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Version: 0.8.0 Type: application AppVersion: 1.25.0

A Helm Chart to deploy easily a CNPG cluster



Name Email Url
this-is-tobi [email protected]

Source Code


Repository Name Version cnpg-operator(cloudnative-pg) 0.23.0


Key Type Default Description
annotations object {} Additional annotations for created resources.
backup.compression string "" Which compression algorithm should be used for cnpg backups (should be one of "gzip", "bzip2" or "snappy"), leave blank to disable compression.
backup.cron string "0 0 */6 * * *" The cron rule used for cnpg backups. By default it runs every 6 hours.
backup.destinationPath string "" S3 destination path for cnpg backups (it should be set like s3://<bucket_name>/<path>).
backup.enabled bool false Whether or not cnpg cluster deployment should be enabled.
backup.endpointCA.create bool false Whether or not to create S3 CA kubernetes secret used for cnpg backups. It will use secretName, endpointCA.key and endpointCA.value to create the secret.
backup.endpointCA.key string "ca.crt" The secret key containing S3 CA for cnpg backups.
backup.endpointCA.secretName string "" The secret name containing S3 CA for cnpg backups, leave it empty to auto-generate the secret name.
backup.endpointCA.value string "" The S3 certificate used for cnpg backups. Only needed if backup.endpointCA.create is set to true.
backup.endpointURL string "" S3 endpoint for cnpg backups.
backup.retentionPolicy string "14d" Retention policy for cnpg backups recurrences.
backup.s3Credentials.accessKeyId.key string "accessKeyId" S3 accessKeyId kubernetes secret key used for cnpg backups.
backup.s3Credentials.accessKeyId.value string "" S3 accessKeyId value used for cnpg backups. Only needed if backup.s3Credentials.create is set to true.
backup.s3Credentials.create bool false Whether or not to create S3 credentials kubernetes secret used for cnpg backups. It will use secretName, accessKeyId.key, accessKeyId.value, secretAccessKey.key and secretAccessKey.value to create the secret.
backup.s3Credentials.region.key string "region" S3 region kubernetes secret key used used for cnpg backups.
backup.s3Credentials.region.value string "us-east1" S3 region value used used for cnpg backups. Only needed if backup.s3Credentials.create is set to true.
backup.s3Credentials.secretAccessKey.key string "secretAccessKey" S3 secretAccessKey kubernetes secret key used for cnpg backups.
backup.s3Credentials.secretAccessKey.value string "" S3 secretAccessKey value used for cnpg backups. Only needed if backup.s3Credentials.create is set to true.
backup.s3Credentials.secretName string "" S3 kubernetes secret name used for cnpg backups, leave it empty to auto-generate the secret name.
cnpg-operator.enabled bool false Whether or not cnpg operator should be deployed (See.
dbName string "" Name of the database (Default is fullnameOverride > nameOverride > name of the Helm release).
enableSuperuserAccess bool true Enable superuser access.
exposed bool false Whether or not a NodePort service should be created to exposed the database.
fullnameOverride string "" String to fully override the default application name. string "" Email to pull images.
imageCredentials.password string "" Password to pull images.
imageCredentials.registry string "" Registry to pull images from.
imageCredentials.username string "" Username to pull images.
imageName string "" Name of the image used for database. By default (empty string), the operator will install the latest available minor version of the latest major version of PostgreSQL when the operator was released
initDb.extraArgs object {} Extra configuration of the initDb bootstrap process (See.
instances int 3 Number of instances to spawn in the cluster.
labels object {} Additional cnpg cluster labels.
mode string "primary" Mode used to deploy the cnpg cluster, it should be primary, replica or recovery.
nameOverride string "" Provide a name in place of the default application name.
nodePort string nil Port used for NodePort service. Needs exposed tu be true.
parameters object {} Customize Postgresql parameters.
password string "" Password of the database user (leave empty to auto-generate the password).
pgHba list [] Client authentication entries for pg_hba.conf file (See.
postgresPassword string "" Password of the postgres superuser (leave empty to auto-generate the password).
primaryUpdateStrategy string "unsupervised" Rolling update strategy used : unsupervised: automated update of the primary once all replicas have been upgraded (default) supervised: requires manual supervision to perform the switchover of the primary string "10Gi" Size of the data PVC used by each cnpg instance.
pvcSize.wal string "5Gi" Size of the WAL PVC used by each cnpg instance (if value is null then WAL files are stored within the data PVC).
recovery.clusterName string "" Primary cnpg cluster name used for recovery mode.
recovery.destinationPath string "" S3 destination path used for recovery mode (it should be set like s3://<bucket_name>/<path>).
recovery.endpointCA.create bool false Whether or not to create S3 CA kubernetes secret used used for recovery mode. It will use secretName, endpointCA.key and endpointCA.value to create the secret.
recovery.endpointCA.key string "ca.crt" The secret key containing S3 CA used for recovery mode.
recovery.endpointCA.secretName string "" The secret name containing S3 CA used for recovery mode, leave it empty to auto-generate the secret name.
recovery.endpointCA.value string "" The S3 certificate used used for recovery mode. Only needed if recovery.endpointCA.create is set to true.
recovery.endpointURL string "" S3 endpoint used for recovery mode.
recovery.extraArgs object {}
recovery.maxParallelWal int 8 The number of parallel process that will be applied when applying wals.
recovery.s3Credentials.accessKeyId.key string "accessKeyId" S3 accessKeyId kubernetes secret key used used for recovery mode.
recovery.s3Credentials.accessKeyId.value string "" S3 accessKeyId value used used for recovery mode. Only needed if recovery.s3Credentials.create is set to true.
recovery.s3Credentials.create bool false Whether or not to create S3 credentials kubernetes secret used used for recovery mode. It will use secretName, accessKeyId.key, accessKeyId.value, secretAccessKey.key and secretAccessKey.value to create the secret.
recovery.s3Credentials.region.key string "region" S3 region kubernetes secret key used used for recovery mode.
recovery.s3Credentials.region.value string "us-east1" S3 region value used used for recovery mode. Only needed if recovery.s3Credentials.create is set to true.
recovery.s3Credentials.secretAccessKey.key string "secretAccessKey" S3 secretAccessKey kubernetes secret key used used for recovery mode.
recovery.s3Credentials.secretAccessKey.value string "" S3 secretAccessKey value used used for recovery mode. Only needed if recovery.s3Credentials.create is set to true.
recovery.s3Credentials.secretName string "" S3 kubernetes secret name used used for recovery mode, leave it empty to auto-generate the secret name.
replica.clusterName string "" Primary cnpg cluster name used for replica mode.
replica.dbName string "" Primary database name used for replica mode.
replica.destinationPath string "" S3 destination path used for replica mode (it should be set like s3://<bucket_name>/<path>).
replica.endpointCA.create bool false Whether or not to create S3 CA kubernetes secret used used for replica mode. It will use secretName, endpointCA.key and endpointCA.value to create the secret.
replica.endpointCA.key string "ca.crt" The secret key containing S3 CA used for replica mode.
replica.endpointCA.secretName string "" The secret name containing S3 CA used for replica mode, leave it empty to auto-generate the secret name.
replica.endpointCA.value string "" The S3 certificate used used for replica mode. Only needed if replica.endpointCA.create is set to true.
replica.endpointURL string "" S3 endpoint used for replica mode.
replica.extraArgs object {} string "" Primary cnpg cluster host used for replica mode.
replica.maxParallelWal int 8 The number of parallel process that will be applied when applying wals.
replica.port int 5432 Primary cnpg cluster port used for replica mode.
replica.s3Credentials.accessKeyId.key string "accessKeyId" S3 accessKeyId kubernetes secret key used used for replica mode.
replica.s3Credentials.accessKeyId.value string "" S3 accessKeyId value used used for replica mode. Only needed if replica.s3Credentials.create is set to true.
replica.s3Credentials.create bool false Whether or not to create S3 credentials kubernetes secret used used for replica mode. It will use secretName, accessKeyId.key, accessKeyId.value, secretAccessKey.key and secretAccessKey.value to create the secret.
replica.s3Credentials.region.key string "region" S3 region kubernetes secret key used used for replica mode.
replica.s3Credentials.region.value string "us-east1" S3 region value used used for replica mode. Only needed if replica.s3Credentials.create is set to true.
replica.s3Credentials.secretAccessKey.key string "secretAccessKey" S3 secretAccessKey kubernetes secret key used used for replica mode.
replica.s3Credentials.secretAccessKey.value string "" S3 secretAccessKey value used used for replica mode. Only needed if replica.s3Credentials.create is set to true.
replica.s3Credentials.secretName string "" S3 kubernetes secret name used used for replica mode, leave it empty to auto-generate the secret name.
replica.sslMode string "prefer" SSL connection config used for replica mode.
resources.limits.cpu string "500m" CPU limit for the database instance.
resources.limits.memory string "1Gi" Memory limit for the database instance.
resources.requests.cpu string "250m" CPU request for the database instance.
resources.requests.memory string "512Mi" Memory request for the database instance.
username string "" Username of the database user (Default is fullnameOverride > nameOverride > name of the Helm release).

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2