"))
CWL Tool interface, you can directly describe your tool in R, export to JSON/YAML, or add it to your online project. This package defines a complete set of CWL object.
Task monitoring hook allow you to add hook function to task status when you monitor a task, for example, when task is finished sent you email or download all files.
Cross platform support, if it's cwl compatible platform from Seven Bridges, like Cancer genomics cloud or Seven bridges on google and AWS, you can use it.
Authentification management for multiple platforms/users via config file.
Tutorials are listed on bioconductor page
The package is currently not available in the Bioconductor release
branch yet until next Bioc release cycle, please switch to the devel
branch by following code to install.
useDevel(devel = TRUE)
Alternatively, you can install the latest development version of the package from GitHub too:
# install.packages("devtools") if devtools was not installed
## useDevel() ## ignore the erro if you cannot use devel
## biocLite("BiocUpgrade") ## don't have to run
install_github("tengfei/sevenbridges", build_vignettes=TRUE,
If you have trouble with pandoc, either instal it or set build_vignettes = FALSE
To load the package in R, simply call
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -p 3838:3838 tengfei/sevenbridges
check out the ip from docker machine if you are on mac os.
docker-machine ip default
In your browser,
for Rstudio
http://<url>:3838/<username of rstudio>/app_dir
for Shiny server
For example, if is what returned, visit
for Rstudio.
Note: for users of that Rstudio, just create ShinyApps
folder under
your home folder, then put your apps under that folder, so you can
visit http://<url>:3838/<username of rstudio>/<app name>
for your
shiny apps. For example
In your Rstudio server launched from container, please run
file.copy("/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/shiny/examples/01_hello/", "~/ShinyApps/", recursive = TRUE)
If you are login as username 'rstudio', then visit
you should be
able to see the hello example.
© Seven Bridges Genomics 2012 - 2016. Licensed under the MIT license.