Releases: txthinking/brook
Releases · txthinking/brook
WebSocket Mode
- Add Brook WebSocket mode, with or without TLS. If with TLS, Brook will automatically request/issue certificate for your domain.
- GUI Client supports QR scanning
- GUI Client supports custom rules
- macOS Client renamed to Brook.pkg (Because many users don't know that needed to copy or drag from dmg)
- Windows Client renamed to Brook.msi
- New macOS/Windows GUI client
TCP-Only mode, help you capture HTTP(s) protocol on mobile
- Brook iOS/Android GUI: Support Brook link.
- Add TCP-Only mode, help you capture HTTP(s) protocol on mobile
Happy New Year
- Brook iOS GUI: Fixes can't connect Facebook, Instagram.
- Brook Android GUI: Resolve DNS with black/white domain list.
- Brook MacOS/Windows GUI: Support Brook link and QR code.
- Brook CLI: No longer need to specify a gateway.
- Brook Link/QR: Redefine Brook Link/QR.
Compatible with ios12
- Compatible with ios12
- Make MacOS and Windows clients better
VPN mode
Support $ brook vpn ...
, can proxy all TCP/UDP
Mode optimization
- Android GUI and iOS GUI use built-in rule, and still can custom rules
- Windows GUI does't need IE yet. #298
- Bug fix
Custom Mode
Fixed: Android blank page and some bugs
- Fixed blank page on Android #138
- Fixed iOS IPv6 bug fixed
- MacOS/Windows GUI IPv6 bug fixed
- Cli client IPv6 bug fixed