Releases: tungbq/devops-basics
Releases · tungbq/devops-basics
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump hashicorp/aws from 5.38.0 to 5.39.1 in /topics/terraform/basic/aws-ec2 by @dependabot in #563
- doc: add docker book by @tungbq in #564
- github-action: Add awesome workflow repo by @tungbq in #565
- build(deps): bump hashicorp/aws from 5.39.1 to 5.40.0 in /topics/terraform/basic/aws-ec2 by @dependabot in #566
- build(deps): bump hashicorp/aws from 5.40.0 to 5.41.0 in /topics/terraform/basic/aws-ec2 by @dependabot in #569
- architecture: Add AWS architecture resource by @tungbq in #570
- doc: Update architecture row by @tungbq in #571
- topic: introducing istio by @tungbq in #573
- istio: correct hyperlink by @tungbq in #574
- istio: add service mesh description by @tungbq in #575
- istio: add Azure reference by @tungbq in #576
- istio: add GCP demo by @tungbq in #577
- build(deps): bump hashicorp/aws from 5.41.0 to 5.42.0 in /topics/terraform/basic/aws-ec2 by @dependabot in #578
- doc: improve by @tungbq in #579
- doc: Update getting started by @tungbq in #580
- doc: improve the project front page by @tungbq in #582
- doc: update format by @tungbq in #583
Full Changelog: v0.24.0...v0.25.0
What's Changed
- added the azure-samples/aks-store-demo url to the microservices readme by @payneInTheBrian in #533
- build(deps): bump hashicorp/aws from 5.36.0 to 5.37.0 in /topics/terraform/basic/aws-ec2 by @dependabot in #535
- k8s: add cluster setup tools by @tungbq in #536
- ci: Update link-checker.yml by @tungbq in #544
- doc: add PromQL cheatsheet by @tungbq in #545
- doc: add more resouces by @tungbq in #546
- python: add cheatsheet by @tungbq in #547
- elk: Add ELK architecture by @tungbq in #549
- doc: provide project LICENSE by @tungbq in #551
- k8s: Update AKS in by @tungbq in #553
- helm: adding workflow diagram by @tungbq in #554
- build(deps): bump hashicorp/aws from 5.37.0 to 5.38.0 in /topics/terraform/basic/aws-ec2 by @dependabot in #555
- ci: Update dependabot.yml by @tungbq in #556
- topic: add Azure DevOps topic by @tungbq in #560
Full Changelog: v0.23.0...v0.24.0
What's Changed
- Update by @tungbq in #491
- ci: Create dependabot.yml by @tungbq in #492
- build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-issue-from-file from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #494
- build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #495
- build(deps): bump lycheeverse/lychee-action from 1.8.0 to 1.9.3 by @dependabot in #493
- ci: add terraform package-ecosystem to dependabot.yml by @tungbq in #505
- ci: Update dependabot.yml by @tungbq in #506
- ci: hot fix dependabot.yml by @tungbq in #507
- ci: fix script failure in run-shell.yml by @tungbq in #509
- build(deps): bump hashicorp/aws from 4.31.0 to 5.34.0 in /topics/terraform/basic/aws-ec2 by @dependabot in #508
- doc: improvement in by @tungbq in #511
- doc: improvement in by @tungbq in #512
- k8s: Update by @tungbq in #513
- k8s: update by @tungbq in #516
- doc: add architecture center (init with Azure) by @tungbq in #517
- doc: update architecture by @tungbq in #518
- doc: Update by @tungbq in #519
- doc: Update microservices by @tungbq in #520
- architecture: add trunk based development by @tungbq in #521
- added book title and link to Recommended Books section of README by @kristendechert in #525
- docs: add kristendechert as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #526
- build(deps): bump hashicorp/aws from 5.34.0 to 5.35.0 in /topics/terraform/basic/aws-ec2 by @dependabot in #524
- Modified the readme to remove the book icon in the AWS topic column by @payneInTheBrian in #529
- added AKS documentation to k8s by @payneInTheBrian in #531
- Adjusted the heading format of gitlab ci content to be consistent by @payneInTheBrian in #532
- docs: add payneInTheBrian as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #530
- build(deps): bump hashicorp/aws from 5.35.0 to 5.36.0 in /topics/terraform/basic/aws-ec2 by @dependabot in #528
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #494
- @kristendechert made their first contribution in #525
- @payneInTheBrian made their first contribution in #529
Full Changelog: v0.22.0...v0.23.0
What's Changed
- docs: fixed typo in docker README by @isaiahthedev in #449
- docs: add isaiahthedev as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #450
- doc: add AWS DevOps blog link to by @tungbq in #455
- badge: Add last commit badge by @tungbq in #459
- badge: add release badge by @tungbq in #461
- doc: improve the repo description in by @tungbq in #462
- doc: Update repo description in by @tungbq in #463
- ansible: using new common template by @tungbq in #465
- Fix: doc: Update prometheus-architecture.png location (#457) by @MohitKambli in #464
- k8s: Update k8s topic to follow the common template by @tungbq in #468
- Fix #456: doc: Add GoodRead link to docs content by @MohitKambli in #467
- docs: add MohitKambli as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #466
- coding: init new content for coding area by @tungbq in #470
- Add 3 dots to more section of topic template by @nhk2005 in #477
- Closes #472 - Included 🏃 icon next to 'in-progress' by @GDGouravDey in #475
- Closes: #473 - Updated to fix broken link by @GDGouravDey in #474
- docs: add nhk2005 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #478
- argocd: using common template by @tungbq in #479
- topic: using common template for aws | elk | git | github action by @tungbq in #480
- topic: using common template for gitlab | groovy | helm | jenkins by @tungbq in #481
- topic: using common template for prometheus | python | shell | terraform by @tungbq in #482
- doc: fix some broken links in by @tungbq in #486
- badge: add stars collector to by @tungbq in #488
- Add OOP concepts to coding topic by @nhk2005 in #489
New Contributors
- @isaiahthedev made their first contribution in #449
- @MohitKambli made their first contribution in #464
- @nhk2005 made their first contribution in #477
Full Changelog: v0.21.0...v0.22.0
What's Changed
- Fixed typo in Packer link #405 by @GDGouravDey in #409
- docs: add GDGouravDey as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #410
- Add official github link to argocd README by @Jayanth-Parthsarathy in #411
- docs: add Jayanth-Parthsarathy as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #412
- Added example for python api call by @mukulbindal in #415
- docs: add mukulbindal as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #417
- teamplate: Create common template for DevOps topics by @tungbq in #416
- template: Enhance the topic template with more detailed content by @tungbq in #419
- docker: Update docker README to follow the common template by @tungbq in #420
- Add microservices demo by @tungbq in #425
- Adding microservice topic by @tungbq in #426
- Update docker by @tungbq in #427
- Updated ansible to fix typo by @KatieChilds in #430
- docs: add KatieChilds as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #431
- Vault: place holder for Hashicorp Vault by @tungbq in #434
- openstack: init the content by @tungbq in #436
- template: topic template enhancement by @tungbq in #438
- openstack: Update openstack topic to follow the common template by @tungbq in #442
New Contributors
- @GDGouravDey made their first contribution in #409
- @Jayanth-Parthsarathy made their first contribution in #411
- @mukulbindal made their first contribution in #415
- @KatieChilds made their first contribution in #430
Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.0
What's Changed
- Correction of the link address by @zitaker in #370
- docs: add zitaker as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #373
- Update projects readme by @tungbq in #375
- topic: add new python section by @tungbq in #376
- python: Add 2nd examples - parse json by @tungbq in #378
- python: add examples/ by @tungbq in #380
- Add create k8s cluster example by @tungbq in #386
- Added a link to the end of the file by @zitaker in #388
- doc: add GitlabCI for Github project by @tungbq in #390
- Moving devops-project and 90DaysOfDevOps links to top of extra content table. by @fdlpm in #391
- docs: add fdlpm as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #392
- changed see examples to find more examples by @killer-man-soul in #395
- docs: add killer-man-soul as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #396
- Update by @tungbq in #397
- packer: Add placeholder by @tungbq in #402
- argocd: Introduce new ArgoCD topic with hands on by @tungbq in #404
New Contributors
- @zitaker made their first contribution in #370
- @fdlpm made their first contribution in #391
- @killer-man-soul made their first contribution in #395
Full Changelog: v0.19.0...v0.20.0
What's Changed
- ci: introduce stale-issue.yml by @tungbq in #339
- ci: Update stale-issue.yml to 60d by @tungbq in #340
- doc: add terraform sample project link by @tungbq in #341
- Fix :Improve the terraform link in #342 by @PraveenShinde3 in #343
- docs: add PraveenShinde3 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #344
- Introduce Gitlab CI section 💡 by @tungbq in #347
- Add GitLab self deployment by @tungbq in #355
- fix CI issue in 🐛 by @tungbq in #358
- shell: System Health Check exercise by @tungbq in #362
- #350 Added shell command 'sed' :- Update by @ShrirangB in #353
- docs: add ShrirangB as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #365
- Create by @tungbq in #366
New Contributors
- @PraveenShinde3 made their first contribution in #343
- @ShrirangB made their first contribution in #353
Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v0.19.0
What's Changed
- elk: testing the elastalert rule by @tungbq in #302
- Add[239]: pause/sleep example section to basic-concept.groovy by @vivekvr1 in #304
- FIX[#222]:shell check for k8s folder failed by @vivekvr1 in #306
- FIX[#223]:shell check for helm folder failed by @vivekvr1 in #307
- FIX[#224]:shell check for prometheus folder failed by @vivekvr1 in #305
- ADD[205]:add an examle of json parsing code by @vivekvr1 in #308
- Added new Kubernetes tutorial by @mariuszmichalowski in #317
- docs: add mariuszmichalowski as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #323
- Create micro services by @tungbq in #324
- Update by @tungbq in #325
- Init SQL topic by @tungbq in #326
- Add AWS DevOps blog by @tungbq in #328
- ADD[241]:jenkins add example pipeline to run 2 stages in parallel by @vivekvr1 in #288
- ADD[#245]: CI workflow to automate labeling issues/PRs by @vivekvr1 in #312
- Revert "ADD[#245]: CI workflow to automate labeling issues/PRs" by @tungbq in #334
- fixed typo in topics > jenkins > readme by @sunit30 in #335
- docs: add sunit30 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #337
New Contributors
- @mariuszmichalowski made their first contribution in #317
- @sunit30 made their first contribution in #335
Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.18.0
What's Changed
- elk: add hello world hands-on 📉 ✔️ by @tungbq in #279
- doc: Remove all the green checkmark ✔️ in the Content column #280 by @dcompanykrish in #284
- docs: add dcompanykrish as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #290
- jenkins: naming the jenkins docker compose stack #274 by @dcompanykrish in #291
- ADD[#133]: Add docker cheatsheet link by @dcompanykrish in #293
- ADD[#283]: pretty icon 🎉 to the first issue greeting message by @dcompanykrish in #295
- ADD[#282]: pretty icon 🎉 to the first PR greeting message by @dcompanykrish in #296
- ADD[#106] : AWS-LearningResource to Extra Content table by @dcompanykrish in #287
- Remove all the green checkmark ✔️ in the Content column #280 by @dcompanykrish in #286
- elk: add alert hands-on example with elastalert by @tungbq in #300
- ADD[238]: while loop example section to basic-concept.groovy by @dcompanykrish in #299
New Contributors
- @dcompanykrish made their first contribution in #284
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0