jupyterhub UI is now accessable through same port as other components
cassandra dashboard has been corrected by th2 team
jupyterhub is now included as a dependency and should not be deployed separately. All its values are under jhub parent value.
Update secrets.yaml
Migrated to new Kubernetes API versions. Now th2-infra supports Kubernetes 1.22-1.26 releases
NGINX Ingress Controller chart must be upgraded 4.1.2 > 4.3.0.
Prometheus-stack should be upgraded 21.0.5 > 41.4.0.
Loki-stack should be upgraded 2.6.5 > 2.8.3.
Infra, Diagnostic and JVM dashboards should be added in grafana during deployment
Adding dashboards
- Infra, Diagnostic and JVM dashboards should be added in grafana, monitoring-old should be removed and monitoring-new should be renamed during deployment
grafana: dashboards: default: Infra-dashboard: url: http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboards/infra-dashboard.json JVM-dashboard: url: http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboards/JVM-dashboard(for-Prometheus-Operator).json Diagnostic-dashboard: url: http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboards/diagnostic-dashboard-v1.0.2.json
converter has been added to infra
- Migrated to new Kubernetes API versions. Now th2-infra supports Kubernetes 1.19-1.23 releases
- Prometheus stack must be upgraded 15.0.0 > 21.0.5
- Loki-stack must be upgraded 2.4.1 > 2.6.5. Remove a release before upgrade. Set new values for
with ones from../example-values/loki.values.yaml
. - NGINX Ingress Controller chart must be upgraded 3.31.0 > 4.1.2.
$ helm install -n service --version=4.1.2 ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx -f ./ingress.values.yaml
- HelmOperator dependency upgraded 1.2.0 > 1.4.2. HelmRelease CRD must be removed before infra installation
$ kubectl delete customresourcedefinitions helmreleases.helm.fluxcd.io
infra-mgr secrets are now created automatically.
Infra-mgr secrets should be removed from service namespace
- since infra-mgr secret is automatically created old secret should be deleted (if present)
$ kubectl -n service delete secret infra-mgr
- since th2-git-access-schemas secret is automatically created old secret should be deleted (if present)
$ kubectl -n service delete secret th2-git-access-schemas
- secrets.yaml should contain value from infra-mgr-rsa.key
infraMgr: git: privateKey: <privateKey>
Dashboards, Dashboard Provider and grafana plugins should be added in grafana during deployment.
Adding Dashboard Provider, Dashboards and plugins in Prometheus-stack
- Dashboard Provider should be added in grafana by dashboardProviders.dashboardproviders.yaml.
grafana: dashboardProviders: dashboardproviders.yaml: apiVersion: 1 providers: - name: 'default' orgId: 1 folder: '' type: file disableDeletion: false editable: true options: path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/default
- Dashboards should be added in grafana from infra-repo by Url.
grafana: dashboards: default: Cassandra-dashboard: url: http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboards/cassandra-dashboard_rev2.json Rabbitmq-dashboard: url: http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboards/rabbitmq-overview_rev11.json Node-monitoring: url: http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboards/nodes-monitoring-v1.0.0.json Namespace-health: url: http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboards/namespace_health-v1.0.2.json Components-logs: url: http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboards/components-logs.json Monitoring-1: url: http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboards/Monitoring-old.json Monitoring-3: url: http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboards/Monitoring-new.json
- Plugins should be added in grafana from infra-repo by plugins.
grafana: plugins: - http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/plugins/flant-statusmap-panel-0.4.2.zip;flant-statusmap-panel - http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/plugins/vonage-status-panel-1.0.11.zip;vonage-status-panel - http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/plugins/blackmirror1-statusbygroup-panel-1.1.2.zip;blackmirror1-statusbygroup-panel - http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/plugins/grafana-polystat-panel-1.2.8.any.zip;grafana-polystat-panel - http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/plugins/briangann-gauge-panel-0.0.9.zip;briangann-gauge-panel - http://infra-repo.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/plugins/yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel-1.4.1.zip;yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel
Rabbitmq values should be updated.
Updating rabbitmq values
- Rabbitmq values should be changed in service.values.
rabbitmq: persistence: storageClass: local-storage ingress: hostname: <hostname>
- rabbitmqUsername and rabbitmqPassword should be replaced in secrets.yaml
rabbitmq: auth: username: th2 password: rab-pass # must be random string erlangCookie: cookie
Note: Persistence data from previous rabbitmq should be deleted before instalation
Prometheus and Alert Manager should be added in Prometheus-stack.
Update Alert Manager and Prometheus Operator
- ingress rules should be added in alertmanager.
alertmanager: alertmanagerSpec: externalUrl: http://localhost:9093/alertmanager ingress: hosts: []
- ingress rules should be added in prometheusOperator.
prometheus: prometheusSpec: externalUrl: http://localhost:9090/prometheus ingress: hosts: []
Kube-state-metrics values should be updated
InfraGit values have to be be updated.
new persistence configuration
- persistence has to be updated to new format.
infraGit: internal: true nodePort: 32600 image: repository: ghcr.io/th2-net/git-ssh tag: v0.1.0 persistence: enabled: true # -- "repos-volume" claim will be created and mounted if empty existingClaim: ""
secrets.yaml has to be updated.
ingress.annotations structure changed
Update custom annotations if required
ingress: annotations: th2Namespace: {...} infraNamespace: {...} root: {...}
Loki must be added in grafana during deployment.
Delete old infra-mgr secret and replace it with new one.
Loki stack 2.4.1 chart version must be used during deployment.
- Loki can be upgraded without additional configuration only if new version uses the same schema version. Current config can be retrieved from cluster:
kubectl get secret -n monitoring loki -o jsonpath="{.data.loki\.yaml}"|base64 -d; echo
schema version is defined in
parameter. Schema of new version loki can be found in chart default values for loki- If schema versions are different should be used transition config for loki. Example of this config:
schema_config: configs: - from: "2018-04-15" index: period: 168h prefix: index_ object_store: filesystem schema: v9 store: boltdb - from: "2022-01-22" store: boltdb-shipper object_store: filesystem schema: v11 index: prefix: index_ period: 24h storage_config: # because boltdb is used in old schema we need to define this storage boltdb: directory: /data/loki/index
Helm operator chart now is included as dependency and should not be deployed separately. All its values are under helmoperator parent value.
Kubernetes dashboard chart now is included as dependency and should not be deployed separately. Previous deployment must be uninstalled from "monitoring" namespace. All its values are under dashboard parent value.
More information about seamless migration between schemas: https://grafana.com/docs/loki/v2.2.0/storage/#schema-configs https://grafana.com/docs/loki/v2.2.0/configuration/#schema_config