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File metadata and controls

148 lines (98 loc) · 7.9 KB

Install Guide for Sencha Touch Live

If you're already developing Sencha Touch native apps then you can probably skip most of this section and just install Sencha Touch Live.

To use the stlive create or stlive build commands you must first prepare Sencha Touch and PhoneGap development environments. Refer to the System Setup as outlined in Sench Touch Guide for more details.

You'll need to download and install:

Configurations Tested

Unlike PhoneGap Developer App, this tool relies on the PhoneGap used by your project and attempts to be more version decoupled so should work with most versions of PhoneGap 3.x and Sencha Touch 2.x . However, to date this app has only been tested with:

Please log issues to record other configurations that you have tested (+ve and -ve results) so we can document your results here. Linux anyone? Thanks :) .

Compiling your native app

You can either sign up for an account at PhoneGap Build Service to compile your apps online OR use platform SDK tools to compile them on your computer. You can configure your service account name and password in your .stlive.json files to copy them into new projects OR you can configure them in the file.

If you don't plan to use this service you'll also need to install the platform SDKs that include compilers and emulators or simulators.

Device Simulators and Emulators

  • iOS: iOS Simulator installs with XCode SDK and supports iPad/iPhone/iPod.
  • Android:
    • The Android emulator that ships with the SDK is a bit of a time waster so you might want something thats faster and simpler to use.
    • I've used Geny Motion - my current preference. There are more out there I've not yet tested.
  • WP8: Windows Phone 8 Emulator installs with Visual Studio SDK.

Javascript Remote Debugging

Use these tools to connect to UIWebView instances inside your mobile apps running on an simulator/emulator or USB connected devices. If you're debugging the native plugin code (Java, Objective-C, C#) - you'll need to use SDK debuggers. Make sure you've followed the instructions below to configure your hardware devices for developement mode.

Install PhoneGap, Cordova and finally .... Sencha Touch Live !

If you've already installed either cordova or phonegap, make sure that their versions match. You can use npm update instead of npm install.

Mac / Linux:

$ sudo npm install -g cordova
$ sudo npm install -g phonegap
$ sudo npm install -g ios-sim      # OSX only - iOS Simulator
$ sudo npm install -g ios-deploy   # OSX only - Install & debug iOS apps without Xcode
$ sudo npm install -g stlive    # <<<<  THIS APP !


c:\> npm install -g cordova
c:\> npm install -g phonegap
c:\> npm install -g stlive      # <<<<  THIS APP !

Upgrade Sencha Touch Live

Mac / Linux:

$ sudo npm update -g stlive 


C:\> npm update -g stlive 

There may be new options available that you now add to your existing ~/.stlive.json file. run stlive settings diff to compare .stlive.json with your home settings file ~/.stlive.json or a local settings file.

Follow the Getting Started guide in README file to test your install.

Installing SASS & Compass compiler

The SASS language is a CSS style sheet pre-processor that is used by Sencha Touch to improve the power and flexability of defining CSS styles. In Sencha Touch projects, files in resources/sass/*.scss are compiled into resources/css/app.css. The SASS compass compiler can be run in watch mode so it detects changes to your *.scss files and recompiles them. The stlive serve server can be configured to auto start the SASS compiler so that as you make changes to *.scss files they are auto converted to *.css files that in turn trigger a reload of the app.

The SASS Compiler is developed in Ruby so you must first ensure that that you have installed Ruby 2.x. Ruby now ships with OSX but you may need to upgrade it so check the version using ruby --version.

Mac / Linux:

$ sudo gem install sass 
$ sudo gem install compass
$ whereis compass    # Identify the install path for Compass
/usr/bin/compass     # typically install here

Ensure these properties are in your ~/.stlive.json file

"sass": false,   // true if you wish to always auto start SASS compiler with stlive server
"bgtasks": {
    "sass": {
        "name": "Compass SASS Compiler",
        "cmd": "/usr/bin/compass watch -c config.rb app.scss",   <<<< CHECK compass path
        "dir": "resources/sass",
        "success": "Compass is polling"   // Output when compiler starts ok
  • Follow the Getting Started guide in README file to test your install.


C:\> gem install sass
C:\> gem install compass

Ensure these properties are in your ~/.stlive.json file

"sass": false,   // true if you wish to always auto start SASS compiler with stlive server
"bgtasks": {
    "sass": {
        "name": "Compass SASS Compiler",
        "cmd": "C:/Ruby200-x64/bin/compass.bat watch -c config.rb app.scss",   // <<<< CHECK compass path
        "dir": "resources/sass",
        "success": "Compass is polling"   // Output when compiler starts ok
  • Follow the Getting Started guide in README file to test your install.

Issues (hopefully fixed!)

I've disabled a server feature that used the NodeJS library in order to prevent this installation issue - but just case it crops again some other way I've included these notes:

If you experience any issues on Windows installing, you may need to download a version of Visual Studio Express (Free) and then make sure you have all the required software to run node-gyp.

You can also configure the version of Visual Studio used by node-gyp via an environment variable:

  • set GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2012 for Visual Studio 2012
  • set GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2013e (the 'e' stands for 'express edition')
  • Here's the full list.