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UV Data Science Project MonoRepo Template


Image by David T. [Source: Astral]

testing status - event coverage status - file ci workflows - event documentation status - event docker - static license: MIT - static

Tutorial for a MonoRepo Project with UV for Python / Data Science

What I mean by a monorepo:

  • 2+ packages with interdependencies using the Cargo concept by utilizing Workspaces with UV.
  • The ability to lock dependencies across packages (where not needed, split into multiple workspaces). More sophisticated multi-version handling would be great but out of scope.
  • The main package is defined in the src folder of the root project, while other packages are defined under the packages folder.
  • Multiple packages with single lockfile.
  • Dependencies between workspace members are editable.

This UV Setup supports the given scope.

General Tutorial Project for 1) Developing Data Science Projects in a Dev Container, and 2) Machine Learning Applications in Production

This guide provides instructions on how to develop and productionize machine learning applications in a robust and efficient way.
It is demonstrated how to achieve this using a modern setup of tools, like UV, Docker, Ruff, FastAPI and more (see Overview Tools Section). The focus of this project is to give an introduction to using those tools and not on how to properly set up a machine learning application (for production). Therefore only a simple machine learning pipeline based on PyTorch/Lightning and FastAPI is used.

See the related Project Documentation for additional information.

Cargo Concept utilized by UV Workspaces

See to UV documentation for Using Workspaces and Getting started with Workspaces.

MonoRepo Concept

Inspired by the Cargo concept of the same name, a workspace is "a collection of one or more packages, called workspace members, that are managed together."

Workspaces organize large codebases by splitting them into multiple packages with common dependencies. Think: a FastAPI-based web application, alongside a series of libraries that are versioned and maintained as separate Python packages, all in the same Git repository.

In a workspace, each package defines its own pyproject.toml, but the workspace shares a single lockfile, ensuring that the workspace operates with a consistent set of dependencies.

As such, uv lock operates on the entire workspace at once, while uv run and uv sync operate on the workspace root by default, though both accept a --package argument, allowing you to run a command in a particular workspace member from any workspace directory.

├── pyproject.toml
├── uv.lock                           # single lockfile for multiple packages.
├── ...                               # overall project setup files like LICENSE, Dockerfile, pytest.ini, ruff.toml, ... .
├── src/uv_datascience_project_monorepo_template    # is a packaged application in this case, but can also be a lib.
|   ├──
|   ├──
|   └──
├── tests
|   └── ...
└── packages
    ├── lit-auto-encoder              # is a lib.
    │   ├── pyproject.toml
    │   ├── ...                       # packages specific files like "tests/".
    │   └── src/lit_auto_encoder
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       └──
    └── mylib
        ├── pyproject.toml
        ├── ...
        └── mylib
name = "uv-datascience-project-monorepo-template"
version = "0.1.0"
requires-python = ">=3.12.0, <3.13.0"
dependencies = [
    "lit-auto-encoder",   # monorepo

[tool.uv.sources]   # monorepo
lit-auto-encoder = { workspace = true }

[tool.uv.workspace]   # monorepo
members = ["packages/*"]
exclude = ["packages/mylib"]

# Defines the entry point of the packaged application
hello = "uv_datascience_project_monorepo_template:main"


The given use case only has a single direct dependency ("uv-datascience-project-monorepo-template" depends on "lit-auto-encoder"). A workspace setup is not needed for this case, but still shows how to define such a setup. Workspaces are intended to facilitate the development of multiple interconnected packages within a single repository. When (not) to use workspaces

Getting Started

By default, uv run and uv sync operates on the workspace root. For example, in the above example, uv run and uv run --package uv-datascience-project-monorepo-template would be equivalent, while uv run --package lit-auto-encoder would run the command in the lit-auto-encoder package.

Since a command definition [project.scripts] is included, the command can be run from a console (ensure your is setup correctly):

uv run hello


To properly build (.tar.gz and .whl) the application with the related libraries defined under packages, use:

uv build
uv build --all-packages

Install packages in your root folder with:

  • Install packages in root ("uv-datascience-project-monorepo-template"):

    uv add --group dev pytest
  • Install packages for a workspace package (e.g. "lit-auto-encoder"):

    uv add --package lit-auto-encoder --group dev pytest

Sync packages in your root folder with:

uv sync --all-packages

Overview Tools

The project includes the following components, for more details see Documentation - Guides:

Tool Description
UV A fast and efficient package manager for Python, written in Rust. It replaces tools like pip and virtualenv.
Ruff An extremely fast Python linter, formatter, and code assistant, written in Rust.
PyRight A static type checker for Python, helping to catch type-related errors early in the development process.
PyTest A powerful and flexible testing framework for Python, simplifying writing and running tests.
Coverage A tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs, helping to ensure that all parts of the code are tested.
Pre-Commit A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks to ensure code quality.
CI-GitHub Continuous Integration setup using GitHub Actions to automate testing, linting, and deployment.
MkDocs A static site generator geared towards building project documentation, written in Markdown.
VSCode-DevContainer A development environment setup using Docker and VS Code, providing a consistent and isolated workspace.
Docker-Production Docker setup for creating a lean, efficient, and secure production environment for applications.

Using uv to Manage the Project

UV is a tool that simplifies the management of Python projects and virtual environments. It handles dependency installation, virtual environment creation, and other project configurations. In this project, UV is used to manage dependencies and the virtual environment inside the Docker container, ensuring a consistent and reproducible setup.

See Guides - UV for a comprehensive guide.

pyproject toml

The pyproject.toml file includes the following sections:

  1. Project metadata (name, version, description, etc.).
  2. Dependencies required for the project.
  3. Dependency groups for development and documentation.
  4. Configuration for tools and packaging.

Custom Code in src Folder

See Source Code API Reference for a comprehensive documentation.

The src folder and the packages/lit-auto-encoder/src folder contains the custom code for the machine learning project. The main components include:


This file defines the LitAutoEncoder class, which is a LightningModule an autoencoder using PyTorch Lightning. The LitAutoEncoder class includes:

  1. An __init__ method to initialize the encoder and decoder.
  2. A training_step method to define the training loop.
  3. A configure_optimizers method to set up the optimizer.


This file defines the training function train_litautoencoder to initialize and train the model on the MNIST dataset using PyTorch Lightning.

FastAPI Application

The FastAPI application is defined in the file. It includes the following endpoints:

  1. GET /: Root endpoint that provides a welcome message and instructions.
  2. POST /train: Endpoint to train the autoencoder model.
  3. POST /embed: Endpoint to embed fake images using the trained autoencoder.


See Source Code API Reference for a comprehensive documentation.

This file defines the FastAPI application and the endpoints. It includes:

  1. Importing necessary libraries and modules.
  2. Defining global variables for the encoder, decoder, and model training status.
  3. A NumberFakeImages class for input validation.
  4. A train_litautoencoder function to initialize and train the autoencoder.
  5. A read_root function to handle the root endpoint.
  6. A train_model function to handle the model training endpoint.
  7. An embed function to handle the embedding endpoint.
  8. The application entry point to run the FastAPI application.


This file defines the uvicorn server to run the FastAPI AutoEncoder application and the endpoints. It includes:

  1. Importing necessary libraries and modules, including the source code of the project.
  2. The application entry point to run the FastAPI application.
# filepath: src/uv_datascience_project_monorepo_template/

def main() -> None:
    """Run the FastAPI application.""", host="", port=8000)

# Application entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":

Production Setup for the Machine Learning FastAPI App hosted in the Docker container

See Docker Production Setup for a comprehensive guide.


The Dockerfile is used to build the Docker image for the project. It includes the following steps:

  1. Define build-time arguments for the base container images and workspace name.
  2. Use a Python image with uv pre-installed.
  3. Set the working directory.
  4. Enable bytecode compilation for faster startup.
  5. Copy and install dependencies without installing the project.
  6. Copy the application source code and install it.
  7. Add executables and source to environment paths.
  8. Set the default command to run the FastAPI application.

Multi Stage Dockerfile

To build the multistage image for a container optimized final image without uv use the multistage.Dockerfile.

Docker Compose

The docker-compose.yml file is used to define and run multi-container Docker applications. It includes the following configurations:

  1. Build the image from the Dockerfile.
  2. Define the image name.
  3. Host the FastAPI application on port 8000.
  4. Mount the current directory to the app directory in the container.
  5. Set environment variables.
  6. Define the default command to start the FastAPI application.

Build the docker image and run a container

Build and run a specific or all services when multiple services ("app" and "app-optimized-docker") are defined in docker-compose.yml. Note that in the give example both services us the same port and only one service at a time should be used.

docker-compose up --build

or to build a single service only "app" respectively "app-optimized-docker".

docker-compose up --build app
docker-compose up --build app-optimized-docker

Test the endpoint with curl

  • Welcome root endpoint

    curl -X GET
  • Get docs of the request options of the FastAPI app:

    curl -X GET
  • Test the endpoint with curl by training the model first, followed by requesting predictions for n fake images

    curl -X POST \
    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"n_fake_images": 4}'

Development in Dev Container

See VSCode Dev-Container (Docker) Setup for Data Science Projects using UV for a comprehensive guide.

  • Run the server: uv run /workspace/
  • Test the standard endpoints with curl:
    • Get docs of the request options of the FastAPI app

      curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/docs
    • Welcome root request of the FastAPI app, providing an app description

      curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/
    • Test the machine learning endpoints with curl:

      curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/train \
      curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/embed -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"n_fake_images": 1}'


This repository provides a comprehensive overview of setting up and running the machine learning FastAPI project using Docker and uv. Follow the instructions to build and run the application in both development and production environments. The project demonstrates how to develop and productionize machine learning applications using modern tools and best practices.

Additionally, ensure to review the provided guides and documentation for detailed instructions on various setups and configurations necessary for optimal project performance.