encode the following FIX message:
MessageId("test_alias", Direction.OUTGOING, 0L, Instant.now(), emptyList()),
EventId("test_id", "test_book", "test_scope", Instant.now()),
mutableMapOf("encode-mode" to "dirty"),
"header" to mutableMapOf(
"MsgSeqNum" to 10947,
"SenderCompID" to "SENDER",
"SendingTime" to LocalDateTime.parse("2023-04-19T10:36:07.415088"),
"TargetCompID" to "RECEIVER",
"BeginString" to "FIXT.1.1",
"BodyLength" to 295,
"MsgType" to "8"
"ExecID" to "495504662",
"ClOrdID" to "zSuNbrBIZyVljs",
"OrigClOrdID" to "zSuNbrBIZyVljs",
"OrderID" to "49415882",
"ExecType" to '0',
"OrdStatus" to '0',
"LeavesQty" to BigDecimal(500),
"CumQty" to BigDecimal(500),
"SecurityID" to "NWDR",
"SecurityIDSource" to "8",
"TradingParty" to mutableMapOf(
"NoPartyIDs" to mutableListOf(
"PartyID" to "NGALL1FX01",
"PartyIDSource" to 'D',
"PartyRole" to 76
"PartyID" to "0",
"PartyIDSource" to 'P',
"PartyRole" to 3
"Account" to "test",
"OrdType" to 'A',
"TimeInForce" to '0',
"Side" to 'B',
"Symbol" to "ABC",
"OrderQty" to BigDecimal(500),
"Price" to BigDecimal(1000),
"Unknown" to "500",
"TransactTime" to LocalDateTime.parse("2018-02-05T10:38:08.000008"),
"trailer" to mutableMapOf(
"CheckSum" to "191"
decode the same FIX message:
Testing is carried out in two formats of parsed messages: String values and Typed values.
dirty mode:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units FixNgCodecBenchmark.encodeFixMessageString thrpt 25 178479.225 ± 2851.079 ops/s FixNgCodecBenchmark.encodeFixMessageTyped thrpt 25 263077.629 ± 3967.905 ops/s FixNgCodecBenchmark.parseFixMessageString thrpt 25 173370.305 ± 1878.013 ops/s FixNgCodecBenchmark.parseFixMessageTyped thrpt 25 186232.291 ± 1295.186 ops/s
strict mode:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units FixNgCodecBenchmark.encodeFixMessageString thrpt 25 179523.040 ± 3084.493 ops/s FixNgCodecBenchmark.encodeFixMessageTyped thrpt 25 265769.868 ± 3893.223 ops/s FixNgCodecBenchmark.parseFixMessageString thrpt 25 165978.593 ± 6474.860 ops/s FixNgCodecBenchmark.parseFixMessageTyped thrpt 25 186475.155 ± 1548.224 ops/s