A data structure that contains a head, tail and length properties
Linked Lists consist of nodes, and each node has a value and a pointer to another node or null
- It's a good alternative to arrays when insertion and deletion at the beginning is frequently required
- Array contains a built in index, Linked lists does not
- The idea of list data structure that consists of nodes is the fundation for other data structures like Stacks and Queues
- Do not have indexes
- Connected via nodes with a next pointer
- Random access is not posible (you have to visit previous nodes)
- Indexed in order
- Insertion and deletion can be expensive (if you add/remove from the beginning)
- Can be accessed quick by index number
Method | Big(0) |
push | O(1) |
pop | O(N) |
shift | O(1) |
unshift | O(1) |
get | O(N) |
set | O(N) |
insert | O(N) |
remove | O(N) |
immutableReverse | O(N) |
reverse | O(N) |