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Releases: tensorflow/tensorboard

TensorBoard 2.3.0

21 Jul 22:38
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The 2.3 minor series tracks TensorFlow 2.3.


  • The 30 sec default reload period is now customizable in the Settings UI
  • 🧪 Experimental Debugger V2 is now available; see the
    tutorial on how to use the experimental TensorFlow
    APIs to spot NaN's in tensors, view graphs generated from executions, and the
    related lines in the Python source code (#3821) updates

  • Added support for showing the Distributions tab (#3762)
  • Uploader now displays data statistics in the console while uploading data
  • Added new uploader command line flags (#3707)
    • --dry_run: causes the uploader to only read the logdir and display
      statistics (if --verbose is the default 1) without uploading any data to
      the server
    • --one_shot: causes the uploader to exit immediately after all existing
      data in the logdir are uploaded; this mode prints a warning message if the
      logdir doesn't contain any uploadable data
  • Upload button in the header offers a convenient, copyable command
  • 🧪 Experimental DataFrame API: You can now read Scalars data from as a Pandas DataFrame (learn more here)

Bug fixes

  • Projector plugin
    • Shows data when logs exist in both logdir root and subdirectory (#3694)
    • Fixed incorrect embeddings from TF2 checkpoints (#3679)
    • Added support for binary format, with 2x speedup loading large tensors in
      some cases (#3685) - thanks @RustingSword
    • Added Colab tutorial for Projector plugin (#3423)
  • Notebooks
    • Increased port scanning from 10 to 100 to better support multi-tenant
      Notebooks (#3780) - thanks @jerrylian-db
    • Add proxy (e.g. jupyter-server-proxy) support for %tensorboard magics
      (#3674) - thanks @zac-hopkinson
      • Set the TENSORBOARD_PROXY_URL environment variable
        export TENSORBOARD_PROXY_URL="/proxy/%PORT%/"
  • Dynamic plugins (Projector, Fairness Indicators, Profiler, What-If Tool)
    appear when TensorBoard is launched programmatically via Python (#3695)
  • Fixed download links in Custom Scalars (#3794)
  • Updated broken docs (#3440, #3459, #3561, #3681) - thanks @LexusH,
    @ManishAradwad, @ricmatsui, @robertlugg
  • Better handling of S3-related InvalidRange errors (#3609) - thanks @ahirner
  • Fixed deprecated numpy usage (#3768) - thanks @lgeiger


  • Beholder will be removed in a future release (#3843)
  • Debugger (V1) will be removed in a future release, in favor of the
    aforementioned V2 version


The frontend now uses Angular (replaces the Polymer entry point, which will be
removed in a future release; still visible at the /legacy.html endpoint)
(#3779). If you observe any bugs that do not reproduce under /legacy.html,
please file an issue.

For dynamic plugins, please see their respective pages
(Fairness Indicators, Profiler, What-If Tool).

TensorBoard 2.2.2

28 May 17:50
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Release 2.2.2


  • Some performance improvements to line charts (#3524)
  • Performance improvements in the Text plugin due to batch HTML
    sanitization (#3529)
  • Performance improvements in backend markdown cleaning for tag
    rendering (#3599)
  • CSS/layout performance optimization by applying layout/layer bound where
    possible (#3642)
  • The tensorboard dev list subcommand now reports the total size of stored
    tensors (used as the backing storage type for Histograms) (#3652) updates

  • now supports the Histograms plugin, for experiments
    uploaded starting from this release
    • The tensorboard dev upload subcommand now sends the histograms, when
      available, so that it can be rendered via the Histograms plugin on
  • This release may support additional plugins in the future, once those plugins
    are enabled in the service

Breaking changes

  • The experimental and legacy SQLite support (via the --db_import and --db
    flags) is removed to ease maintenance (#3539)

TensorBoard 2.2.1

15 Apr 17:57
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  • now renders model graphs, for experiments uploaded starting
    from this release.
    • The tensorboard dev upload subcommand now sends the model graph, when
      available, so that it can be rendered via the Graphs plugin on
    • Large node attribute values (which would not be rendered anyway) are
      filtered out before upload.
    • Graphs that remain larger than 10MB after filtering are not uploaded.
  • The tensorboard dev upload command supports a --plugins option to
    explicitly indicate the desired plugins for which summary data should be
    uploaded (#3402, #3492)
  • The tensorboard dev list subcommand now reports the total size of stored
    binary objects (e.g., graphs) for each experiment (#3464)
  • The tensorboard dev list subcommand now accepts a --json flag to allow
    parsing the output more easily (#3480)


  • Auto-reload is now disabled when the browser tab is not visible, saving
    network bandwidth (#3483)
  • New logo used in the favicon (#3406)

Bug fixes

  • Plugin loading: When a plugin fails to load, TensorBoard logs an error and
    continues, instead of crashing (#3484, #3486)
  • Eliminated sporadic HTTP 500 errors for XHRs that do markdown rendering (#3491)

TensorBoard 2.2.0

24 Mar 15:57
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The 2.2 minor series tracks TensorFlow 2.2.


  • Profile plugin now should be pip installed from tensorboard-plugin-profile.
    The new version works in Chrome 80 and Firefox, has better model insights and
    will be more actively maintained.
  • Add S3_ENDPOINT variable (#3368) - thanks @thealphacod3r
  • Confirm that the connection to tensorboard works or change to localhost
    (#2371) - thanks @miguelmorin
  • Update --reload_multifile_inactive_secs default to 24 hours (#3243)
  • New tensorboard dev update-metadata command allows for updating the name and
    description of experiments (#3277)
  • Improved organization of artifacts downloaded during export from (#3307)

Bug fixes

  • Fix for #3282 where the tooltip would remain even after the mouse leaves the
    plot (#3347)
  • Internal fix: HParams summary protos now properly include tensor values (#3386)
  • Fixes to profiling tutorial (#3372 & #3381)

Breaking Changes

TensorBoard 2.1.1

04 Mar 01:56
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  • Uploader: Added ability to upload and modify experiment name and description (#3277)

Breaking changes

TensorBoard 2.1.0

05 Dec 21:35
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The 2.1 minor series tracks TensorFlow 2.1.


  • Debugger: added ability to display Tensors as images, with selectable color map and zooming (#2729, #2764)
  • What-If Tool improvements:
    • Added ability to set custom distance function for counterfactuals (#2607)
    • Added ability to explore counterfactual examples for regression models (#2647)
    • Added ability to consume arbitrary prediction-time information (#2660)
    • Added ability to slice performance statistics by numeric features (in addition to categorical features) (#2678, #2704).
    • Added PR/ROC curves by class for multi-class classification models (#2755)
  • Improvements for plugin developers:
    • Added support for communication between TensorBoard and plugins in iframes (#2309, #2703)
    • (Experimental) Added library for improved plugin integration (#2708)
    • Enabled dynamic plugins in TensorBoard within Colab (#2798)
  • Security improvements, e.g. Content Security Policy configurations
  • Reduced overhead of image, audio, and histogram summary writing API methods (#2899) - thanks @hongjunChoi

Bug fixes

  • What-If Tool:
    • Fixed sometimes-stuck threshold sliders (#2682)
    • Fixed PD plots in notebook mode with py3 kernels (#2669)
    • Fixed info dialogs re. Fairness optimization (#2694)
  • Scalars dashboard: fixed unreliable data loading over slow network connections (#2825)
  • Fixed potential corruption when reading files from disk, when TensorFlow is not installed (#2791)
  • Fixed writing of histogram summaries when using TPUs (#2883) - thanks @hongjunChoi updates

  • The tensorboard dev list subcommand now provides detailed metadata about
    each experiment.

TensorBoard 2.0.2

25 Nov 23:33
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  • Improvements to support:
    • New tensorboard dev list subcommand lists all experiments uploaded to (#2903)
    • In the event of a transient backend issue or permanent breaking change, the
      uploader can now gracefully degrade and print a diagnostic (#2879)

TensorBoard 2.0.1

29 Oct 23:18
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TensorBoard 2.0.0

19 Sep 17:33
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The 2.0 minor series tracks TensorFlow 2.0.

Breaking changes

  • TensorBoard now serves on localhost only by default to avoid unintentional
    overexposure. To expose TensorBoard to the network, either use a proxy, bind
    to a specific hostname or IP address by using the --host flag, or explicitly
    enable the previous behavior of binding on all network interfaces by passing
    the flag --bind_all. See PR #2589.

  • The --logdir flag no longer supports passing multiple comma-delimited paths,
    which means that it now supports paths containing literal comma and colon
    characters, like ./logs/m=10,n=20,lr=0.001 or ./logs/run_12:30:15. To
    mimic the old behavior, prefer using a tree of symlinks as it works with more
    plugins, but as a fallback the flag --logdir_spec exposes the old behavior.
    See PR #2664.

  • Projector plugin visualize_embeddings() API now takes logdir as its first
    parameter rather than writer (which only supported TF 1.x summary writers).
    For backwards compatibility TF 1.x writers will still be accepted, but passing
    the logdir explicitly is preferred since it works without any dependency on
    TF 1.x or 2.x summary writing. See PR #2665.

  • The namespace tensorboard.summary.* now aliases the summary API symbols in
    tensorboard.summary.v2.* rather than those in tensorboard.summary.v1.*.
    The old symbols can still be accessed under the .v1 names. Note that the
    new v2 API symbols are exposed in TF 2.0 as the new tf.summary.* API and
    this is normally how they should be used. See PR #2670.


  • Smarter log directory polling can be used by passing --reload_multifile=true
    to poll all "active" event files in a directory rather than only the last one.
    This avoids problems where data written to the non-last file never appears.
    See PR #1867 for details, including how to adjust the "active" threshold.

  • What-If Tool now can sort PD plots by interestingness (#2461)

TensorBoard 1.15.0

12 Sep 20:58
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The 1.15 minor series tracks TensorFlow 1.15.


  • Embeddings projector now shows sprite images in the nearest neighbors list
    (#2543) - thanks @beasteers
  • When recording hyperparameters, the trial ID can now be customized, for easier
    integration with existing tuner systems (#2442)
  • Improvements to Colab and Jupyter notebook integration:
    • The TENSORBOARD_BINARY environment variable can now be set to invoke a
      non-default tensorboard binary (#2386)
    • Error messages are now clearer when the TensorBoard binary fails to launch
    • The %tensorboard magic no longer spams log messages when a different
      version of TensorBoard is already running on the same machine (#2470)
    • The %tensorboard magic can now be used in Jupyter notebooks running on
      hosts other than localhost (#2407)
  • What-If Tool improvements:
    • Errors running inference are now surfaced in the What-If Tool UI (#2414)
    • Median error stats are now displayed in addition to mean error stats (#2434)
  • Mesh plugin improvements:
    • Now compatible with TensorFlow 2.0 via a new summary_v2 module (#2443)
    • The number of vertices in the mesh can now be dynamic (#2373)
  • Profile dashboard improvements:
    • Wasted time now appears in the node table, and can be used as a sort key
    • Memory bandwidth utilization now appears in the dashboard header (#2525)
  • Improvements for plugin developers:
    • Plugins can now be rendered in an iframe whose source is served from the
      plugin backend, eliminating the need to bundle a frontend with the
      TensorBoard binary
    • Plugins can now be discovered dynamically and loaded at runtime, by defining
      a tensorboard_plugins entry point
    • See our example dynamically loaded plugin for a plugin to
      use as a starting point, plus documentation
    • TensorBoard now uses Polymer 2.7 (#2392, et al.)

Bug fixes

  • #2614 - “Toggle All Runs” button now behaves correctly on the first click when
    many runs are loaded (PR #2633)
  • Scalar charts should no longer “become tiny” on certain kinds of rendering
    failures (PR #2605)
  • #2028 - TensorBoard now logs less verbosely with Werkzeug 0.15.0 and up; it
    now behaves the same across Werkzeug versions (PR #2383)
  • The What-If Tool can now properly compare two regression models in the initial
    Facets Dive view (PR #2414)
  • Embedding projector metadata view now wraps long strings correctly (PR #2198)