Minimalistic service written in Python3 using the aiohttp server and the aioauth_client OAuth client. Just lets a user log in and prints some info it can get about the user.
You need to configure at least the Feide Connect client ID and secret (get these on the Feide Connect Dashboard). You can do this in any of the following ways:
- use the
command line options - set
environment variables - edit (look for
near the beginning of the file)
You can also configure the scopes your client should have access to, by editing Make sure that any scope you set in the client is also configured on the Feide Connect Dashboard.
Prerequisites: you need Python 3.4+. It should come with pip3 and pyvenv.
Set up a virtual environment and install the pip3 dependencies like so:
python3 -m venv py3-env
. ./py3-env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r pip3-req.txt
Then you can just run the service like so:
./py-env/bin/python3 [--client-id ID] [--client-secret SECRET] [-p PORT]
By default, the service will listen on port 8000. There are defaults for client ID and secret that are invalid and should cause Feide Connect to abort any login attempt.