diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 49ae9be..4e70329 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,8 +1,118 @@
-# The TUF website
+# The Update Framework (TUF) Website
-Website repository for The Update Framework (TUF), built with [Hugo] using the
-[Docsy] theme and hosted on [Netlify].
+This repository contains the source code for the [The Update Framework (TUF) website](https://theupdateframework.io/), built using Hugo and the Docsy theme, and hosted on Netlify.
-[Docsy]: https://docsy.dev
-[Hugo]: https://gohugo.io
-[Netlify]: https://netlify.com
+- [TUF Website](https://theupdateframework.io/)
+- [TUF Documentation](https://theupdateframework.io/docs/)
+- [TUF Specification](https://theupdateframework.io/specification/)
+We welcome contributions! Please read our contribution guidelines before getting started.
+## Quick Start
+Follow these steps to contribute to the TUF website:
+1. Fork the [TUF website repository](https://github.com/theupdateframework/theupdateframework.io) on GitHub.
+2. Make your changes and create a pull request (PR).
+3. If the PR is a work in progress:
+   - Add `[WIP]` to the PR title
+   - Use `/hold` in a comment to prevent merging
+4. Wait for the automated PR workflow to complete checks.
+5. Review the deploy preview when available.
+6. Assign a reviewer/approver for your changes.
+## How to Install
+The TUF website is built using **Hugo static site generator** with the Docsy theme.
+### 1. Prerequisites
+- Hugo Extended (version specified in `.nvmrc`)
+- Node.js
+- npm
+### 2. Installation Steps
+1. Clone the repository:
+git clone https://github.com/theupdateframework/theupdateframework.io.git
+cd theupdateframework.io
+2. Install dependencies:
+npm install
+### 3. Running the Site Locally
+#### Serve Development Site
+npm run serve
+Access the local site at: `http://localhost:1313`
+#### Build Site
+npm run build
+## Documentation Guidelines
+### Front Matter
+Each document should include a front matter with the following structure:
+draft: false
+linktitle: Page Title
+  docs:
+    parent: Parent Section
+    weight: 10
+title: Full Page Title
+toc: true
+type: docs
+Key points:
+- `linktitle`: Menu display title
+- `title`: Page title
+- `parent`: Documentation section
+- `weight`: Determines document order (recommend spacing of 5)
+- Use `weight: 99` to place at the end of a section
+### Contributing
+1. Follow the [TUF Contribution Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md)
+2. Ensure documentation is clear and concise
+3. Use consistent formatting
+4. Include relevant examples and use cases
+## Technology Stack
+- **Static Site Generator**: Hugo
+- **Theme**: Docsy
+- **Hosting**: Netlify
+- **Version Control**: Git/GitHub
+## License
+[Insert License Information]
+## Contact
+- [TUF Website](https://theupdateframework.io/)
+- [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/theupdateframework/theupdateframework.io)
+- [Community Communication Channels](https://app.slack.com/client/T08PSQ7BQ/C8NMD3QJ3)
+We appreciate your interest in contributing to The Update Framework!